Why stinks the navel, the smell of the navel: the causes of the appearance, treatment

Why stinks the navel, the smell of the navel: the causes of the appearance, treatment

If a person does not have health problems, then an unpleasant odor will not come from him. The exception is only sweat, which indicates the correct thermoregulation of the body, but why does the navel smell arise?

If you notice an unpleasant odor from the navel, consult a doctor. This is a signal that there are problems in the human body.

Main reasons

After cutting the umbilical cord, a scar is formed, which should be dry all his life. If you have felt a bad smell from the navel, then there is a chance of developing inflammation or other problems in the genitourinary system. Such reasons are diagnosed very often.

Why does an unpleasant odor appear
Why does an unpleasant odor appear

Often the reasons why the navel is:

  1. Incorrect body care (non -compliance with hygiene).
  2. Development of fungal infection (candidate).
  3. Problems in the urinary system.
  4. Chronic diseases that provoke inflammation.

At the slightest unpleasant odor of the navel, go to the specialist. First, he must determine the true cause, and only after that prescribe treatment. Self -medication can only aggravate the situation, so it is better to abandon it.

Non -compliance with hygiene

  • Most often, the navel in people with unusual anatomical characteristics of the scar stinks. If you have narrow or strongly tinted navel, that is, there is a great probability of reproduction of bacteria. In such scarves, many skin fat and keratinized skin cells accumulate.
  • If the scar is retracted, and dust, garbage or sand will fall into it, then there is a great probability tissue injury. This can provoke their infection.
  • At first, a pungent smell may be absent. The first symptoms of infection - itching and burning. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner so that the specialist treats the scar and remove foreign bodies. If this is not done, then this will provoke decay, which will cause an unpleasant odor.


  • One of the most common causes of pungent smell is fungal infection. One of them is candidiasis. The disease is provoked by yeast (candidate) that are located on the skin. They are harmless. But, if their habitat is warm and humid, then the development intensifies, which develops candidiasis.
  • The main signs of candidiasis - An unpleasant odor, redness of the skin and small blisters. For the treatment of infection, antifungal drugs are used. In addition, you need to abandon tight clothes.

Pathology of the urinary system

If a sharp poor smell appears in the umbilical region, the reason can be hidden in the pathologies of the urinary system:

  1. Bladder cyst. The main symptom of the disease is pain in the abdominal area and an unpleasant odor.
  2. Endometriosis. The disease occurs if the mucous membrane of the uterus grows and enters the abdominal cavity.
  3. The unusual structure of the ducts of the urine.

Why does the navel stink in pregnant women?

  • Very often, girls who are in position suffer from an unpleasant odor from the navel. Considering that during pregnancy the woman’s stomach increases, in her navel weeps and an unpleasant odor sometimes appears completely unexpectedly.
  • It is likely that after childbirth this trouble will disappear.
May appear during pregnancy
May appear during pregnancy


  • Many women who suffer from an unpleasant odor and discharge from the navel seek a doctor. The most common reason that was possible to diagnose was the piercing.
  • In pursuit of fashionable trends, women do not turn to experienced specialists. They make piercing in non -core salons, where the basic rules of hygiene (lack of antiseptic drugs) are not respected.
  • As a result, not only inflammation can develop, but also blood poisoning.

An unpleasant odor of the navel: when should you see a doctor?

With the first symptoms of infection in the navel, you must immediately consult a doctor. He will be able to determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

The first signs of infection, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor of the navel:

  1. Redness of the skin in the navel.
  2. Itching.
  3. Swelling.
  4. Release of liquid or pus.
  5. The formation of crust around the navel.
It is important to consult a doctor in time
It is important to consult a doctor in time

If you have suspicions of a cyst, consult a doctor immediately. It is likely that the cyst will burst, which will provoke additional diseases.

Navel smell: treatment

If you want to quickly and effectively get rid of the unpleasant odor of the navel, you need to decide on the methods of treatment. Before that, find out the true reason.

For example:

  1. Cyst. If signs of the disease have been seen, go to the surgeon, because only with its help you can correct the situation.
  2. Omfalitis And other infectious diseases are treated with antiseptics and antibacterial drugs.
  3. If the navel stinks, and the discharge is caused by pathological diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus), then you need Reduce blood sugar.

How to clean the navel from dirt?

  • If you regularly and correctly clean the navel, this will prevent the accumulation of keratinized skin cells, sweat and skin fat. Cleaning, carried out according to all the rules, will remove even accumulated microbes.
  • If you want to quickly and qualitatively clean the navel, use soap (like an alternative to shower gel), warm water and a body washcloth. After taking the bath or shower, thoroughly wipe the umbilical region with a clean towel to prevent the appearance of the navel.
Do not forget about careful hygiene
Do not forget about careful hygiene

Navel care

  • If dirt and microbes will accumulate inside the navel, then an unpleasant odor will not be able to avoid. Therefore, it is important to monitor your own hygiene so as not to provoke such problems. Around the navel there should not be a wet and warm environment, because these are ideal conditions for the development of fungal infections.
  • If the unpleasant odor of the navel is caused by an infection, then it is better to immediately seek help from a doctor. After he prescribes a course of treatment, and you will pass it, support the navel in cleanliness and dryness.
  • If the cause of the unpleasant odor is an infection, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment. Try do not wear synthetic tight clothes, which can increase the likelihood of developing fungal diseases.

Many are convinced that the navel does not need careful care, because this area of \u200b\u200bthe body is always closed. But this is a mistake. If you do not care for the navel, you can provoke various diseases and unpleasant, sometimes even painful symptoms.

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