How to wean a cat to shit in an wrong place: folk remedies, useful tips, drugs, reviews

How to wean a cat to shit in an wrong place: folk remedies, useful tips, drugs, reviews

Sometimes, due to psychological or physical discomfort, the pet ceases to defecate on the tray. The screams of a person or a muzzle in a tray are ineffective in this case, but the attentive attitude of the owner will help to correct the situation as soon as possible - this will be discussed in the article.

Representatives of cats are attributed to affectionate clean animals, for this reason many owners are happy to start a cat or cat. Each pet has its own character. The owner will need a little time to help the animal form the right habits. The most crucial moment is to accustom the cat to go to the tray. If you do not do this on time, then in the near future a problem will appear on how to wean a cat to shit in an wrong place.

Why a cat, a cat shits in a wrong place: Reasons

Before taking any actions, it is necessary to find out why the cat began to crap anywhere. Consider several common reasons why the cat shits in the wrong place:

Physical discomfort.

  • With inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, cats experience unpleasant sensations during bowel movements. A multiple repetition of the problem forms a negative attitude to the tray.
  • The pet begins to look for new places for bowel movements, causing a lot of trouble to his owner. In some situations, such a cat’s behavior can be regarded as a signal for help.
We find a solution
We find a solution

Psychological discomfort.

  • If the cat began to crap during the period cardinal changes in the personal life of the owners, then such behavior when The kitten shits in the wrong place, It is associated with the psychological discomfort of the animal.
  • Cats feel the situation in the house well, get used to the usual way of the life of their master. Home repairs, the emergence of a new family member or other living creatures, cause stress in the animal, which is reflected in his behavior.

Lack of attention.

  • Like any pet, cats require attention. If the owners are ruthless in relation to the animal, then characteristic cats change their behavior. They are able to hide the resentment and enjoy in order to attract attention.
  • The simplest thing is to start shit in an wrong place. The owner will clearly not like this.
It is important to eliminate psychological discomfort
It is important to eliminate psychological discomfort

A new location of the cat toilet.

  • If the pet is used to walking to defecate in a particular place, then changing the position of the toilet causes him stress. If you want to rearrange the furniture, then the animal tray is better not to move. Buying a new tray or a change in the filler brand also often cause a negative reaction of the animal - the cat shits in a wrong place.
  • When moving to a new apartment, a cat must get used to the new territory. The owners should be patience and help their pet, including weaning the cat to shit in an wrong place.

Why is the kitten shitting in the wrong place?

  • The appearance of a small kitten brings the owners a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions. Before you get a pet, you need properly organize its pastime in the new territory. The most important question is how to teach a kitten to go to the tray?
  • The first days of stay in the new family are stress for the kitten. There is no need to expect obedience from him on the first day. Do not start acquaintance with the animal with punishment.
Maybe stress
Maybe stress
  • A little kitten does not understand where it is necessary to celebrate the need, especially if he was born on the street. In the first days of mastering the territory, it is necessary to help the animal form the right habits.
  • Observing his behavior, you can notice fussy behavior if you wish to go to the toilet. Transfer the kitten to the tray. Even if the hint from the first time does not work, in the future the animal will understand what you want from it.
  • If the kitten has chosen a specific angle from the first day and the place allows you to place the tray there, then it will certainly take advantage of this opportunity, otherwise you will not be able to to wean the kitten to shit in an wrong place.

A cat shits in a wrong place: how to accustom to the tray?

Give the animal a choice.

  • Location For many pets is of fundamental importance. Cats are by nature predators and they have their own natural instincts.
  • The first thing to do is to do is provide the permanent access of the animal to the tray. A toilet or a bathroom should not lock the door tightly, so it is quite real to wean a kitten, to shit a cat in a wrong place.
  • Sometimes cats themselves suggest where it is best to place the tray. Most often they choose secluded places. Do not resist this state of things.
In the wrong place
In the wrong place

Proper arrangement of a cat toilet

  • If for a long period you cannot to teach a cat to the tray, then perhaps your toilet does not meet the requirements of the animal.
  • Asking which cat toilet to choose, pay attention not to the price of the purchase, but to the correct parameters of the tray. A small tray with low sides will bring a lot of inconvenience to both the owner and the pet.
  • There should be enough space in the cat toilet so that an adult cat can turn freely and perceive in a convenient pose. The height of the sides should take into account that a third of the space will be filled with the filler.
  • The filler for the tray is selected by experiments. Instead of a granular filler, ordinary finely torn paper may come up. A change in the usual filler can be one of the reasons why the animal shows past the tray.

