Is it necessary and necessary to shave the intimate zone of the bikini to the girl, woman? Shave or not to shave the bikini zone for a girl, woman: for and against? What do gynecologists say about shaving the bikini zone?

Is it necessary and necessary to shave the intimate zone of the bikini to the girl, woman? Shave or not to shave the bikini zone for a girl, woman: for and against? What do gynecologists say about shaving the bikini zone?

Bikin's shaving is a question of course for those who wish, but many men and women choose this type of hair removal. Consider it in more detail.

Women have always followed their appearance, and what they did not do to achieve a slender body and smooth skin. And such a zone as a bikini area requires an even more reverent attitude. It is known that even in ancient Egypt and Rome women were very attentive to making the skin smooth in secret places. And in the eastern countries (and in such well -known harems), getting rid of excess hair was simply a necessary requirement. Let's look at this intimate but interesting topic for women in more detail.

Is it necessary and necessary to shave the intimate zone of the bikini to the girl, woman?

It is worth noting right away that this is a personal matter. There are no strict rules. But, you see, because it is even more pleasant when in intimate places the skin is perfectly smooth. Perhaps there are such representatives who prefer a natural coating. First I wanted to dispel some myths about shaving the bikini zone:

  • The most common option is that hair will grow faster and more. As if, two or three hairs will begin to appear from one bulb. Absolutely wrong assumption. No, this happens. But hair growth is in no way connected with their shaving. And the bifurcation of the hair at the base is also not interconnected with this action, but depends on completely different factors.
  • Another misconception is an increase in the rigidity of the hair itself. With age, our hair becomes thicker, the nails are rougher and this is absolutely not connected with the deliverance from those.
  • Another aspect that requires special attention is the ingrown hairs. Yes, this happens. But solely because of incorrect shaving or improper care after it.

If we talk about cases when you need to shave the bikini area:

  • Of course, this gives an aesthetic look. And self -confidence appears, and smooth skin attracts smooth skin.
    • By the way! According to statistics, more than 80% of men prefer when women have an intimate place have no excess hairline.
  • On the beach, of course, you need to at least bring an intimate area along the silhouette of a bikini. Already ugly look sticking curly hair from under the swimsuit. A little straightforwardly said, but this is a fact.
  • During oral caresses, both partners are so much better. The girl is more relaxed, because she will receive great self -confidence. So, there will be more pleasures. For the male part of the population, I think, it is not worth explaining in detail.
  • By the way! It is known that hair falls out both on the head and intimate places. Again, it is not entirely aesthetically aesthetic to find such hair, especially after oral pleasures in your mouth.
  • And the unpleasant odor intensifies and holds longer. This is the property of the hair themselves (not only the cause of the location). They very quickly absorb various smells and hold them steadily for a long time.
  • And in general, there is a feeling of freshness and comfort.
  • By the way, without removing hair in an intimate area, it often appears to itch. And the reason is unwanted hairs.
  • The trip to the gynecologist, by the way, will also be more aesthetic and will simplify the very task of examination.
Is it worth shaving the bikini area
Is it worth shaving the bikini area

Of course, pregnant women need to get rid of hair in intimate places, immediately before childbirth. This question requires special attention, since it is of great importance.

  • The absence of hairline simplifies the main task of doctors - to follow the fact that everything was normal. If there are any deviations, they are easier to notice.
  • It is believed that smooth skin will help prevent tribal gaps. And if necessary, the procedure is much easier and faster.

It is important if the hair falls into an open wound, then a further complication is possible, which manifests itself in inflammation and prolonged healing!

  • After gaps or sections, it is much easier and faster to apply a seam.
  • In the case of emergency cesarean section, time will significantly decrease. Indeed, before any operation, the hair is removed in order to avoid infection.
  • In general, the observation process after childbirth is simplified. Yes, and before them.

Important: it is very difficult to perform such a procedure in the later stages. Yes, there will be a mirror to help. Better yet (if you have a confidential relationship), ask your spouse to do this.

