How beautifully and politely refuse a man, a guy in a meeting, communication, date, courtship, relationship, intimacy, so as not to offend him? How to refuse courtship to a married man? How to refuse a man, a guy to tie him, and he wanted to marry?

How beautifully and politely refuse a man, a guy in a meeting, communication, date, courtship, relationship, intimacy, so as not to offend him? How to refuse courtship to a married man? How to refuse a man, a guy to tie him, and he wanted to marry?

In this article we will consider an important issue that will interest many women. In it, we will tell you how politely and tactfully refuse the guy.

Refusing the gentleman without causing him pain is quite difficult. Men, basically, take women's refusals close to their hearts, especially if their love and passion are quite strong. Therefore, it is advisable to do this tactfully and restrained. Even if a young man is free and a potential partner, he needs to be refused delicately.

How beautiful and polite to refuse a man, a guy in a meeting, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

In the meeting, it is sometimes necessary to refuse not only a good friend, but also a guy who barely know if he decided to call for a date. If you agree, you understand that during a date you did not like the guy, you need to come up with something to refuse him.

  • During farewell, do not promise him.
  • If you can’t say bluntly, then do not answer his calls for some time. The man himself will understand that you do not want to go on the next date.
  • Having received a message from the guy, politely write him in the mail, thank him for a well -leisure. Tell him this way: "At the moment, I do not have the opportunity to meet with you."

It is very easy to refuse to date a stranger from a dating site. If a man asks you to meet politely, while you communicate well with him, then in this case it is also necessary to refuse to politely: “It is a pity, but I do not have a catastrophic time for meetings. Blockage at work. Give your phone number, I'll call you how the right moment will be. ” But, if a man is very annoying, hints at the intimacy, then for starters, refuse to invite you to visit him, then just block his account.

The man should refuse politely
The man should refuse politely

The stranger who decided to meet you on the street and repay on a date, refuse politely, saying the following:

  • “Excuse me, but I already have a beloved man. And I do not look at other men. You, of course, are attractive, but you must understand me. ”
  • “I don't want to meet you. There is simply no desire. For what reason, I do not want to say. I do not want to go on a date with you. "
  • “Okay, you can meet. When? So, on Wednesday I can’t, I leave, on Thursday I will be on a trip. You can on Saturday, let me call you. "
  • “I'm sorry, you are an attractive guy, but I prefer blondes (brunettes, red). No, you should not even try, sorry. You want to stay friends. ”

If an adult man invites you to a date, politely refuse to meet: "Sorry, but I like the peers more." Before a man who is married and pursues you at work, apologize for your behavior. Perhaps he thought he had a chance of meeting and communication. Tell him: "I respect family ties and marriage is considered sacred to me."

If the boss invited you to a date, explain to him politely the whole situation, say: “I am currently very worried about my own workplace, so I can’t meet with you.” If the boss suggests, after a date, to raise you as if thank him and say: "I am an ambitious person and is used to going to the intended goal on my own."

How correctly, correctly, politely, tactfully refuse a man, a guy in communication, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

Almost all ladies face persistent fans. Fearing to cause a man pain and resentment, the ladies refuse him culturally and go aside carefully. However, this approach can sometimes bring additional problems. A man, if his feelings are very strong, can begin to hint at suicide, threaten the chosen one. What to do in this case?

Psychologists advise saying no right away. But it is necessary to do this politely, having complied with the following rules:

  • Refuse tactfully, be friendly. The man who received the rejection of the lady forgets about politeness, sometimes even love develops into hatred at one moment. Such a gentleman can even start insulting and showing assault. Therefore, do not risk. In such a situation, it is advisable to wait until the “fire” goes out in the man.
  • Show firmness, be determined. Today, very often people get acquainted on the Internet. After some time, such a relationship passes into a real world. If after a meeting in your soul there was no sympathy, it is advisable to immediately inform the man, to cut off his whole relationship with him.
  • Start immediately explain. Having received an invitation to the meeting from a fan, give a direct answer, deny the possibility of further relationships. Never use the phrase, such as: “Let's talk next week,” or “Can I think a little?” These phrases will give the satellite hope and only complicate the situation.
  • Express the reason why you refuse. Here you can refer to the estate of another man. Say that you are not allowed to make a new acquaintance and communicate with another young man. This must be said loyally. Sometimes even playful phrases help so that the partner is not offended.
But at the same time, you need to be firm in refusal
But at the same time, you need to be firm in refusal
  • Give your partner an accurate answer. Do not start a long, emotional monologue. Explain this briefly to the man so that he does not have unnecessary questions so that he immediately understands everything.
  • Be serious without a chance for flirting. Very often women speak to their partners, but do not notice their own coquetry at all. Men begin to perceive this as decisive action. Therefore, refuse the partner, preparing in advance.
  • Ignore very persistent natures. If the man is very loving, just ignore him. Put off and emphasize your coldness.

