How to determine the color of the name of a person, the meaning of color in the name of a person, which female and male name corresponds to red, blue, orange, yellow, green, gold, blue, purple, pink?

How to determine the color of the name of a person, the meaning of color in the name of a person, which female and male name corresponds to red, blue, orange, yellow, green, gold, blue, purple, pink?

"What's in a name?" - wrote a genius, but, indeed, what? It turns out that a certain color is inherent in each name, which largely depends on what character traits a child will be endowed with a daily sound of his name.

Sounds and colors are interconnected by the length of the waves, which, combining, lead to vibration, i.e. To sounds. Each name has its own combination of sounds, and it is on this that the individual characteristics depend that are laid in the baby from the first days of life, when parents turn to him by name. Weaved in different sequences, voiced and deaf, hissing and growling, in a word, absolutely all sounds sound not just original vibration and melody, but also create an equally original color palette.

How to determine the color of the name of a person?

  • The sounds of names according to their frequencies can be compared with three primary colors: red, blue and yellow, and with many shades of derivatives obtained by mixing in different proportions of the main ones.
  • The principle is simple: a simple name - compliance with a simple color, a complex name - a composite color. To make it easier to understand all these sound and color wisdom, there is a finished table that draws parallels between the numbers and letters of the name, and then the resulting result compares with one or another color.

On such a table, it is very easy to navigate and accurately calculate the digit of the name and the number responding to it:

  • 1 - red: letters A, and, s, b.
  • 2 - orange: letters b, y, t, s
  • 3 - yellow: letters B, K, y, b
  • 4 - green: letters g, l, f, e
  • 5 - blue: letters d, m, x, y
  • 6 - blue: letters E, n, c, I
  • 7 - purple: letters e, o, h.
  • 8 - pink: letters w, p, w, w
  • 9 - gold: letters z, r, b.
The color of the name
The color of the name

Now you can easily calculate the color of the name of a person. For example, the name Andrei consists of letters that correspond to the following numbers: 1+6+5+9+6+2=29. We strive for a unambiguous number for which we add 2+9 \u003d 11, and after 1+1 \u003d 2. The number 2, which is obtained as a result of the final addition, will be an indicator of color. In our table, the deuce corresponds to the orange color, therefore, it is he who will characterize Andreev.

  • It should be noted that the colors are characteristic of halmotons and shades, and names - small or short forms.
  • All this leads to the fact that the same name can correspond to different colors, depending on how the name is pronounced with which patronymic is combined, and even from the time of birth.

Why do you need to know the color of the name of a person?

  • When a person knows what the color of the name of the personAnd how this color affects individuality, character traits, he equally understands what qualities he is deprived of, and seeks to acquire or develop them.
  • For example, knowing which colors are not represented at all in the sound of his name, a person thereby understands that he clearly lacks the qualities for which these colors are responsible. To "make up" a shortage, let's say, kindness or responsiveness, you can slightly modify your name.
  • As an option - to ask friends and your family to contact you, pronouncing a name only in a diminutive or abbreviated form. If its number denotes a different color, then the frequent sound of this variant of your name will help you acquire and inherent in this color quality.
  • For clarity: in the above -above name Andrei absolutely no numbers 3, 4, 7, 8. Consequently, there are no colors “tied” to them - yellow, green, purple, pink. Here are their missing energy and it is necessary to make up for all Andrei. How to do this - everyone chooses the option that suits him. Someone brings these shades to clothes, someone in the interior of an apartment or a working office.
  • Knowing the color of your name will help in choosing a business partner and a life partner, will make your friends and acquaintances more predictable and understandable to you, because you will know what you can expect from them. You can “calculate the” reaction of a person, knowing the color of his name and his inherent characteristics.

The meaning of red color in the name of the person, what female and male name does the red color correspond to?

