How to guess for love on New Year's Eve 2022-2023: signs, rituals, conspiracies and fortune telling for love, attracting love on New Year's Eve

How to guess for love on New Year's Eve 2022-2023: signs, rituals, conspiracies and fortune telling for love, attracting love on New Year's Eve

Want to tell me for love or fulfill the ritual to fulfill desire? The article has several conspiracies.

On New Year's Eve, we say goodbye to the outgoing year. And let all the bad be forgotten, and the coming will fulfill his dreams, bring good luck and give love if you are waiting for it! It is believed that the rituals and conspiracy for love are the most successful, if you make them on New Year's Eve, the result will not slow down.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults - on cards, on pieces of paper, notes, using a magic bag".

From this article you will learn how to guess for love on New Year's Eve 2022-2023. We will talk about different rituals. Read further.

Preparation for the ritual for the New Year

Ritual for the New Year
Ritual for the New Year

Where to start? Invite happiness to your house! It is sometimes difficult for a sad, sad person to cope with negative emotions, this does not allow love to meet. A small ritual will help get rid of such a load:

  • From dry grass or straw, flaps of fabric, papers make a small doll-teducted and paint black.
  • Before the fighting of chimes, pick up, remember what you want to change in life, thank for the company and say goodbye.
  • Then feel free to throw your longing for the window in the window.

Preparation for the rituals begins 10 days before the New Year:

  • We return debts
  • We complete the delayed business
  • We carry out general cleaning in the apartment, house
  • We review and throw out old unnecessary things, sticky dishes
  • We try to make peace, if in a quarrel, forget the old grievances

The conspiracy or ritual requires certain words, memorize in advance and prepare the necessary items for them.

What are the signs on New Year's Eve?

Signs on New Year's Eve
Signs on New Year's Eve

Since ancient times, a lot of attention has been paid to signs. They prompted the weather, happiness and troubles, luck, deception, joy and love. What are the signs on New Year's Eve? Here is some of them:


  • Heavy snowfall - the year will be productive
  • Bright month - to severe frost, covered by haze to warming
  • There is a strong wind on the street, and there was little snow - winter is cold, and spring is dry
  • A lot of snow fell - summer will be rainy

Festive table, preparation:

  • A rich table promises prosperity for the whole year.
  • An ambulance predicts a cut of a finger in a girl, when preparing festive dishes.
  • Luck will bring the last drop of champagne from a bottle, spilled under the chimes of the one whose glass will fall.


  • You will congratulate a lot of people on the New Year, the more joy and good will return to the coming.
  • Meet the New Year, holding on with your beloved by the hands, the year will pass without separation.
  • Who do you meet, and spend the whole year with that.
  • The house is full of guests, which means that all year will be like that.
  • The year will become successful if the man crosses the first threshold of your house on January 1.


  • An unexpected find - many unexpected gifts for a whole year.
  • Put a coin in your pocket, the lady can be put in a shoe, guests under plates on the table and - the year will pass successfully.
  • You can not borrow money and give.

Now in detail about fortune -telling for love on this magical night of the year. Read further.

How to guess for love on New Year's Eve 2022-2023: Rituals to meet a loved one, repulse the groom from the rival

Fortune telling for love on New Year's Eve 2022-2023
Fortune telling for love on New Year's Eve 2022-2023

Any fortune -telling is surrounded by mysticism, it is believed that in this way dark forces can penetrate our world. But the result of fortune -telling was always seriously treated, trusting him. Fortune-telling on New Year's Eve special, they have something attractive. So, how to guess for love on New Year's Eve 2022-2023? Here are the rituals to meet your beloved, repulse the groom from the rival:

The easiest way:

  • If you are not married, ask your mother or grandmother a wedding ring.
  • A photograph of the person you are going to guess is needed.
  • Skip the thread through the ring, tie the knot.
  • Raise the suspended ring on the index finger of the right hand over the face in the photo.
  • When the ring stops rotating and stops, you can start asking questions. Try to set simple, monosyllabic.
  • Rotates clockwise answer "yes", against - so "no". The more diverging circle of rotation, the stronger the affirmative answer. Just swinging, there is no answer.

Here are a few more ways:

  • If you have left to visit or on vacation on holidays. Going to bed in the guest room, say: "In a new place, dream of the bride to the bride." Before you fall asleep, not a word aloud.
  • Get ready with friends and guess who will first meet your beloved. It is necessary to bake along the punch together so as not to confuse, put the marks. Call the door to the neighbors and treat, whose pyshka will be the first to take, she will find his own fate.

How to regain the groom who beat him off the rival? Think before, but if it is to return? And having returned, he will not run away again? Guessing and a simple ritual cannot do this. Gadalki say that a strong love spell is needed here

Love conspiracies on New Year's Eve 2022-2023

Preparation for love conspiracy on New Year's Eve 2022-2023
Preparation for love conspiracy on New Year's Eve 2022-2023

There are simple conspiracies - it is enough to pronounce a certain phrase several times, more complex requires appropriate attributes and actions. Below you will find conspiracies for love on New Year's Eve 2022-2023.

