Insomnia in adults, elderly, children, adolescents: signs, causes, treatment. What can not be done with insomnia? Insomnia - what to do: reviews, psychiatrist advice

Insomnia in adults, elderly, children, adolescents: signs, causes, treatment. What can not be done with insomnia? Insomnia - what to do: reviews, psychiatrist advice

In this article, we will talk why insomnia arises and how to treat this condition.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder when it continues an insufficient amount of time. It is difficult for a person to fall asleep and awaken in early times, while he is constantly haunted by a feeling of lack of sleep. Typically, such a disease appears due to the layout of sleep, and not because there is not enough time for it.

Sleep disorders can be observed at any age, but most often such a problem bothers people in old age. But only everyone has their own reasons why there is no dream. It can be stress, unrest and even various diseases. The problem can manifest itself during pregnancy. Regardless of the situation, it is necessary to solve the problem, because in the end it can become chronic.

Insomnia in adult men and women after 30, 40, 50, 60 years old - what to do: causes, symptoms

Symptoms of insomnia
Symptoms of insomnia

Insomnia can manifest in adults at any age. You can get rid of insomnia, but only for this you need to understand the reasons for its appearance.

So, they are as follows:

  • Hormonal background violation. Often occurs in women during menopause, but men also happen in men.
  • Stressful situations. If you are very swearing with someone, difficulties at work or not going along in your personal life, then insomnia may well begin.
  • Life changes. The beginning of a new life, for example, a move, a joyful event, and so on - this can all cause an emotional uplift, which, in fact, leads to insomnia. Usually she itself passes when emotions subside.
  • Breathing syndromes - Apnoe, Pickwick.
  • The use of agents exciting substances. When the body is in an excited state, it is very difficult to sleep, because it cannot calm down.
  • Alcohol abuse, coffee.These drinks cause sleep disorder.
  • Time jumps, for example, if you went on a trip and a change in time zones occurred, a dream may well be broken. The same applies to situations when people go to nightclubs, and then spill up in the morning.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Overeating before bedtime.When a person eats heavy food before going to bed, it becomes hard for him to fall asleep. The body begins to deal with it, and digest it instead of sleeping.
  • Unknown position, as well as a mattress or pillow.
  • Painfrom intestinal disorder or too high activity.
  • By the way, gadgets before bedtime They can also provoke insomnia. They make the eyes strain and the production of melatonin - the hormone of sleep decreases.

When some of the causes appear, the first symptoms immediately appear. First of all, I want to sleep all day, but at the next attempt to fall asleep nothing happens. In addition, a severe sensation appears in the eyes and bruises may form. There is indifference to everything that happens around. If you still manage to fall asleep, then it is difficult for a person to fall asleep again. In addition, if you can’t fall asleep without taking drugs, then this is already an alarming symptom.

Insomnia in the morning - what to do: reasons

The reasons for insomnia
The reasons for insomnia

Each person, in order to get enough sleep, needs 7-8 hours. When sleep is not enough, this greatly affects the general condition and performance. Only sometimes people fall asleep normally in the evening, but then they wake up at 4 in the morning or a little later, and then they can’t fall asleep. It's okay if the situation occurs only once, but when it happens daily, you should think.

You can get rid of this type of insomnia, but first, establish the reason why this happened. And when it is eliminated, you can start treatment:

  • Go to bed at one time. This will improve sleep quality. When a person falls asleep at the same time, the reflex is produced and the activity is gradually reduced by the time of leaving for sleep.
  • Move more during the day. If all energy is not spent during the day, it will be difficult to fall asleep.
  • Walk more often. Fresh air is useful for the body. After a walk, it’s easier to fall asleep. It is advisable, by the way, to ventilate the room.
  • Exclude the use of nicotine and alcohol. Better good. As a rule, their influence makes the dream poorly and it is possible that a person will wake up early.

Please note that using sleeping pills is not recommended. This can be done exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. If he does not advise doing this, then you should not self -medicate. At the same time, you can drink simple soothing teas on herbs, for example, with mint, lemon balm. This is not sleeping pills, but allows you to calm down a little.

