How to draw a peacock for beginners: drawing with a pencil, in stages, instructions, photos

How to draw a peacock for beginners: drawing with a pencil, in stages, instructions, photos

Want to learn how to draw a peacock? Follow the instructions in the article, and you will get a beautiful bird.

The most unusual and majestic bird on Earth is a peacock. Thanks to their luxurious tail, they attract attention and fascinate. Many artists are trying to convey its splendor on their canvases.

We will also teach you to portray a drawing 3D illusion. Read detailed instructions in another article on our website. With the help of step -by -step explanations and interesting equipment, you will learn to portray a cat, banana, butterfly, heart, etc.

How to learn how to draw a peacock? This article has many instructions that will help to recreate this majestic bird on paper. Read further.

Pavlee bird for beginners-a pencil drawing in stages to a child 6-7 years old: instructions, video, photo

You can take advantage of the peacock drawing instructions together with the child. Armed with a simple pencil and an album leaf, you can start the image of a bird. So, we draw a bird of a peacock for beginners. Here is a drawing with a pencil in stages for a child 6-7 years old-Instructions with a photo:

Draw two circles
Draw two circles
  • 1st stage There will be a small sketch. To begin with, a circle is drawn - this is a head. Immediately under the circle, draw an oval in a horizontal direction. Divide the circle into two parts, connecting a perpendicular line with an oval.
  • Stage 2. Combine a circle and an oval with smooth lines to get a neck. Thinking from which side the bird will have a wing, designate it with two features, imitating a piece of paper.
  • Stage 3. In the opposite side of the wing, mix the pupil with a point. Next, finish the eye itself. You can immediately draw cilia. On the top of the head, you can depict a crest in the form of a crown. 3-4 feathers will be enough. Do not forget about the beak. It should be sharp and curved.
Draw a crest, eyes and legs
Draw a crest, eyes and legs
  • Stage 4. Legs. There is nothing complicated here, they can be portrayed in the form of sticks located by the fan. But for the integrity of the composition, it is better to make them voluminous. To do this, spent three identical stripes from top to bottom. Then connect them with arcs. You will get real bird paws if you supplement them with claws.
  • Stage 5. The most important. Imagine how scale the poultry will be, and make two tags of the tail width from the body line, drawing an arc in different directions. By connecting them in a semicircle, we get a fan of the tail. Now it should be divided into sectors. They begin at the point of connection of arcs, end in the middle of the tail.
Draw a fan and divide it into sectors - this is a tail
Draw a fan and divide it into sectors - this is a tail
  • And then use your imagination to decorate with various patterns.
  • Rombs, curls, circles or intricate drawings will complement the pattern.
  • Now you can paint a peacock. Take a blue pencil and paint the body.
  • Pink, orange and yellow painting the muzzle.
Pavil Plant for beginners - with a pencil
Pavil Plant for beginners - with a pencil
  • Continue decorating the bird using other colors and shades of pencils.

In the end, circle the peacock contour with a black handle - ready. Look how beautiful it turned out. Below you will find a few more options on how to draw a peacock, and photo instructions will help you.

Instructions on how to draw a peacock
Instructions on how to draw a peacock
Instructions on how to draw a peacock
Instructions on how to draw a peacock
Instructions on how to draw a peacock
Instructions on how to draw a peacock
Instructions on how to draw a peacock
Instructions on how to draw a peacock
Instructions on how to draw a peacock
Instructions on how to draw a peacock

Here is a video that describes in detail how to draw such a beautiful bird:

Video: how to draw a peacock is a simple way

How easy, simple and beautifully draw a peacock with paints, gouache itself: instructions with a photo

If the previous option was easily given, then you can start drawing a peacock with watercolors or gouache. To begin with, remember the color of this marvelous bird. She has a rather bright plumage. How easy, simple and beautiful to draw a peacock with paints, gouache itself? Here is the instruction with the photo:

Arm yourself with blue, green, red shades. Do not forget to whitewash. And a sheet of paper, brushes of different sizes, palette and a napkin will help you. Now you can start creating a masterpiece:

Draw peacock with paints: make a background and torso
Draw peacock with paints: make a background and torso
  • First, throw a light sketch of a future bird on a paper canvas.
  • Designate the backgroundon which the peacock will show off. This is important - the saturation of the plumage of the drawn character depends on the background.
  • Take bright green paint, better grass shade. With the help of a flat brush, tightly fill the free space from the outside.
  • Blue azure gouache It will be required to paint the body. Use the tone on the edges an order of magnitude darker, and the center is lightened with white paint.
  • Leave a plot not filled with paint on your head. Then mix blue in the palette and white. With this mixture, begin to lighten the abdomen, a poppy and part of the neck.
  • Over these layers, apply a lighter layer and shade, creating a gradient.
Draw details
Draw details
  • At this stage, use a thin brush. With the help of it and white, paint up the free places on the muzzle and mix the eye.
  • Inside put a small point with green paint. The remaining white islands shake blue.
With the help of strokes, draw a tail
With the help of strokes, draw a tail
  • It's time to draw a tail. It will be open and colorful.
  • Apply strokes over the green layer with a wide and rare brush.
  • Then do the same manipulations using lemon, bluish and dark blue shades. Add a few strokes to the tail, shading white and light green.
Draw the tail details
Draw the tail details
  • Draw small villi on the crown. It will be a crest. At the tips, put the dots and paint with white interspersed.
  • The same brush, after washing, draw feathers green on the right. Picture them with waves along the leaf to the end. Tint with lemon paint, forming transitions.
The peacock is ready
The peacock is ready
  • Fate tips arrange this: around the entire perimeter, arrange the blue circles in a chaotic order, and then, as if drawing a halo, circle them with blue. Circles should look big.
  • For splendor add yellow, a little red.

Now you know how to draw a peacock and paints. It turns out spectacular and truly beautiful. Thanks to the above instructions, you realized that the most important thing is to be able to draw a peacock tail. Let's practice again. Read further.

How to draw a peacock tail - how to draw a peacock with an open tail: the instructions step by step to beautifully draw a body, head and tail

Draw the tail of the peacock
Draw the tail of the peacock

As mentioned above, the most difficult thing in drawing a peacock is its tail. But in fact, it is not so difficult to portray this part of the bird. How to draw a peacock tail? How to draw a bird with an open tail? Here are the instructions step by step, so that it turns out to be beautifully drawing the body, head and tail:

Draw two circles
Draw two circles
  • Having placed the sheet vertically outline the outline of the body with a semi -oval from the lower edge of the page and the head in the center in the form of a circle.
  • Combine the elements with smooth lines, forming the neck.
Draw your neck
Draw your neck
  • Now you can fill the silhouette in blue.
  • For the image of the tail, draw small circles of oval shape in different places, and from them strips down. It turns out like balls on a thread. These components are drawn in the form of a fan from the center in the direction are entitled to left.
Draw the tail details
Draw the tail details
  • Alternating the segments of the void, paint with green paint by type: one segment is tightly painted over, the other is not.
  • Color empty places in a light green tint.
Color the body and tail
Color the body and tail
  • Using white and yellow strokes, add volume to the feathers.
  • The eyes of the feathers draw inside blue and yellow. Add the red eye to the eye.
Draw details with other colors
Draw details with other colors
  • Make vill from the base of the pen in different colors in different directions, drawing like a Christmas tree up.
  • Specify the shape of the beak, eye and crest in white, draw black on top of black to highlight the silhouette.
  • You can darken them slightly at the edges.
It turned out such a peacock
It turned out such a peacock

The picture is over. Now you can place it in the frame - the masterpiece is ready. Do you want to learn how to beautifully draw a feather of peacock? Read further.

How beautifully to draw a feather peacock: instructions in stages

Peacock feather
Peacock feather

If the task is to draw a separate element, for example, a feather, then first you should study the original image. The photo above shows a real feather of this bird. Draw it is easy. How to draw a feather of peacock beautifully? Here are the instructions in stages:

Draw an oval, then there is still an oval with a notch
Draw an oval, then there is still an oval with a notch
  • Diagonal - the basis of the pen. At the end of the line, draw a shape similar to the egg. Inside it is an internal align in the form of an oval, then even less with a notch.
Draw villi near the oval
Draw villi near the oval
  • From the main oval, draw grooves resembling bristles, and on top of long hairs, continuing to draw them to the stem. Closer to the oval tightly fill the space with lines.
Continue to portray villi throughout the stem of the pen
Continue to portray villi throughout the stem of the pen
  • Color the beautiful part of the pen with azure and green colors, highlighting the eye with a recess in dark color. You can add ocher to show the overflows.
Draw the villi more clearly with pencil and paints
Draw the villi more clearly with pencil and paints
  • Fate villi can be distinguished by thin strokes of black paint.

