What is the name of the trip by car? How to prepare a car for a long trip, what to check before the trip? How to build a route and calculate the cost for traveling by car: a travel planner by car, application

What is the name of the trip by car? How to prepare a car for a long trip, what to check before the trip? How to build a route and calculate the cost for traveling by car: a travel planner by car, application

In this article we will tell you how to prepare for a car for a car and what to take with you.

Today, traveling by car is becoming increasingly popular. And this is not surprising, because in this way you can drive at least all of Europe and, as a result, the journey will cost cheaper. We decided to figure out how to prepare for such a trip and how to pave a convenient route for ourselves.

What is the name of the trip by car?

First of all, let's find out what is the name of the journey on your own by car. In general, of course, one can call such a journey as you like, but the most suitable name will be autotur. After all, you really arrange for yourself something like a tour in different cities.

Calculation of the cost of a trip by car between cities: Calculator

The very first thing that worries when it is planned to travel independently by car is the price of a trip. It depends on many factors, but at first it is important to calculate the cost of fuel, distance and so on. There are special calculators that allow, on the basis of detailed data, calculate the approximate price.

Rules for traveling by car for children: Features

If you plan to travel by car with children, it is important to take into account important rules:

  • A child can ride exclusively in a car seat or booster, it all depends on age
  • In no case do not let your child get up while driving
  • If the child is tired - make a stop to warm up
  • Do not keep your child on your knees and do not allow you to unfasten
  • Close the window from the back so that the exhaust gases do not penetrate inside
  • Do not let the window stick out during the trip
  • Do not leave the children in the parking lot, it is better to take them with you
The child is in the car seat
The child is in the car seat

Rules for traveling by car for adults: tips for traveling by car

For adults, traveling by car also requires compliance with some rules:

  • Take a good fellow traveler who will communicate with you all the way so that you are not drawn to sleep. If you have long pauses, then stop briefly.
  • Get in the car so that you have nothing superfluous.
  • Think about the route in advance. Of course, this is fun when you go at least where, but do not forget that you need room for an overnight stay, because you can’t get enough sleep in the car.
  • Take a little cash, they will definitely not be superfluous. Moreover, the card can be lost, and the ATM does not always work.
  • Call relatives more often and say where you are so that in the event of an emergency it is easy to find you.
  • Take the spare keys from the car. Everything happens on the road, suddenly you accidentally close the keys in the car. Well, you don’t have to waste time opening the car.
  • Do not drive along the highway. If you go at high speed, then you will get tired faster, it is better to adhere to the average within 90 km/h.
  • Pour comfortable shoes. This will allow you to control the car with comfort and not get tired.
Rules for trips to cars
Rules for trips to cars

How to prepare a car for a long trip, what to check before the trip?

When an independent trip by car is planned, he needs diagnosis and inspection before a long trip.

  • The very first thing that the preparation begins is to check the wheels. First check the pressure, but if everything is fine, look at the condition of the wheels. If you don't like something, then be sure to correct that there are no surprises on the road.
  • Replace the main fluids and parts. In particular, the brake fluid and oil, as well as the pads and belts of timing, if you have not done this have not been changed.
  • Be sure to check the air conditioner and refill it, if required. It must be working to withstand strong heat.
  • Check that all the lamps work for you, the wipers are working and the liquids are enough for them.

When everything is verified and replaced, you can go on the road, but first collect everything you need.

Checking before travel
Checking before travel

Car equipment for travel - what to take with you?

It is important to consider that an independent trip by car requires the availability of main tools. Anything can happen on the road, so you should take it with you:

What to take with you for a car?
What to take with you for a car?

If you are going to travel in the winter, then additionally take a shovel and wires for lighting with you. By the way, it is worth capturing the chains of anti -scraping.

A bed to travel - is it worth taking?

An independent trip by car is not always planned taking into account the places of the night, because many still plan to relax in the car. In this case, it is better to purchase a special mattress. It will allow you to arrange a vacation at any time where it only wants. So if you are planning a long trip and do not want to stop in hostels for a couple of days, then the mattress will be the best solution.

A pillow for traveling in a car for adults and children - is it worth taking?

It will be very convenient to take with you on an independent trip by car and a pillow for adults and children. It is better to choose one that will rest your neck, because it is most tired when long trips.

Car pillows
Car pillows

Such models are for children and adults and their differences are in size, materials, and so on.

Sunny batteries for traveling by car - is it worth taking?

When an independent trip by car is not interrupted for several days, the question arises of charging gadgets. To do this at the same time is inconvenient for everyone, and for a very long time. So it’s better to take a solar battery with you. She does not need wires for charging, but she will always delight with fast charging, because it is filled from the sun. All models differ from each other and all of them are good, but in most cases, the volume of the battery is determining. Choose exactly the one that you consider optimal for yourself.

