The cat climbs the table: why, what to do, how to wean?

The cat climbs the table: why, what to do, how to wean?

If you often observe how your cat walks or even rests on the dining table, you should immediately take measures. You will learn about how to wean a cat on the table from the article.

The cat’s desire to climb on a hill, not just curiosity, but the natural manifestation of instincts, characteristic of all feline in the wild. One of the forbidden territories for a domestic cat is a kitchen or indoor table.

Why does the cat climb on the tables?

  • Why does the cat climb on the tables? Like any other from the family of cat representatives, whether it be a tiger or lion, a domestic cat is a predatory beast. In a natural habitat, it is important for a predator to be on elevated objects that give more advantage at the time of hunting or protecting your territory.
  • Climbing a hill or wood - a predator is able to better evaluate the situation Around him and control the situation in the case of an approaching danger. In addition, it is much easier to attack from above. And after a successful hunt, you can take a safe rest on a hill.
  • All these habits from wild ancestors - inherited a home cat. The life of the animal in the same territory with a person - corrects some primary cat instincts. There is no need to hunt for the sake of food - Food is freely available to the animal.
On the table
On the table
  • The cat is not a stupid animal and understands that the master in such a situation is the owner. It is the owner who plays the role of the leader in relations with the cat. To win a person’s sympathy, and sometimes divide the dominant role, the cat tries repeat some actions of the owner. Tries to be in the zone of his attention, seeks to expand the boundaries of the permitted
  • This process is harmless, but not all attempts by the cat copy the actions of the owner, it is necessary to perceive positively, especially if it concerns sanitary zones and encroachment on the person’s personal territory.
  • You can’t resolve Cat Lay on the tables - This contradicts hygiene rules. It is also not recommended to allow the pet to host on other tables, where there are personal belongings of a person. In this way - the pet is trying to dominate the owner.

The correctly built framework for the cat is the key to the comfortable coexistence of the pet and the person on one living space.

How to wean a cat climb on the tables?

  • What to do if the pet ignores the bans of the owner? How to wean a cat climb on the tables?
  • It is important to understand that in order to dump the animal from the table, it is necessary to limit access to a comfortable zone as much as possible, install unpleasant objects for a cat on the table.
  • To do this, the methods designed for the conditional reflex of the animal are suitable - the cat will refuse to climb on the table if she is not comfortable there.
It is important to wean
It is important to wean

There are several humane, but existing methods how to wean a cat climb on the tables:

  1. Arrange obstacles and inconvenience. It is necessary to install barriers on the way to the table so that the cat is inconvenient to climb on a hill. You can put any objects on the edge of the table, preventing them from jumping. In the event of an attempt to jump onto the table, the object set to the edge will fall and this will scare away the cat. You can not use beating and heavy objects so as not to injure the pet. It is better if these are empty boxes, plastic bottles, voluminous soft toys or empty tin cans from drinks.
  2. Scare away with pungent smells. It is known that cats do not tolerate tart and sharp aromas. In the pet store you can purchase a special tool for scaring the cat from a particular place. These aerosols are harmless, but they cope well with the task - the animal, having heard an unpleasant odor, will lose interest in the table. It is also good to process other problem areas with this composition: a sofa or carpet that a cat likes to sharpen claws. If there was no such aerosol at hand, as an alternative option, you can replace vinegar, aromatic oil of citrus fruits or wormwood. Do not use a greater concentration of the product to avoid burns of the mucous membrane in the animal. You can also use chemical compounds, for example: chlorine or alcohol, the smell of acetone or paint - a cat can obtain poisoning with harmful substances.

    Add pungent odors
    Add pungent odors
  3. Lay out sound scolding objects. Their action is aimed at unexpectedly creating a noise that is simulating the alarm - the cat will perceive this place as life -threatening and stops attacking. For such purposes, all kinds of baby rattles, toys with squeaks, groovy toy mechanisms with imitation of conversation and music, children's musical instruments with keys. You can also scatter rustling objects on the table: completed paper or foil, cellophane bags. Manufacturers of animal goods did not go around this niche, creating special electronic motion sensors: The device is installed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe table and as soon as the cat tries to jump - the device, catching the movement, creates an unpleasant sound for the animal. This method works well during the home absence of the owner.

