TOP-20 of the most terrible and dangerous for human life and health of places on planet Earth: Description, photo

TOP-20 of the most terrible and dangerous for human life and health of places on planet Earth: Description, photo

In this article, we will consider the most dangerous places on our planet, which are better to look at only in the picture.


On our planet there are incredibly beautiful panoramas and paradise places that attract and amaze with their beauty. But the planet can terrify, and on this “blue globe” you can find places resembling hell, which is dangerous for people and animals. Usually they attract excess tourists or just adrenaline lovers. Therefore, we want to provide you with simultaneously amazing and terrible places in each corner of the planet. But we warn that some of them can harm not only health, but also life!

The most dangerous place on Earth is the Sachel desert, the region in North Africa

It is slightly above the border of the equator. An interesting pattern departs from this feature of the planet, but about everything in order. It is this place in Africa that is associated all over the world with death, which, even before our era, began to rapidly and for unknown reasons to cover the entire area. But, unfortunately, this is not the most frightening place.

  • This desert is considered the hottest place on Earth. In summer, the temperature, on not the hottest day, does not fall below 36 ° C, and winter is more similar to our spring with temperature minimums up to 21 ° C. In this case, instead of snow, real sand storms often blow.
  • The territory of this hellish scrap of the land is as much as 3900 km. The desert of its sands between the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea has launched. Sahel is located on the territory of eleven states at once, including Cameroon, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Algeria and others.
  • This desert is worse than others in that it is considered a place for death, and not for life. Constant droughts and lack of precipitation do not leave the chances of crops and other vegetation.
  • 1914 became catastrophic due to a prolonged drought, which produced to hunger and numerous deaths. A similar picture repeated in 1968-1974. But the joint forces of the World Organization of Agriculture and other world organizations, it was possible to avoid repeating the tragedy. Nowadays, the desert is not viable.
And once in this territory sorghum and African rice were grown in this territory
And once in this territory sorghum and African rice were grown in this territory

Keimada-Grandi or “Snake Island”, Brazil is the most dangerous place on the whole planet

Again, we are starting from the central strip of planet Earth. True, this area dropped slightly below the equator. But approximately a similar distance from the raising of the Sachel desert.

  • Judging by the geographical name, you might think that this is just a nice skeleton near the shores of San Paulo. Its height is 200 m, and the total area is 0.43 km². Serves as a house for the most poisonous snakes on Earth.
  • “Island Batrops” is a type of beautiful snakes with a murderous poison, one of them can cause instant murder of tissues, bleeding in the intestine and stomach, as well as renal failure and bleeding in the brain. 7% of the victims after their attack die on the spot.
  • The island is completely wild. Of modern goods, there is only a lighthouse that works automatically. The authorities decided to ban the visit of the island in order to preserve the flora and fauna in its original form.
  • Although rather, to protect people and tourists. Since it is completely impossible to escape and survive from so many snakes!
Snakes on this island everywhere and in huge numbers
Snakes on this island everywhere and in huge numbers

The most dangerous islands on our planet

We combined them into one separate group. Although they, together with the island of Keimada-Grandi, are on the list of the worst islands. But this is not a merit of nature, but the result of human life and activity.

  • Poveglia - The Venetian island with bad fame. At first he served as a crematorium for the dead and patients with a plague. And in the twentieth century, he became a house for mental patients. In the treatment of insane patients, torture and other not quite humane methods were used.
  • Ramri In Burma, he became famous for the fact that in 1945 military operations were held in this area. A terrible tragedy occurred on the island. The allied troops pushed Japanese soldiers who had to retreat into the territory of impassable swamps. Swamp waters in these places are teeming with crocodiles. As a result, thousands of soldiers were eaten or could not escape from the swamp trap.
  • Japanese island Issu, where increased volcanic activity and a very high accumulation of toxic sulfur gases in the air. The local residents conduct an experiment, paying them funny bags. People should wear special masks daily so that scientists can study the actions of poisons on the human body.
  • Garbage island or "Pacific garbage stain". This is not a natural island, but the consequences of human irresponsibility. The size of this disaster, like the American state Texas. It will not be possible to take a walk around the island, a lot of garbage with your head will instantly suck you.
  • Island Fiji - This is a paradise island with a terrible story today. Not so long ago, the tribes of cannibals lived there, which I still consider human flesh the most delicious meat.

