Irritation after shaving: in the intimate area of \u200b\u200bthe bikini, armpit, on the legs, face. How to get rid of irritation after shaving?

Irritation after shaving: in the intimate area of \u200b\u200bthe bikini, armpit, on the legs, face. How to get rid of irritation after shaving?
The causes of irritation after shaving with a machine. Funds for their elimination.
Women are extremely scrupulous in preserving their beauty and attractiveness. Since ancient times, they have practiced hair removal to be desirable for men.
With the advent of a razor machine, more and more a representative of the beautiful half gives him preference. This is a quick, cheap and easy way to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body, including in its sensitive areas.
Let's talk more about the shaving of the intimate zone of the bikini and its consequences.

Why does irritation appear after shaving?

Delicate skin of the girl's legs after shaving
delicate skin of the girl's legs after shaving
In contact with the surface of the scalp, a razor machine cuts off unwanted vegetation at different angles, depending on its direction of movement.
If the hair was cut too low above the surface of the skin, then the cells of the latter, trying to recreate integrity, connect and eliminate the presence of pores for hair growth. The latter reach the “ceiling” above themselves, twist and grow down. Therefore, skin irritation is observed. Its reasons are also:
  • weakness of hair follicles and hair growth
  • thick epithelium above the hair follicles
  • old razor with stupid blades
  • multiple razor movements in the same place
  • incorrect technology for the procedure for removing unwanted hair in the intimate zone of bikini

How to avoid irritation after shaving the intimate zone of bikini?

Irritation in the intimate zone of bikini in a girl looks like a cactus
irritation in the intimate zone of bikini in a girl looks like a cactus
The optimal ways to avoid the problem of shaving after shaving in the intimate zone of the bikini will be:
  • the choice of acute men's razor
  • regular change of machine with a frequency of up to 5 procedures by one
  • shaving in the course of hair growth, not against
  • the use of special tools for this procedure, the refusal of shaving for dry or with soap
  • shaving practice after taking a hot shower/bathroom, when the body and hair are steamed
  • application of a soothing cream/lotion
  • regular skin piling after shaving
  • If you do not have the opportunity to take a hot shower, then soften the bikini area with warm water or decoctions of medicinal herbs
  • After the shaving procedure, do not immediately dress underwear. Come on for 10 minutes without nothing to be nourished with oxygen. The next day, give preference to linen from natural fabrics to avoid friction of irritated skin
  • With constant prolonged irritation of the bikini zone, go to the creams creams. They are more convenient due to the spatula and lotion after shaving, which are inside the box. But the minus of such crosses is their smell

Treatment of irritation in the intimate area after shaving

Treatment of irritation after shaving the intimate zone of bikini
treatment of irritation after shaving the intimate zone of bikini
If irritation after shaving torments you with its presence, try one of the following options for its elimination:
  • aloe juice growing house on the windowsill. Cut the cloves and divide the leaf in half. Wipe the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin
  • children's cream, either oil or powder
  • mash aspirin in tablets and dilute in warm water. Rub the gruel into the skin of the bikini zone in front of shaving. After it, treat the pubis with a 3%solution of hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, if you do not have particularly sensitive skin in the bikini zone
  • go to the electric brow
  • change the blades of the classic razor after each session
  • decoction of chamomile in the form of lotions of sensitive body zone
  • change linen. Refuse synthetics and too close styles. They irritate the already wounded skin in the process of socks and create additional microtraumas
  • Panthenol, chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Bepanten and Pharmaceutical Pharmacy Similar spectrum
  • tea tree oil will calm the strongest skin irritation
  • the cream depa is the latest option if others do not save you from pimples and itching in the bikini area

How to quickly relieve irritation after shaving an intimate area?

