Terrace, veranda attached to the house: detailed instructions on how to attach the veranda to the house, 5 best design ideas, photos

Terrace, veranda attached to the house: detailed instructions on how to attach the veranda to the house, 5 best design ideas, photos

This article will talk about the algorithm for the extension of the house porch.

The terrace or veranda attached to the house is not just a place to relax in the warm season, it is a kind of business card at home, a pleasant idyllic corner, which is a kind of transition zone and creates a connection between the house and the garden. It can have a different design depending on the purpose and desire of the owner of the house. But the most important thing is that such a porch can easily be done independently!

Terrace or a veranda attached to the house: what's the difference?

Many in the private sector make such an extension to the house that acts as its continuation. Especially often, people who equip small houses of the old plan resort to this method of expansion. Such a veranda attached to the house is not only aesthetic decoration, but also a practical part of the living space.

But there are purely summer windows without windows, with beautiful railing, which are decorated with flowerpots in the summer and serve purely as a gazebo for the warm season. Beautiful, cozy and practical - this is in any case, but it is worth correctly called a spade a spade and not to confuse these definitions.

This is a terrace
This is a terrace
  1. Terrace - This is precisely this extension for open -type beauty, sometimes it is even put a little separately. That is, it does not act as a continuation of the house, but is built on a small elevation. Therefore, it is often made of wooden bars. It has a canopy (although not always), because without it, elementary protection against rain is lost, but does not have doors or windows. Sometimes it can glance in some place or even completely, but purely for aesthetic considerations. The terrace came to us from the Middle Ages and serves purely for rest in the summer or in a soft climate! It has a solid floor, but does not need the foundation.
  2. Veranda - This is mainly a fortified zone with a foundation, which in many cases is built with a direct optical connection to the house. That is, she always acts as a continuation of the house. Therefore, it is often performed with the same materials, for example, from brick. The veranda can be open on one side, but, as a rule, they are usually a closed model, do not heat up. Although in a harsh climate they often resort to the method of insulation, and some even carry out heating. The veranda usually has many windows! After all, its task is to provide not only the preservation of a warm climate in the house, but also to serve a large stream of sunlight.
And this is a veranda
And this is a veranda

Precisely because the extension of the veranda can lead to the creation of a new space and, therefore, to increase the total volume of the house, it is necessary to observe some rules so as not to damage the building.

The veranda attached to the house: where to start construction?

Start by creating a general sketch, and then decide which materials and sizes you need.

An example of the design of the veranda
An example of the design of the veranda

Do not forget to take into account such indicators that they will influence the future extension:

  • the condition of the wall, to which the veranda will be repented. May need additional stability for the extension in the form of columns
  • your climate. Yes, it plays a big role, for example, in choosing a material. The tree is very convenient to work, but in a harsh climate it will quickly deteriorate
  • type of soil. This is generally a defering indicator when deciding to make a separate foundation. The veranda attached to the house has high chances for distortion, since it is attached to the total area. And shrinkage soil even more contributes to this.

The next step is documentation! Many, for some reason, forget that any extensions should be included, for example, to the house book or technical passport. Otherwise, you will not be able to sell the house or even inherit. Therefore, you need to obtain permission to annex terrace or veranda! You need to do this in:

  • local self -government bodies
  • sanitary and epidemiological stations
  • fire safety bodies

And when you decided on the location of the porch, you resolved issues with the legal side, you can note the exact position of the porch!

Specification of the terrace
Specification of the terrace

The veranda attached to the house: make the foundation

As in the construction of the house, the veranda attached to the house needs a qualitative foundation. After all, the duration of the operation of your extension depends on it. Moreover, perhaps even more! After all, usually the foundation for the veranda is already completed in a smaller size than the main foundation. Therefore, the veranda is more susceptible to soil shrinkage. And this is possible from this.

Therefore, remember the important rule - the foundation of an extension of any type should be identical to the main foundation. That is, the extension should be at that depth, but not absolutely fit! A gap of 3-4 cm is required.

Initially, you should deal with the size of the foundation. It depends on the bearing capacity of the soil and the expected load, as we have already said. In sandy soils, they should be more broadly. But in any case, their depth should be in the range from 50 to 90 cm,especially if you need a frost -resistant design.


The choice of the foundation depends on the design itself:

  • Very often builders choose a wooden building of the veranda and, of course, perfectly suits it Wooden foundation. It is the least with it, but this is a fairly expensive option. It is better to choose an oak for the foundation, it is sufficiently hardy and more durable. You can make the foundation from wooden columns. They must be installed first at the corners of the future foundation, as well as around the entire perimeter. To install wooden columns, you need to dig a hole, pour sand and crushed stone, after which it is worth filling the bitumen mixture. The next step will be the laying of the supports.
  • You can also do it columnar foundation or on stilts. It is considered one of the most reliable, strong and durable, if you do it correctly. By choosing this option for the foundation, do not forget to treat the piles with anti -corrosion substances. The piles are installed in the ground, to the desired depth - in this case, it usually goes from 80 to 110 cm. Moreover, the smaller the extension, the less screw piles are needed. In the case when the extension is approximately 3 by 4 m, only 4 columns around the perimeter are enough. If the design is large enough, then they are installed at a distance of 50-80 cm from each other.
  • The principle of the foundation on stilts is as follows:
    • You will need a special mechanism to tighten piles - they usually use drill to dig holes;
    • In them we pour 15-20 cm of sand, crushed stone on top and tamp everything well;
    • Pour a little concrete ideally with gravel, then insert the piles (you can use an asbestos -cement pipe and reinforcement of three connected rods) and fill it all to the ground. Let it dry well;
    • For a closed veranda, these piles or pipes must be coated with bitumen or wrapped in roofing material. Moreover, you need to go a little into the recess between the Earth and the basis itself. For a half -open or wooden veranda, this step can be skipped;
    • We fall asleep all the cracks with sand and earth, tamping well. And we build from bricks the desired height, for the foundation, brick pillars. Sometimes for a light veranda this design is missed.

Important: the floor of the extension should be below the floor in the house by about 30 cm.

  • Ribbon foundation Especially suitable for a closed veranda made of brick or concrete or for a large attached area.
  • The principle of creating a strip foundation:
    • Along the perimeter, it is necessary to make markings with ribbons or ropes, use the level for accuracy. Do not forget to check the diagonals, everything should be perfectly even;
    • Next, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter, pour sand, gravel, pour a little concrete, repeat the layers several times, but without sand;
    • Then you should make a reinforcing cage and formwork, pour the remaining concrete;
    • Now you must give a concrete foundation hard to harden. This can take a lot of time, almost a month. But concrete should not dry too quickly. In warm summer weather, it is worth watering water on the foundation for strength and lack of cracks in the future.

Video: Veranda attached to the house - make the foundation on stilts

Veranda attached to the house: We build a frame

He must adjoin the existing wall of the house, this complicates a little, but reduces the cost of building a veranda. After all, the veranda, attached to the house, already has a support and the main wall.

  • If you plan to do metal carcass,then you will need strong racks, support beams and crossbars. You can use a welding machine for connecting or choose an easier way, just using bolts. You need to install racks and strengthen them with jumpers.
  • Also a rather popular and often used frame - wood.For such a frame, you need the upper and lower binding, vertical racks, vertical and horizontal sheathing. Use a strict, impregnated pine, larch or other wood for external use. First you need to make the lower strapping and join the bars in the corners. Then you can fix the racks and jumpers.
    • The supports near the wall should be higher so that there is a sufficient slope of the roof. You need to connect the bars with a straight lock, making grooves with a step of 50 cm.
  • Also if you walk, you can do brick framefor the veranda. You just need to use the desired brick and concrete. It is best for this type of veranda to make large windows so that it is fair enough and does not lose its charms. If you do not plan to do the lining of the veranda at the end of the work, then it is better to choose a brick that is as close to the color of your house.

Video: a veranda attached to the house and combined with a terrace with your own hands

Veranda attached to the house: Making a roof

Choose roofing materials that correspond to the existing roof. If your veranda attached to the house will have more the main roof, then you need to make sure that the material withstands the roof of the porch.

  • Although, in principle, you can choose any of the various materials for the roof, such as metal tiles, black PVC, wood, roofing material, bitumen tiles or transparent plastic sheets.
  • Any of these roofing materials must be fixed with special fasteners. But be sure to pre - rafters are laid, What adjoins the house and essentially act as the basis of the frame. Always use stainless steel fasteners in the open air. They can be more expensive, but also much more durable. If you have made the frame correctly, then laying the roof for you will not be difficult.
  • Another popular version of the roof is a glass roof with a wooden frame. It is very beautiful, but not practical enough. Especially in our harsh climate. Moreover, it also requires a lot of care.

Important: if you attach the porch to the wall, you must build a roof at an angle of at least 5 °. This corresponds to a slope from 10 to 12 cm per meter on the ground. If your area has large snow precipitation, then a larger angle is also welcome. If you are building a flat roof, be sure to make a final ledge with a drain pipe around the edge.


Video: a veranda attached to the house in the form of a small terrace

The veranda attached to the house: create a draft floor

If you have a closed veranda, which is attached to the house, then the floor should pay special attention. And you need to start with the rough version. The floor itself can be made of wood or concrete, if your veranda is brick.

They took a tree as a basis:

  • Be sure to make insulation! Now there is a lot of funds for such a purpose, but the most affordable, cheap and proven is expanded clay. They fill the spaces between the Earth and the future flooring.
  • Again, we protect the structure from moisture using roofing material or liquid hot bitumen.
  • Above the foundation itself, we fix the beam of the lower strapping and wooden lags. For these purposes, it is good to use anchor and galvanized nails. Keep in mind that the floor should withstand considerable weight - therefore, the step between them is no more than half a meter.
  • We treat all boards with a thickness of 5 cm with an antiseptic and spread the floor, fasten them with self -tapping screws, you can walk between the slots with a sealant.