Important: these islands cannot be called a landmark or a paradise place, they are dangerous for people's lives. But where without extreme. There are always tourists who want to “tickle their nerves” as a result pay a great price for this, losing life and health.

Because of a person, a large accumulation of garbage has turned from a floating island
Because of a person, a large accumulation of garbage has turned from a floating island

The most dangerous place on Earth is the Danakil desert in the north of Ethiopia

The place is more like real hell on Earth. There is also a certain relationship with the equator, since it is only slightly higher than this feature.

  • In this place, nature and people are equally dangerous. The desert territory is huge about 100 thousand km². The temperature in a lifeless place reaches 70 ° C.
  • Despite this, there are indigenous people of Afara who survive by mining salt. The tourist attractions of this place is a lake in which oil and sulfuric acid, as well as often erupting volcanoes and toxic geysers instead of water.
  • On the territory are the current volcano Erta Ale and as many as five more sleeping: Ayalu, Dolole, Asavio and others.
  • To all the natural wealth of attractions, visitors run the risk of being stolen by local robbers due to local conflicts on the desert.
Danakilt is interesting for its appearance, but dangerous inside
Danakil desert is interesting for its appearance, but dangerous inside

Oymyakon, the Russian Federation is not so much dangerous as the coldest place in the world

A small village in the Russian outback, which is lost somewhere in cold Siberia. Officially, this is the coldest territory on planet Earth.

  • The temperature can drop to the indicator -64 ° C of frost. Despite this, the local population constantly lives in the village, however, only about 500 people. Oymyakon is located on the banks of the Indigirka River.
  • The concept of day and night differs from our understanding, because the duration in the winter and summer time varies significantly. The length of the day changes from 4 hours to winter to 20 hours in the summer. Nights here are white, local is also known such a thing as navigation and astronomical twilight.
  • The climate is complex, since there is a large amplitude of the average monthly temperature indicators. In summer it can be very hot - up to 36 ° C, and in winter it is impossible coldly - up to 65 ° C.
  • The benefits of civilization are almost inaccessible to local, mobile communications work poorly, and agriculture is not particularly developed. But there is an airport with the same name - “Oymyakon”. True, you can fly away from there only if weather conditions allow.
It is beautiful here only in the photo, but in life it is incredibly cold
It is beautiful here only in the photo, but in life it is incredibly cold

Syria or Syrian Arab Republic is the most dangerous place due to hostilities

The borders of the state was washed by the warm Mediterranean Sea, and countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan and others are neighbors.

  • The ancient settlers once lived on the territory at the beginning of the 5th st. BC, and the capital of the state of Damascus is one of the most ancient cities, which, unfortunately, was practically destroyed.
  • Having such a rich history, in our time Syria is a conflict zone. The country is destroyed by war, and the flowering state turned into ruins. The parties to the conflict is the army of Bashar al -Assad, the current president, and opposition forces.
  • In addition, the terrorist organization, which is known as the Islamic State, has its own plans for this territory. Cities and settlements are attacked from the Earth and air, thousands of people die. This country with a magnificent past cannot be visited with a tour, since it is very dangerous.
The country in the great stories is practically destroyed
The country with great history is practically destroyed

Powerful Sinabung volcano is a new most dangerous place on the planet

Active stratovulcan even sounds menacing. By the way, we also note the similarity with the border of the equator. Moreover, the volcano is located on its territory.

  • Only the inhabitants of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia get along with such a neighbor. A volcano with a height of 2460 m, is located near the city of Medan. There are 12 villages in its vicinity, whose inhabitants live in constant danger.
  • Until 2010, the volcano was considered sleeping, as it was not erupted for more than 400 years. But from 08/29/2010 he moved to the active phase. That night, local residents will never forget, because many even had to leave the house at home.
  • Now Sinabung is erupting almost every year, in 2018 the eruption was February 19. Then a pillar of stones, ash and dust rose to as many as 5 thousand km. Sinabung is the cause of the death of many people who did not have time to be saved. And do not risk your life, visiting such a landmark, even when the volcano does not work.
The volcano is erupted almost every year
The volcano is erupted almost every year

“Skeleton shore”, Namibia is the most dangerous place that fascinates with its frightening beauty

Another state of the territory of Africa, in the very south of the mainland, continues the list of terrible places.