Sunny Power Bank
Sunny Power Bank

A toilet for traveling by car - is it worth taking?

When an independent trip by car is planned, do not forget about the reference of natural needs.

A special dry closet will be one of the best solutions, because you can not always stop quickly. Moreover, using such products is easy.

Aurolet for a car
Aurolet for a car

How to build a route for traveling by car: a travel planner by car

An independent trip by car requires a thorough study of the route. One of the best is the planner from Google. But he has a drawback - he does not always find small objects.

Google planner
Google planner

If you are going to Europe, then use Mappy to lay a route. He is able to show all the roads, but he is more focused on those who use public transport.

Books about traveling by car - what to read?

It is not always possible to afford an independent trip by car. Then read the books, let you not see all the beauty live, but you will survive a very interesting adventure with the author. The best books about traveling on cars are:

  • "On the Road", Jack Kerouac. The author talks about a trip to the USA and Mexico
  • Toyota Corolla, Efraim Sevel. Another journey book in America
  • "Around the world for $ 280", Valery Shanin. The book is not quite about traveling on a car, rather a hitchhiker, but it is worth reading
  • "One -story America", Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov
  • "Hearts of three", Jack London

Radio station to a car for travel - is it worth taking?

As a rule, the radio station is not required on an independent trip by car, but if you want to know what is happening on the road from other drivers, then why not take it.

One of the best models is President Lincoln II ASC Mod. It is capable of working in a large range and made professionally. Although its price is rather big. If you want to take something for a sample, then the choice is simpler.

President Lincoln II ASC Mod

Goods, things for traveling by car - what should I take with you on a trip?

Before you go on an independent trip by car, you need to carefully prepare for it and take a number of things. She will all help you travel comfortably and solve any problems:

  • A first -aid kit. You can’t do without it. Suddenly something will get sick or will you get hurt? This is especially true for young children. So medicines should always be with you.
  • Food and water. Reserves allow you to save, and also not to interrupt the trip. Moreover, you can always arrange a picnic in an interesting place.
  • Tableware. Take only the most necessary - a couple of bowls, spoons, mugs.
  • Dishes for cooking, thermos, matches. You can always cook something hot with them yourself.
  • Accessories for sleep. We have already talked above about mattresses, but a large family will not be very convenient for them. So you should get sleeping bags and tents.
  • The documents. They must be with you. What exactly will you need we will tell later.
  • GPS. Will focus on the ground.
What to take with you on a trip?
What to take with you on a trip?
  • clothing. It should be comfortable.
  • Pugs, pillows. Create additional comfort.
  • Mosquito spray. There will be many of them, especially in the forest. So it is better to stock up on protection.
  • Gel from microbes. It will allow you to spend less time on washing your hands.
  • Sunscreenso as not to burn on the road. Especially the driver.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Bathroom accessories. It is very useful on the road, especially if you go somewhere to swim.
  • Pocket knife. It is hardly worth talking about its floor for, at least cut products or something else will be impossible without it.
  • Warm clothes. Even in hot countries, it is cold at night.
  • Raincoats. Rains will also meet along the road. It is inconvenient to walk with umbrellas, and raincoats are just right.

As you can see, it is worth preparing a lot. The main thing is not to forget anything.

Useful accessories and devices for traveling by car - what to take?

Useful accessories for cars
Useful accessories for cars

There are many useful gadgets that will facilitate an independent trip by car and now we will tell you about them:

  • Charger. These are solar panels. Yes, they are simply indispensable on trips. After all, with them you can get a full exercise.
  • Socket. It will be useful if you have a laptop with you. Through a regular USB, it is hardly possible to charge it. Yes, and you can’t warm the normal kettle.
  • Fasteners. Especially useful for children. It is enough to fix it conveniently to the tablet and the baby will be able to enjoy the cartoons on the road and will not constantly ask when you already arrive.
  • DVR. No one is safe from the accident, but the recording from the registrar will be the best proof of your innocence.
  • Fridge. It will save food and water fresh and cool.
  • Fatigue control. The Antison system is called. If the driver begins to fall asleep, then she gives a signal. Very convenient for long trips.
  • Coffee machine. It is very difficult to find coffee on the tracks, or rather, that it is good. So it’s better to take a coffee machine to delight yourself with a delicious and high -quality drink.

Travel insurance abroad by car: cost

If you plan an independent trip by car abroad, you will have to arrange special insurance. It is called a "green card" and it is issued in different insurance companies. The cost is determined depending on the car.

International car insurance
International car insurance

Schengen for traveling by car - how to arrange?