As you can see, everything is simple. Just follow the instructions, and you will be able to portray such a beautiful feather.

How to quickly draw a peacock with your hand on paper?

We draw a peacock with your hand
We draw a peacock with your hand

For the smallest artists, the technique of drawing birds with your hands is suitable. This interesting practice will turn into a game. How to quickly draw a peacock with your hand on paper? Here's the instruction:

  • Color the palm of the flowers described earlier.
  • You can paint each finger in its color and diversify with elements already in dry paint.
  • The outlines of the body, hairs of feathers, eyes and beaks are portrayed with a black felt -tip pen.

Read more:

  • Color the palm in green.
  • Cover the thumb with blue.
  • The index will have a purple color.
  • Color the rest of the fingers in blue.
We draw a peacock with your hand
We draw a peacock with your hand

Apply a painted palm to a sheet of paper. Immediately get a multi -colored bird. For the splendor of the tail, the palm can be applied several times, adding yellow and white shades. After finishing your eyes, legs, beam, curls of feathers. You can draw this bird with your palm like this:

We draw a peacock with your hand
We draw a peacock with your hand

How to draw a little kvami peacock from Lady Bug, Talisman Pavlina: Stage

Little kvami peacock from Lady Bug
Little kvami peacock from Lady Bug

Favorite cartoon of many children. Surely, your baby asked to draw someone from Kwami. How to draw a small peacock from Lady Bug? Here are the instructions in stages:

  • In the center of the sheet, mix your head from a circle with convex cheeks on the sides.
  • Draw an oblong body in the form of an oval a little lower, connecting with the head two features, it will be a neck.
  • Draw pens on both sides oblong lines from the neck to the end of the body.
  • The legs consist of two elongated ovals, form the feet of two circles.
  • Eyes should be made in large drop -shaped. Inside, mark the pupils with arches, draw two elongated rhombics in the center. Add your mouth and draw a bold point on your forehead.
  • The tail consists of five drops from the central part, on the sides of two more pen.
  • Inside, design each pen, paying attention to the original image.

You can start painting the character. Now we draw a peacock talisman kwami \u200b\u200bfrom this cartoon:

Little Kwami Peacock from Lady Bug - Talisman
Little Kwami Peacock from Lady Bug - Talisman

To draw a talisman quickly and easily use the transporter:

  • Circle it on paper completely.
  • According to the plot, the artifact has nine segments, so you will have to divide the semicircle into 9 of the same parts Each 20 °. You can draw a smaller number, for example, 7. Then do more indentation - 25-30 °.
  • From the central point along the bottom line to the segments points, draw the lines to make the rays.
  • On the upper edge, draw arcs from one point to another, so you get a fan of the tail.
  • In place of the central point, draw a small drop, it has another smaller one.
  • In each sector of the tail, finish the ovala from above.
  • Now you can start painting using the color image of the talisman.
  • Draw the body and paws in the form of ovals.
  • Draw the head according to the instructions above.

Do not forget to portray the crest. Ready.

Crafts of Pavlin: What can you make from?

Crafts of peacock
Crafts of peacock

Crafts in the form of a peacock with an open tail can be made of various material, cardboard, plasticine, plastic bottles, wires, etc. What else can you do from? One of the simple ways to perform work with the child is an application of colored paper. Here's the instruction:

Glue the strips like this
Glue the strips like this
  • Cut the green sheet entirely into thin strips.
  • Glue the ends of the strips with each other.
  • Take a dense sheet for the background of any light shade.
  • Mark the point in the lower part. Glue the loop from her in a circle. The fan should turn out.
Now glue the paws
Now glue the paws
  • At the bottom of the fan, glue the legs of yellow paper. Pre -draw them and cut them out.
  • Use blue paper for the body.
Glue the body of the peacock
Glue the body of the peacock
  • Cut out of it a small circle for the head and oval shape of the body.
  • From orange paper, make the beak with a triangle.
The peacock craft is ready
The peacock craft is ready
  • Combine everything in one composition in the center, do not forget to finish your eyes and glue the beak from yellow paper.

See what an interesting craft turned out.

Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches

Now you know how to draw a peacock and even make crafts of this bird. To learn how to write beautifully on canvas, you need to train as much as possible. Here are pictures of a peacock drawn for sketches:

Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches
Peacock: pictures drawn for sketches

Video: how to draw a peacock:

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