How to determine the character of a person by gestures? What can gestures about a person say?

How to determine the character of a person by gestures? What can gestures about a person say?

Determining the character of a person by gestures is simple. The main thing is to know what they mean.

Often the thoughts and experiences of a person find a response in the body, facial expressions, movements, gestures. Someone, intuitively observing external manifestations, “reads” the interlocutor and draws some conclusions about him. Others, on the contrary, believe only in the said words, while they do not notice the obvious and leave non -verbal information “overboard”.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Gestures with fingers to attract good luck". You will learn about the most famous happy signs.

If you approach the question of gestures more deliberately and carefully, you can learn a lot not only about the mood of a person at the moment, but also about his character. How to do it? Read further.

Characteristic personality traits

Characteristic personality traits
Characteristic personality traits

Personality traits are a relatively constant value, in contrast to the mood, which changes and depends on external circumstances. The language of gestures will help to understand what characteristic features are inherent in one or another person.

  • Indiscipline It is often manifested in a sweeping gait and relaxed gestures.
  • Timid and shy people Even alone, they take closed poses with them, hold their hands in their pockets or try to close part of the face. They also try to stay from the interlocutor at an impressive distance.
  • Restless and nervous people They make rhythmic movements with their fingers, constantly sorting out something on the table.
  • Theatricality of gestures testifies to self -confidence.
  • Gestures of prudent and cold natures Usually simple and restrained.
  • Irritable and hot -tempered personality Make sharp chaotic movements of the hands.
  • Smooth body movements characteristic of people who are easily related to the world and what is happening around.

No less will tell about others and handshake:

  • Cheerful and active people, only when they saw the interlocutor, they hold out a hand from afar, the palm is open.
  • Strong handshake It is characteristic of a confident person or one who wants to make such an impression.
  • Sluggish and weak handshake - a sign of compliance and weakness, or disinterest in communication.
  • If a person strives for his palm to be located over the hand of the interlocutorThis indicates a sense of its own superiority and desire to dominate.

Studying yourself and others, do not forget that there are no bad personality features. For example, high sensitivity is important in the family, but can interfere with a responsible work where a cold calculation is important.

What can gestures about a person say?

Scientists argue that, observing the non -verbal behavior of a person, you can get up to 80% of information about him. Gestures will tell more words when a person is angry, tense, confused, or, conversely, gets sincere pleasure from communication.

But it is worth remembering that each of us is almost taught to stay in society in a certain way from infancy. With age, the habit of controlling your emotions and gestures is only strengthened. And recognizing the characteristics of a person’s character by gestures is not as simple as it might seem in theory. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to involuntary and unconscious movements.

How to determine the character of a person by gestures?

There are some tips that will help to more accurately determine by gestures the nature of the people around them. Here is their list:

  • It is important to pay attention to the combinations of gestures, since some can be reinforced or, conversely, weakened by others. By the order of movements, you can understand whether the interlocutor opens or closes.
  • Watching how the body of the interlocutor reacts to certain words, we can approximately understand what is more important to him and what has the least meaning.
  • Do not lose sight of the context of the situation. For example, a person may not be annoyed by an interlocutor, but what is happening around.

In order to more accurately determine the character by gestures of a person, he must be in a relaxed and relaxed environment. This is the only way to find out the true essence of the personality, his hidden sides and much more. Read more more.

Closure: What does the gesture say about the character of a person?

The gesture is closed
The gesture is closed

Gestures of psychological defense indicate a closed nature or desire to “fence off” from the interlocutor.

