How to recognize and overcome insomnia? What diseases can insomnia occur?

How to recognize and overcome insomnia? What diseases can insomnia occur?

People suffering from insomnia do not even imagine how much harm to their health can do this harmless, at first glance, disorder. In fact, a multiple violation of the structure of sleep requires immediate correction of lifestyle.

The restoration of the lost forces, relaxation of the body, maintaining a working state, beauty and health is impossible without high -quality deep sleep, lasting at least 8 hours a day.

If you are familiar with unpleasant painful sensations that arise before going to bed from “scrolling” in the thoughts of incidents experienced during the day and reflecting problems, or nightly causeless awakening, perhaps you suffer from insomnia. Those who have difficulties with evening falling asleep can suspect insomnia in themselves insomnia.

BessonThe causes of chronic insomnia

Chronic insomnia is said when for more than 1 month there are difficulties with falling asleep and shallow short sleep. For a long time, it is not possible to sleep well, plunged into sleep completely. The causes of chronic insomnia can be:

  • changing the situation (moving, the appearance of irritating factors)
  • change of work, type of activity
  • depression
  • mental disorder associated with an injury or illness transferred in the recent past
  • heart diseases
  • diseases causing physical pain
  • kidney diseases complicated by frequent urination
  • apnea
  • bronchial asthma
  • consuming a large amount of coffee, alcohol
  • abuse of psychotropic drugs

Important: the development of chronic insomnia indicates the presence of serious health problems. In this case, self -medication is extremely undesirable, since it can further aggravate the patient's condition.

Besson 33Causes of insomnia in children

According to statistics, every fifth child is experiencing a dream problem with sleep. Often children's insomnia is temporary, and in addition to violation of the regime, nothing bad happens. But in some cases, sleep disorder can negatively affect the health of the child: in addition to the appearance of fatigue, weakness, anxiety and dizziness, brain activity may slow down.

The reasons for insomnia depend on the age of the child. From birth to year The kid can confuse day with night due to imperfection of the nervous system. Growing up, the child gets used to the right regime and his dream is normalized. But if the night wakefulness of the baby is accompanied by crying, tears or other manifestations of discontent, parents need to carefully observe the child to exclude:

  • colic, pain in the tummy
  • pain in the ears
  • diaper rash, irritation, sweating

Less commonly, light or noise can interfere with a baby. But the overdled air and heat in the room can cause discomfort, which is why the dream will be restless and shallow.

Spoil the night sleep for children 36 years can:

  • pondering the information received per day
  • overexcitation obtained as a result of viewing cartoons
  • developing colds

Pupils They don't sleep at night because:

  • worried about study, performance
  • afraid of upcoming tests, exams
  • quarreled with the best friend/ girlfriend
  • parents limit freedom, trying to impose their point of view
  • parents banned a computer/ phone/ TV
  • serious health problems have appeared

Important: if children's insomnia has taken a chronic form, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Besson in a childCauses of insomnia in adolescents

The dream of a teenager is different from children's and adult sleep. This is due to the lack of hormone - melatonin responsible in the body of adolescents responsible for the dream of hormone. Very easily young people go astray from normal sleep schedule for insignificant reasons. The impetus for teenage insomnia can serve:

  • insufficient physical activity
  • the acquisition of bad habits
  • diet, violation of food
  • excessive passion for computer games
  • large mental stress, complex curriculum
  • emotional experiences, first love
  • the course of natural age -related physiological changes

Important: a teenager experiencing a deficiency of quality sleep becomes irritable, aggressive, moody. Studying is difficult due to a deterioration in memory and a sense of constant fatigue.

To help the teenager return to normal life, parents need:

  • prohibit the child late meals
  • maximize the watching TV and computer games in the evening
  • create a cozy, comfortable environment in the house
  • talk to your son or daughter, learn about the problems and experiences of the child, support
  • do not punish the teenager, do not find out the relationship with him before bedtime

Important: if the measures taken by parents did not help, and insomnia from the teenager has acquired a chronic form, you need to contact a psychologist to clarify the true causes of the disorder.