Insomnia in adults - what to do, what kind of medication, pills: treatment

Treatment of insomnia
Treatment of insomnia

Of course, you can get rid of insomnia with the help of drugs. We will tell you about them, but it is not recommended to take them without a doctor’s appointment. Moreover, drugs may have some contraindications.

First, let's talk about plant drugs. They are the most gentle of all. As a rule, the composition includes exclusively natural plant components.

  • Biolan. The drug allows us to normalize the work of the central nervous system, and insomnia passes from this. The drug is not cheap, but it is considered the safest. At the same time, Biolan strengthens the body, improves blood circulation of the brain and increases performance.
  • Orto-Taurin. This drug includes many useful substances. It allows you to improve sleep and increase performance. As the reception, irritability passes and the mood improves. The product is used with a course of 10-30 days and one capsule before bedtime.
  • Balansin. A combined type. If you regularly take one tablet twice a day, you get the best effect. Thanks to the balancer, the lack of vitamins and other beneficial substances is replenished. As a result, it becomes easier to cope with great emotional stress.
  • Neurostabil. The drug includes medicinal herbs, as well as vitamins of group B. It is used not only in folk medicine. Even doctors use it for prevention or treatment. It is taken for a month for two tablets.

There are special drugs. Each of them has the principle of action. So, they are as follows:

  • Rozey. It allows you to return the dream to normal, but it does not affect the central nervous system. Experts say that it can be taken for a long time and it does not cause any addiction.
  • Ambene. With it, you can fall asleep for half an hour. This is a sleeping pill, and therefore a doctor can prescribe it. At the same time, it cannot be taken for a long time - a maximum of 10 days.
  • Lononest. It also helps to fall asleep quickly and for 7-8 hours. So if you are not sure that you can sleep so much, then it is better not to use it. Otherwise, you will feel not quite sleepy.
  • Sonata. It is a new generation drug. It can be drunk at any time and even for any sleep time. It quickly leaves the body and therefore the next morning there are no side effects.
  • Zolpidem. Available in tablets. After taking, falling asleep occurs after 11-30 minutes. The drug is not intended for a course intake, this can be done periodically when it is not possible to fall asleep. By the way, unwanted side effects may appear from its use, for example, obsessive thoughts, headaches and drowsiness.
  • Sleep. It has fewer side effects, unlike the previous drug and the body tolerates it well. Although, headaches may appear that may intensify. When using the drug, a diet that eliminates fats should be observed.

Very strong, terrible, terrible insomnia - what to do at home: Folk remedies

You can get rid of insomnia with the help of traditional medicine. At the same time, they are very popular. Today, traditional medicine can offer many means that affect the body softly and have practically no side effects. Usually, drug fees are prepared to eliminate insomnia. They allow not only to remove insomnia, but also various related diseases.

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What can not be done with insomnia?

When a person wants to get rid of insomnia, he should know not only what needs to be done, but also what is not worth doing.

In fact, excessive activity should be avoided, because then it will be difficult to set yourself up for sleep. So, about a couple of hours before falling asleep, refuse active actions. Better lie down and relax, you can take a bath with salt or herbs. This will allow you to tune in to sleep.

In no case do not sit in front of the computer. If you play various games or just sit on social networks, then sleep hormone - melatonin will be poorly produced. Accordingly, it will not work to fall asleep.

Moreover, do not overeat. Even if you eat tightly, it will be difficult for the body to fall asleep, because it will be busy digesting food.

Insomnia from antidepressants - what to do?

When taking antidepressants, sleep problems may begin. In this case, you can get rid of insomnia in this case:

  • Take the time for sleep during the day
  • During the day, try more physically active
  • Drink drugs before bedtime
  • Refrain from work that require great concentration
  • In addition, do not drink anything at night, which may contain caffeine

If nothing helps to get rid of insomnia, then it is better to ask the doctor to reduce the dose. Then the dream should recover.

Insomnia with diabetes - what to do?

Insomnia with diabetes
Insomnia with diabetes

Snow problems often occur in patients with diabetes. They usually occur when the symptoms of the disease are pronounced. At the same time, breathing may stop during sleep, or a person has depression. In this case, it is important to start treating the disease. This will reduce the manifestation of symptoms, as well as get rid of the concomitant problem.

