How to answer the words "who you are": original and correct answers to the question

How to answer the words

Want to know how to answer the question “who are you” correctly? Read the article, there are many different answers in it.

During dialogue, people often ask us different questions. At the same time, many of the phrases do not matter much, or generally carry a negative meaning. In this case, we do not know how to answer correctly. For example, the question "Who are you?". Why do people ask him? How can you answer it correctly and original? Look below the phrases that will help you with dignity out of the situation. Read further.

Why do people ask the question "who are you?"

The question
The question "Who are you?"

Read on our website another article on how witty respond to the word "why", "why, explain". You will learn how to say correctly with humor and original.

There are many options for using this expression: ranging from sincere curiosity and ending with easy mockery. In the latter case, asking “who are you?”, The second participant in the dialogue, as it were, hints at the insignificance of his interlocutor and indirectly indicates to him that for him this person is an empty place. Why else do people ask such a question?

  • Phrase "Who are you?" - Rhetoric.
  • If in some cases this question can be answered directly: "I am your new neighbor in the room", "I am the brother of Jeanne from St. Petersburg", then there are often situations when after a question there is an awkward pause due to the fact that a person simply does not know what to answer.

Of course, each person is someone: someone’s son or father, citizen of the country, individual, personality, representative of any profession or students. Only sometimes it is not clear what exactly wants to hear the questioner.

Options for answers to the words "Who are you?" - controversial situations: we evade the answer

When a person asks us something, I want to answer so that the phrase carries some meaning. But there are controversial situations when you need to evade the answer. What is right to say in this case? Here are the options for answers to words "Who are you":

  • I am an individual, I am a person, I am unique - Perhaps the interlocutor will even want to know what the stranger is unique. There is a chance to meet or even start a discussion.
  • I am an asthenic/normostenik/hyperstenik - A more comic option. Of course, the interlocutor wants to find out not at all about the physique. However, this is an opportunity to smooth out an awkward pause.
  • I am human - After such an answer, you can’t argue.
  • I am the horror flying on the wings of the night - comic option in an informal friendly environment.
  • I am a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • I am Dart Vader, I recruit a space army.
  • I am the one to whom you should contact you.
  • I am the person after communication with whom your worldview will turn over.

Of course, one should take into account the intonation with which these words are pronounced. And also, before the answer, it is important to make a brief analysis of the personality that asked the question.

The question "who are you": the correct answers

The question
The question "Who are you?"

If the question "Who are you?" It is set with disrespect and aggression - then you yourself can "show off with intelligence." If the question is asked seriously, then you need to answer officially: "Hello, I am your new intern."

"Who are you?"-can be asked in any organization. Not all employees are polite and know that the stranger does not “poke”. Here you can completely miss the question and go to the essence of the matter:

  • "Hello, I'm looking for ..."
  • "Sorry, I need ..."
  • "Sorry, you will not tell me where here ..."

In some cases, it is worth indicating your profession, and the purpose of the visit will immediately be explained by itself: “Hello! I am a courier, brought pizza. Where is your room 104 here? ”,“ Hello, I am a plumber. I serve the entrance of your home ”, etc.

However, some people are influenced by emotions or simply cannot react quickly. Therefore, this kind of question is answered "and who are you?". This is not particularly polite and such a phrase is immediately capable of aggressively setting up a person.

"Who are you/such?": Original answers to the question

The question
The question "Who are you?"

If you are asked a question that carries a negative message, then try to answer it in an original way. This will help to soften the situation, and it is possible to configure the interlocutor for positive. Try it, it's simple. For example, here are the original answers to the question "Who are you" or "who are you":

  • I am your happiness (female version).
  • A humanoid creature with more brains than yours.
  • I am your mother! Come on, turn off the computer and go make lessons! (correspondence).
  • I am a schmuck (a person can be dressed).
  • I am spring, nights without sleep, I will bring after me ... (from the song).
  • I know who I am. But who are you?
  • I am your future husband/your future wife. You just did not know yet (a) about my existence. Next, you can say your name and add: "Nice to meet you!"

Important: Often an alternative to the question "Who are you?" are phrases from the thieves world "Who are you in the suit?", "Who are you in life?", "What do you breathe?" etc. If you do not belong to this environment, then do not try to give an answer in the criminal manner.

It's better to just call your profession or "The matter of life":

  • I am a computer programmer
  • Musician
  • Locksmith
  • Seller, etc.

Otherwise, there is a risk of looking funny and ridiculous.

Now you know how to answer this kind of question correctly. The main thing is not to get lost, and give an answer right away, without hesitation. So the interlocutor will see your self -confidence and perhaps change his mood if he is configured negatively towards you. Good luck!

Video: Who are you in life? Correctly basic! (18+) Self -defense according to concepts

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