Insomnia in adolescentsCauses of insomnia in women

Insomnia often becomes a faithful companion of a modern woman. A woman can find such a “girlfriend” for the following reasons:

  • conflicts at work
  • mounted labor schedule
  • problems in personal relationships, in the family
  • dissatisfaction with your own life
  • depression
  • consuming a large amount of coffee, tea, chocolate
  • uncontrolled intake of sleeping pills
  • drinking alcoholic beverages
  • development of diseases accompanied by pain

Important: insomnia acts on a woman depressing. In addition to acquired irritability and fatigue, the woman now and then falls into a nap in the middle of the day. This can happen at the workplace, in public transport, in responsible meetings. To get herself out of this sleepy state, a woman drinks a lot of coffee, thereby forming a vicious circle.

Bess with menopauseThe causes of insomnia in pregnant women

Pregnancy is a special excellent state of the female body, when a new life is born and develops inside it. The role of a woman in the formation of this little man is enormous: the health and psycho -emotional state of her unborn child depends on the lifestyle and behavior of her mother. Insomnia is capable of overshadowing pregnancy at any time. Moreover, even a woman who has never previously suffered such disorders can occur in sleep mode. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • heartburn, discomfort in the stomach, toxicosis
  • the need for frequent urination
  • forced uncomfortable sleep pose
  • low's pain
  • feet in the IKR area reduces a cramp
  • lack of oxygen
  • restless thoughts about the upcoming childbirth and well -being of the child
  • alarming dreams, nightmares

Important: sleep disturbance during pregnancy does not always indicate any unpleasant sensations or discomfort. Sometimes insomnia is just an attempt by the body of a pregnant woman to prepare for future motherhood. After all, when the baby is born, mom will have to sleep sensitively and several times a night to wake up with the child for night feeding.

Insomnia with menopause

The extinction of reproductive function in women is often burdened with sleep disturbances. It is necessary to fight insomnia during menopause, since during menopause it can quickly develop into chronic, and cause a lot of harm to health. Women experience difficulties with sleep because of:

  • night tides
  • accelerated heartbeat
  • growing sense of anxiety and fear
  • severe irritability

Important: with insomnia during menopause, a woman needs to see a doctor. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe treatment with hormone replacement therapy, which will help get rid of the unpleasant consequences of menopause.

Causes of insomnia in men

Insomnia has become a fate of business men who often make a choice between sleep and work in favor of the second. Sometimes, of course, to go to bed in time, a man can interfere with such factors as:

  • tV, computer games
  • drinking alcohol, smoking
  • eating before bedtime, coffee
  • stress
  • depressive state
  • submissible work schedule
  • performing physical exercises before bedtime
  • sedentary lifestyle, small energy costs

Important: insomnia has a destructive effect on the male body. First of all, the production of testosterone - male sex hormone slows down or stops, which leads to a decrease in potency. The man becomes irritable and aggressive. In addition, constant drowsiness can cause a car accident or accident in responsible work. In addition, in the blood of a constantly lacking man, the level of sugar increases over time, which can lead to the development of diabetes and obesity.

Causes of insomnia in menInsomnia in old age

Often older people complain of insomnia. More than 50% of people over 65 years of age regularly take sleeping pills. Sleep disorder in advanced people is associated with the development of brain dysfunction. Social, medical, psychogenic factors can aggravate the situation.

In an elderly person, insomnia can quickly acquire a chronic form. This happens for a number of reasons, including: pain in the legs, neurological disorders, night apneal, ischemia, hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure, bronchial asthma, diabetes.

Important: insomnia often haunts old age people in a depressed state. They are characterized by disturbing dreams, difficulties with night falling asleep, early awakening, the emergence of fear from a sense of helplessness and defenselessness.

In order for the fight against insomnia in an elderly person to give positive results, it is necessary, first of all, to detect and eliminate its root cause.

Resonstial research methods

In order to prescribe the correct treatment, or to direct the patient to the right specialist, the doctor must conduct studies of insomnia and the causes that cause it.

First of all, the doctor should get acquainted with the history of the course of the disease. To do this, the patient will have to answer a number of a wide variety of questions regarding all areas of his life.

Important: you need to answer questions truthfully, since it is these answers that can immediately, without conducting further research, bring the doctor to the true causes of insomnia.

The survey will follow the inspection. The doctor, with the help of medical instruments, devices and devices, examines the patient. If the cause of insomnia has not been determined in this way, analyzes are prescribed. Usually this is a general test of blood and urine, the amount of glucose in the blood, the level of hormones.