It is necessary to treat insomnia depending on the reasons for its appearance. For example, with an increased level of blood sugar, first it is necessary to stabilize its level. The fact is that its increased level does not allow to relax and fall asleep. You have to constantly get up to drink. There is also a reverse situation when sugar decreases. Then it becomes easier, but still it is not possible to sleep normally.

When a person has diabetes, his peripheral nerves are affected. As a result, it is more difficult for him to walk and there are pains. This means that you need to take painkillers. Until they act, a person will not fall asleep. The danger here lies in the fact that gradually the drugs cease to act and it is not possible to fall asleep.

People with diabetes may also have depression, because the disease is not treated. Against this background there is nervousness, unpleasant thoughts. You have to fight this and understand that not everything is so scary if you are treated in time.

Problems with breathing when it stops in a dream is a big problem. However, during an attack, the body experiences stress, because oxygen ceases to act. Accordingly, it wakes up and makes the muscles strain. Insomnia with diabetes should be treated with a specialist.

Insomnia with VSD - what to do?

Vegeto-vascular dystonia gives a person a lot of problems and it needs to be treated as soon as possible. One of its symptoms is insomnia.

In this case, in order to get rid of insomnia, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Contact the psychotherapist to cope with the pessimistic attitude to life. Try to tune in to the right way yourself. As a rule, it rarely comes to psychotherapy, but still it is not worth excluding it
  • Be sure to rest before going to bed, but there should not be any too emotional actions. This will lead to the excitation of the nervous system and you will not be able to relax
  • Give up the time to watch a fascinating television program or computer games
  • Take a walk in the fresh air instead and put your thoughts in order
  • Go to bed on a comfortable bed, in the dark and a cool room. You should be as comfortable as possible
  • Go to bed when you have a big desire for this
  • Do not think about the past day in bed, because it will not allow you to fall asleep
  • Before you go to bed, take the bath. But not just with water, but with the addition of needles or milk
  • Try not to eat a few hours before bedtime

Insomnia from antibiotics - what to do?

Insomnia from antibiotics
Insomnia from antibiotics

Some antibiotics have insomnia as a side effect. It even happens that they do not give specifically it, but other effects that do not allow to fall asleep normally, for example, headache or anxiety. Usually, sleep problems are rare, but still, they can be. In this case, you can get rid of insomnia in this case, but in no case medications. This is due to the fact that they can give additional side effects and will only become worse.

So it is better to do with other means. It can be warm milk, dill water or relaxing bath. In such cases, teas on herbs are very good, for example, with lemon balm or chamomile.

Just keep in mind that this method will help you only with single insomnia, if it manifests itself constantly, it is better to use relaxing herbs. They are quite effective to get rid of the disease and do not give additional side effects.

Insomnia with hypothyroidism - what to do?

Hypothyroidism is a violation of the body in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. And just the disease develops from their deficiency. When the disease has already visible symptoms, there is a probability of sleep problems. This, of course, is insomnia, but an apnea syndrome or lack of air may appear.

In principle, for treatment you can use all the above methods, but it is better to consult a specialist so that he understands the situation and prescribes the right treatment.

Insomnia after a stroke - what to do?

After a stroke, a patient must be a full sleep. But problems arise with him. As a rule, in 90% of cases there is insomnia. It leads to other problems and negatively affects treatment and restoration, because in order to get rid of insomnia, the patient has to additionally put drugs for sleeping.

At the same time, a lack of sleep leads to a slowdown in the restoration of the body and the patient himself may begin with depression. It is important to know that with insomnia the risk of developing diseases of the circulatory system increases.

In addition to taking drugs, you need to adhere to several recommendations:

  • The patient needs to be returned to a normal lifestyle, but at the same time protect in every way from stress. That is, even any pleasant topics in the conversation do not need to touch
  • Walk more in calm places where there is no noise. If a person cannot get up, then at least ventilation should be carried out
  • Often, as a result of a stroke, the patient paralyzes some limbs, and undergoing a long stay in a lying position can appear. So there should be at least some activity
  • For the patient, to distract him, you can choose a new hobby
  • In the morning, the patient should be in a bright room to reduce the production of melanin. Then he will be more awake during the day and sleep at night
  • A lot depends on the proper nutrition. Food should be eaten at least five times a day in small portions
  • People after a stroke are strictly forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol

It is quite easy to treat insomnia after a stroke, but the result depends on the patient himself. He should strive for recovery, and relatives - support him.

