How to wean a dog to shit at home in an wrong place: a specialist’s recommendations, folk remedies, drugs. Why does the dog shit at home, on the bed?

How to wean a dog to shit at home in an wrong place: a specialist’s recommendations, folk remedies, drugs. Why does the dog shit at home, on the bed?

Ways to wean the dog to shit at home.

Dogs- this is The faithful animals that serve their owners. Sometimes it happens that the dogs due to illness or nervous stress cease to go to the place, and they shit anywhere. In this article, we will tell you why the dog shows the bed, or in the wrong place, and how to teach it to go outside. 

How to wean a dog to shit at home?

In most cases, the ability to go to the toilet depends on a specific breed, and the features of living. Large breeds are more trainees, respectively, much earlier they master trips to the toilet than dogs of small breeds. That is, the shepherd will be able to accustom it much faster not to shit in an wrong place than the Yorkshire Terrier. The fact is that in small dogs, the urinary system is not as developed as large breeds.

The bladder itself is very small, so it is quickly filled, the dog is not able to endure for a long time due to physiological characteristics. That is, such dogs must be walked much more often than 2 times a day. It is enough to walk large breeds in the morning and evening.

How to wean a dog to shit at home:

  • Please note that the average duration of the walk should be at least 20 minutes. It is best to walk with the dog four times a day. However, due to the availability of work, the absence in the daytime at home, it is often impossible to walk the dog.
  • Therefore, if you have a small breed, you need to train her to go in the house, in a place. Now there are a huge number of special containers, as well as absorbent substances for the toilet of animals.
  • This filler, which falls asleep into the tray and absorbs smells, as well as excrement of animals, helps to eliminate the smell. Small rocks can go to ordinary absorbent diapers. 
  • What to do if the dog has not learned to go to the toilet for a long period of time? It is necessary to pay attention to the age of the pet. The average age, when the dog learns to go to the toilet, is 2-4 months.
  • If the PSU is not 4 months old, it is impossible to punish him for being shitting anywhere. Perhaps its bladder is not so developed as to accumulate a large amount of liquid in itself. However, upon reaching this age, it is necessary to understand the reasons why the dog still shows somewhere.
On a walk
On a walk

The dog shits at home: Reasons

Here are a few reasons for this phenomenon. 

The dog shits at home, reasons:

  • The dog experiences stress. This can happen due to the move, change of place of residence. 
  • The dog misses. It is left alone during the day. Some breeds are so attached to their owners that during the day when the owner is at work, dogs can whine, To yearn and shit anywhere. 
  • The dog is angry with you and does it for revenge. This often happens with dominant rocks that show their character. In this case, training should not be aimed at working out physiological needs, but at evidence of superiority. 
  • The dog got sick She has ailments of the bladder, kidneys or intestines. 
Before a walk
Before a walk

The dog shits at home - what to do?

To accustom a small puppy to the toilet, in no case can you use all known old methods. Many people think that it is enough to take the dog behind the withers and stick into excrement or urine with his nose. In no case can not be done.

The dog shits at home, what to do:

  • It is necessary to act correctly, because such an approach will lead to the fact that the dog’s trip to the toilet will be associated with something bad. It is necessary to walk at the initial stage of the puppy 7 times a day.
  • That is, it is best to do this after feeding, games, and sleep. Each time the dog goes to the street to the toilet, it must be praised and stroked. At home, in no case should you poke your nose, beat or scold the dog.
  • It is necessary to change the voice, and in a strict tone to say that it is impossible to crap here. There should be no physical punishments. You can take a favorite toy from the dog and give it on the street only after the dog goes to the toilet.

What to do so that the dog does not guess at home?

If the dog is very small, you can resort to cunning. To do this, newspapers are spread out in the house, after the dog puts on paper, it is taken to the street and pressed with stones so that it does not fly away. 

What to do so that the dog does not guess at home:

  • Now you need to bring the dog all the time to this paper. The dog will smell his own urine, will go to this place. Do not forget to praise the dog after each act of defecation or urination, stroke it and even treat it with goodies.
  • What to do if the dog shows the bed, sofa or in the wrong place? This most often happens due to a change in the usualstatov. If the dog is an adult, before that she successfully went to the toilet to the street, and did not guess in the house, then something happened to the pet.
  • Most often this is due to a change in the place of residence, or the composition of the family. Perhaps one of the children brought a new family member to the house, or the owner left. In this case, the dog can yearn, sad, or will not get used to the new composition of the family. It is necessary to explain to the dog that this is not worth doing. 

