How to use Aliexpress: step -by -step instructions. How does Aliexpress work?

How to use Aliexpress: step -by -step instructions. How does Aliexpress work?

The appearance of the Internet has greatly simplified the shopping procedure. Now it has become much more convenient to buy products online. Just for such purchases there is a site Aliexpress. And about how to make purchases on the Internet using this site read in the article.

Aliexpress is a huge trading Internet site where you can buy almost everything. Now that people are involved in work, family, life, the need for such sites is increasing.

Why spend time shopping, when you can find any product you are interested in on a site in a matter of minutes and order it directly to the house?

The answer is obvious, therefore in this article we will answer in detail the most popular questions related to the site Aliexpress.

How to use aliexpress: step -by -step instructions

If you still decide to order goods on the Internet, namely on the site Aliexpress, you will have to get acquainted with a large number of information regarding this site so as not to miss profitable offers, discounts, promotions.

If you already had experience ordering goods from the online store, then working with the site Aliexpress will be like your intuitive level.

How to use Aliexpress?

Step 1. Transition to the site. You can do this by linkor by introducing the word "Aliexpress" in the address line and by clicking on the first link. It looks like this:

Search for the site Aliexpress in the Google system
Search for the site Aliexpress in the Google system

Step 2. Registration. This step will be described a little later, because he needs to pay special attention.

Step 3.The choice of goods. Yes, indeed, among such a variety of products, finding the desired thing is very difficult. Fortunately, there are filters and a search for key phrases that will now be your faithful assistants.

Categories of goods Naliexpress
categories of goods for Aliexpress

If you cannot find the desired product in the categories, use the search for keywords.

Search by keywords on Aliexpress
Search by keywords on Aliexpress

Step 4. Ordering of the order. We will also write about this procedure below and in great detail so that you can avoid possible problems with sellers.

Very detailed instructions on how to use the service Aliexpress described in the article on our website, to go to which you can click on link.

Registration for Aliexpress in Russian

In this part of the article, the conversation will be specifically about registration.

Registration is a mandatory process. Without it, you cannot make an order from the online store.

In order to register for Aliexpress, click in the upper right corner on the icon of your office, then register on a large orange button.

Where to find the registration button for Aliexpress
Where to find the registration button for Aliexpress

After you click “Register”, the site will transfer you to the form to register a new user. All fields in it are standard:

  • e-mail address
  • your name, surname
  • two lines for passwords
  • code to confirm that you are not a bot
Form for registration for aliexpress
Form for registration for aliexpress

An important point! Introduce your initials only in English so that in the future the sellers have no unnecessary questions for you.

If you enter everything correctly, but the site refuses your registration, try updating the verification code from the picture. Such pictures have a certain validity period (several minutes). If during this time you did not have time to create a profile, the picture is updated, but you will not see this. Accordingly, those letters that you see are considered obsolete and are not perceived by the site.

Very detailed registration instruction for Aliexpress given in this article from our site.

How to fill out the address correctly?

Is it important to fill out the recipient's address? Not just important, but very important. Otherwise, the seller may refuse to send the goods, because the address is indicated incorrectly or not completely.

To enter the address, you need to open your personal account and select “delivery addresses”, or enter the address directly when placing an order. Both methods have a place to be.

It looks like that The form for the input Delivery addresses.

Delivery address for entering
delivery address for entering

If you still have questions regarding the entry of the delivery address, you can find answers to them in this article our site.

Rules for using Aliexpress

Like any site, such a huge Internet site as Aliexpress There are rules.

You can see the most complete list of rules by link(only English and Chinese are available).

Now we will give the most simplified list of rules that you need to know and follow throughout work with the site Aliexpress.

Some use rules for the Aliexpress website
Some use rules for the Aliexpress website
  1. Choose only quality products, do not chase the price.
  2. Always pay attention to the seller’s rating and reviews about him. Do not neglect this information. So you can protect yourself from unscrupulous sellers.
  3. Do not open the dispute with the seller ahead of time and do not open a few identical disputes. Your account can be blocked.
  4. If the goods did not come on time, open the dispute. Also open the dispute if the track number that the seller gave you to track the parcel does not work for some reason.
  5. If you have received a defective product, or an empty box, this is also an occasion for opening a dispute.
  6. To insure yourself from unpleasant surprises - remove the unpacking the packages on the video. If the box turns out to be empty, or the goods will be defective, your video unpacking will serve as evidence that your guilt is not in what happened.
  7. If the seller did not give you a track number, do not hesitate to ask him about it.
  8. When communicating with the site administration or sellers, do not use abuse and obscene vocabulary. For this, your account can be blocked.
  9. The dispute with the seller can be aggravated if the seller refuses to fulfill any previously discussed conditions, or does not make contact at all.
  10. Do not forget to use various coupons for a discount, they can significantly reduce the cost of your order.

Only 10 simple rules, thanks to the knowledge and observance of which you will feel more confident on the site Aliexpress.

Know the rules!
Know the rules!

How to find the right product for Aliexpress?

Any product has one or more categories to which it can be attributed. For example: equipment, products for children, home decorations, clothes and others.

