How to distinguish dandruff from lice? How to distinguish eggs of lice from dandruff? How is dandruff different from lice and nits?

How to distinguish dandruff from lice? How to distinguish eggs of lice from dandruff? How is dandruff different from lice and nits?

The main ways to distinguish dandruff from lice.

Many of us, being children, have encountered lice infection. Most often this happened after visiting the children's pioneer camp, as well as when communicating with unfamiliar children. In this article we will tell you how to distinguish dandruff from lice.

How to distinguish dandruff from lice?

The symptoms of these ailments are similar, but the reasons that cause them are different. Dandruff is excessive peeling of the scalp. Due to many causes and excessive dryness, from the upper heads of the head, dry skin scales are exfoliated. The disease can be provoked by fungi, as well as infection with microorganisms. Very often dandruff is an additional symptom that is often “friends” with dermatitis, or psoriasis. That is, with any skin diseases that often affect the skin of the head.

Together with dandruff, severe itching is observed. This is due precisely with excessive dryness and even cracking of the scalp, due to a lack of moisture and nutrients. Dandruff in its size can be very different. Small scales, and pieces of rather large sizes. If you shake your hair, then very often dandruff is on your shoulders. Which looks very not aesthetically aesthetically pleasing, especially in the case of dark things. It looks completely untidy and ugly. Very similar symptoms occur with lice infection. The scalp in the same way itches, and when evaluating the hair, in the mirror you can see white dots near the roots.

Nits or dandruff
Nits or dandruff

What are fundamental differences, and how to figure it out, dandruff or lice on the hair? Lice are parasites in size up to 4 mm. They have legs with which they can move along the hairline, and jump over quite impressive distances. In this way, lice migrate from one person to another. Nittle are eggs of lice. That is, there are larvae inside the eggs, of which, after ripening, lice grow, full -fledged adult individuals that are capable of reproduction.

Quite often, lice lay several eggs and leaves the hairline, finding a different place. But after a while, new individuals hatch from the eggs that the louse put aside. It is necessary to hatch out of the egg for the end of the egg, it takes 14 days. That is, from the masonry period to hatching a full lice passes 2 weeks. It is during these periods that white or grayish dots can be observed on the hair.


Is it possible to confuse dandruff with nits?

Actually, dandruff can be confused with nits, especially if you have no experience. What to do and how to recognize nits?


  • To do this, you can arm yourself with a magnifier. Or succumb to intuition. When considering the nits through a magnifying glass, you can see a white shell, it is somewhat translucent, a grayish or muddy substance can be inside.
  • Through it, a ripening of a dark color can also be visible. As soon as the ripening period occurs, the lid of this egg breaks, a sexually mature individual comes out of it. It is after this that the dry shell remains on the hair, the so -called dry nits.
  • A new louse can continue the masonry of eggs. The main common symptom of dandruff, as well as infection with lice, is the itching of the scalp. But if in the case of dandruff, itching is not very strong, then when infected with lice and the presence of pediculosis, a person can comb the scalp to the blood.
  • This is due to the fact that lice feed on blood, biting the surface of the skin until they find the capillary. The nits do not feed on blood, inside the egg that the louse was laid, nutrients are contained sufficient for the full development of nits.
  • Accordingly, the nits themselves do not cause any unpleasant sensations. This is only a cosmetic defect, since near the roots of the hair, about one centimeter from the skin, there are white dots. Their size is always the same, about 1 mm.
  • Dandruff, in turn, can be either quite large and small. If you shake the hair that are infected with pediculosis, then there will be practically nothing to crumble from them. The fact is that when a louse puts a nits on the hair, it emits a special adhesive substance, which, when interacting with air, works as glue. Accordingly, the nits are glued to the surface of the hair. Removing it even when making efforts is quite difficult. Because the nits in itself will not be able to fall off, it practically sets to the surface of the hair.

How to distinguish eggs of lice from dandruff?


  • If dandruff and nits are found, it is necessary to act in completely different methods. Dandruff can be cured with antifungal shampoos that contain ketoconazole. This is due to the fact that most often dandruff is due to the presence of fungus on the skin, which is easily eliminated by ketoconazole. This drug is absolutely ineffective in relation to lice and nits.
  • Only special antiparasitic agents that can be found in a pharmacy can cope with them. Most often they are presented as a bottle of liquid. Recently, a spray has been used quite often, due to ease of use, and the lack of need to rub into the hair roots.
  • Thus, using these funds, it is quite simple to get rid of lice. Very popular shampoos with special poisons in order to remove lice and nits. More details about lice products, you can familiarize yourself with here. You can find out about the treatment of dandruff Here.
Comb out lice and nits
Comb out lice and nits

As you can see, it is quite simple to distinguish dandruff from lice, especially if you have some experience. Otherwise, arm yourself with a magnifying glass, a magnifying glass, and also see photos with the image of nits and lice.

Video: Differences of dandruff and lice

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Comments K. article

  1. It seems to me that pediculosis and dandruff is difficult to confuse. As for the treatment of dandruff, the Naftaderm shampoo is very effective from fat.

  2. I have experience, so I will not confuse. When there were lice, I used a means of paralle, a very good remedy, but it is very poorly washed off, the hair is oily. And there was dandruff, but Berestin managed the shampoo, it is therapeutic and has a tar in the composition, perhaps that is why my hair condition also improved significantly.

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