Insomnia with menopause - what to do?

Insomnia with diabetes
Insomnia with diabetes

With menopause, there are often sleep problems. Women are always looking for a way - how to get rid of insomnia? Usually women talk about difficulties with falling asleep and constantly wake up at night. In some cases, breathing may even stop. As a result, during the day, lack of sleep is constantly felt and other deviations are gradually developing.

The appearance of pathology is preceded by different causes, but the most important is the decrease in the production of hormones that are important for women's health. Accordingly, magnesium is absorbed in the body worse and muscle cramps appear. In addition, progesterone ceases to be developed normally, and it also affects sleep. If it is not enough, then the quality of sleep is reduced. So sleep and menopause are inextricably linked.

Experts argue that if you create favorable, comfortable conditions for sleep, then it will be much easier to sleep. And besides, try to avoid stress and bad habits. It is best to get rid of insomnia allows a stable emotional background, and for this the level of stress must be reduced. In principle, usually no special drugs are required, just herbal teas for relaxation and comfortable bed help.

I quit smoking - insomnia: what to do?

If you already decide to quit smoking or being in the process, then you should not be afraid of the question of how to get rid of insomnia. In this case, it is treated quite simply and does not require any serious attention.

There are several ways that allow you to cope with the problem:

  • First of all, tune in that you can definitely quit smoking and nothing will hinder you. Of course, there will be difficulties, but be prepared for them
  • Before going to bed, ventilate the room so that fresh air falls into it. Ideally, the temperature should be 20 degrees, but if you are more comfortable for you, you can make it
  • It is advisable to walk before going to bed or take a soothing bath with the addition of herbs to relax
  • Find a different habit for yourself, instead of smoking. For example, read books. This will help you be distracted
  • Consult a doctor, he can advise effective sedatives that will help you cope in difficult periods
  • Be sure to refuse coffee because it excites the nervous system even more

Insomnia on nervous ground, from stress, anxiety, with depression - what to do?

Insomnia from stress
Insomnia from stress

When a person is very nervous, then over time he develops insomnia. If you need to get rid of insomnia, then treatment should be started as quickly as possible. Then it will still be possible to do without all kinds of sedatives. Please note that self -medication is useless here. Moreover, it does not even make sense to treat the problem without eliminating the cause.

Accordingly, if you have a sleep from neurosis, you will first have to get rid of it. Perhaps, while you are treating insomnia, and if not, then you can already think about its therapy.

Usually doctors do not immediately prescribe medications, but recommend that you enter into sleep regimen, that is, it should be at the same time. Perhaps at first it will be difficult, but gradually it will become a habit. In addition, before going to bed, you need to postpone a computer and various emotional affairs. In a couple of hours, secure yourself calm and relax as much as possible.

Insomnia after alcohol, binge, from a hangover - what to do?

If after a stormy night with drinking alcohol, sleep disturbances suddenly occur, then do not run for tablets. It is enough simply to normalize the condition of the body and restore your biorhythm, that is, enter the normal regime. To get rid of insomnia in this case, it is important to remove toxins from the body.

Drink abundantly for their removal. Especially this applies to situations when binge occurred. In the first few days after it, the body requires a lot of water. You can also drink fruit drinks, kefir and mineral water. To eliminate intoxication, absorbents, such as smecta, coal or polysorb are well suited.

At the same time, do not forget about physical activity. It must be present necessarily, especially since it allows you to improve the general condition of the body.

There are severe forms of insomnia when you can not do without the help of a narcologist. The doctor knows exactly what to do in such cases and can prescribe medications. If you decide to take any drugs yourself, then at your own peril and risk. Aspirin helps with headache well, and if nervousness overcome and does not work to calm down, you can take some of the herbal preparations, for example, Persus or Novo-Passit. They have a minimum number of side effects and they are quite effective.

In addition, herbal teas help to cope with the disease. With a strong hangover, you should not take hot baths, this can lead to even greater problems.

Insomnia in the early stages of pregnancy at 2-4 weeks, 5-11 weeks-what to do?