  • The red color of the name in any manifestation speaks of activity and energy, strength and desperate determination, about anger and passionate love. In a word, in red color, the intensity of any passions is collected, both light and rather base.
  • People whose name has red color are endowed with a powerful performance, they are extremely purposeful and aimed at success. Their destiny - if take -off, then to the very top of the mountain; If the fall is at the very bottom of the abyss.
  • Usually people who bear the “red” name, kind and merciful, although they are often capable of being offended. Being natural leaders and possessing all the qualities required for this, they stubbornly strive for their goal. They present quite high demands on everyone who surrounds them, so they do not have many friends. But those who are close to them are true in their affection.
  • Negative features Their character is sometimes narcissistic, as well as intolerance to the weaknesses and disadvantages of others.
  • Children with a “red” name are usually very active and, being open by nature, confront the efforts of teachers and parents. In personal life, such people do not work smoothly, often they remain alone by old age.
  • Among such people there are many athletes, politicians, businessmen, since the thirst for becoming the first in their blood. At the same time, they are easily amenable to depression, prone to drug or alcohol dependence.
  • In love, passionate and unbridled. It is interesting that the soft middle name (for example, Ilyich, Alekseevich) somewhat softens their character, but the solid (Dmitrievich or Nikolaevich), on the contrary, further exacerbates negative qualities.
  • The element of their name is fire, their time is today and now. Such people are suitable for jewelry in which there are pomegranate, ruby, coral, tourmaline.
What color is the name
What color is the name
  • Among female names corresponding to red colorAgafya, Agnes, Alevtina, Alexandra, Alina, Alice, Alla, Albina, Anastasia, Angela, Valentina, Valeria, Barbara, Vera, Veronica, Diana, Daria, Eve, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Jeanne, Zinovia, Zoya, Juliania, Karina, Karina, Karina, Karina, Karina, Karina, Karina, Karina, Karina, Karina Kira, Lada, Maya, Natalia, Ophelia, Pavlina, Praskovya, Regina, Sabia, Fina.
  • The "red" male names include: Adam, Anatoly, Apollo, Arkady, Arnold, Archp, Arsen (Arseny), Askold, Boris, Valentine, Varlam (Varlaam), Veniamin, William, Vlas, Vsevolod, Vyacheslav, Harry, Gennady, George, Evgeny, Zakhar, Ivan, Ivan, Ivan Issak (Isaki), Cyril, Luke, Marian, Mikhail, Nikolai, Olympius, Pavel, Peter, Roman, Theodore, Semen, Sergey, Stanislav, Stepan, Fedor, Genghis, Yaroslav, Yulian, Yuri, Yasmin.

The value of the orange color in the name of the person, what female and male name does the orange correspond to?

  • Orange names give charm and charm, making their carriers bright and attractive to everyone around them. These are extraordinary and original, cheerful and sociable (sometimes even too much) people.
  • Children with “orange” names are easily excitable, and their energy simply hits the edge. Such emotionality sometimes prevents the adoption of the right decision. This is a color that carries warmth and joy, in him - confidence and pure thoughts, positive and thirst for life. Often orange people are extravagant, their actions can go beyond the generally accepted framework. At the same time, they have sensitivity and responsiveness.
  • In orange predominates health. But too large his doses can sometimes annoy, be too obsessive and even lead to complete devastation. Therefore, having many acquaintances and friends, they do not have so many friends, because you can meet infinite stream of emotions and stupid ideas.
  • So, if among positive qualities you can highlight sociability and non -standard, then negative behavior, often permitted tactless attitude towards others, is not always the negative.
  • To more fully reveal themselves to the owners of the orange name will help stones such as calf and jasper, sardonyx and orange corundure.

Yellow value in the person's name

  • The yellow color of the name brings its owner positive, energy of the sun, cheerfulness. They are firm in character and practical, it is easy and pleasant with them, since they are open and sociable. Children with this name are creative and able to think with abstract categories, dreamers and dreamers often prefer loneliness.
  • A tendency to science, observations, the ability to analyze is associated with yellow. Often, yellow people are predisposed to depression, finding a feeding for further work in them. They crave freedom, being quite liberated and original. Often they associate their work with the economy or scientific activity.
  • Observation and ability Keeping all the processes that are happening around them are also characteristic of such people. Among the negative qualities are certain stinginess and excessive durable.
  • As a talisman that attracts good luck, jewelry with yellow names can act beryl, amber or citrine.

What female and male name does the yellow color?