Nobody demands to shave the bikini area. There is no such rule, but no one will impose a fine for failure. This is the personal choice of every girl (woman), which depends on personal tastes and beliefs. Only one person who can affect the decision is possible - this is your young man. If he is a supporter of smooth skin in intimate places, and you are ready to take such a step.

Shave or not to shave the bikini zone for a girl, woman: for and against?

We repeat, this is the personal choice of every woman. And, as they say, everyone will choose pluses or cons. That is, a person who is a supporter of the lack of hair in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bikini will find only positive qualities. And the commitment of the natural hairline (it is intended for protection by nature) will distinguish only negative qualities in shaving. In other words, we see what we want to believe in. And for all the negative consequences of the eyes will automatically close.

It is worth noting that today there are several ways to remove hair in the bikini zone (and not only):

  • Laser hair removal is the removal of the hair follicle itself with a laser. The operation itself is very fast and painless, but bites a little in terms of price.
  • Also, a similar method with the previous option is photoepilation. Removal occurs with a warm light flow. Also, quickly and does not hurt, but the pleasure of not cheap versions.
  • Wax depilation. Everyone knows its principle of action, so we will not go deeper. But do not forget that the pubic part is very tender and sensitive, and the hair on it is for some reason more rigid and rude (even if it is soft and fluffy on the head). Therefore, a fairly painful procedure, which is very difficult to carry out independently. But cheaper than the above versions.
  • Mechanical depilation is hair pulling out using a special device (depilator). It is also very painful and can subsequently cause irritation.
  • Grounded creams - depilators are considered unsafe for this zone. They can cause skin irritation or damage it. We are silent even for the cream falls on the mucous surface. And the effect of it is not enough - the hair is removed in places and quickly grows.

All of these methods (except cream) have a long -term action, but have a number of contraindications. Therefore, not every girl is suitable and not everyone is ready to pay a sufficient amount. The cream-deputy can even be safely called forbidden for the bikini zone. And the matter concerns not only personal sensitivity and intolerance, but, in general, for such a delicate zone acts as a very aggressive tool.

Positive and negative sides of shaving the bikini zone
Positive and negative sides of shaving the bikini zone

What positive sides of shaving the bikini zone:

  1. Comparative cheapness and accessibility. Each girl can independently conduct such an operation, and she does not require large costs.
  2. A relatively painless and safe method. Naturally, when compared with previous options.
  3. There are no contraindications.
  4. It is not reflected negatively on female health. Indeed, for example, hair removal with cream cream can carry a number of negative influences if the product penetrates deeper or just gets into the mucous membrane.
  5. And this is the fastest way! Yes, laser hair removal is also not carried out for several hours, but this method has other disadvantages (personal intolerance and high cost).

What are the disadvantages of this procedure:

  1. A relatively short effect of the effect. As a rule, the very next day (but it depends on personal qualities, everyone has a different date) overgrown hairs are already beginning to inject. On average, you have to shave quite often-after 2-3 days. To maintain smooth skin.
  2. High chances of getting mechanical damage, that is, cut.
  3. The chance of the formation of ingrown hair increases. Means, if you do not comply with the necessary rules for shaving, as well as, failure to comply with the necessary precautions (not using, for example, cream after shaving).
  4. The possibility of infection or provoke the development of harmful bacteria increases. Indeed, even with careful and compliance with all requirements, the skin is injured and receives microtrauma. And in the bikini zone, various microbes and without obvious injuries are actively developing.

Why is it considered harmful, it is dangerous to shave the pubic hair of a woman, a girl completely, soot, a razor?

So we approached such a topic that has recently sensed - why it is harmful to shave the pubic zone. Today, girls (and men) not only follow smooth skin in an intimate place, but also make special haircuts in certain figures. That is, create beautiful drawings and images. The central place of pubis is considered especially dangerous. Let's look at what the consequences of an intimate haircut are and how to avoid negative consequences.

By the way! Regarding intimate haircuts, several positive words cannot be said. This has not only a beautiful (in the literal sense of the word) species, but also gives sexuality to the image. And, as a rule, sexual life is more saturated and diverse with your young man. And, most men, such a creation is delighted.

To begin with, a little deeper into the role of hair in intimate places. Everyone knows that our body is arranged universally, and each detail has a very important role. Frontal hair is no exception.