Conspiracy with a large mirror:

If you do not have a loved one, and you are ready to celebrate the holiday alone, a special ritual will help to establish heart affairs. It is necessary for him:

  • A glass of red wine
  • Two candles
  • Mirror to be visible in full growth

At the moment when the chimes are beaten, open the window, stand at the mirror. Light the candles on the sides of it, pick up the filled glass and say:

  • “God turn to you! I’m revealing my whole soul! How the window is my thoughts and feelings open! Inspire me with love, inhale in the dark house! I will become a sweet ray of light! There is no obstacle for my love, only patience I ask as a reward! As soon as the New Year wakes up, so my new life will begin! Amen!".

Get struck with glasses with your reflection, drain it to the bottom and immediately break it:

  • “Let the words be fulfilled, the house will be filled with happiness! Loneliness has broken, I got love. ”
Conspiracy for love
Conspiracy for love

Conspiracy with long and thin candles:

Buy 2 thin, long candles. Twisting them among themselves, say:

  • “Just as these two candles are intertwined with each other, so I will connect with my beloved (name).”

Light candles, let them completely burn. All that remains of them is wrap in paper and hide in a secluded place.

Conspiracy for love
Conspiracy for love

Conspiracy with chicken bones:

Collect a handful of chicken bones in advance, dry them in the oven. Before the New Year's midnight, go out and burn them on the street. The burning of a small bonfire is accompanied by the words:

  • “As the dust will be absorbed in, so love will take possession of the hearts!”

The ashes must be assembled, extended to the intersection with a dirt road and dispel it, saying at the same time:

  • “I give you the wind of ashes, you give me love!”

Now let's look at what other rituals for fulfilling desire. Read further.

Attracting love on New Year's Eve: rituals for fulfilling desire

Ritual for the fulfillment of desire
Ritual for the fulfillment of desire

New Year is a magical holiday that everyone is waiting, especially, unmarried girls, as you can guess for love. But how to attract it to your life? This is just in the midst of the holiday. We will talk about attracting love on New Year's Eve. There are even rituals for the fulfillment of desire.

Any ritual requires proper conduct, there are a number of rules:

  • Good mood
  • Confidence in the desired result, if you do not believe magic, do not take up this
  • The words of the ritual are pronounced clearly
  • The wording should be clear and understandable
  • Do not talk about the ritual and do not boast of a successful completion
  • It is forbidden to drink alcohol during conducting, begin the ritual in alcohol intoxication

Ritual - "attract love":

  • Red color is firmly connected with love.
  • Choose jewelry for the room and ate the heart.
  • To attract a man of dreams will also help buy red linen and worn on New Year's Eve.

Ritual with red candles:

  • Buy 7 candles and arrange them around.
  • Seven minutes before the New Year, lightly light them up: saying them: "Let this candle like this, love in the chest of my beloved".
  • Do not extinguish them, let them completely burn.

Ritual with a red envelope:

  • Take a sheet of pink paper.
  • Pour a handle with red ink with four columns.
  • In the first, write the qualities and character traits of a man nearby in your life. And sign the column "My man".
  • In the second column, entering it "I reject" Write what you don't like about it. That which is categorically does not suit you.
  • The next will be called “What can I come to terms with” - The features of his character, moments of behavior, accepted by you.
  • The fourth that you yourself can give your chosen one "I am ready to give, give, devote ...".
  • Seal the folded sheet in a pre -prepared red envelope.
  • Leave it until January 14 in the branches of the New Year spruce, and then burn it without opening the envelope, and defeat the ash in the wind.

Comic ritual:

  • It may turn out, because miracles on New Year's Eve come true under the battle of chimes.
  • If you are not married, but want to find happiness, open the window, find a page for a stamp about marriage in your passport and, waving it, leaning out into the street, shout 3 times: "My narrowed come, take me!"

Rituals for the fulfillment of desire:

  • Before sitting at the festive table, tie red ribbons to his legs, making desires.
  • There is a tradition in Spain. On New Year's Eve, eat 12 grapes and make a desire. Residents of this country believe that in this way a dream can turn into reality. Try, perhaps, you are lucky.
  • This ritual is familiar to many. Those who fulfill it will have the opportunity to know for sure, the probability of embodiment of desires into reality. Before the onset of the New Year, prepare a glass of champagne and a small piece of paper. Write three of your innermost desires and burn the leaf with the battlefield, throw the ashes into the champagne and, until the last blow, grow to drain the glass. And most importantly, do not talk about nobody’s mystery, otherwise it will not be fulfilled.
  • You can try so - take a bottle of champagne and with a sheet written on a sheet, put in a fabric bag, put under the Christmas tree. The day after the old New Year (January 14), drink champagne, and hide the leaf. Your desire will certainly be fulfilled in the coming year.

They say that the words on New Year's Eve gain magical meaning. Guessing, making rituals, remember - they can be fulfilled, like poorly thought out desires.

Video: fortune -telling on paper "Secret Love"

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