  • The territory of the “Board of Skeletons” is located between the banks of the two rivers Kunen and Ugab. On the one hand, there are a lot of fish in the local waters, which has made a place popular for fishermen around the world and sea cats.
  • On the other hand, the shore was not in vain received its name. Here you can see the remains that crashed against the insidious shores and the dangerous bottom, ships. Skeletons of large animals are also often found. The climate is unfavorable, and the shore is in the zone of the fog belt. Temperature indicators range from 6 ° C at night to 36 ° C during the day.
  • The place is available for visiting tourists. The authorities created the National Natural Park "Eduard Bohlen". But there are restrictions. The southern part of the park has free access, and only organized groups can be visited by the northern part, which must adhere to strict rules.
  • The place is creepy - the hulls of rusty ships that are covered with sands, and skeletons scattered across the coast create a surreal landscape.
Shore and beckons, and frightens its appearance
Shore and beckons, and frightens its appearance

The Republic of Guatemala became the most dangerous place thanks to the incredible number of volcanoes

Another country that can be called dangerous for living. Also near the equator of the Earth, rising a little north.

  • Guatemala was washed by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean. The state is located geographically in North America. The country received the name "Guatemala" during the Spanish conquest, which literally means "many trees."
  • 33 volcanoes have grown in the country, there is the highest volcano Tahumulo, whose height is 4220 m above sea level. But the most famous volcano Agua - it was he who, during the eruption, managed to completely destroy the first capital of the state.
  • In addition to volcanoes, the country is destroyed by constant floods, floods and earthquakes. The last strong earthquake happened in 1976, which claimed more than 20 thousand people and almost to the ground destroyed cities and villages throughout the country.
  • In addition to natural cataclysms, its inhabitants made this country unfavorable for existence. 54% of the locals live abroad, which led to a high level of crime. Robberies and murders for Guatemala is almost the norm. And this does not allow the country to develop normally.
On the territory of Guatemala, as many as six volcanoes, one of which
On the territory of Guatemala, as many as six volcanoes, one of which

Salt Lake Natron is the most fatal lake in the world

Traveling around the north of Tanzania, you can curse a dangerous, and at the same time, a beautiful attraction - Lake Natron. Another area of \u200b\u200bEast Africa, which takes place next to the equator.

  • Fish do not live in this lake, you can’t swim in it. The lake is alkaline and very salty. The lake from the Evaso Ngiro River is powered. The depth of the Narone is about 3 m, and the coastline changes depending on the level of water or season.
  • The water temperature in the swamp part of the lake can reach 50 ° C. The only organisms that are found in the waters of the lake are microorganisms. The products of their vital activity and give the lake a one -time, and sometimes even red color.
  • The waters of the lake are considered murderous, and the proof of this is the mummified corpses of small birds that are scattered all over the shore. But, despite this, the shore of the lake became a house for a small flamingos population.
  • A warm climate and the absence of predators allow birds to calmly hatch their eggs. The traveler will be able to appreciate the beauty of Natron, but it is not worth approaching the water close. Contact with water threatens with serious skin burns!
The lake really has red color
The lake really has red color

Sana, the state of Yemen, the Arab Republic-the most dangerous place due to constant military attacks

Sanna is the oldest capital of the world, and the current state of Yemen. The country is washed by the Red and Arabian seas. It practically comes into contact with the mainland Africa in the northeastern part. It is also located slightly above the equator.