  • Of course, like any other hairline, the function of the pubic “hairstyle” for protection. Yes, from those very harmful bacteria and microbes.
  • They retain the desired temperature around the genitals to provide them with normal functioning.
  • They delay and create an individual smell (it is he who is created by pheromones) to attract sexual partners.
  • Hair prevents the friction of the labia during sex and even walking. By the way, constant such friction contributes to their increase.

What kind the main shortcomings of shaving:

  1. Irritation is the first drawback of shaving an intimate zone. Everyone is familiar with such unpleasant sensations as redness, slight swelling and small pimples. Moreover, a small itch occurs to all this, and the view is not at all attractive. The next procedure only exacerbates the condition, because it shaves the very small pimples and brings an infection. And it manifests itself in the same pimples, only in more quantities. Or can worsen and identify an unpleasant disease.
  2. Next, the honorary place is obtained by small cuts and microtrauma. Do not try to see them, only a clear section will become noticeable, which, by the way, sometimes happens. Especially if the incorrectly selected razor or to use it incorrectly.
  3. These microscopic cuts injure hair follicles, leaving open wounds on them. Which leads to their rapid inflammation.
  4. Survival of hair is another negative side of shave, which depends on the improper execution of the procedure.
  5. Propagation of bacteria. Microtrauma, high humidity and temperature, as well as a favorable environment for this - this all contributes to the development and occurrence of microbes and bacteria. Especially dangerous are the streptococci of group A. And the absence of hair also opens the way for them to penetrate inside.
  6. Also, scientists have proved that when shaving hair, we lose sex partners (potential). The fact is that pheromones (responsible for sexual desire) accumulate precisely around the genitals and, of course, are in the hair. And shaving them, we lose this energy.
  7. The chance to get injuries or bruises is increasing. After all, another role of pubic hair is protection against possible damage. They are like a protective pillow.
Shaving the bikini zone
Shaving the bikini zone

If the above reasons did not lead you to the idea that you need to refuse shaving, or you are so accustomed to smooth skin in the intimate area, then remember some recommendations. It is necessary to shave the pubic zone correctly.

  • An important requirement is the machine:
    • The use of disposable machines will be hygienic. But! Their blades are not sharp enough, and the structure of the head contributes to frequent cuts (we examined what this leads to). Therefore, throw off disposable razors. They are not designed to shave intimate places.
    • If the razor is reusable, then you do not need to have one for all occasions. That is, for an intimate zone there should be at least its own nozzle. Ideally, it is better to get a trimmer. It is quite sharp and helps to make neat and even lines excellently.
    • By the way, women's machines are more suitable for shaving the legs (as they have a head made). Although there is a softening strip. But for the bikini zone, male nozzles are better. They are sharper and smaller in size, which is more convenient for the intimate area.

Important: it is not necessary to buy a men's machine, just put the necessary nozzle. But do not use your husband's nozzle! In general, shaving is a purely personal matter. And if you also change shaving machines, then all the above negative consequences are guaranteed to you.