    Use the repulsioner
    Use the repulsioner
  4. Create a sticky barrier. Cats take care of the purity of their wool, so they do not like a sticky and viscous structure that violates their fluffy woolen cover. If the pet finds that the table is sticky - the desire to walk on the table will disappear. Necessary glue the edges of the table with double -sided tape or spread with sticky sugar syrup with the addition of a pair of drops of orange or lemon essential oil. It is impossible to use honey or non -natural sticky chemicals. After the cat fell into a trap, you should wash her paws well and clean her hair. The only disadvantage of this method is to clean the table from adhering wool and remnants of the product. To simplify the task with applying and cleaning the table from the sticky layer will help pre -made roll: All the same means are applied to the roll of cellophane film. First, wrap the edge of the table along the perimeter with a film, and then apply a sugar composition on the film or glue a bilateral tape over the entire surface of the winding. After use, the film is easily removed from the edge of the table, while the surface of the table itself remains clean.
  5. On the same principle, traps of water work. Fluffy pets are not fans of bathing, so they try to bypass wet places. This dislike for water can be used for their own purposes: you need to place the containers filled with water on the table. Not deep baths, baking sheets or trays filled with liquid are well suited. It is unlikely that the cat will want to swim, which means that this place will already become unsuitable for pastime. However, if the cat is not afraid of water, and loves bathing, this method is useless.
  6. Another of the effective methods of excommunication from the table - water spray gun. Of course, to use it, it is necessary to constantly track the cat’s attempts to climb the surface of the table. This is not entirely convenient for the owner, but as proven by many cat breeders - the real way is the fastest for educating discipline. Every time the animal tries to jump onto the table, it is necessary irrigate a cat from a spray a stream of water. An unexpected shower will forever save from desire cat climb on the tables. It must be said that any fear is stress for the animal. Therefore, after such a shock procedure, the owner must make it clear to the cat that in other places at home - she is safe. Otherwise, the animal can hide the resentment for a long time, which often causes the reverse outcome of education.
  7. Training and divertication games. This method is rarely taken into account, however, it should begin the early upbringing of a cat should with it. The more the contact between the animal and the owner is established, the easier it is to achieve mutual understanding. A person must give a pet the required time for games and trainingSo that the pet does not have to come up with comforting entertainment for himself. It is important to be able to redirect the curiosity and energy of the animal to the development of the right skills. It is mistaken to think that cats are poorly performed by commands, they may well master both basic skills for four-legged pupils, and any intellectual tasks for performing. Thanks to training, the owner learns to understand the character of his cat, predict her actions and give commands correctly in time. These skills are taught in special clubs of cat lovers. Perhaps the poor behavior of the pet is just the result of incorrect handling him.

  8. Place the table correctly or install a house for a cat. The cat is quite an independent animal. She needs solitude and individual space. It can be found in the most remote places: on the closet or inside the cabinet, on the windowsill, at the top on the shelf for clothes. To get to these places, the cat is forced to jump on nearby objects, such as chairs and a table. In order to avoid this, you should move the table and chairs from the rest of the cat at an inaccessible distance. The optimal solution would be to install a special house for a cat in her favorite place. This design allows the animal to climb up the house without auxiliary assistance.
  9. Follow the condition of the table. This item mainly applies to kitchen tables. Often the owner involuntarily provokes the cat to erroneous actions, leaving the remaining food on the kitchen table. The animal instinct makes the pet violate the ban for the sake of goodies and forces the cat climb on the tables. In addition, you should be attentive to the remnants of food on the table - not all of a person’s food is suitable for a cat. It is important to observe the cleanliness of the table after eating - do not leave food in an open bowl. It is also not recommended to feed the animal from the master table: the cat wants the additives and, knowing where the treat is located on the table.

    Do not leave food
    Do not leave food
  10. Method of collective education. This method is suitable for those who have other pets. Cats are sociable and get along well with other indoor inhabitants - often adopt their habits and habits. This characteristic is an excellent base for developing certain skills in a cat. It is necessary in the presence of a cat in every possible way encourage a pet who correctly performs the commands of the owner - This will serve as a good incentive for a cat and an example to follow. For good obedience, you need to praise a cat, feeding with a treat. If there are no other animals in the house, then, as an option, bring a trained cat for a while to the house. Frequent communication with trained pets will give good results in the process of re -education.
  11. Timely feeding of a cat. If all of the above methods are tried, and the pet continues to visit the kitchen table in the hope of profit from food residues, it is worth reconsider the quality and frequency of feeding the pet. Most likely, the cat does not eat up the proposed food or she does not like the composition of the feed - it is looking for an additive or replacement. Should diversify the diet of a cat's diet, accustom it in a strictly designated place, observe the feeding mode. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the place for feeding the animal: change water and update food in time. Such simple methods will reassure the instincts of the animal: the cat will be sure of the regularly obtaining quality food and will cease to look for it on its own.
Feed on time
Feed on time

Before punishing the home cat for trying to climb onto the table, it is necessary to establish the true reason for this behavior of the pet and try to eliminate all provocative factors.

You can’t scream at a pet and apply physical strength as a punishment. A good and condescending attitude towards the animal gives the best and fast upbringing result, an aggression manifested by man - gives rise to distrust from the cat. These animals are very wayward and touchy, require a correct attitude to themselves. The process of re -education should take place without prejudice to the physical and mental health of a cat.

It is important to remember that any process of raising a domestic cat requires endurance, patience and regularity. In the moments of conducting the processes of excommunication from the table, it is worth considering security measures for the pet - not to overdo it with scarecrow.

Video: wean a cat from the table

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