How to wear a bra without harm: tips and recommendations

How to wear a bra without harm: tips and recommendations

Throughout the world, there has been a steady increase in the number of cancerous diseases, and women are especially suffering from oncology, so comprehensive and thorough studies were conducted by American scientists on this subject, and do you know what shocking conclusion they came to? It turns out that the most important enemy of a woman is a bra!

The bra not only supports the breast well, but can also contribute to the appearance of cancer cells in it. So, the Americans for the whole world said, women who put on underwear every day, risk making breast cancer by 21 times more than those ladies who completely abandon it. In 10% of the risk zone are those women who wear a bra for half a day. The same ladies who do not part with him even at night risk their health as much as it is 125 times stronger than women who completely ignore this subject of a female toilet.

Should I wear a bra?

After a thorough study of this problem, scientists with a full basis advise women to urgently take measures in order to reduce the opportunity to personally encounter such a terrible disease as breast cancer. Whether to wear a bra:

  1. Do not scoff at your body - let him relax without a bra at least at night. Sleeping in it is very dangerous!
  2. When buying a bra, do not strive to choose very close options for yourself. Remember once and for all, cute women, the more tightly it covers the breasts, the stronger The mammary and lymphatic glands suffer.
  3. Say no to the bras who The chest is raised, And not just support the type of popular Pushop models.
  4. Throw out from your wardrobe nylon bras, who also have a synthetic gasket (they arrange a real steam room for the chest!). Enough to fashion, because health is more expensive! Turn better to cotton options.
  5. No need to injure your chest every day turny sports bras - From them, soft fabrics are literally flattened.
  6. It is dangerous to wear a bra, with there are no straps. He squeezes his chest from the sides, harming these lymph nodes.
  7. The best option for women is Completely abandon the bra.
If you wear a bra - wear it correctly
If you wear a bra - wear it correctly

Why wear a bra is harmful?

Here are ten reasons why women are harmful to wear a bra:

  1. Wearing a bra it will not save the chest from sagging, or it can only cause it irreparable harm. If you do not do regular physical exercises, then the breast muscles can atrophy over time. Constantly supporting the chest from the outside, the necessary load disappears.
  2. Because of this part of the toilet the respiratory process is constrained and difficult. In pursuit of the apparent harmony, women often buy too close busts. The chest is very compressed, which interferes with free breathing, and the body rubs with straps and belt, covering it with dents. In this case, it is necessary, without delay for a second, to get rid of such a “means of torture”.
  3. If due to an uncomfortable bra The pain gives to the shoulders and neck, Throw it away! There are no such reasons why women should suffer.
  4. It is incredibly difficult to choose the right underwear for yourself. In pursuit of the perfect option, you can visit different stores for a long time, and so you can’t choose anything. Yes, and in the online store it is unlikely that you can find a suitable option for yourself, and even without fitting.

    Do not order a bust without fitting
    Do not order a bust without fitting
  5. Can not be cheap quality underwear - Just as often there are no “extra” money that could be spent on the purchase of a convenient bra. So, maybe it makes sense to abandon him at all?
  6. Bra compares the choice of clothes, because with him, for example, you can’t wear a dress that has a sexual neckline on his back. You should not refuse such an outfit, but it is certainly necessary from a bra! If you are worried about the nipples sticking under light fabric, then it is better clay them with a soft patch or special stickers.
  7. Believe me, a romantic point will only hurt, because men do not at all enjoy unfastening them. And at the most crucial moment you will not have to worry about whether the bra and panties coincide with the color.
  8. Washing things in a typewriter along with a bra, because of the hooks digging into clothes, it may come unusual. Do not forget to use for Washing bras special bags. But it’s easier not to fool around at all - not to wear them, but it's about the end!
Get rid of the shackles of underwear
Get rid of the shackles of underwear

Which bra is better to wear: the choice of the right bra

To choose the right bra is far from a simple matter for yourself. But if you use some rules, you can find the most comfortable option. Many women are not yet ready to completely abandon sconces - both upbringing and ethical considerations are mixed here. It is for them that our useful tips.

Tips and decision
Tips and decision
  • For every case, different linen is required - you can not wear the same bra at home and at work. For every day you can wear a cotton bra With a natural silhouette, the fastener should be located behind.
  • Pushhap, in which silicone inserts are located, is not worth using daily, and even more so at home-because of it, the chest is overheated. The fastener in front, perhaps, is convenient, but because of it blood circulation is disturbed, Which often causes pain in the chest of the spine.
  • The bra in the form of a top is not intended to support the breast in cases where you are subjected to physical exertion. In the above models, it is not very comfortable, so you can’t use them daily!
  • The task of the bra is only a few lift the chest, without hesitation, without leaving dents on the body and not interfering with deep breaths.

The fastener should be located only on the back and fixed in a horizontal position.

