What is the most effective dandruff remedy? Dandruffs: List. Folk recipes and pharmacy drugs from dandruff

What is the most effective dandruff remedy? Dandruffs: List. Folk recipes and pharmacy drugs from dandruff

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Dandruff is quickly separating the skin scales from the head. In fact, slight peeling is the norm, since particles of the epidermis that dies from the scalp, which dies from the scalp. If detachment occurs at high speed, and pieces of the skin are offended by flaps or large particles, this is a disease. In the article we will tell you what means you can cure dandruff.

The reasons for the appearance of dandruff


  • Seborrhea. This is either an excessive secretion of skin fat, or its disadvantage. As a result of such processes, the skin dry very much, or vice versa, is covered with a thick layer of fat, which does not allow it to breathe. As a result of this, dandruff is separated by fatty pieces.
  • Fungal diseases. This is damage to fungi, as a result of which excessive peeling appears.
  • Other reasons. Most often, it can be a neurosis, Parkinson's disease or endocrine disorders that provoke excessive occurrence of dandruff.

Dandruff products: List of shampoos

There are many ways to deal with this phenomenon. The most common are cosmetics, that is, shampoos that do not need to rub, apply to the skin additionally. Shampoo is the most convenient form, because it does not require time and effort in order to cure dandruff.


  • Nizoral, sebozol, ketoconazole. In these shampoos, the active substance is ketoconazole. This is an antifungal drug that has a wide range of action. It kills all the fungi of the genus Candida, which provoke the occurrence of dandruff. The cost of the drug is low, but many patients may not like the method. The fact is that it must be kept on the hair for 5 or 10 minutes. Only after that wash off. The result is usually very good.
  • Algopix. Since this is a combined drug, its main advantage is that it acts in relation to almost all fungal diseases. It contains birch tar and salicylic acid, which is an antibacterial agent, and helps to quickly exfoliate with dead particles. The main drawback is the unpleasant smell of shampoo due to the presence of tar. Therefore, even after several washing procedures, an unpleasant odor remains on the hair.
  • Instant Clear from Loreal. This tool is preventive and will help get rid of a small amount of dandruff at the initial stage. At the heart of the shampoo zinc are pyrithion, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Accordingly, with seborrhea, a smaller amount of sebum is released, or vice versa, increases with dry seborrhea. Thus, thanks to the regulation of the sebaceous glands, good results are achieved and dandruff is gradually disappearing. The disadvantage is that this is not a drug. Therefore, in advanced cases and in the presence of fungal damage, it is not particularly effective.
  • Sulsen. Shampoo, which must be kept only 3 minutes on the hair. There are a number of disadvantages. The main active substance is Selena dioxide, which not only regulates the sebaceous glands, and the release of sebum, but also destroys fungi, and also regulates cell division. In most cases, the product is quite effective and easy to apply. The main disadvantage is the smell that needs to be washed off several times, because a very persistent aroma is felt. The cost of shampoo is low, this is a fairly budget option.
Shampoos from dandruff
Shampoos from dandruff

Folk remedies for dandruff

Together with drugs, folk remedies for dandruff are effective. They help if the dandruff is not neglected, and is not provoked by some special type of fungus.

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  • Egg mask. It is necessary to turn 3 yolks into a lush foam, apply to the roots rubbing. You need to put a bag on your head, hold the mixture for 40 minutes. After that, wash off with the use of baby soap. This procedure is always carried out before washing the head. About a month you will be able to get rid of dandruff. This is due to the fact that the composition of chicken yolks contains special substances that feed the scalp that restore the metabolism.
  • Hina. You need to purchase a remedy at the pharmacy. This is a kind of chip, it is mixed with warm water until the gruel is obtained and applied to dry scalp before washing. The mixture is kept for half an hour, then washed off with warm water. The procedure is carried out about once a week. Therefore, if you wash your head more often, apply the product after or so that it is on the head no more than once every 7 days.
  • You can also get rid of dandruff with the help aspirin, That is, acetylsalicylic acid. The most interesting thing is that it contains many shampoos against dandruff, thanks to its bactericidal and exfoliating properties. It is necessary to crush 2-3 aspirin tablets and pour them into the bottle with shampoo, mix thoroughly. Before each head washing, it is necessary to shake the bottle so that the product is evenly distributed in the volume of shampoo. Washing hair is carried out in the usual way, washed off with warm water.
  • Lemon and oil. It is necessary to mix castor and linseed oil in equal amounts. To squeeze the juice of the half of the lemon into the resulting mixture, beat until a persistent emulsion is obtained. After that, rub into the scalp. The pasta is left for 30 minutes. After that, it is washed off using shampoo. It is necessary to carry out the procedure 30 minutes before washing the head. The product is quite effective, helps to quickly cope with dandruff.
Folk remedies
Folk remedies

What are the most effective means: an overview of ointments and lotions

In pharmacies you can find a decent amount of drugs that are sold in the form of ointment, lotion, as well as pastes. They are quite effective and most often contain a greater concentration of the drug than shampoos. Therefore, using them is not as convenient as a detergent, but at the same time they are more effective.


  • Sulfuric ointment. It is used in advanced cases, because it has an antibacterial effect and helps to exfoliate dead particles. To do this, apply the product to the scalp for about 5-10 minutes. Rinse with shampoo. It is used approximately once a week.
  • Zinc ointment. This tool also helps to cope with the fungus, as well as bacteria that settled on the scalp. It must be mixed in a ratio of one to one with any vegetable oil. This is due to the fact that the ointment dries the skin very much, it can cause itching and excessive peeling. Rubs into the scalp with oil and is left for about 60 minutes. It is also washed off using shampoo. You can use up to 2 times a week.
  • Lotion Bifon. It is used regardless of washing the head. Apply on clean hair. It is necessary to rub the product before making styling. The drug contains bifonazole. This is a substance that is actively in relation to fungi, an analogue of ketoconazole. It is convenient to use as a styling product. It can be used both for treatment and for the purpose of prevention.
Lotions and ointments from dandruff
Lotions and ointments from dandruff

Before using any means from dandruff, it is advisable to consult a trichologist or a dermatologist. This will help to find out the cause of the problem, and choose adequate treatment.

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Comments K. article

  1. Try urovia (Isisfarma) gel for body and hair, it is just with dryness, itching, irritation and peeling of the skin of the body and the scalp. Including dandruff, seborrhea, psoriasis. I really like it, moisturizes the skin and hair for a long time.

  2. The shampoo Horse Forte quickly helped me. Dandruff cured, itching of the head passed. Even the hair has not become so oily

  3. The main thing is the right, and at the same time safe for hair from dandruff, select.

  4. Arina, I agree with you for all 100 percent. By the way, I myself use a shampoo from dandruff Hair Vital. The dandruff has already become much smaller, the hair looks good. I buy shampoo in a pharmacy.

  5. I am so ashamed because of my dandruff, the horror is just some kind (

  6. Irina, I was ashamed too. I remember when I could not get rid of dandruff, I didn’t even dress anything dark, because the dandruff is generally very visible on the dark dandruff. And now I wear dark dresses, jackets, cardigans, because it’s not for nothing that I use the Hair Vital with a shampoo from dandruff.

  7. Dandruff is not the most pleasant. I was in the summer. The head even scratched. In the pharmacy, I took an inexpensive shampoo Sebororiks Twins TEK. It suppresses the life of fungi, which causes the formation of dandruff. Gently exfoliates. Does not dry your hair. And in a couple of weeks I got rid of dandruff

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