If concrete:

  • Pour 10 cm of sand, and on top we cover everything with expanded clay;
  • Next will require a reinforcing mesh. The diameter of the twigs should be from 6 to 8 mm, the cell - approximately 25 to 25, it will be enough for the veranda.
  • And now we fill in concrete, observing the level. The height varies from 30 to 50 cm.

Video: a veranda attached to the house in Swedish-step-by-step instructions

The veranda attached to the house: final strokes of the walls and floor

  • If the walls of your veranda are completely glass, of course you do not need to add anything else. But if the walls need additional design, then you can choose siding, artificial brick, stone, patterned plaster. You can also insulate the veranda, put their putty and paint the walls outside.
  • From the inside you can make a decoration in the form of bricks or just paint the walls. If you have a brick frame, from the inside you can paint it in your favorite color and decorate one of the walls with an artificial fireplace or the present.
  • Also, the design of the walls with laminate is gaining more popularity. Instead of a muffled drywall, many choose a laminate for their walls especially on the veranda.
  • The main floor in the veranda can be covered with any material according to your will, which you have enough money.
  • For an open veranda, you can leave just a concrete floor. But the concrete will not last long, it will crumble and pour. If you lay the tile, the veranda will look much more spectacular. You can also put boards, paint or cover with a stain. And be sure to cover with ship varnish for external work!
  • But if you have a closed veranda, then here you have much more choice. You can insulate the veranda with a warm floor, which is important for cold winter evenings. The coating can be made of laminate, linoleum, floor tile or bulk floor.

Important: if you have an open -sample veranda attached to the house, then the floor should be done not slippery!

Paul Paul Laying
Paul Paul Laying

Video: a veranda attached to the house is a detailed process of the extension to the house

The veranda attached to the house: 5 best ideas for design

Do not forget that attaching a veranda to the house is a laborious process. But without proper design and decoration, it is impossible to create a real cozy corner!

Veranda in the style of country

This veranda, attached to the house, is characterized by warm wooden flooring, minimalist furniture and clean lines. It is also often complemented by stepped or voluminous lights. The neutral color palette gives the porch heat. Think about brown pillows, cream walls, ceilings and warm terracotta elements. It is this design that is originally considered a reflection of real home comfort and heat!

Closed type
Closed type

Furniture is best to use wicker, corresponds to design and captivates with practicality, because it tolerates any weather perfectly.

Half -open
Half -open
In the form of a porch
In the form of a porch


Create your own tropical paradise on your porch using a variety of exotic plants. For lighting, use lanterns, for example more Moroccan ones to illuminate the porch, or select lampshades for suspended lamps. Also pay attention to colorful stuffed fabrics: carpets, bedspreads and pillows that add brightness and style.

They can be easily done with your own hands if you like needlework. And of course, add baskets and rattan. One of the most important things for a bohemian room is a lot of greenery and flowers, they can be placed anywhere. If the space is not enough, use hanging pots and create a hanging garden.

As an idea - you can recreate such beauty on your balcony
As an idea - you can recreate such beauty on your balcony

Glass veranda in the style of eco

A fully open glass veranda with the possibility of closing the blinds will provide you with maximum confidentiality, and will also become the most cozy and comfortable corner in your house. Such a veranda requires a minimum of furniture: a small dinner or coffee table, chairs or sun loungers. Colors and materials, of course, should be as natural and natural as possible.

This style is simply created for the veranda
This style is simply created for the veranda

In the evening, the terrace uses LED and fluorescent lamps. Most objects should be made of natural materials: linen, cotton, wood, stone. The color scheme is selected in light and natural colors. Ideal for all shades of green, brown, white, sand and cream.

Real Gallery
Real Gallery
How do you like this option?
How do you like this option?

Veranda decorated in the style of Provence

This style is restrained, but gives free rein. Of course, do not forget that only muffled and pastel colors can be used. Moreover, it is advisable to give preference to cold shades. The floral print is approved, photos, whitewashed, which are decorated with paintings and flowers. But all details should be in harmony with each other, as well as exclude any screaming details or colors.

This will become your favorite corner in the house
This will become your favorite corner in the house
With taste
With taste
Country option
Country option
Open type
Open type
With bright notes
With bright notes

Veranda decorated in the Greek style

Add another Greek atmosphere to your veranda with its column or curved architecture. Create a color palette from white, sky blue and blue.

With columns
With columns

Ideas for decorating a terrace for inspiration

The brick steps of the porch, wooden railings, a warm sun, a native person or a favorite book and a swing - this is a real paradise.


For design, use hanging planters. Hanging plants add comfort to your porch, but the use of ground flowerpots is not forbidden.

Like in the garden
Like in the garden
For family holidays
For family holidays
Such a porch will definitely decorate your home
Such a porch will definitely decorate your home
As an example of terrace
As an example of terrace

Your veranda in the house, of course, will become a pleasant addition to the house if you are responsible and tastefully approaching design and decoration. Think which style is closest to you, start from the area of \u200b\u200bthe future place for relaxation or creativity, and also do not forget about the design of the necessary documents if you are completing the veranda already to the finished house. Success and excellent work with your construction site!

Video: a veranda attached to the house - a description from A to Z

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