How to quickly learn how to play poker well from scratch yourself: the rules of the game for beginners. Combinations of cards in poker by increasing: Table

How to quickly learn how to play poker well from scratch yourself: the rules of the game for beginners. Combinations of cards in poker by increasing: Table

In the article you will learn information on how to learn how to play poker. More read the secrets of games and rules, winning combinations.

Poker is a popular card game. Its main goals are to get the bets of playing rivals. You can get them in two methods. The first is to collect the highest poker combination consisting of 4 or 5 cards (depending on the type of game). The second is when the player forces the player alternately all other participants by the game due to the increase in bets.

Poker game rules for beginners

There are many varieties of poker. The classic version of this game - texas poker. We will study the rules of this traditional game further. As mentioned earlier, the purpose of the card game is to obtain all the cash rates of participants.

Poker rules
Poker rules

The process is as follows:

Poker can immediately play from two participants to ten people. In the beginning, two players make bets (chips) along the time of the dealer. These bets are levied, even before the start of the trading themselves, so that the players enter the excitement.

Next, it is allowed to make the main bets. When playing all participants use a certain slang:

  • Bet (put) - What does it mean: to bet
  • Raise(raise)  - Put more than an opponent
  • Fold(reset)  - open cards, finish the game
  • Check(skip)  - skip the bet and leave everything at the same level, do not make any investments
  • Call (reply) — equalize, or others words —  do such the same bet, how and previous player
Poker game
Poker game for beginners

Trade ends only after all participants put bets or opened cards.

If after the first range of bets the game continues (more than one participant remains), then three open cards are placed on the table, which are used to compose various combinations. Call this action - flop.

The next circle is still highlighted by the fourth card ( tern).

Then laid out another common card ( river). Then trade occurs. Even if two participants remain after that, they can open their cards. In such a situation, the winning combination of one of two players wins. Also, if one of the players puts a large rate of money, and they will not beg him, then he may not open his combination of cards, and automatically wins all opponents.

Combinations of cards in poker by increasing: Table

To know in what order the winning combinations in poker are going on, you will have to study the table below. Here, positions are indicated in order as they should be: starting from flash-Royal, ending with the older card.

Hand -based winning table

If you describe them by increasing, then the following comes out:

  • Higher map - Of the two such combinations, the player who has the highest status card in the hand wins. More precisely: an ace beats the king, the lady of Walt, etc.
  • Pair. Two identical in status of a map of five form a pair. Again, two aces are higher in status than two ladies. Accordingly, a player with two aces wins the game.
  • Two pairs. The name speaks for itself. If you have two kings, for example, two seven of any suit, then your alignment is suitable for this group.
  • Set. This layout of cards consists of four different in suit, but the same in the status of cards. For example, four aces, and the fifth card can be any.
  • Strette - when cards of different suits are collected in an increase in status (for example: ten, jack, lady, king, ace).
  • Flash. The alignment is five cards of one suit in a scattered order.
  • Full house. In this situation, there are three cards the same in status plus a couple more.
  • Square - When the player collected a layout of four cards identical in status.
  • Street-flash - A combination of five cards of the same suit, which are strictly in the order of increasing. The oldest in this situation may be the king.
  • Royal Flush - This is the most advantageous combination when the cards of only one identical suit, starting from tens, ending with an ace, are collected in the player's hand.
Poker - Flash -Royal
Poker-a combination of flash-rake hands

IMPORTANT: In total, the poker card has ten winning positions. If two rivals have the same layouts, but of different stripes, then the winnings are divided into two.

Combinations in poker in seniority: strong, higher, winning

Any poker “hand” consists of their five cards. The one who has the best combination and older the card will win.

  • The most advantageous layout is royal Flush (Five sequential cards of one suit, led by Ace).
  • Royal Flush Always beat street-flash.
  • BUT street-flash (five sequentially collected cards of the same suit) will beat square (four cards of the same rank, but different in suit).
Combinations of cards for seniority - poker
Combinations of cards by seniority - poker

Important: Based on the foregoing, you can conclude that the most winning combinations of maps in poker are those that are higher in the table. Still - these are cards, a large rank (ace, king, lady). With a combination of cards that are described at the end of the list, it is very difficult to win in the game, especially if they have small status.

Weak combinations in poker

The “hands” of a small status (Valta, dozens, etc.) are considered weak in the composition of two pairs, a couple, an older map. More for beginners who collect street-flash or simply flash Throughout the game with the small status of the older card, sometimes there are disappointments when the last maps fall out of the wrong suit.

Weak positions of the hand - poker
Weak positions of the hands - poker

IMPORTANT: If your combination leaves much to be desired, then in no case show this at the table with your behavior to the rivals. Remember: you have the opportunity to get a win by increasing the rate.

Three cards of the same suit for seniority in poker

This alignment in the gambling game poker does not give anything. In any case, the player should be collected at least two pairs Or two more cards of the same suit. In this case, victory is possible.

Poker game - Card combinations
Poker game - Card combinations

The poker game is equated with gambling. Some people devote life to this occupation. Indeed, thanks to the poker, you can become rich, it is this reason that attracts dependent. But there is another side of the poker. In cards you can lose all your cash in just one evening. Therefore, it is better to reason sensibly and not succumb to temptation, not to make big bets, especially if you are a beginner.

Secrets of poker games for beginners

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