In the early stages of pregnancy, girls often complain about sleep problems. In this case, you can get rid of insomnia with plant drugs. For example, Novo-Passit or Persian. Just keep in mind that you can take them exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. The main thing, make sure that this is not the cause of the disease, but simply one of the symptoms of gestation.

Be sure to tell the gynecologist about this problem, it will help to overcome the ailment and tell you how to do it correctly.

Insomnia in the third trimester at 27-40 weeks of pregnancy: what to do?

Insomnia during pregnancy
Insomnia during pregnancy

In the later stages of pregnancy, insomnia can also appear. In this case, the reason is most often a child, because he is already becoming large and active. In this case, do not immediately take pills.

First of all, put sleep mode. By the way, often girls sleep during the day and then this prevents them from falling asleep at night. If you just have such a situation, then refuse daytime sleep. It’s better to just end, but you will sleep well at night.

Keep in mind that the quality of the nutrition also matters. Refuse all harmful products, especially for dinner. At the last meal, food should be light. The ideal option is vegetables, fish, porridge and fermented milk.

The sleep room should be as comfortable as possible. Especially the mattress. At the same time, you can use the pillows for pregnant women today.

Walk more. Fresh air and activity will only benefit. So the body will receive more oxygen and the tension will pass.

Before going to bed, it is allowed to take a warm bath with the addition of soothing herbs. Be careful so that the water is not too hot.

Always remember that you can not take any sedatives if you have not consulted with a doctor, because you can harm your child.

Insomnia at the nursing mother at the GV - what to do?

When the baby is born, then then a young mother may have problems with sleep. Usually, pediatricians advise the first months with the baby to sleep so that he was calmer. This approach allows the child not only to fall asleep faster, but it is better to develop, and lactation is also established.

Nevertheless, you should not get involved in a joint dream. At the same time, mom may have difficulty sleeping. So, separate sleep and various ways to get distracted will help get rid of insomnia.

First of all, you should never forget about yourself. Distract. Go to shopping or just take a walk. In the end, read a book or meet a girlfriend. You must create only positive for yourself, and also learn to relax.

At first, you have to constantly interrupt the dream in order to feed the child at night. At first, 2-4 feeding at night may be required. It’s hard to get used to this regime and you have to somehow adapt. But over time, the child will develop a graph and he will sleep longer. Accordingly, insomnia in the mother will also pass. If from this a woman experiences stress, as sometimes happens, then in no case should you drink any sedatives. Just learn to relax in a natural way. This will be enough.

What to do if a child has 1-9 years old, 10-15 years old insomnia?

Insomnia in a child
Insomnia in a child

Not only adults suffer from insomnia. In this case, parents think about how to get rid of insomnia, because not all ways are suitable for children. Moreover, the problem can occur from birth.

There can be a lot of reasons for this - from growth jumps to diseases. To exclude serious diseases, consult a doctor. He will help to find the reason and eliminate it. If necessary, special drugs will be prescribed. But just keep in mind that your participation in the process is very important.

First of all, a regime should always be organized for a child. This applies to all children and not only small ones. Engage with your child, give him the opportunity to discard energy. To do this, play with him actively in the evening, and calm down in a couple of hours. To do this, remove the bright light, talk quieter and do not allow any loud sounds.

For each child, fresh air and the sun are important. This allows the thyroid gland to work well. By the way, if adolescents often walk, then they have much less problems with sleep.

As for drug treatment, exclusively a doctor can help. First of all, you must understand that up to three years old children are categorically prohibited by any sedatives. Therefore, with them the problem is solved by the forces of the parents and the normalization of the regime.

But if a child of 12 years old has problems, then plant drugs can already be prescribed for him. In addition, teenagers can drink teas on herbs, but not constantly, but courses. Keep in mind that before giving them, you need to understand the reasons. If he experiences strong emotional stress, then it is better to resort to psychotherapy to solve the cause of problems. In addition, aromatherapy is allowed if the child does not have allergies.

For the prevention of insomnia for children, it is important to always observe the regime. A lot is always said about him, because it is the key to health.

Insomnia torments a month - what to do?

When you can’t get rid of insomnia yourself and it continues for a month, you should contact a specialist, because, perhaps, you have chosen the wrong drug, a method of treatment. Perhaps you are developing some kind of disease and already against its background the problem has formed as one of the symptoms. In any case, do not delay this and contact a specialist.

