How to determine the floor of a red -eared turtle: how to distinguish a female from a male according to external data, behavior?

How to determine the floor of a red -eared turtle: how to distinguish a female from a male according to external data, behavior?

This article will talk about how to distinguish a red -eyed turtle by sexual basis.

The content of the turtle at home has long ceased to be exotic. Indeed, today many not only start these funny reptiles, but also engage in their breeding. Therefore, it is so important to know the floor of the turtle correctly. Despite the fact that in nature there are more than three hundred species of turtles, these freshwater are most popular.

Since the yellow -bellied cars (another of their naming) are less demanding on the conditions of detention and are distinguished by long -lived, and when ensuring proper conditions, they live in captivity from 20 to 50 years. And in this material we will talk on the topic:

How to find out the floor of the Krasnoukha turtle according to external data?

Behind the first decision to get your first turtle, usually the second decree immediately comes - you need to take a couple. So the reptiles will not be boring and with properly organized content they will be able to produce offspring. Although it is a little difficult to distinguish the floor of the turtle, but possible. To do this, you should only be attentive and conduct a short excursion into biology.

Short review
Short review

Important: it is worth noting - the older the turtle, the easier to install the sex verdict! Because with age, secondary sexual characteristics are formed, which are already clearly manifested in appearance. In the turtles living in captivity, this happens by approximately 4-6 years, while the girls are a little behind in this matter. The process of forming secondary sexual characteristics in turtles living in natural conditions occurs longer and ends by about 6-8 years.

  • Most of all, long and curved clawsthe men that he needs for a reliable grip during mating. It is also noted, but not all species that spurs or scales on the hind legs are more and more distinctly in boys.
    • But the character of the reptile and the habitat affect the nail size. After all, it is noted that they can grind on hard soil or surface.
  • Dimensionsafter a year, the animal itself begins to move to the girl’s side - both in width and in height. And all because females need to bear eggs.
  • Therefore, female shellon top more round and wide than that of a male individual, whose shell is more oval.
  • Now turn over the animal and look in the horizontal location on plastron.That is, on these lines on the "abdomen" in the form of a press. Due to the natural process of mating, the male will have a slightly concave plane. And in the female this feature will be absent.
    • In parallel, we touch on and color palette.The male has a stronger tier of a stronger color, the female has an admixture of any other shade.
    • At the same time, the lower part of the abdominal part of the boys, as if in the shape of the letter V. And in general they have these “cubes”, when they go to each other, have more sharp corners. In females, the line is smooth, but the lower part of this recess is wider.
  • By the way, tail The females have shorter and already due to the fact that the detorial organs are located in this area. In males, as we visually observe in the above photo, it is much longer and wider. After all, it is on it that the childbearing organ is concentrated.
    • In female individuals cloaca Closer to the end of the shell and has the appearance of a star. In males, it is located in the last third from the tail towards its tip, and in shape resembles a longitudinal line.
  • And it is worth paying attention to head.In principle, visually it is more massive in boys. Due to the fact that in its lower region the glands are well developed for marking the territory. But with a pointed nose. In women, it is less elongated and rounded.
    • It is noted that males can be modified in white color. More precisely, their kalaghur shines during the bundle. At the same time, the red strip between the eyes becomes brighter.
    • By the way, the girls are longitudinal Red stripes,at the expense of which the name of the genus occurred, less saturated on the head. At the same time, in boys, the color of the nose also has more red pigments, and in females - yellow.

It is especially easy to decide on the above signs when comparing two or more turtles.

Attention to detail
Attention to detail

How to help determine the floor of the turtle?

  • Red -eared females, Like any female representatives, More calm. Males are activeand, to some extent, even aggressive. This behavior is especially intensified in the times of attracting the attention of girls. They can often bite their neck, nod their head, actively wave or cling them with claws.
  • Also males are able to make sounds, What are like a squeak. But some subspecies of females can also imitate such a whistle. Therefore, this is not the most pronounced indicator.

The most reliable determination of the floor of turtles It is carried out by blood tests for hormones, radiography and ultrasound. But it is not always possible to conduct such research. Moreover, due to the features of the hormonal system of reptiles and their anatomical structure, this should not be done by an ordinary “human” doctor who has access to equipment, but a biologist.

Important: therefore, we conclude - the definition of gender by external characteristics of young reptiles cannot be considered reliable. And it is based on the assumption rather than on specific indicators. It is guaranteed to determine the floor of the turtle only when it reaches sexually matured age, taking into account all the above features.

Wait for age -ripening to check

If you were not able to determine the floor of a young turtle, follow a simple advice - purchase any reptile. And only when it reaches sexually matured age, and you determine its floor, in the pair it can be purchased by an adult turtle of the opposite sex. There are no significant differences between the male and the female.

Video: Determine the floor of a red -eyed turtle

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  1. It's great that such amazing creatures can be kept right at home. He never kept the turtles at home, but for that my cousin had a red -eared. As a child, he really loved to admire her. That aquarium for the waterfowl seemed to me a volunter for dinosaurs. I often nostalgic for those times. Now, by the way, I’m thinking about starting a swamp turtle, they are very pretty. I read articles on this topic. It is important to maintain them correctly, and for this you need to have money and knowledge.

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