  • The history of the capital of the state begins from the first century BC. The dignity is located in the mountains at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level.
  • The climate is deserted, it cannot boast of vegetation. Temperature +50 ° C for this region is the norm.
  • 2009 became for San and Yemen, in general, tragic - full -scale military operations unfolded in the country. The city was attacked, bombing and destruction. Due to the conflict, many civilians of the country died.
Another beautiful city that was destroyed as a result of hostilities
Another beautiful city that was destroyed as a result of hostilities

Kyrgyzstan, the city of Miluu-Suu is the most dangerous place due to radioactive uranium

Many may be perplexed why this city in a beautiful mountainous area was in the list of dangerous places of the planet. Therefore, we offer to look at him in more detail.

  • From Beshkek, the city is located at a distance of 550 km. Almost 23 thousand local residents are constantly living. First, oil was produced here, which gave the name of the river and due to the city.
  • Mailla-Suu sounds literally as "oily water." But the history of the city clearly changed the opening of Academician Fersman. He discovered radio banking in this area.
  • After that, two plants over 22 years of existence were obtained in excess of 10 thousand tons of radioactive uranium. Such human activity has done irreparable harm to the environment.
  • Now not far from the city is the largest storage in radioactive waste in the world. Since 2006, the city is in the top of the most radiation and polluted cities in the world. Living and even just travel here is very dangerous for health.
Now it is the most radioactive city
Now it is one of the most radioactive cities

Bermuda triangle is the most dangerous place for ships and aircraft

The Bermuda triangle is a mystical place in the Atlantic Ocean, whose corners create Puerto Rico, Bermuda Islands and Florida. It is located close to the equator, not far from America.

  • The area is considered complex in terms of navigation. Frequent storms, cyclones and shallows knock down the vessels and planes from the path.
  • There are supporters and opponents of mystical theory. Some argue that the weather is to blame. Others are sure that there were no aliens and other anomalies. History is known for the loss of more than a hundred large air and sea judges. And all this in some hundred years.
  • The most famous case occurred in 1945. On December 5, Avenger fighters flew out of the US military base. Experienced pilots made a normal flight, the weather was clear, and the sea was calm.
  • But five aircraft from the entire link mysteriously disappeared. The wreckage has not yet been found. You can believe in mysticism or rely on complex weather in the region, but the place really destroyed many ships and planes, and with them hundreds of people. Therefore, it is considered one of the most dangerous on Earth.
Bermuda triangle The most famous BB of the world
Bermuda triangle The most famous BB of the world

Dallol is the most dangerous city without people in Ethiopia

And again continues the list of the terrain on the African continent, almost on the equator line.

  • The settlement and the volcano of the same name are located near the hollow of Danakil. The settlement is uninhabited, according to the organization of statistics in Ethiopia.
  • High indicators of the average annual temperature - 34, 4 ° C. What made the settlement the hottest on the planet. These are not all the difficulties of the place, it is very inaccessible - there are no normal roads, but you can get out with caravan routes.
  • The territory near the settlement, near the Dallol volcano, is dangerous with numerous thermal springs. They constantly jump to the air toxic gases, the temperature of which is prohibitively high.
  • Go on a trip to this settlement, how to get to another planet. It will be possible to see beautiful unearthly landscapes, but uniforms should be no worse than the spacesuit of astronauts.
People had to leave their homes
People had to leave their homes due to poisonous gases

Severnaya Sentinelsky Island, India is the most dangerous place due to the indigenous population

The Indian Island "North Sentinel Island" is in Bengal Gulf. This is another beautiful, green and, at the same time, a very dangerous plot of land on planet Earth. The point here is not at all in nature, but in its local residents. But first things first.

  • Sentinels are the natives who live on the island. Very aggressive and unfriendly people. If you want to visit their house, then, most likely, you will be killed.
  • Locals do not want to be friends with other civilizations, and India authorities have no desire to intervene in their internal affairs.
  • The lifestyle of the Sentinels is primitive, because they are still trying to drive away a helicopter that sometimes examines the territory from the air, ordinary arrows. But if they do not harm the helicopter, then people may well, which has been proven by these natives more than once.
Sentinelian island is terrible for its aggressive settlement
Sentinelian island is terrible for its aggressive settlement

Deadly Lake Nyos, Country Cameroon is the most dangerous place on the top of the volcano

But Africa does not stop in dangerous previous places. Other attractive and frightening places also hid in it.