Why does the dog shit on the bed?

Initially, an approach is an incorrect, in which the dog jumps onto the bed, sleeps with the owners, and even more so shits in these places. The dog should sleep in its place, that is, on a stove, which is equipped with the owner of the dog.

Why does the dog shit on the bed:

  • It is always necessary to tell the dog a “place” and send her to sleep in his lounger. With any attempt to climb onto the bed, sofa or chair, you need to take the dog behind the withers, put it on the floor and say “place”.
  • Explain that you can not lie on the bed, sofa or chair. Sometimes dogs do this out of harmfulness, or show their own character. In this case, the dog considers himself a leader, and the master in the house. Therefore, it is necessary to work on the upbringing of a pet.
  • It is necessary to explain who is the master in the house. This is done in several ways. Each time, the owner of the housing must enter the house first. That is, the dog should stand and wait until the owner enters the door, and only then it enters.
  • Without a command, the dog should not be worn around the apartment or do what she wants. It is forbidden to jump onto armchairs and bed, and even more so you can not take food from the table. The dog should sit near the owner and wait for him to be food. Of course, sometimes upbringing is quite difficult, in this case it is best to contact a dog handler. Large breeds are well trained, but small dogs can also be taught not to crap in the apartment. 
On the street
On the street

Folk remedies so that the dog does not guess at home

Very often, in order to wean the dog to crap somewhere, they use folk methods. Usually they are based on the use of funds that differ in a strong smell. Dogs have a sense of smell several times more sensitive than people. Therefore, a barely perceptible smell for humans is unbearable for a dog. Therefore, it is best to use a weak vinegar solution for these purposes.

Folk remedies so that the dog does not guess at home:

  • Add a tablespoon of vinegar to a liter of water, moisten a rag and wipe the places where your dog usually shows. Also, for these purposes, hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate can be used.
  • Pretty spices and seasonings that are characterized by a strong aroma are quite effective. Cinnamon or vanilla is suitable. A small amount of spices is poured in those places where the dog loves to crap. Dried wormwood grass is also suitable.
  • Usually it is laid out in places where the dog lovesschool. Now an animal store sells a huge amount of funds in order to teach the dog not to shit anywhere. They contain components that are characterized by a strong smell.
On a walk
On a walk

The dog began to shit at home - how to adjust the behavior?

It is best to treat the dog to the toilet responsibly. Two times a day, in the morning and evening, you need to walk the dog. And preferably at the same time. This is a kind of ritual for the dog, which allows you to quickly get used to it and go to the toilet in certain places.

Over time, the dog will feel and know that at a particular time they will walk with her, and she will endure until a certain point until she is taken to the street. In no case do not forget about encouragement, and praise. You should not poke your face in excrement and urine a dog, as this can lead to some incidents. Some dogs begin to eat their own bowel movements because of this.

Why the dog began to crap at home:

  • The dog should get used to the fact that the walk is carried out at the same time. In addition, even in bad weather, you should not lay down a walk with a dog. Walks should become regular. Please note that it is necessary to gently, but persistently, and also confidently adjust the dog’s behavior. 
  • If you noticed that the puppy wants to go to the toilet, or is going to put a guess, you must make a loud sound. In no case do not scream. It is best for these purposes to make a kind of scores.
  • Place several nuts, bolts in a metal jar, close the lid. It will turn out a kind of rattle. This rattle must be thrown near the dog, as soon as it will go to the toilet. This will distract her.
  • Without hesitation, you need to take the puppy and take it to the street, or to the diaper, to the toilet. Often the dog can start to crap if the place for the toilet has changed slightly. Perhaps you have acquired a new diaper, or the dog has grown up, and no longer fits into your tray. In this case, you will find excrement directly near the tray or diaper.

Try to correct the situation, purchase a larger tray, or find a diaper, the same color. Dogs get used to constancy, so it is difficult for them to get acquainted with new things. 

Video: dog shits at home

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