How to determine the deficiency of vitamin B12 yourself? Lack of vitamin B12 in adults: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment

How to determine the deficiency of vitamin B12 yourself? Lack of vitamin B12 in adults: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment

The lack of vitamins disrupts the normal activity of the body. According to statistics, every fourth person faces a deficiency of vitamin B12. In order to avoid serious health consequences, such a deviation must be diagnosed and eliminated in a timely manner.

Vitamin B12 is responsible for the full operation of the nervous and digestive system. Vitamin is not produced by the body, but comes along with animal products. The lack of a useful component can be filled with a balanced diet or medication.

To learn how to independently determine the deficiency of vitamin B12, you need to understand what processes it is responsible for. Symptoms of hypovitaminosis occur due to their disorders. You can confirm the alarming symptoms in the body using clinical tests.

Vitamin B12: What is needed for?

Exists two forms of vitamin B12. One of the forms enters the body along with products and is involved in the synthesis of DNA components, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The second variety of vitamin B12 is synthesized by bacteria in the intestines and is involved in the formation of myelin.


The quality of the following processes depends on vitamin B12:

  • regulation of metabolism and carbohydrates;
  • synthesizing components of DNA;
  • streamlining the quality composition of the blood;
  • the formation of nerve cells;
  • amino acid synthesis;
  • high -quality absorption of iron.

Vitamin deficiency directly affects our mood and digestion.

Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency

  • With full nutrition vitamin B12 Together with products, he enters the body and concentrates in the liver. The component joins the work of the abdominal organs, muscle tissue and kidneys.
  • With hypovitamin deficiency of vitamin B12 There is a violation of the course of various processes and characteristic symptoms appear.
  • The lack of vitamin B12 indicates: fast fatigue, small supply of energy, weakness in the muscles, sensations of tingling in the limbs, impairment of vision, memory failures, impaired mental activity, ulcerative rashes in the tongue.

Causes of vitamin deficiencyB12:

  • Lack of animal products In the daily diet. A similar problem is faced with vegetarians and the category of people who adhere to long diets. Hypovitaminosis does not appear immediately. The accumulated reserves of vitamin are enough for several years. The first symptoms can manifest after 2-3 years of non-completened nutrition.
  • Structural changes in the small intestine As a result of surgery.
  • Systematic helminthic infections - There is a competitive absorption of vitamin with microorganisms.
  • Diseases kidneys and liver.
  • Tumor neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Long -term intake of drugs of a certain group.
And other reasons
And other reasons

In the category of people after 50 years, the work of the mucous membrane of the stomach becomes weaker and the body ceases to absorb vitamin B12 in sufficient quantities. Therefore, older people definitely need a preventive technique of vitamins.

In exceptional cases, the lack of vitamin B12 is due to the genetic characteristics of a person.

Lack of vitamin B12: Symptoms

Symptoms of vitamin anemia in the body are manifested in increasing. The following deviations are most often observed:

  • Muscle weakness And lethargic, dizziness and blurred perception of others, weight gain.
  • Unhealthy skin color, the yellowish color of the protein part of the eyes.
  • Gastric malaises - Narbated, frequent belching, decreased appetite, heartburn, distorted operation of taste receptors, discomfort on the surface of the tongue.
  • Intestinal disorders - Changing chair, weight jumps.
  • Heart malaise - shortness of breath, heart heartbeat, heart pain.
  • Deviation from the norm of the size of the liver and spleen, internal swelling.

Blood test in which anemia, leukopenia, lymphocytosis, It is a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. With vitamin B12 deficiency, a certain period of time is under the supervision of doctors. When stabilizing the condition, the patient needs to take control tests every six months.

How to make up for a lack of vitamin B12?