  • Yellow female names include: August, Agafya, Alice, Anna, Barbara, Vera, Elena, John, Camilla, Karina, Kristina, Lada, Lera, Marlena, Nadezhda, Ophelia, Seraphim, Fedosya, Chulpan, Eleanor, Elf, Emma.
  • The male names of yellow are, in particular: Anton, Vadim, Victor, Vlas, Denis, Zinovy, Orest, Rafael, Robert, Seraphim, Ustin, Fedor, Filimon.

The meaning of green in the name of the man, what female and male name does the green color correspond to?

  • This is very kind and responsive, heart People who will give the last one who is worse. They do not fear any changes in their lives and are ready to take risks, striving for the goal.
  • Enough generous, moreover, this generosity is on the verge of wastefulness, so often in their wallets empty. Fans of communication, which are vulnerable and touchy, but these insults quickly forgive and still look optimistic at the world around him.
  • Green corresponds health and a strong mind. Stubborn and strong -willed, such people crave superiority, their views and beliefs are firm, and often they bother the surroundings of moralizing.
  • Children with a green name feel the need to support from their parents, they need to help develop interest in life. Then they become truly harmonious and stable, loving People and the surrounding world, not paying attention to ill -wishers. Thus, kind and optimistic, green people are at the same time vulnerable and touchy.
  • Stones such as malachite, emerald or adventurine.
There are a lot of names
There are a lot of names

The meaning of blue in the name of the man, what female and male name does the blue color correspond to?

  • The blue color of the name gives people a talent predisposing to creativity and creativity. They do not like to conflict with others, treat people with trusting and friendliness, but sometimes they are irresponsible and dependent on someone else's opinion.
  • Seek to know new, feeling themselves free and carefree. Good, confident people with a blue name experience other people's troubles as their own, which is sometimes often used by others.
  • If such people are able to be more rational and mandatory, they are capable of achieving high goals, revealing themselves completely. They are prone to teaching, healing, travel.
  • Good friends and families, however, often the interests of the family are in the background before you want to help outsiders. However, they sincerely apologize for this and usually always get forgiveness. Thus, among the positive qualities of people with the names of blue color, the creative beginning and conflictness can be noted, and among negative ones, the presence of irresponsibility.
  • The talisman for such people is the products with aquamarine, Halzedon, turquoise, amazonite, zircon, apatite.

The meaning of the blue color in the name of the person, what female and male name does the blue color correspond to?

  • People with blue names sociable And they are excellent friends, always ready to help and sympathize, carefully listen. They differ slightly with stinginess, so they are quite difficult to part with money.
  • Partly lazy that it becomes the reason for the dissatisfaction of the authorities. Such people are wise and calm, have good nature and patience, but are often incredulous. And also - too principal and demandingWhat sometimes interferes with their family life.
  • In childhood, they are balanced and prone to thoughts and contemplation. Often such children grow up with philosophers, humanists prone to foresight and even telepathy. Among them are many builders, scientists, surgeons.
  • They are not afraid of difficulties on the way to their goal, but at the same time they do not pave their way through the interests of other people. Summing up, we can say that the positive qualities of the “blue” people are tolerance and sociability, and the negative include irresponsibility and a tendency to laziness.
  • As a talisman to strengthen blue vibrations, you can use tourmaline or sapphire.
About blue
About blue

The value of purple in the name of the person, what female and male name does violet color correspond to?

  • People with purple color are often named after idealists, amorous and pulsed with bright and kind impulses. They often live in their own world, sometimes faced with misunderstanding and loneliness.
  • However, this is understandable, because the purple color correlates with the secret, mysticism, and also with sadness and disasters. Therefore, often purple people go difficultly unknown. They are vulnerable and sensitive and artistic, have spiritual strength. In a word, people we call introverts.
  • The self -sacrifice inherent in such natures is able to force them to marry not so much in love as out of pity. Closed and detached, they show an aggravated intuition for the gift of foresight. This helps them even blindly make the right choice.
  • They are tactful and always ready to help, which often makes them good middle specialists. Thus, sensuality and responsiveness belong to the positive qualities of purple people, and isolation and tendency to melancholy - to negative.
About purple
About purple

The meaning of the pink color in the name of the person, what female and male name does the pink color correspond to?