The fastener should be behind
The fastener should be behind
  • Choose the fabric carelessly, in the summer it is best to walk in silk underwear. In winter - in cotton, in which there may be a small (about 30%) admixture of synthetic additives (Lycra, polyamide).
  • If the size of your cup exceeds (C), then in this case it is allowed to wear laundry on the seeds. Choose bracial brackets - They are lighter than metal, and therefore more convenient. They must hold tightly in their grooves, otherwise the bone jumped out of their place can injure the chest.
  • If a there are no straps in the bra, then in this case everyone should not wear it. Moreover, this should not be done by a woman if she has a big breast. The shape of such a bodice negatively affects lymph nodes located in armpits And it can even provoke the occurrence of pain in the back. Correct straps - wide and dense, you can adjust the length that is suitable for you. From too thin straps on the skin will remain pressed traces, and the weight of the chest will be unevenly distributed between the vertebrae.
  • In sports and adjusting underwear their nuances. It does not allow oxygen in the required amount to the body and prevents the blood from circulating blood on blood vessels normally. If you put on such a laundry some special case, then you can do this without severe damage to your health for only a couple of hours-and no more.
  • Choose the neutral colors of the bra - beige, white, black, gray And those models in which there is a minimum decor. By purchasing sconces of excessively bright colors, a product containing poor -quality dyes may come across to you. And this is a direct road to the occurrence Allergies and dermatitis.
  • Rhinestones, extra ribbons, lace and beads They can provoke an uncomfortable sensation and increase the risk of injuring such underwear.

How long can I wear a bra?

  • After a thorough study, mammologists made an unambiguous conclusion on the question of how much to wear a bra - without severe harm to health during 10-12 hours, and if it is too dense, then and even less.
  • It is not recommended for a long time to walk in a bra, for what reasons. As we said earlier, it can provoke the occurrence of cancer tumors. And if you breastfeed your baby, then due to a long wearing of the bodice, mastitis may occur.

Which bra needs to be worn at home?

  • The most optimal option is to give your chest at home to relax. But there are women (especially with heavy, full breasts) who are guided by aesthetic considerations, are embarrassed to do this. Therefore, you can wear a bra, which will not constrain movements. This can be, for example, a soft topic, for the sewing of which natural breathable materials were used - it will support the chest, and at the same time will help to avoid discomfort.
  • Girls with a small volume of breasts may well do at home sports tops, sconces, in which there are no cups and bones or a bando with a weak elastic band.
  • But, in no case do not go to bed in linen - a soft knitted T -shirt, or top, is quite suitable for sleeping.
It is not necessary to wear it at home
It is not necessary to wear it at home

I wear a bra: What to do to ensure that the bra remains beautiful?

The bra requires a special relationship, otherwise already soon after the start of the socks you will have nothing else to throw it into the garbage dump. But there are such bras - very comfortable and comfortable, with which it is terribly sorry to part. What to do to keep its shape and color longer?

Use our tips, and your bra will last you for a long time:

  1. Buy a few pieces at once bras and often change them. Not one thing, even the highest quality, will not withstand its daily operation for a long time.
  2. Learn correctly Combine linen with clothes. Now it has become permissible for the bras of the bra to peek out from under the blouse or dress, and the color is not necessary to select the color-the fashion dictates different options. But unpleasant surprises can wait in unexpected places if you wear a light bra under color or black clothes, it can pour.
  3. No need to wash it every day. When you wash the bra in very often, and even in hot water, it will certainly stretch and polish. Winter and autumn allow him to arrange his washing every three to four days, and in the hot summer you will have to do this, of course, more often.
  4. You need to learn how to wash your linen correctly. It is best to get up with your hands. But if you have no time to do this at all, then, at least, choose the “delicate washing” mode. Do not risk loading light linen and black or colored things into the machine at the same time. Be sure to fasten the bra for all hooks before washing - then it retains the form. Do not forget to use special washing bags - put your bra in them before washing. It is categorically not allowed to squeeze and dry the laundry in the washing machine - these two operations will spoil it very quickly.
  5. Usually for the manufacture of linen is used Delicate fabricTherefore, it is necessary to wash it with a sparing powder, and even better - liquid. In no case do not add air conditioningto which we are all so accustomed to-it contributes to a strong softening of the fibers of products, and the silk bra can be covered with stains because of it.
  6. Do not cut off or throw away immediately after buying a bra is the tag on which the material from which it is made is indicated, and the recommended degree of water for its washing. If the fabric includes a certain share of elastan, then the whitens are not recommended - in extreme cases, hydrogen peroxide can be used.
  7. When the laundry is already washed, do not rush to hang it-because of this it is deformed. It is best to use a flat surface with a terry towel on it for drying bras. And do not forget to turn the cups on the contrary - this is important!
  8. Do not use linen drying battery Or such a place that direct sunlight falls on - this harms its appearance. If it is made of cotton, then sunlight will negatively affect the strength of this thing. An iron or a hairdryer is also not suitable for this purpose: synthetics is paid at 60 ° C.
  9. After washing and drying never do not fold the bra - It is necessary that the cups remain in open form. It will be great if you use special shoulders for this purpose. Having retained the pristine shape with linen, you not only support its aesthetic appearance, this measure will also protect it from the occurrence of creases that can injure the chest - and the consequences can be unpredictable.
  10. If you often move from place to place, then you can use the special for transporting bras. organizer. If you have not acquired it yet, then you need to fold them so that the cups are turned inside out. And yet, they should be packaged and put in a road bag in the last turn - they should be on top of all other things.

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Comments K. article

  1. Women have been wearing bras for several decades. And no one proved that they are harmful. And all kinds of idiotic fabrications about the dangers of bras will remain fabrications.

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