  • Treatment B-12 of scarce anemia begins with the diagnosis of the underlying disease. At the initial stage, the patient needs adjust the food, perform the prevention of worms, exclude neoplasms and tumors.
  • With drug treatment, liquid vitamin B12 is administered intravenously. Treatment is carried out by hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamin and cobamamide with drugs.
  • For ordinary therapy is enough 200-500 mcg per day. If deviations in the nervous system are detected, the amount of vitamin is increased by 2-3 times. Treatment lasts at least 2 weeks. In severe diseases, the patient must drug the supply at least 1 time per month.
  • For high -quality work of vitamin B12, the body needs folic acid. For preventive measures, vitamins should be taken in a complex, in particular vitamin B12 should be accompanied by vitamins B1 and B6.
A complex is needed
A complex is needed
  • For warning vitamin anemia In the postoperative period or with prolonged vegetarianism, it is necessary to supplement the diet with products rich in vitamin B12.
  • Cobalamine treatment leads to a decrease in calcium levels in the body. Therefore, additional control for blood tests is required. Reception of some antibiotics is also accompanied by an additional method of vitamin B12.

The effectiveness of treatment does not depend on the form of consumption of vitamin, acceptable both a tablet form and injections.

Vitamin B12: What products are contained in?

  • The concentration of vitamin B12 in products depends on the ability of animals and plants to maintain a quality component. To fill the deficiency of B12 in the body, you need to use beef liver, lamb and beef meat, sea fish - sardine, salmon, shrimp, scallops.
  • Among the products of plant origin are useful lamaria algae and blue-green variety. Vitamin B12 is contained in beer yeast, soy cottage cheese and cheese.
  • Animal products have an obvious advantage in quantitative composition. It is also necessary to use Eggs, cheeses and offal.
  • It is not recommended to take vitamin B12 at its discretion. The complex of vitamins should be competently balanced, otherwise part of the elements can weaken the action of each other. With characteristic symptoms, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Which adults have a pronounced deficiency of vitamin B12: risk group

In addition to the common causes of vitamin anemia, the following risk group suffers with a pronounced deficiency of vitamin B12:

  • Vegetarians and raw foodists - Food exclusive with raw foods or plant foods leads to hypovitaminosis.
  • People who systematically struggle with excess weight of strict diets - With an unbalanced diet, the processes of the body's life are violated.
  • Age category over 60 years old - The weakened work of internal organs leads to poor digestibility of vitamin B12.

Diseases associated with a deficiency of vitamin B12: List

  • Vision of vision.The long -term lack of vitamin B12 leads to a deterioration in vision. Due to improper functioning of the optic nerve, the perception of light and shadow worsens.
  • Chronic fatigue. The lack of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation. A person constantly feels a breakdown. The muscles cease to perceive the loads.
  • Numbness of the limbs. The deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to damage to the nerves. The patient feels tingling and electrical impulses. Neurological disorders develop.
  • The pallor of the skin. The deficiency of blood cells leads to pallor and yellowness of the skin.
  • Inattentiveness and failures in memory.Vitamin B12 deficiency gradually worsens the work of memory, chronic forgetfulness develops. As a result, depressive disorders and Alzheimer's disease.
Reflected throughout the body
Reflected throughout the body
  • Dizziness. With a lack of vitamin B12, disorientation often occurs in space. It is difficult for a person to make sudden movements.
  • Violation of the childbearing function in women.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. The likelihood of heart attack is increased.
  • The tumor of the tongue.Redness, ulcers, tumors develop.

Consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency

Deviations in the body with vitamin anemia are manifested gradually. Even superficial symptoms cannot be underestimated, since the consequences will be fully manifested.

  • Muscle mass with vitamin B12 deficiency slow down in growth and reduces the production of cells that contribute to the formation of bone.
  • A person is observed mental disorders and delayed mental development. As a result, dementia and depressive disorders.
  • In elderly women, the lack of vitamin B12 leads to osteoporosis. A sharp weight loss in the hips is a vivid sign of such a diagnosis. In elderly men, the likelihood of bone fractures increases.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B12 in adults increases the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease.

It is worth considering that in old age, weakness in the body and memory loss has specific causes that must be responded to in a timely manner. No need to write off malaises for old age. Chronic fatigue with full sleep and rest is also an alarming bell.

Video: The appearance of diseases due to B12 deficiency

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