  • People with pink names are different restraint, the ability to listen to another, avoid disputes and conflicts, but always remain with your opinion. They are condescending to others, but demanding on themselves.
  • The self -criticism characteristic of them sometimes leads them to depression. People with fully kindness, sincerity, who makes them wonderful parents and spouses.
  • Pink tones are associated with the female sex, so it is not surprising that such people are sentimental and gentle, timid and sometimes weak, dreamy and naive. In general, such people are balanced and restrained, have tact and readiness for dialogue. Those who were born in march, July and January, more emotional and sacrificial.
  • Good educators, nurses, nannies come out of them. These features - love for people, sincerity - are their strengths. And negative qualities are a tendency to depression and excessive criticality.
  • Stones such as rhodonitis, pink quartz or sapphire are suitable for them. And if these stones are combined with gold, then this helps to strengthen the hardness of character and increase self -esteem.
Pink names
With pink

The value of the golden color in the name of the person

  • Implacable and stubborn, narcissistic and unshakable, attractive and confident In their own infallibility - these are “golden” people. Often these qualities turn into selfishness, sometimes turning into insensibility. It is among people with "golden" names that most dictators.
  • Confidence and determination makes them leaders, especially since they are not hypocritical, responsible, perceive someone else's opinion, whether the large number of directors, bosses, leaders among carriers of the golden name should be surprised.
  • They monitor their own appearance, dressed from a needle. In family life, power and certain callousness does not affect the best way. Summarizing the characters of people with the names of the gold color, we can say that their unshakability and hardness of the spirit determine the strengths, and excessive rigidity and authority are negative qualities.
  • If such people choose as an amulet gold, then it further enhances selfishness and authority. To soften these qualities, it is better to select jewelry with spinel, jasper, pink quartz, rhodonitis or corundum.
What color is your name?
What color is your name?

What female and male name does the golden color correspond to?

  • The list of such names related to purely gold is small - Vyacheslav, Irakli, Leonty, Ruslan, Rustam, Jason.

The meaning of other colors in the human name

  • Scarlet - unbalanced, unpredictability, the desire to achieve the goal by any means. Easy to fall under someone else's influence, are not able to calculate forces, often make mistakes.
  • Crimson- People with an unstable nervous system who cannot stand loneliness are difficult to converge with other people.
  • Burgundy- They are distinguished by nonsense, energetic, love for a change of places. Social, but do not tolerate critics in their address. Persistent and assertive, are optimists.
  • Lilac- corresponds to secretive and distrustful people. They are usually patient and laconic, racks and responsive. They are prone to depressive states, but are able to overcome them on their own. Names: Gerasim, David, Joseph, Svyatoslav; Anfisa, Leon, Louise, Stella, Ninel, Eliza, Elvira, Esther.
  • Lilac- Flier and proud people, they are quite vulnerable. By nature, stubborn, often enter into an argument, are inanimate. At the same time, they are quite responsible for their duties.
Lilac color
Lilac color
  • Brown- By nature, good -natured people, but at the same time are able to explode, and then they sweep everything in their path. Such contradictions in the character often lead to brown people to problems with the law.
Brown colors
Brown colors
  • Ashen- Most often, “ash” names characterize men: ineffective and picky, petty and always doubt themselves. They are quite resourceful and have cunning. It is very difficult to communicate with them. Names: Azariya, Anufriy, Vikenty, Ilya, Isaac, Leo, Moses, Naum, Solomon; Miroslava.
  • Grey-It characterizes insecure and incredulous people who are very difficult to convince of something, and even more so-convince. But at the same time, they cannot stand lies and are able to forget about decency if they see dishonesty and hypocrisy.
  • Black- The life of such people is full of trials. Fair, responsive and kind in nature, they do not always go in the right ways to achieve a good goal. In general, people with a complex psyche, prone to stress and depression. Names: Gordey, Nikolai, Timur, Fedot; Veronica, Melania.
  • White- In contrast to “black” people, a person with a white name always tries to use fair and legal methods on the way to the goal. Wisdom, openness, religiosity often leads them to the service of the church. Among other qualities - tact, talent, intelligence.

We will also talk about such colors:

Video: What color is your name?

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