Can do your periods during pregnancy go? Monthly in the early stages and with an ectopic pregnancy

Can do your periods during pregnancy go? Monthly in the early stages and with an ectopic pregnancy
      The article will talk about the causes and consequences of menstruation during pregnancy.
  • Such cases, of course, are not frequent. The presence of menstruation during pregnancy on the period and health of the hormonal system of a woman. Sometimes bleeding tend to confuse with menstruation, when there is still unknown about the presence
  • To deal with such a difficult problem as the presence of menstruation during pregnancy, it is necessary to consider various causes and situations

Are menstruation possible in the early stages of pregnancy?

  • From an anatomical point of view, menstruation during pregnancy is impossible. It is necessary to recall the course of anatomy in order to understand that the full -fledged menstruation if there are a fertilized egg in the uterus fraught with miscarriage
  • However, on the other hand, the process of pregnancy does not occur instantly. In order to reach the uterus, a fertilized egg is needed from 7 to 14 days
  • So, if the egg is still “making its way”, and menstruation should begin, then in principle, this is quite possible
  • In fact, you will not be pregnant with this menstruation yet. The egg will fall into the right place before the bleeding stops
  • In rare cases, menstruation during pregnancy occurs if two eggs have matured, and only one fertilizer was fertilized
Possible menstruation during pregnancy?
Possible menstruation during pregnancy?

Why do menstruation go during pregnancy?

  • Quite often, menstruation is simply confused with bleeding. This is especially common in the early stages, when pregnancy is unknown
  • In the first month of pregnancy, menstruation is quite acceptable. Further, it is simply impossible
  • In the later stages of pregnancy, there are also bloody discharge from the vagina. These are not menstruation, but only discharge from damaged vessels
  • Sometimes discharge can begin due to hormonal failure in the body

Why are menstruation clots during pregnancy?

  • Abundant bleeding with blood clots is an abnormal phenomenon for pregnancy. This indicates serious violations in pregnancy
  • A miscarriage is often accompanied by abundant bleeding with clots, as well as severe pain in the lower abdomen
  • Another pathology is the death of the embryo due to a lack of development or other pathologies
  • An ectopic pregnancy can sometimes be accompanied by bleeding and severe stretching pain in the abdomen
  • Placental presentation during pregnancy also causes bleeding
Monthly during pregnancy
Monthly during pregnancy

Abundant menstruation during pregnancy

  • Menstruation during pregnancy from 2 months is no longer normal
  • To accurately find out the cause of abundant bloody discharge, you need to consult a doctor
  • If a pregnancy test shows a negative result, but menstruation has changed (the color of the discharge, pain), then you need to consult a doctor. Very often the test is negative for ectopic pregnancy

How many menstruation is going during pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy and the presence of bleeding in the first period of bearing the fetus is a quite common problem. However, if hormonal background is not established, then there may be tragic consequences
  • At a later date, the presence of bleeding is already a dangerous sign - this can carry a serious threat of miscarriage
  • There are no complete menstruation during pregnancy. Bleeding during pregnancy differs in color, consistency and pain
Bleeding and pregnancy
Bleeding and pregnancy

Monthly and ectopic pregnancy

  • An ectopic pregnancy is a pathological course of pregnancy. It carries the loss of the fetus and a number of complications for the mother
  • At the first stages, it is very difficult to recognize an ectopic pregnancy. She either does not manifest itself in any way, or proceeds like an ordinary pregnancy
  • The essence of an ectopic pregnancy is that the fertilized egg did not reach the uterus, but attached to the phallopium pipes
  • In the future, an ectopic pregnancy leads to an inflammatory process, internal bleeding and often to infertility
  • Full -fledged menstruation, even with an ectopic pregnancy, is impossible. Discharge that will appear is only a slight bleeding
  • Discharges during an ectopic pregnancy will occur spontaneously, and not on time with menstruation. In addition, they are often accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen

Pregnancy cases with menstruation

  • Quite often women themselves confuse menstruation with bleeding
  • This happens due to an irregular visit to the gynecologist and not tracking his menstrual cycle
  • If a pregnancy test showed a negative value (and this happens quite often), then a woman may not suspect her position
  • Sometimes a woman is quite complete, and her position is not found up to 4 to 5 months of pregnancy
  • There are quite a lot of such cases in medical practice. Therefore, in order to avoid this, a regular examination by a gynecologist is necessary
Pregnancy cases with menstruation
Pregnancy cases with menstruation

How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding during pregnancy?

  • By color. Monthly usually have a darker burgundy shade. And the color of bleeding is scarlet
  • For pain. With bleeding, pain is usually much tangible than with menstruation
  • By consistency. Menstruation is thicker than blood during bleeding
  • Monthly and bleeding differ in the way of their onset. As a rule, menstruation have 1 day when the discharge is small. And bleeding begins, as a rule, spontaneously

Why cause menstruation during pregnancy?

  • The main goal of the period of menstruation during pregnancy is its interruption
  • However, this process is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And even more so not harmless. It is fraught with great health complications for a woman
  • As a rule, menstruation are called by special drugs under the supervision of a doctor. This is a kind of drug abortion. It is possible in the early stages of pregnancy
  • There are also folk ways to cause menstruation during pregnancy. But to resort to them in no case is unacceptable
Why cause bleeding with menstruation?
Why cause bleeding with menstruation?

Are periods possible during pregnancy: tips and reviews

  • Anatomically, menstruation during pregnancy is impossible
  • During pregnancy, menstruation is often confused with bleeding or discharge
  • Monthly in the first month of pregnancy is possible with a long way of the egg to the uterus and with a short menstrual cycle (21 days)
  • Bleeding is abnormal at any gestational age. If you have it, you need to consult a doctor
  • If you are not sure of the absence of pregnancy, and your periods have changed your character, be sure to be examined by a gynecologist
  • The presence of bleeding during pregnancy is fraught with miscarriage and a number of health complications
  • Call meal during pregnancy means to stop it

Video: menstruation during pregnancy

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