  • Hands crossed on his chest are a signal that a person builds a wall among himself and others: for example, he is uncomfortable in the company, the topic of conversation or interlocutor is unpleasant, he feels distrust and even threat.
  • But in some cases, this only indicates that a person finally took a comfortable pose. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the brushes: in the second case, they are relaxed.
  • People who think that they are attacked, try to protect the most vulnerable.
  • Men usually take the pose of the “football player in the wall”, close the inguinal zone.
  • And sensitive natures cross their hands, as if covering the chest, or hold a palm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart.
Gesture clenched into fists
Gesture clenched into fists
  • Hands clenched into fists speak of a bad character of a person - anger or distrust.
  • The fingers closely intertwined, as well as hands, tightly squeezing armrests (or any other closest item) signal that a person is uncomfortable here and now.
The gesture is crossed legs
The gesture is crossed legs
  • Legs can also tell a lot. The crossed legs and feet aimed at the exit indicate boredom and disinterest in the subject of the conversation.
Gesture when a person covers his face
Gesture when a person covers his face
  • If in the conversation a person allows the lower part of his face every now and then, then he carefully controls and filters the words.
  • Perhaps he tells a lie or tries to conceal some part of the information.

Often this movement is transformed into the touch of the fingers to the tip of the nose.

Nervousness and uncertainty: what is the gesture talking about?

A typical gesture - intertwined fingers and nervous rubbing of the thumbs. People who often use such gestures always try to play it safe. Before you sit down, they often wipe and, as it were, check the table or back of the chair. This speaks of nervousness and uncertainty.

  • Itching is one of the reactions of the body to stress.
  • Therefore, a person who is nervous begins to involuntarily scratch his neck, hands, face.

To get rid of oppressive anxiety, people slowly rub their palms, wipe them on their clothes or rubbish their earlobe. Tighten the hand, a constant desire to grab a pencil in his hands and even gnaw it - signs indicating anxiety and uncertainty. The state of excitement and panic gives out a large number of constantly changing gestures.

Awkwardness: gesture and character of a person

A person, in a state of shame and awkwardness, tries in every possible way to distract the attention of others from himself and hide some involuntary reactions of the body, for example, redness or rapid heartbeat. In this case, the movements are chaotic, illogical and fussy. A person tries to change the situation, put on something, straighten his hair. Such a gesture can be used by people who are uncertained, with a weak character.

A positive attitude is visible by human gestures

A positive attitude is visible by human gestures
A positive attitude is visible by human gestures

If the interlocutor is positive, he “dumps” the defense: he unfastened or removes the jacket, unbuttones the upper button on the shirt, women in these cases take off shawl or stole. If the room is warm, but I want to wrap up, this indicates a coolness in a relationship. A positive attitude is visible from human gestures.

  • When the personality is interested in communication, a person is easy and comfortable, then his hands are freely lying on the armrests or on the hips.
  • If you can see your palms, this is also a good sign. Abundant gestures, but without excessively theatrical movements - a sign of sincerity, trust and desire to make contact.

Sympathy is often expressed in the desire to touch the object of adoration. This is expressed in patting on the shoulder, handshake with both hands, an attempt to straighten the collar of the interlocutor, take him by the elbow. That is why in some cultures a hug is one of the ways to show a good location, even if there are no related relationships between people.

A person who was imbued with trust and sympathy for the interlocutor may begin to copy his gestures. This is a subconscious desire to get closer and become a little like him.

Interest and thoughtfulness: what are the gestures talking about?

Gesture of interest and thoughtfulness
Gesture of interest and thoughtfulness

Usually an interested person stingy with gestures, because they can “frighten off the thread of the conversation. The tilt of the head is related to interest. This will be easily confirmed by teachers and teachers. While students are interested in, they listen to a lecture, tilting their heads to one side. If the head rises, and the look begins to wander around the surrounding objects, this means that interest is lost. If communication takes place in a small group, with interest, people try to approach the source of information and include the case to it.

When we are thoughtful, our hands involuntarily stretch to rub the bridge of the nose or chin. Often this is accompanied by a look at - an unconscious desire to “see” in the distance a solution to the problem.

Doubt: what gestures?

For a doubting person, monotonous and repeated movements are characteristic. It can be such gestures:

  • Rubbing, sorting through something in the hands
  • Causing

For example, he scratches his eye, touches the corner of his mouth or constantly shrugs. In many ways, this is connected with the mental process - a person thinks about the words and arguments of the interlocutor, but at the same time, with his movements, he, as it were, wants to confuse him.

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