  • Nyos - the lake, which is located in the crater of the volcano at an altitude of 1091 meters. The lake is already about 400 years old. It was formed due to the explosion after the collision of groundwater with lava.
  • Deep lake - about 210 m, but completely lifeless. In its waters there are toxic elements of carbon dioxide.
  • And it has already demonstrated its murderous character. In 1986, 1700 people said goodbye to life due to his activity. The reason was carbon dioxide, which escaped to the surface, and two powerful streams flooded the territory of 27 kilometers, killing all living things in the way.
  • The tragedy is known as the "limnological disaster." Since 2000, experts have been degrading the lake. Despite this, the place is still dangerous to the world around him.
The lake that formed on the crater of the volcano is extremely poisonous and dangerous
The lake that formed on the crater of the volcano is extremely poisonous and dangerous

Republic of Haiti The most dangerous place for tourists

If you heard about the island of bad luck, then this is about Haiti. He suffers from nature, and at the hands of the inhabitants themselves. Be in the southern part of North America.

  • Literally, the name of the republic is translated as a “mountainous country”. But we can also say that this is a country of hurricanes.
  • Haiti is the poorest country on the American continent. While the neighboring Dominican Republic is flourishing, Haiti was overwhelmed by rebellions and coups, from which the economic situation was getting worse.
  • Below the poverty level of 60% of local residents, which led to an increase in the percentage of crime, murders and robberies.
  • A country, dangerous for tourists, it is visited only on special passing and with security.
Haiti is on the verge of poverty and at the peak of crime
Haiti is on the verge of poverty and at the peak of crime

Burkina-Faso is the beloved city of terrorists and robbers and the most dangerous place for travelers

  • The state without its own access to the sea. Borders with Nigeria, Mali and Benin. The names of the country literally sounds like “the homeland of honest people”, but reality is far from this.
  • Most likely, this is the birthplace of pirates, terrorists and robbers. Attacks on restaurants, hotels and shops are a very frequent event.
  • And constant coups and rebellions made the region unstable and dangerous for tourists. If you do not want to be captured, bypass this country.
Another place that is famous for dangerous robbers and criminals
Another place that is famous for dangerous robbers and criminals

Death Valley, the USA is the most beautiful, famous and dangerous place on the planet

  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe lifeless desert of Mohava, the USA's natural park "Death Valley" is located in the United States. She is famous for stone formations, which are about 500 years old. The territory of the park is 13.628 km².
  • The name of the valley received the name of the 1949, when a group of gold miners wanted to cross the valley, but not all of them the desert allowed this. One person died, the rest came completely exhausted.
  • If we talk about the hottest together on the planet, then the valley enters and even heads this list. The temperature in summer is about 46 ° C, in winter drops to 0 ° C. The highest temperature, which managed to fix 56.7 ° C.
  • But, despite this, in such difficult conditions, prehistoric insects and some species of fish were able to survive.
  • The death valley has even its sights. This is Badwater-the lowest point of the planet, the mountain “telescope peak” with a height of 3367 m and the valley of Lake Raystrek-Playa, which has long dried up.
Death Valley - a park that is beautiful only in the photo
Death Valley - a park that is beautiful only in the photo

Fukushima is a radioactive and most dangerous place for life

  • The Japanese learned what an atomic disaster is March 11, 2011.
  • After the strongest earthquake, the tsunami formed, which damaged, and then completely disabled the constant and reserve equipment of the nuclear power plant.
  • The reactors cooling systems did not work, then a nuclear explosion occurred. Now it is a zone of alienation. The locals had to leave their homes, cars and personal belongings forever, since the level of radiation near the station was very high.
  • It is impossible to live there yet, although the authorities do everything to clean the territory. This tragedy made you think about the transition to alternative energy again.
Another city that suffered from the explosion of the nuclear power plant
Another city that suffered from the explosion of the nuclear power plant

The world is beautiful and terrible at the same time, the planet knows how to demonstrate its sultry character. And we, her permanent inhabitants, need to remember this always!

Video: The most dangerous places on Earth

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