How to draw a children's, iron train for beginners: description, photo, video

How to draw a children's, iron train for beginners: description, photo, video

Trains are different - freight and passenger, ancient and modern. Maybe you want to draw a steam locomotive from the cartoon? Or maybe a high -speed miracle like a widely advertised Sapsan? Drawing various trains has their tricks.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to draw a 3D drawing, an illusion with a pencil on paper?". You will learn about the technique of creating with step -by -step explanations for beginners and children on the example of 3D drawing of a cat, butterflies, a banana, heart, ponies, stairs.

From this article you will learn how to draw a train. It is simple and fast. Read further.

We draw a train with a pencil in stages for beginners on the railway, for children 4, 5, 6, 7 years old: description, photo, video

First, let's try to portray the most elementary, simple train for beginners. Even children of 4, 5, 6, 7 years old will be able to portray such a drawing. So, how to draw a train with a pencil wagons in stages. Here's a description with a photo:

The basis of the train is rectangles
The basis of the train is rectangles
  • The basis of the picture is rectangles set in a row - wagons.
  • Between them, leave a little space. The real train has coupling there.
  • Never his wagons are connected to each other, which is easy to notice by observing the real composition - for example, at the station.
  • The wheels of the train are under the car, and their rims do not go to the car itself, unlike a car, which has special cuts in the back of the wheels.
So you do not need to draw wheels at the train
So you do not need to draw wheels at the train
  • Above, our hint depicts crossed out wagons - an option with incorrectly drawn wheels.
  • Of course, the wheel of a real train is more complicated than our wagons, but for a simple picture, just circles below.
We draw a train on the railway
We draw a train on the railway
  • Under them we draw straight lines - railway rails or road. The basis of the train is ready. Now you can "put on" any design that you want.

Watch the video below how to draw a train.

Video: draw a train with wagons / drawing lesson / DRAIN / DRAWING Lesson

How beautifully to draw a Russian Railways train with pencil wagons: Description in stages, photo, video

Railway train with pencil wagons
Railway train with pencil wagons

Of course, in life it is difficult to meet a train consisting of two types of wagons - immediately passenger and cargo. But here we will draw them nearby to make it clearer. So, how beautifully to draw a Russian Railways train with a pencil car? Here is a description with the photo in stages:

Railway train with pencil wagons
Railway train with pencil wagons
  • We will make the first car passenger. To do this, just add the door and two or three windows. This train has a much larger compartment, but this is enough for a cartoon trailer.
  • Inside the wagons, you can depict curtains and even passengers.
  • In simple compartment wagons, the curtain descends from above.
  • And if you want to draw not a simple, but a “corporate” train, then make curtains, as in the house.
  • As for its coloring, it can be any. Searn the branded colors of Russian Railways or any foreign railway company, or just paint a car in one of the shades of blue or green.
The tank with a pencil
The tank with a pencil
  • In the middle, you can draw a trunk car.
  • To portray it elementary. You just need to add a hatch on top, and rounded sides in front and behind. Usually on tanks they write what exactly is inside.

For example, very often trains with propane, liquefied gas are “running” along our railways. But with the same success, oil and even water can be in the tank. If your train is part of the fairy tale about the arid desert, then the water in it will be a very valuable load. If you do not want to draw dangerous oil products in the same train with people, then “attach” the water tank to it.

Watch the video how to draw such a train with passenger wagons.

Video: how to draw a train, railwayman's day August 7 / drawings for children

How to draw an iron train with mail cars: Description

Drawing a mail car is even easier. You just draw an ordinary iron train of rectangles, as described above, and then add the details. Here's a description:

  • We portray the door and write the word “mail” on the side of the car.
  • Letters and premises, unlike people, do not need to peek and admire the landscapes. They travel in a closed room.
  • The branded colors of the Russian Post are blue and white.

But the drawn car can be, anything. For example, in a pink flower. And you want - portray a train striped like a zebra.

We draw a steam locomotive in a children's train: Description

Steam locomotive in a children's train
Steam locomotive in a children's train

Now think about what our train is missing for a full trip? Have you guessed that he did not have a steam locomotive? Of course, now electric locomotives and diesel locomotives are already working on the railway, and the steam locomotives remained only in the eternal parking lot, at the stations. But for some reason we wanted to equip a drawn children's train with a train. Let's try to portray this patriarch of steel highways on a separate sheet. So, we draw - this is the description:

Steam locomotive in a children's train
Steam locomotive in a children's train
  • Let's start with one large rectangle - the "muzzle" of the steam locomotive.
  • We add two more rectangles to it - the driver’s cab and the pipe.
  • Add the bell from above to the pipe, to the cabin, and under a rectangle we draw the wheels.
  • One of them, the largest, let it go to the image of the “body” of the steam locomotive.
  • Under the wheels, do not forget to "drain" the rails.

Here is an almost finished basis for which you can finish any details:

Steam locomotive in a children's train
Steam locomotive in a children's train
  • Add the roundness of the engine face, as we did with the tachy car.
  • In front of the wheels, draw a snowpipe.
  • Above the pipe are puffs of smoke.
  • In front of the pipe, we will add a whistle similar to a second small pipe or a dog’s nose.
  • You can, if desired, work out the landscape around the road, finish the clouds in the sky, and the sun among them.
  • But what if you make a steam locomotive a living creature? Then he needs a cheerful smile, and on the cabin of the driver - a sly squinted eye.

Add parts of the mechanism to the wheels, and you can paint the steam locomotive. You can do this “work” yourself, or you can entrust children - most likely they will like home -made coloring.

How to draw is easy train "Sapsan": Description

We easily draw the train
We easily draw the train "Sapsan"

Now let's portray something more modern. High -speed passenger electric train, such as Sapsan. It is drawn differently, but in principle, to portray it is also simple and easy. Here's a description:

We draw the train
We draw the train "Sapsan"
  • First, you need to draw an egg -shaped cabin of the driver, and put three lines from it into the distance - they form the “body” of the train.
  • Let the lines converge a little by the end so that it becomes clear what our train is long and swift.
  • Add a transverse line separating one car from another.
  • Do not draw the tail of the train too clearly, such a technique will add “speed” to him.
We draw beautifully the train
We draw beautifully the train "Sapsan"

In the first car, draw the door, but in no case at the very muzzle of the composition, because there is a cabin. Draw a auxiliary line that will outline the top of the windows, and then draw in the windows wagons. Far windows should be smaller than those that are closer to the head of the composition. This will add the effect of perspective, it will emphasize the speed of a long train.

  • Now we draw a cabin more clearly, which also has a streamlined shape, and then add the windshield and headlights to it.
  • If the train moves in the dark, you can add a bunch of light, directed forward from the headlights.
  • And a few more lines along the side of the train, which once again emphasize its swiftness.

The wheels do not need to be drawn in details, as you did with a leisurely steam locomotive. When the train rushes throughout the swing, you simply will not have time to see them. So add the rails, and shake the space between them and the wagons - the shadow from the train falls there. Complete the picture with several pencil strokes along the train. They do not carry a special semantic load, simply add a feeling of movement.

Color the train
Color the train "Sapsan"

Now you can add a high -speed train to various details of your choice. Or color it like a really existing “sappsan”. Or give free rein to the imagination and make it multi -colored. You can finish your mouth and eyes, as we did with the previous description! On your choice!

Video: how to draw a steam locomotive | Annyouta

Video: how to draw a train electric train ER-2 electric handle

Video: how to draw a steam locomotive - drawing lesson drawing

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