Important: the results of the analyzes will help the doctor confirm or refute his assumptions about the true causes of insomnia and recognize the disease that has hidden in the body.

An expensive, inaccessible but very effective method of researching insomnia is polysonography. This procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis, in a dream, and allows you to study in detail the activity of the muscles, the duration and quality of the phases of sleep, the amount of air that enters the mouth and nose. At this stage, it is usually possible to accurately determine the cause of insomnia and choose a way to eliminate it.

More accessible, but less effective is another study - actigraphy. This is the process of recording the daily level of activity, muscle condition, sleep and wakefulness of the patient on a special device. The results of this study often provide an occasion to prescribe additional tests.

If the studies conducted by the therapist did not help determine the cause of insomnia, he will give directions for a consultation with a somnologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and neuropathologist, who, in turn, will try to help get rid of insomnia and its consequences.

Methods of treatment of insomnia

Insomnia can be cured with medicines, hypnosis or folk remedies.
Drug treatment involves taking one or more drugs from the list:

  • sleeping - removes symptoms, but does not treat the cause of insomnia. Should not be accepted for more than 14 days, otherwise the appearance of dependence is possible
  • tranquilizers, 3-drugs-help to relax, get rid of obsessive and anxious thoughts, but cause addiction and can cause a serious mental disorder
  • melatonin - is used in advanced cases of chronic insomnia to regulate the sleepy cycle. Has many unpleasant side effects
  • homeopathic remedies-only a homeopathic doctor can prescribe, in the arsenal of which there is a whole list of drugs that can have a certain effect on the patient’s mental state.

Psychotherapists perform treatment with hypnosis. For several sessions, an experienced doctor can achieve good results.

Important: hypnosis has no contraindications and side effects, however, therapy should be performed with a high -class specialist, since you need to introduce and remove the patient from sleep in a special way.

Folk remedies can be used when it is not about chronic insomnia. Soothing herbal teas will help to get rid of a random failure of sleep mode.

Treatment with drugsInsomnia after depression

Insomnia and depression are two states closely interconnected. Often in patients in a depressed state there is a violation of the sleep regime, at the same time, chronic insomnia can cause depression.

Clinical depression is manifested by a strong mood disorder. The patient is haunted by a feeling of helplessness, insecurity, unnecessary, hopelessness, depression and sadness. This condition holds a person in tension even at night, forcing unpleasant exciting events again and again, and causes insomnia. In turn, constant lack of sleep, closing the circle, gradually exacerbates the psychological state.

If you do not treat deep depression, accompanied by chronic insomnia, then a person can be “on the verge” for some time, and then take an attempt to take his own life.

Insomnia treatment for depression

The treatment of insomnia in depression is very specific and requires a competent professional approach. The doctor prescribes at the same time antidepressants and sedatives. During the treatment, a visit to a psychologist and independent classes are recommended.

You can help the doctor and help yourself get rid of insomnia and depression with the help of:

  • daily meditation, reading books, listening to easy music
  • morning sports, regular charging
  • refusing coffee, alcohol, smoking
  • hot shower before bedtime
  • wet and cool air in the bedroom
  • new bedding, comfortable mattress

Hygiene of sleep and rest. Prevention of insomnia

Compliance with sleep hygiene is an excellent prevention of insomnia. In order to improve the duration and quality of sleep and prevent the appearance of insomnia, it is necessary:

  • Adhere to the ritual of going to bed. Every evening at the same time, perform the same actions, observing their sequence until this is a habit and does not become a necessity.
  • Do not go to bed with a full stomach or hungry. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.
  • At the time of the transition to sleep, do not think about daytime problems and incidents.
  • Do not smoke before going to bed, do not drink coffee and alcohol.
  • Do not force yourself to sleep and do not think about insomnia, not to be afraid of its offensive.

Important: to ensure good sleep and the prevention of insomnia, you need to try to fall asleep and wake up as often as possible in accordance with your biological clock.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CPT) for insomnia-a complex of techniques used by a psychotherapist, which allow the patient to change his alarming thoughts at the subconscious level.

KPT consists of 10 -14 sessions. As a result of treatment, the patient learns:

  • in time to identify disturbing thoughts that prevent sleeping at night, causing anxiety and concern
  • determine the significance of these thoughts, change them to more positive
  • eliminate provoking factors before the onset of a depressive state
  • use the support of others, do not hide your worries and experiences, seek advice and help
  • confidently use the acquired skills in practice

IMPORTANT: KPT requires constant work on yourself, applications of certain efforts. This method does not promise a quick effect and instant getting rid of insomnia.

