How to calculate the difference in percent between two numbers?

How to calculate the difference in percent between two numbers?

With the help of information in this article, you will learn how to make calculations of the difference in percent between the two numbers.

Almost every of us will be able to make the simplest mathematical calculations in the mind without thinking, but intuitively. But there are such calculations that seem simple, and if you do not think about the answer, you can make a mistake. For example, this applies to calculations of the difference in percent between two numbers.

How to calculate the difference in percent between two numbers?

The calculation in this case will be carried out according to different formulas. For example, we know numbers a And b.. You must apply the formula depending on A more b., or vice versa, b. more A. Here are the formulas:

Formulas for calculating the difference in percent between two numbers
Formulas for calculating the difference in percent between two numbers

First you need to find the amount of the difference in these numbers, and then set this data into the formula. In this formula:

  • a - This is the first number
  • b. - This is the second

First example: a=10, b.=20. Meaning a Less value b., so for calculation we need the first formula. We substitute:

  • ((20-10)/10)*100=100%

Answer: The difference between these numbers is 100%.

It seems that if the values \u200b\u200bare changed, then the answer will not change, but this is not so. The second example: a=20, b.=10. Now the meaning a more meaning b., so for calculating it is only the second formula for us. We substitute:

  • ((20-10)/20)*100=50%

Answer: The difference between these values \u200b\u200bis 50%.

In mathematical calculations, everything is extremely simple. Use the formulas and then you can make the right calculations and never make a mistake.

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