Insomnia torments for 2-4 days, several days-what to do?

When you can’t get rid of insomnia for several days, then first try to take a rest and relax. You can drink relaxing teas and take a relaxing bath. Preparations intended for periodic administration cope with the problem. At the same time, start taking glycine with a course of two tablets per day. It will help normalize sleep and restore the work of the nervous system. It gently relieves tension and gradually the body returns to normal. However, before his reception, it is still better to consult with a specialist.

Constant, chronic insomnia - what to do: Council of a psychiatrist

Insomnia: psychologist's advice
Insomnia: psychologist's advice

There are situations when you can’t get rid of insomnia for a long time and in the end a person no longer even hopes that he can cope with her. Psychiatrists in this case are advised to adhere to several recommendations.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours. This is a normal amount of time for a good rest. Do not expect that you will be able to get enough sleep on the weekend, because you can not compensate for a weekly lack of sleep during this time. The simplest method of combating insomnia is self -massage of the face, palms, fingertips. This will allow you to relax.
  • Refuse TV and gadgets. Better read the book. It will be even better. If you woke up hunger, you can eat a little, but do not overeat. Otherwise, you will not fall asleep at all. Well, in such cases, banana, warm milk or a piece of cheese helps. By the way, a very good way for falling asleep is calm music.
  • Wake up correctly. There are two phases of sleep - fast and slow. If you wake up during a slow sleep, then a person feels lack of sleep and it seems to him that he is already tired in the morning. The dream begins with a slow phase and lasts about 1.5 hours. Accordingly, at this time you can not wake a person.
  • Play sports up to 6 hours before SNa. If you do this before, then the nervous system will not have time to calm down and it will be difficult to fall asleep. But, if this cannot be done, then take a warm bath at home to relax, but be sure to an hour after dinner. In this regard, herbal teas also show very good efficiency.
  • Equip the sleeping place. A convenient berth is the key to a great sleep. It is better to choose bedding from natural materials, in particular, cotton. By the way, it is worth abandoning the down pillows. Bamboo is best suited for sleeping. A lot depends on the mattress too. He should not pass air. Moreover, orthopedic shows itself well.

Insomnia - what to do: reviews

When a person has a question about getting rid of insomnia, he is looking for answers on the Internet. Many even share their experience or simply give advice on how to overcome the problem. In any case, how many people and opinions. You must understand that you can’t listen to absolutely everything that they say, because for you it may be harmful. So come to advice with common sense and adequacy. In addition, do not forget that you can always and even need to consult your doctor.

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Video: Insomnia. What will help you fall asleep? Live healthy!

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Comments K. article

  1. In the case of insomnia, I take a plant preparation Edas 306 of the Passamba. Softly normalizes sleep + soothes nerves. At times, it is better than any motherwort and valerian.

  2. Wife is a doctor, suffered a bad dream.
    He offered her his fermented juice (drink).
    She is a Soviet doctor and believes only scientifically proven means.
    I (biologist), I convince her - my drink also has native properties. In short, I drank before bedtime, admitted that she was better sleeping,
    Yes, and self -performance, immunity increased.
    I am proud. This is my know-how.

  3. Hello, what kind of juice? How to make it?

  4. With insomnia, be sure to fight. But here it is still important to understand why it is manifested in you. Most often against the background of stress during the day. Therefore, if you drink sedatives, buy a course at once. Very cool relaxation day/night, on natural components, reduces nervousness during the day and helps to sprinkle at night.

  5. What does it mean to buy ?? Buy drugs for depression, panic attacks or insomnia must be purchased only by prescription of a doctor !! Any specialist will say this.

  6. Olga, I support. If we talk about depression, then this is a very complex disease and it is strictly impossible to treat it independently. I’m just “boiling” myself in this, I took Fevarin for a long time, now I switched to rickery, since this drug is an order of magnitude cheaper, and the effectiveness is the same.

  7. I myself recently suffered directly ... some kind of mockery, to be honest. Only the formula of sleep Express helped. It became easier to fall asleep with her, and the dream is better on its own. It was very pleased that the composition is natural and harmless ... This is a rare big now.

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