Crazy help with BessonWhat diseases there is insomnia

In addition to psychological problems, insomnia may be problems with physical health. Diseases that often lead to insomnia include:

  • cardiovascular diseases
  • thyroid function
  • kidney, liver disorders
  • atherosclerosis
  • violation of the respiratory function
  • parkinson's disease
  • prostate hypertrophy
  • asthma
  • arthritis
  • apnea

Important: people with these diseases need to be especially careful with their health, and if signs of insomnia appear, do not self -medicate, but consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Psychological assistance in insomnia

When a healthy young man who does not take medicines and does not have bad habits suffers from chronic insomnia, a psychologist will be able to help him. In such cases, psychological therapy is safe and effective. The doctor will determine the psychological cause of insomnia and will help get rid of it in a short time.

Important: attempts to independently eliminate insomnia with sleeping pills or alcohol can not only aggravate the problem, but also lead to drug or alcohol dependence.

Infinitive consequences

The consequences of insomnia do not appear instantly, but always have a negative impact on all spheres of human life.

If we talk about the physical condition, then it worsens even after one sleepless night - fatigue, irritability appears, and performance decreases. Further sleep deficiency leads to a weakening of vision, the appearance of hallucinations, inhibition of brain activity, impaired concentration of attention.

Important: insomnia is a dangerous problem from the point of view of the socio-economic sphere. Due to the sleepy, sluggish state of drivers, many accidents are happening daily, due to the night lack of sleep, employees occur accidents in production.

Insomnia can also cause the development of various diseases of all internal organs and systems. In a person suffering from chronic insomnia, immunity decreases and depression appears, psychoses and anxious thoughts occur.

The consequences of BessonWhat helps to fall asleep with insomnia

When it is not possible to fall asleep for a long time, you can try to deceive your body in one of the ways:

  • Take a boring book and read it, delving into the details and details of the events described. Usually, after reading several pages of such works, a strong dream comes to a person
  • Take a walk in the fresh air. A very effective way, the effectiveness of which is explained by a temperature difference. It will immediately seem that it was completely crossed to sleep, but after returning from a walk to the apartment there will be a desire to sleep
  • You can eat a piece of cheese before going to bed or drink a glass of warm milk. These products contain a substance of tryptophan, causing a feeling of satisfaction, well -being and relaxation
  • Dry your great future. Invent your future perfect life in the imagination, in which all your dreams have come true. Think about everything to the smallest detail - the situation of your new home, your new job, your future image. Return to this ideal life every night before going to bed
  • Massage your hands and face for 7-10 minutes before bedtime. Particular attention should be paid to the fingertips and earlobes
  • Count mentally to a hundred. Let it be one hundred identical objects: tables, chairs, houses. And no one canceled a hundred sheep. The most important thing is not to go astray, and if you still get lost, start again

These are the simplest and most affordable methods that help a person who does not suffer from acute physical pain and is not in a state of deep depression.

Methods of getting rid of insomniaMedicines and sleeping pills for insomnia

You need to take sleeping pills very carefully, only as prescribed by a doctor, since they have many contraindications and side effects. Some of them cause a strong dependence and make a dream without another “dose” of sleeping pills impossible, others weaken the respiratory function.

But there are more harmless insomnia medicines that can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription and take it yourself. Such drugs include:

  • New Passit, Persen - multicomponent herbal tablets
  • Dormylat - vegetable two -component sleeping pills, contains valerian and lemon balm in a ratio of 2: 1
  • Motherland, valerian - Natural natural sleeping pills made from rhizomes of herbs
  • Melaksen - syntactic analogue of the hormone of sleep Melatonin

Important: all these funds have a calming effect, so they can also be accepted with nervous excitability. It will not be possible to cope with the chronic form of insomnia with the help of these drugs.