If you are planning an independent trip by car abroad to Schengen countries, then take care of obtaining a visa. The following documents will be required for her:

Schengen visa documents
Schengen visa documents

All of them are surrendered to the consulate of the country or a visa center. Keep in mind that since you are going to a car, you will have to draw up a pre -detailed travel plan and show it to employees. Well, when traveling, you will have to adhere to it.

Documents for traveling in Russia: List

If an independent trip by car is carried out in Russia, then you do not need a large number of documents with you. First of all, collect the documents for the car and passports of each participant in the trip. It is advisable to put a policy with you, suddenly you need medical care. Otherwise, no specific documents are needed.

Documents for traveling in Europe by car: List

If an independent trip by car will take place abroad, then here you will already need a passport with visas, if they are affixed. As we have already said, a separate insurance requires a car, and health insurance is issued for everyone. An ordinary Russian policy abroad will not allow you to receive medical care, so do not forget about this document.

An application for traveling by car in Russia - which one to choose?

Travel applications
Travel applications

Smartphones with the Internet should be taken on an independent trip by car, and even download some travel applications to be aware of the best places.

We offer you to get acquainted with the most popular them:

  • Field trip. Shows interesting places and displays useful information. It works around the world, not just in Russia.
  • Gasbuddy. Shows the closest gas stations, as well as prices for them.
  • Gogbot. The best application for searching for resting places, overnight and snack.
  • Google Maps. Google cards is just an indispensable thing. The application not only orientates on the road, but also announces accidents or repair on the road.
  • iEXIT. Shows congresses from the highway and what is there.
  • Maps.me. Shows cards around the world
  • Roadtrippers. Indicate where you are what you want to see the final point, and the application will lay a route for you.
  • Roomer. Allows you to book a hotel and transfer the reservation to others.
  • Triposo. Offline maps. It helps out when there is no Internet on the way, but you need to find out where to go.
  • WAZE. Here, users talk about the situation on the road at the moment.
  • Yelp. Recommended service with reviews

Search for fellow travelers for traveling by car: School of fellow travelers

Search site for fellow travelers
Search site for fellow travelers

An independent trip by car, with fellow travelers becomes even more interesting. But where to look for them, these same fellow travelers? Let's find out.

How to calm the cat before traveling by car?

How to calm a cat before a trip?
How to calm a cat before a trip?

It happens that people take pets on an independent trip by car, and if dogs in most cases love trips, then cats are afraid of them.

There are some tips that will help to calm the pet and easier to go on a trip with him:

  • Be calm yourself before the trip, because cats feel the mood of the hosts well
  • Choose a sedative in advance. It is best, of course, consult a veterinarian. It is advisable to read the reviews of other travelers
  • Choose high -quality carrying. It should be convenient to stay in it. There are even special houses on the road
  • Do not forget about nutrition. Of course, a cat can eat due to stress, but in any case you should have a reserve
  • Take your favorite treats of cats, toys or litter from home. She should feel comfortable

Observing all these simple tips, your cat will be comfortable on the trip, as well as you.

Games in a car during a trip for children: Ideas

Travel games
Travel games

If you decide to go on an independent trip by car with a child, then you should come up with at least some entertainment for him.

We offer you a selection of several interesting games that will help to brighten up time on the road.

  • A doll from a bottle . Make some doll, think of her story
  • Inflate the ball and then let go. He will write out such pirouettes that will cheer on any child
  • Take the bottle and in turn, lower the straws of different colors
  • Take a sheet of paper with a pen and circle several items along the contour, but the child must guess that this
  • Words or cities will also be an excellent solution for the game by the whole family
  • Catch and catch up with the baby’s fingers, and also draw faces for him. Ideally, take a puppet theater for boys on the road
  • Draw several figures on the sheet, and let the child complement them. To make a picture, for example, in a circle it can draw arrows, and make a house from the square.
  • Name 5. invite the baby to name 5 heroes of cartoons, brands of cars and so on

Prayer before traveling by car: Read

When you gathered on an independent trip by car, be sure to read prayers. Priests do not advise doing this constantly while you are traveling, a couple of times before the trip.

So, before the trip, do the following:

  • Sit behind the wheel, cross yourself and ask mentally from the Almighty to bless you on a trip
  • Speak the prayer three times
  • Cross yourself again and set off

There are several different prayers on the road, we present you several of them:

Road prayer
Road prayer
Prayer on the road
Prayer on the road

Reviews about traveling by car - what do others say?

Many, before going on an independent trip by car, read reviews of others. In general, everyone has positive impressions, but you can find information that will be useful for travel, and also where to go. On the Internet there are even whole forums where all travelers share their experience.

Video: long -range in Russia. Peter-CHOT-a trip by car

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