Untimely cleansing the tray can push the animal. Therefore, make it a rule to contain a cat toilet clean. With a long absence, you can equip two trays nearby.

Methods to encourage the animal for the correct actions

  • Cats cannot speak the language of people, but at the level of instincts We are able to perceive our requests and appeals. Praise the cat for obedience.
  • Please the pet with your favorite treats. Perhaps the cat will thank you for a careful attitude with good behavior and affection.

How to wean a cat to shit in an wrong place?

  • If contrary to your efforts, it does not work tackle the kitten in the wrong place, then start using everyday tricks.
  • Stumped areas are necessary Process with disinfectants And best if they are with a sharp aroma that repels the animal. For example, a small number of spices can dump the animal from this place.

Do not use chlorine for washing, your efforts can cause the opposite effect. In pet stores, special detergents and sprays with aromas are sold that animals do not tolerate.

  • Try for a while move to the focusing place of a cat's bowl with food. Cats will not dirty the territory on which they are fed.
  • Consider several effective examples of how to wean an adult cat to shit in a specific place.

How to wean a cat to shit on a sofa?

  • If the cat begins to shit on the bed, then the reaction of the owner should be immediate. Such manifestations of the animal must be suppressed at the very beginning, until it grew into the habit of a cat to crap in an wrong place.
  • The simplest thing you can do is to cover the bed with bedding with a sharp aroma of powder or rinse. For example, cats negatively perceive the aroma of lavender. You can use fragrant concentrated oils. A few drops applied to the side sides or head of the bed will make a pungent smell.
On the sofa
On the sofa
  • Try to scatter on the upper bedspread slices of citrus and lemon. Many pets do not tolerate their aroma. Another effective tool that helps to wean the cat to crap on the sofa is concentrated perfumes. Do not pity on the perfume bottle, and your cat will forever forget the way to the bed.
  • If possible, limit the animal’s access to your room. For the purpose of education, you can lock the animal in the kitchen or in the bathroom.
  • It is necessary to do such manipulations regularly. This will become the key to your purity and comfort.

How to wean a cat to shit on a carpet?

  • If an obedient cat suddenly began to celebrate the need on the carpet, then his re -education needs to start from a visit to the doctor. The reason for this behavior can be an infection in the urinary tract. If the veterinarian completely eliminates health problems, then we move on to radical methods.
  • If it was not possible to fully clean the carpet, then it must be taken into dry cleaning. Do not rush to immediately cover it on the floor. Perhaps the cat will rebuild its line of behavior in a few days.
  • Replace the carpet On another coating or turning it upside down. If the cat was located precisely to this thing, then a problem will also leave when the object disappears.
The carpet needs to be replaced
The carpet needs to be replaced
  • Transfer the tray to the place of bowel movements. If the cat makes friends with the tray, then begin to gradually shift it in the right direction.
  • Place the carpet on the surface of the carpet double-sided tape. The sticky base will cause the displeasure of the cat and decay it from this place.
  • To wean a cat to shit on a carpet Or another surface, zoopsychologists recommend a joint pastime of the owner and cat near the tray. Games, affection, friendly attitude, correction of the pet behavior will help create a favorable atmosphere and wean the cat to shit on the carpet.

How to wean a cat to shit in a flower pot?

  • A cat who lived on the street for some time requires a special approach. The environment forms certain habits, among which bowel movements in the ground or sand.
  • With further inhabitation in the apartment, the cat's attention can attract homemade flowers.
In the pot
In the pot

You can wean a cat in a floral pot using several methods:

  • cover the surface of the pot with finely chopped garlic or citrus zest;
  • cover the surface of the window sill with a barbed mesh or foil;
  • weave a fence around a flower from dry or branches;
  • put a lot of toothpicks or pencils into the pot.

If the listed methods do not work, then you will have to temporarily find a new place for flowers.

How to wean a cat to shit in a bath?

  • Some pets like to defecate in the bath. Moreover, many owners are satisfied with this state of affairs. Kotov can attract the smell of the owner or the aroma of some detergents.
  • If you are tired of conducting endless disinfection of the bath, then try to wean the cat to shit with thoughtful tactics.
  • The easiest option is to tackle the cat in the wrong placedial in a bath 15-20 cm of water. The cat will not urinate in the water and after he gets wet several times, stops jumping there.
In the bathroom
In the bathroom
  • Process the surface of the bathtub with lavender oil or citrus fruits. An unpleasant odor will fall off the animal.
  • If you have no time to process the bath, then just limit the cat in the bathroom. Move the tray to another room and close the doors. As a reminder, write a few words on the doors.

Plugs with the palm, poking with the nose and aggressive statements will not lead to the result, but only aggravate the situation.

