Is there a purple eye color in nature in people: photo. How many people in the world have the rarest purple eye color?

Is there a purple eye color in nature in people: photo. How many people in the world have the rarest purple eye color?

In this article you will learn about the purple color of the eyes, and who had such eyes from celebrities.

There is an assumption that the first people on Earth had only dark eyes, they had dark skin, as they lived in a warm climate. And now most people with brown eyes. But in the northern countries there are often men and women with light skin and gray, blue, very rarely - purple eyes.

Some scientists believe that the light color of the eyes appeared from mixing different peoples and a genetic mutation. And if blue and gray eyes with shades are quite common, then purple eyes are a rarity. In this article we will talk about purple eyes.

Is there a purple eye color in people?

The color of the eyes depends on 2 factors:

  • The presence of melanin in the body and the iris - the larger, the darker the eyes
  • The density of the iris of the eye - the denser, the lighter the eyes

Attention. In newborn children, the amount of melanin is small, so almost all children are born with blue or light gray eyes. Gradually, for about six months, in most children the color of the eyes changes, but in some children the eyes remain the same.
With age, the amount of melanin decreases, and in old age, people have eyes brighten.

Violet eyes from nature are very, very rare. There are such eyes a few dozen on the whole planet. The purple color of the eyes is formed if there are approximately the same amount of melanin in the iris as with blue eyes, and the features of refractiveness of light.

There are several theories, how the purple eye color is formed:

  • Theory of Alexandria
  • Markezani syndrome
  • Albinos
Purple eye eye

Violet eye color according to the theory of Alexandria

In one village in northern Africa, where the river flows. Neil, there was a bright flash of light. And after her, a girl with purple eyes and bright skin, called Alexandria, was born in this village. Having matured, Alexandria gave birth to 4 daughters, and also with purple eyes.

The girl has a purple eye color

Violet eye color for the disease of markezani syndrome

Markezani syndrome is a disease characterized by a small growth of a person, underdevelopment of arms and legs, and problems with a crystal, as a result of which purple eye color is often manifested. The German ophthalmologist Markezani opened the disease in 1939.

What does the purple eye color mean in people?

People with purple eyes are soft, sociable, interested in the world around them. In business, they are reinforced and diligent. They are easy to offend, but if you ask for forgiveness, they will quickly forgive. The second half is difficult.

Violet eye color

Is there a purple eye color in albinos?

Albinos are people who have no melanin in the rainbow shell at all. They have very white skin, hair, and their eyes sometimes seem red due to the transmission of blood vessels, and given that the rainbow shell is blue, and in cases where it is reflected stronger, a purple hue is obtained.

Albinos cannot be sunbathed and appear in the sun. This is an autoimmune disease.

Violet eye color occurs in albinos

How many people in the world have the rarest purple eye color?

In addition to Elizabeth Taylor, other celebrities did not meet a purple eye. Anyway, it should be very lucky to meet such eyes on the street.

Probably because purple eyes are a rarity, and in order to make their novel unique, some authors endow their heroes with a purple eye. These are books:

  • The author Vera Kashma, a fantastic cycle of novels “Chronicles of Artia”, where purple eyes of the whole genus of Villo-Grisier.
  • The author of the fantastic cycle of the novels “Congregation” Nadezhda Popova describes the amazing purple eyes of Margaret von Shenborn.
  • The famous writer Anatoly Rybakov Nikolai Yezhov, the head of the NKVD, in the novels “Fear” and “Children of Arbat”, also endowed with violet eyes.

Purple eye color Elizabeth Taylor

The famous American actress Elizabeth Taylor had 2 types of genetic mutations:

  • She had purple eyes like mythical Alexandria
  • Distygiasis - 2 rows of eyelashes

Thanks to dense eyelashes and purple eyes, many envied Elizabeth Taylor, but such mutations are associated with diseases of the heart, which is why the actress died at 79 years old.

So, in this article we learned a little more about the purple color of the eyes.

The most famous owner of purple eyes is American actress Elizabeth Taylor

Video: The rarest color of the eyes. TOP-5

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