How to draw an old church, a temple, a Cathedral in a pencil in stages?

How to draw an old church, a temple, a Cathedral in a pencil in stages?

In this article, we will consider how to draw an old temple, a church.

We bring to your attention a lesson how to draw a church with domes, an old temple or a large cathedral with a step -by -step explanation.

How to draw a church: a simple algorithm for children

We bring to your attention an algorithm how to draw a simple and small church, which will be a great lesson for primary school students.


How to draw a small church with a pencil dome?

This algorithm, how to draw a church, is very simple. Therefore, you can even take it as a basis for other church architecture schemes.

  • We begin work with 3 basic lines that will be the side of our building.
Step 1-4
  • The main thing is to shade the shadow well, add the details.

How to draw a church correctly, make its sketch: step -by -step explanation

This method is perfect for those who want to draw a church, looking at the object or its photo (from nature).

  • You need to start with the base and move up, as the builders did.
Stage 1-2
Stage 1-2
  • We do not worry if you are not perfectly even or clean lines - this is just a sketch. This is not required of him. We draw the details in the approximate image.
Step 3-4
  • Further detail depends on the desired degree and sharpness of vision.

How to draw a church, a temple with radiance?

To draw a church, we begin with the basis and in this case immediately with the cross. Since he plays an important role in this illustration. We denote the entrance, start the design of the facade.

Stage 1-2
Stage 1-2
  • We shave out the sky near the cross to highlight it. Make sure that the transition is soft and without sharp lines. We draw the windows immediately under the dome, make the lanterns near the entrance. We continue the design of small details and lines. You can complete the design at your discretion, but do not forget to create glare from the cross and lanterns for realism.
Stage 3-4
Stage 3-4

How to draw a beautiful and large church, temple: phased instruction

We immediately warn that according to this scheme, it is quite difficult to draw a church, but the result will exceed all your expectations. If you do not know how to exactly draw straight lines, then be sure to arrange a ruler, and even better with a flight.

What will we draw!
What will we draw!
  • First, we draw the vertical lines of our future base, which in the figure is shown in black. Then add horizontal stripes (indicated in red). And we build steps that will be the beginning of the second floor.
The foundation
The foundation
We build a second tier
We build a second tier
We draw windows
We draw windows
New details are indicated in red
New details are indicated in red
We build dome and steps
We build dome and steps
Add new details
Add new details
Focus on small details
Focus on small details
A few more strokes
A few more strokes
Final elements
Final elements

How to draw an old church, temple or cathedral: ideas and schemes of execution

Of course, there are different options and methods on how to draw a church or temple. Therefore, we bring to your attention simple algorithms for drawing church architecture in several versions.

Ancient church
Ancient church
The cathedral
The cathedral

Video: How to draw a church with domes in stages?

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