How to accustom a cat to the toilet?

  • To to wean the cat to shit in an wrong place, You can try to accustom to bowel movements for the toilet.
  • It is easier to accustom to the toilet after going to the tray. To begin with, the habit of defecating without filler is formed. The amount of bulk substance is gradually reduced. Replace the usual trough with a mesh tray.
  • At the second stage the tray rises daily to a certain heightuntil it reaches a level with a toilet. It is important to take care of the stability of the structure. After a few weeks, the tray is removed at a height, and a special tab is placed on the toilet with a small hole. As an option - cut an oval hole in the toilet lid.
  • If the cat is scared the noisy sounds of the toilet, then try to make a drain, holding a pet in your arms. He must see that he is not in danger. If you notice that it is difficult to sit on a new device, then help her take the right position.

To accustom the cat to the toilet after the tray, it takes about a month, so be patient.

Remedies for eliminating the smell of cat urine

To exclude the re -bowel movement of the cat in the wrong place, it is necessary to completely eliminate the smell of the animal.

How to get the smell of cat urine? You can use improvised and special tools.

Oxidizers will help to eliminate the smell of bowel movements of the pet:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • iodine solution-10-20 drops per liter of liquid;
  • water with lemon juice;
  • concentrated soda solution;
  • alcohol solution.
We get rid of the smell
We get rid of the smell

Professional tools that help to derive the smell of cat urine:

  • Deosan and Zoosan
  • Urineoff
  • Complete Pet Stain & Odor Remover
  • Pet Stain & Odor Remover
  • Toilet deodorants of bio-vaks.

High -quality chemical products should contain enzymes. You can identify stained places using an ultraviolet lamp. So you can definitely to wean the cat to shit in an wrong place.

How to wean a cat to shit in an wrong place: folk remedies

As folk remedies for re -educating a cat, fragrant stimuli are used. To wean the cat to shit in an wrong place, use several unpleasant combinations for animals.

Any of the funds below will help to wean the cat to shit in the wrong place:

  • The aroma of fresh mint. A bunch of fragrant plant retains its aroma for a long period and creates a pleasant atmosphere in the room.
  • Citrus.Do not rush to throw out a fruit peel. Place it on furniture items, on the windowsill, near the carpet. Lubricate the furniture with citrus oils.
Cats do not make the smell of citrus fruits
Cats do not make the smell of citrus fruits
  • Dry rosemary branches.Form small bouquets from rosemary and lavender. The cat will not want to be in this room.
  • Cinnamon.A spicy seasoning can be diluted in containers with water or purchased oil with cinnamon.
  • Onion and garlic.Ideal for the kitchen. Cut the bulbs into several parts and put the cat in places of bowel focus. Garlic slices can be grunted into gruel. Sustainable aromas will boil the animal and will not annoy the owner.
  • Concentrated perfumes.Choose perfumes with a pungent odor and process the place that you love. Even if the first time does not work, continue your idea.

You can experiment with any strongly smelling products, including household chemicals. You can try to re -educate the animal in soft ways. To transfer the cat excrement to the tray with it, slightly direct the face to the pot, conduct regular conversations, place the animal with the pot in isolated space.

If your pet behaves inappropriately, we also advise you to read the following topics:

How to wean a cat to shit in an wrong place: reviews

Reviews of those who managed to wean the porridge in the wrong place:

  • Anna:A cat has been living in my house for more than a year. From the first day I went to celebrate the need for a tray in the bathroom. Then suddenly she began to write in a tray, and poop on a tile near him. The reason was in her excessive cleanliness. They put two trays nearby, the cat began to use two. The problem has disappeared.
  • Inna:Once every six months I am leaving on a business trip. The cat remains with her husband. After a long absence, the cat begins to shit in an wrong place. It is possible to align his behavior only with the help of additional attention. When I hear that it scratches in the corners, I change the intonation. After stool, praise it into the tray. After a week, the cat is corrected.
  • Eugene:I came to visit my grandmother. After staying for a week, she noticed that the cat sometimes celebrates the need in the corner for the TV. I purchased a tool for eliminating the smell of zoosan in a veterinary pharmacy. I processed the corner and covered the floor with foil. The cat stopped shit there.
  • Andrew:Our cat went to write in a pot for flowers. Changed the Earth - it did not help. Citrus crusts in the pot were also not scared away. They removed this pot to another place, the cat shit in another. The only thing that helped wean the cat to shit in an wrong place is a bilateral tape on the windowsill. Once trampled on a sticky tape and now goes around the windowsill.

Video: how to wean a cat to shit?

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