Total on the site Aliexpress 13 main categories of goods are presented, each category has its own subcategories. The main categories include:

  • clothes for women
  • clothing for men
  • everything for children
  • phones and accessories
  • computer technology
  • auto -goods
  • jewelry and watches
  • bags and shoes
  • everything for home and garden
  • electronics
  • beauty and health
  • sports and entertainment
  • technology and tools

A more complete list of all categories and subcategories of the site Aliexpress You can see by clicking on link.

Incomplete list of categories of products of the site Alikspress
Incomplete list of categories of products of the site Alikspress
Continuation of the list of categories and everything that includes
Continuation of the list of categories and everything that includes

Important! All categories are located in popularity in decreasing order. So we see that women's and men's clothing are ordered much more often than sports equipment or wedding goods.

Categories of goods, part 3
Categories of goods, part 3

Therefore, if you are interested in a specific product, and you want to find it, you can assign it to him a category that you consider the most suitable and see if there is a product you need in this category.

In the event that there is no time for categories, or you do not know what category this or that product is to be attributed to - use the search Aliexpress, about which was mentioned above. This search is designed to search for the right products by key phrases.

This is how the search line on Aliexpress looks like
This is how the search line on Aliexpress looks like

Use one of these options to find the product you are interested in on the site Aliexpress.

How to buy burning goods for Aliexpress: discounts up to 90%

Buy a good thing with a 90% discount in shopping centers is unrealistic even during the sales season. Aliexpress Similar sales are regularly arranged. The main thing is to monitor discounts.

The cheapest products and the highest discounts can be found in the section " Burning goods“Which is located immediately under the search bar.

In the Burning Products section you will find the biggest discounts
In the section "Lastening Products" you will find the biggest discounts

On the site Aliexpress Large discounts are on any goods:

  • clothes for men
  • clothes for women
  • accessories
  • jewelry
  • bags
  • shoes
  • products for beauty and health
  • electronics
  • home and hobby goods
  • products for children
  • car goods

There is always a item "Liquidation of the brand." There, too, you can buy a product that usually costs a lot of money, literally for a penny.

You can find even more information regarding goods with a large discount in this article From our site.

How to buy clothes for Aliexpress?

Clothing - the best -selling product on Aliexpress. And you can find on the site not only everyday clothes, but also the most diverse costumes for the holidays.

Before you start placing an order, pay attention to the size of the model. It may not match the usual size.

That is, if you usually wear the size M, there is no guarantee that when choosing this size, the clothes will sit on you perfectly. Chinese size m may turn out to be L or S.

The choice of women's clothing on the Aliexpress website
The choice of women's clothing on the Aliexpress website

Important! To avoid unnecessary problems, always check the size of the size of each particular seller.

In more detail, the clothing selection procedure is described in this article.

On the Aliexpress You can order New Year and Guest wedding Women's dresses, down jackets for childrenand teenagers, female down jacketsand fur coats, demi -season femaleand children'sjackets and much more.

How to find branded things for Aliexpress?

Unfortunately, on Aliexpress It is forbidden to sell the products of well -known brands, but sellers came up with some tricks with which buyers can also purchase branded things much cheaper.

Brands for Aliexpress
Brands for Aliexpress

To find branded things on AliexpressUse such a hint:

  • Adidas brand on Aliexpress does not exist, but instead there is ADI, Adida, Adey, Addas
  • Instead of Nike, you will most likely be nk, nk, nike
  • Instead of ECCO - ECKO, RHINO, EKO
  • Instead of Columbia - Colu, Mbia

How to place an order for Aliexpress?

The procedure for placing an order for Aliexpress Similar to the procedure for placing an order in any other online store. This procedure consists of the following operations:

  1. Registration or entrance to the Aliexpress website
  2. The choice of a suitable model
  3. Choosing the size and color of the model
  4. Ordering of the order
  5. Payment
  6. Confirmation of an order
  7. Tracking the order using a track number until the moment of receipt
Rules for placing an order for Aliexpress
Rules for placing an order for Aliexpress

The placement of the order itself occurs in a special form after you click on the “Buy now” button, or after adding all the goods to the basket and pressing the “place an order” button.

This procedure is described in more detail in this article.

How to pay for the goods for Aliexpress?

Payment on the site Aliexpress It is carried out when placing an order. The prepayment is equal to the full amount of the order, sometimes the cost of delivery is added.

You can pay for the goods with the help of:

  • Yandex money
  • Webmoney
  • QIWI wallet
  • bank card
Payment procedure for goods
Payment procedure for goods

Our site has articlededicated to placing an order and its payment for Aliexpress. It describes in detail the whole operation, along with some nuances.

How to find out the track number and track the parcel?

The number of the track is issued to the buyer so that he can track the whereabouts of his parcel until it arrives at the post office.

The track number is sent to the buyer to the mail, the mobile phone number or reported by the seller’s letter.

Tracking the parcel on the site Aliexpress
Tracking the parcel on the site Aliexpress

Attention! The first few days, the status of the parcel may not change, do not worry about this. Usually the parcel is marked starting from 3 or 4 days.

If you still have questions about tracking parcels to Aliexpress, we advise you to familiarize yourself with this article. It in most detail describes everything that concerns the tracking of the parcel from the moment the order is placed until the parcel is received.

Video: How to order with Aliexpress (registration, payment and personal account)

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