According to the doctor’s prescription, you can purchase the following funds:

  • Snowstock groups "Z" (Zopiklon, Zolpidem, Zaletlon) - The safest tablets that do not cause addictions and do not affect the respiratory function. However, serious complications that can lead to an overdose does not allow you to release this tool without a recipe
  • Barbiturates - Barbituular acid -based preparations. They cause strong addiction, relate to narcotic drugs. Act oppressively on the central nervous system, thereby having a sleeping pill and sedative effect
  • Donormal - A drug for quick falling asleep. After taking it, all muscles relax, so it is extremely dangerous for people with night apnea. A sleepy state accompanies a person all the next day, after taking a donated
  • Benzodiazipines (Ativan, Serrax, Restoril, Xanax, Galtsia, Librium, Paxpam, Versed) - sleeping pills - sedatives. A small dosage of benzodiazipine acts soothingly, large - like sleeping pills. Inhibit brain activity, reduces anxiety. The dependence on the drug is insignificant, however, rare cases of special addiction to benzodiazipines were noted. With a slight excess of the recommended dose, a person is confused, breathing is lost, a large amount of sweat is released, and pupils expand. If an overdose is strong - perhaps the onset of death

Folk recipes from insomnia. Treatment with folk remedies of chronic insomnia

Those who have recently encountered insomnia can try to return normal sleep with folk remedies:

Recipe No. 1. Take 50 grams of dried dill and half a liter of Kagora. Pour the wine into the pan and put on the fire. After the wine boils, pour the dill seeds into the pan, reduce the fire and cook for about 15 minutes. Then the dill obtained - the wine broth should be left in a warm dark place for 1 hour. After that - strain and pour into a glass bottle. Take 30 grams before bedtime.

Recipe No. 2. Every morning on an empty stomach, take syrup from honey, lemon and water "Borjomi". To prepare it, you will need the listed ingredients in a ratio of 2: 1: 2.

Recipe No. 3. Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir, with honey pre -dissolved in it (1 tbsp).

Recipe No. 4. Prepare a decoction of Valerian, motherwort, mint and hops (2: 3: 3: 2) by boiling for 15 minutes. Cool the decoction and take two tablespoons 3 times a day 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 5. A mixture of dried pharmacy chamomile flowers, mint, fennel and valerian root, taken in equal amounts, boil for half an hour, cool and take half a glass twice a day.

Recipe No. 6. Pour two tablespoons of dry hop cones with one glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap it up and leave for 4 - 5 hours. In the evening, strain and take 5 tablespoons before bedtime.

Recipe No. 7. Take 1 tsp. sugar and lavender oil. Add 5 drops of oil to sugar and take the product before bedtime. It is important not to immediately swallow sugar, but to absorb it for as long as possible.

Recipe No. 8. Drink a glass of hot tea made from 2 tbsp shortly before night sleep. Melissa and 1 tbsp. honey. Such a drink helps to relax and calm down, but lowers pressure.

Recipe No. 9. Take 60 chestnuts and three small cotton bags. Put 20 chestnuts in each of them, sew the bags and place them before bedtime on the bed by the head of the head, in the legs and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart. The product is very effective if you resort to it regularly. Chests need to be updated every year.

Recipe No. 10. A mixture of wormwood, mint and hops taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, sew in a small cotton pad, which you place for the night under your large pillow. The aroma of these plants will help to quickly fall asleep and keep a deep calm dream throughout the night.

Recipe number 11. Every evening before going to bed, drink a glass of warm apple knot. This tool helps with insomnia in children.

Important: all these recipes are good in cases where insomnia does not cause strong discomfort and appears periodically, from time to time. If insomnia became the cause of health problems, the occurrence of obsessive disturbing thoughts, self -medication is unacceptable.

Helps to fall asleep with an insomBath from insomnia

A reliable assistant in the fight against insomnia is a warm bath, accepted a few hours before going to bed.

Bath with spruce needles
A good relaxing effect has a spruce needles. It should be brewed in the morning, to let it stand up and pour into a bath with warm water. The color of freshly prepared spruce decoction should be dark - brown.

Bath with a decoction of root valerian
The course of baths of 14 procedures with the addition of a decoction of the root of Valerian will also contribute to the gradual disposal of insomnia. To prepare a decoction, you will need to boil 1 root of valerian in 2 cups of water for 15 minutes.

Bath with essential oil and flower petals
Add 5 drops of mint, citrus and chamomile oils to the water. Take the bath immediately before bedtime. You can also add petals of your favorite colors to the water.

Bath with hops
Add the cone of hops to the filled bath. To prepare it, take 200 g of cones, pour 0.5 l of water and boil for 10 - 15 minutes. You can use a cooled filtered decoction.