  • The second requirement is clean and steamed skin:
    • In no case, do not try to catch yourself dry. Yes, there are times when girls want to quickly correct the “haircut”.
    • It is advisable not only to take a shower, but also to lie down for half an hour in the bathroom so that the pores open and expand well. This will allow less damage to the boils themselves, and the procedure will pass painlessly. By the way, the hair, thus, will become softer.
    • If there is no way to lie down in the bathroom, then apply a shaving product for several minutes, they will also soften a little.
  • So we approached such a stage as foam (or other means) for shaving. Do not save on this! In extreme cases, replace it with hair balm or an ordinary body lotion. But the bikini area must be shaved with some softening agent that will also give the necessary sliding. And also, will reduce the risk of microtrauma and cuts.
    • Do not use ordinary (even baby soap)! It is very drying the skin and is not intended for such purposes.
  • If we talk about the methodology, then the movements should be slow and neat, and their direction - strictly in terms of hair growth! You can not shave against the hair follicles! The fact is that it is then that the maximum damage to the follicles occurs. In the process of shaving, the skin must be slightly pulled. Again, so that there are no cuts.
  • If we talk about the pose, then everything is completely fed on your imagination, ingenuity and how convenient you are. Small advice - use a mirror. Then you can see the most inaccessible places without bending an unknown letter.
Shaving the zone of bikin
Shaving the zone of bikin
  • The venue will certainly be the bathroom. Sitting in front of the TV, they do not do such a procedure.
  • Mandatory, apply a cream or lotion after shaving. Without alcohol content! It will not only dry the skin, but even after shaving it will be very burning. Especially in such a gentle place.
  • After the procedure, the razor must be thoroughly rinse under running water. Dry (so as not to develop corrosion) and put in a special container. Do not forget that this is a purely personal thing, and its purpose should be only for a certain place. The razor should be changed regularly as soon as it began to dull.
  • And one very important nuance - after shaving for a while, do not wear underwear. This will provoke unnecessary friction and cause irritation. Therefore, it is better to spend before bedtime or when you are not going to leave home. The cream should be well absorbed, and the skin is slightly recovered.
    • It is desirable to take underwear from cotton materials, but it is better to refuse synthetic products.
Bikini shaving rules
Bikini shaving rules

Several recommendations:

  • If irritation still appeared, children's cream from diaper rash will be an excellent solution.
  • Do not use powder, they are harmful to the female body.
  • Sometimes, even the most acute razor, can skip some hairs. Therefore, pluck them with tweezers.
  • And yet, do not wipe yourself with a towel, but only dip a little.
  • Do not forget to periodically do peeling. A great option will be a sugar scrub or can be replaced with ordinary soda. This will help not only cleanse the skin from pollution and dead cells, but also clean the pores. And also, it will prevent hair and development of infection.
  • Also, sometimes use mall oil. Yes, like a cream or lotion. It helps relieve irritation and recover faster. Do not forget only that you need to allow the oil to absorb well.
  • The movement should be smooth and there should not be many. That is, give up sudden and short movements.
  • If you want to take care of the bikini zone, and leave the pubic region untouched - your right. But do not forget to cut your hair in this part to observe an aesthetic look.

Important: we said that you need to shave only by hair growth. But take into account the fact that then the hair of the minimum size will still remain. If you want to achieve a perfectly smooth bikini area, then you need to shave against hair growth. And this is the opposite side - this is how microtrauma's chance increases.

Based on the information provided, everyone can choose how to care for the pubic zone. The main thing is to comply with the necessary rules of personal hygiene. By the way, it does not depend on the hairline in the bikini area.

What do gynecologists say about shaving the bikini zone?

Gynecologists strictly do not prohibit shaving bikini zones. After all, this choice is personal in nature. They simply give some warnings and recommendations on the rules of care after shaving. It became known about the negative consequences relatively recently, because the fashion itself for smooth skin in intimate places also captured the world not so long ago.

We have already indicated what negative consequences can occur when shaving and not compliance with all requirements. Therefore, add only small fears of doctors.

  • This does not mean that every person will have such a disease. But the chance to catch the cantagious mollusk is increasing. This is a skin disease that occurs as a result of the development of infection.
  • Another skin disease is a pointed condyloma. It also develops against the background of a viral infection, which can occur if shaving incorrectly.
  • The papilloma virus also gets more chances to occur. By the way, this disease is transmitted from another person if you use the same machine.
Shaving the intimate zone
Shaving the intimate zone
  • If there are diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or other forms of dermatitis, then you need to refrain from shaving an intimate zone. Since the situation is only to aggravate.
  • And in general, when immunity falls, the chance to catch some infection increases. After all, there is no such protective barrier as hair.
  • If you do not have a permanent sexual partner, then gynecologists recommend not shaving the bikini area. Go to alternative options or strictly monitor the methods of contraception.

According to gynecologists, there are more gentle means, for example, laser hair removal. But such a pleasure may not be affordable. If you remain a supporter of shaving of intimate zones, then follow all the above rules for the care of the bikini zone so that there are no unexpected incidents.

Video: How to properly shave the bikini zone with a razor without irritation?

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