Aloe juice eliminates irritation after shaving
aloe juice eliminates irritation after shaving
Depending on the nature of the manifestation of irritation of the intimate zone, they will quickly help to get rid of it:
  • cooling if you feel severe itching after shaving. For example, rinsing with cold water or wiping the skin with dry ice
  • fresh aloe juice or soothing cream containing it. This method is suitable for those who feel the tightness and dry skin of the intimate area
  • hormonal creams and ointments with zinc content. They have a very quick calming effect and relieve itching. Their minus is the addiction and harmfulness of exposure to the skin with prolonged regular use
  • a decoction of medicinal herbs of chamomile, mint, series, celandine, sage in different combinations will cool, remove itching, redness of the skin

Irritation products after shaving

The girl treats irritation after shaving cream
the girl treats irritation after shaving cream
Funds that cope with irritation after a razor machine are:
  • pharmacy
  • cosmetic
  • folk, either on the basis of decoctions of herbs
  • alternative
So the first group can be attributed:
  • hormonal creams
  • ointments with zinc
  • alcohol, hydrogen peroxide
  • antipruritic drugs in liquid and creamy species
  • ointments from skin irritation, for example, Bepanten
  • antibacterial creams that must be used when serious injection of the skin
To the second we will determine:
  • special gels and shaving foam foams with a machine
  • lotions, creams and their derivatives after the process of hair removal with razors and wax. Typically, their composition contains gammamelis, aloe, salicylic or glycolic acids
We will talk more about the third group in the next subsection.
The fourth group is presented:
  • electric razor
  • creams for depilation
  • salon procedures for hair removal for a long period

Folk remedies for irritation after shaving

Folk methods in the fight against irritation after shaving
folk methods in the fight against irritation after shaving
Folk medicine means to help the skin after shaving are represented by decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs and their elements:
  • dry flowers of chamomile
  • mint leaves
  • fresh juices of lemon and aloe
  • spruce cones
  • birch leaves
  • oak bark
Prepare infusions from dry components and water, let them ripen for at least one night.
The decoction reaches a good concentration after half an hour or an hour after it is removed from the fire.

How long does it pass after shaving?

To answer this question, take into account:
  • type of skin
  • shaving technique
  • using special tools before and after removing hair with a machine
The duration of irritation is considered permissible - day or night. Especially if you practice shaving after 48 hours.
A longer irritation is a signal to the use of special pharmaceuticals or a dermatologist.

Scaling irritation: reviews

The girl's gentle legs after shaving with a machine
the girl's gentle legs after shaving with a machine
Svetlana, administrator of a beauty salon
Often in order to save time, I practice shaving a machine of the intimate zone of bikini. Previously, irritation was constant after procedures. Expertal and the way I found for myself the means and secrets that help to avoid this. I love a decoction of chamomile and use only special shaving cosmetics with a machine with a machine. Red spots rarely appear and there are practically no hair storage.
Inna, student
I like to shave a machine. Cheap and available in almost any conditions. Since childhood, my mother instilled in me a love of home aloe. There is more that it is very useful for wounds, abrasions, irritations. They soften the skin after shaving with a machine.
Perhaps every woman at least once tried to shave the intimate zone of the bikini, legs, and area of \u200b\u200bthe armpit with a machine. Knowing the correct technique of depilation and irritation products, you will save your skin healthy and bright.
Be healthy!

Video: How to get rid of irritation after shaving?

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Comments K. article

  1. I have not tried folk remedies, but the pharmacy helps well. Ilon's ointment was advised, while I was smeared and very pleased. Inflammation passes quickly, and with it pustules.

  2. After this ointment cured the boil, I constantly keep it in the first -aid kit. True, with irritation after shaving, she copes at a time. Even my husband noticed this and began to use it.

  3. I agree, Elon is an excellent ointment from various purulent inflammations on the skin. I often use it myself after hair removal in the bikini zone. Irritation passes per day.

  4. I go around the skin for the skin without fail! It happens, sometimes, anyway, some pimples and redness appear ... Elon works well in this regard. I mean that this ointment and irritation removes and inflammation also helps to remove. I use it for a long time and with pleasure.

  5. And after hair removal in the bikini zone, ointment is helped by irritation. I smear a couple of times and everything is fine. And also a very pleasant smell, smells of rosemary and for me this is also a plus.

  6. It’s easier and fastest that will get rid of unwanted hair with a razor. But there is another side of the coin: irritation. Now I began to use ointment Elon and is very happy with her. Redness, itching and small pimples pass the next day.

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