Important: the water temperature in the bathroom should not exceed 40 ° C, and the duration of the bathing is not more than 20 minutes.

Bath from BessonInsomnia: tips and reviews

People who have shown insomnia on their own advise:

  • to love and accept yourself, not to condemn yourself for not managing to fall asleep
  • write on a piece of paper about everything that is disturbed lately
  • keep the window in the bedroom open
  • visit the gym, pool
  • limit the evening watching TV,
  • using a computer
  • avoid a dense dinner
  • walk before bedtime
  • do not drink coffee in the evening
  • buy a new convenient mattress

Those who have ever come across insomnia recall: they recall:

Rita, 56 years old:

I suffered insomnia for a long time - almost a year. It arose against the background of menopause. I had a hard time. For a long time I tried to cope with this problem on my own, I did not admit to anyone that I was not sleeping at night. The children asked to look after the grandchildren during the day, to pick them up from the garden, but I could not, because I really wanted to sleep. I tried many folk remedies on myself, regularly drank sedative pills, but nothing helped.

After I fell asleep in transport, and drove my stop, I decided to contact the doctor. I regretted that I had not done this before. The doctor, having heard me, prescribed a special drug recommended for use by women of my age during menopause. Snow problems disappeared, I could not even immediately believe my happiness. My advice to all women who are faced with a similar situation: do not self -medicate, visit the doctor.

Nastya, 22 years:

I am a young mother, my son Artem is 3.5 years old. He began to sleep problems with the first days of visiting the kindergarten and lasted two weeks. I attributed everything to adaptation and did not interfere in the natural process, as it seemed to me. But time passed, and his son continued to be capricious at the morning awakening and reluctantly went to sleep after 23.00.

We solved the problem ourselves using ordinary milk. One evening, I offered my son a glass of warm milk, with a spoon of honey dissolved in it. He drank with pleasure and after half an hour sweetly fell asleep. The next day, the story repeated. Now we have a son, we have a certain ritual of going to bed - we drink warm milk and go to sleep!

Lena, 17 years old.

Mom scolded me because I loved playing computer games at night. She said that I myself create problems for myself. To some extent, I agreed with her, because in my studies I really wanted to sleep and could not understand the essence of the lesson. The appropriate assessments were given to me.

When I tried to fall asleep on time, I did not succeed. Then I turned on the tablet and played my favorite game until three to four in the morning. I fell asleep when it began to light outside the window. And after a few hours I had to get up to class. I constantly felt broken and tired, I was very tired of this condition. This continued until my mother took me a tablet, phone and laptop. Immediately I cried and was angry with my mother because I could not play, and then I did not notice how I fell asleep.

That night, for the first time in a long time, I slept and in the morning I went to study with pleasure. I liked my new condition so much that in the evening I myself gave my mother all my things so as not to start playing, even if I really want to. And again I slept well. For myself, I decided that it was better for me to relax at night, so as not to feel fatigue during the day and manage to study and walk with friends.

Arthur, 29 years old:

He turned to the doctor after he almost got into an accident on the road. I fell asleep at the wheel after another sleepless night, and innocent people could suffer from my fault. The doctor prescribed pills that I now accept whenever I have difficulties with falling asleep.

Everyone who has sleep disturbances should understand that insomnia is an abnormal state of any living organism. Without sleep, a person loses strength, health and desire to live.

If you overcome insomnia on your own, in no case should you give up and succumb to this state. It is possible to improve your well -being and over time to establish a dream will help timely seeking a doctor.

Video: how to fall asleep quickly? How to overcome the insomnia

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Comments K. article

  1. Insomnia is a very painful thing. As I recall, when my schedule was lost from flights, it was so lousy. It was saved by a tripophan (Evalar releases) this is an amino acid that is involved in the natural production of melatonin and serotonin - normalizes biorhythms

  2. From me, a year ago, after stress I had problems with sleep. For two months I suffered from insomnia. I tried to solve the problem with folk remedies. Warm milk with honey. Tea with mint and chamomile. But it all helped badly. Until a friend advised the tablets Melatonin Evalar. Now, if I can’t fall asleep, I don’t waste time, but I immediately take the drug I have checked. The price is not high. Still, when taking them, I have less time to get enough sleep and feel cheerful and rested.

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