We offer you several phrases, thanks to which you can refuse a man to communicate. At the same time, you will have to take into account the type of man himself:


For the stranger, the following phrases are suitable:

  • "Forgive me, but my spouse will not approve of our communication with you."
  • "Sorry, but I have no time to communicate, you need to pick up my daughter from school."

A friend who shows sympathy

To begin with, decide whether you need a relationship with this man. If you just want to be friends with a guy, talk to him calmly. Say that his attention is dear to you, but there can never be relations between you.

  • “You are a good man, but I already love another. If you want, we can be good comrades. ”

A friend who suddenly fell in love with you

Long friendship over time becomes affection. Therefore, a man can suddenly decide to announce to you that he is passionately in love with you. In such a situation, talk with him heart to heart. Tell him the following:

  • “You are a dear person for me, but I am in love with another. You and I will not be able to communicate. ”
  • “I love to communicate with you, because you are my friend. But there cannot be something serious between us. ”

Former beloved who wants to resume communication

  • "My preference has changed a bit, and therefore, of us, the couple will no longer work."
  • “I no longer experience the feelings that I experienced earlier. You can still meet the woman you love. ”

How correctly, correctly, politely refuse a man, a guy in a date, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

Any women are faced with a situation where it is necessary to politely refuse a date, sometimes even say “no”. If you are without the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to do in such a case, use our tips.

  • Speak convincing. Your words should be clear. Often men do not want to accept female refusal, especially if he does not convince, sounds “weak”. When talking, try not to use various female tricks: do not straighten your hair, do not show the man’s neck, do not play with a shoe. The man will definitely understand that you are against meetings.
  • Don't promise anything. Choosing a suitable phrase, how to refuse a date, immediately cross out the following phrases from the list: “Not today”, “Perhaps we will meet”, “Torpoping the event” ... It is unlikely that after that his feelings are extinguished. Rather, he will perceive these words as a hint of a continuation of a relationship. Be honest with him, say right away: "We will not be able to meet with you, and in the future there will be no meeting either."
  • Give him an important reason for refusal. Argument your own refusal. The most important thing is that these arguments are really believable, as well as respectful and neutral. For example, the reasons should not depend on the man himself and did not belong to his qualities.
You can refuse to date
You can refuse to date

The following phrases will help you refuse to date:

  • “I try not to meet with the men with whom I work at one job. It is fundamentally".
  • "Sorry, but my heart is already busy."
  • “You are a good person, but I like homebood more, calm men.”

There are a huge number of similar reasons. Here everything will depend on that with Coca it is the situation that you have encountered.

How politely, tactfully, delicately refuse a man, a guy in courtship, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

The most important rule is the refusal in private. Take a walk with a man, talk to him. Without witnesses, a man can easily transfer the refusal. He will not feel so humiliated. Speak with your partner quietly, but convincingly. Look firmly into the eyes of the companion. Yes, it will be hard, but right. If your refusal is uncertain, the man will feel him as doubt. Therefore, he will not stop looking after you. Observing the following tips, you will definitely achieve your goal.

  • Be sure of your own words and phrases.
  • Show firmness.
  • Avoid offensive phrases.
  • Be laconic.
  • Give the man an important reason.

Never keep a man “in reserve”. Perhaps he will meet that woman who will really love with all his heart.

Try to refuse delicately
Try to refuse delicately

So, refuse the man to care for this:

  • "We are different people in you, so we do not fit each other."
  • "I'm already busy with another guy."
  • "I'm already in love."

How correctly, correctly, politely refuse a man, a guy in a relationship so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

The young man, mainly after clarification of the relationship, does not return to this issue. But, if you got a persistent young man, then you will have few words. You have to reinforce the words with actions.

  • Ignore. You already explained everything to the guy, were extremely understandable. Now you are not responsible for his experiences. Do not try to be kind, do not compensate for your partner’s feelings with your own attention. Make communication with a man to a formal level. Fid out from him.
  • Show your own chosen one. If you already have a lover, then you simply must imagine him an annoying fan. If you are still free, ask to play your beloved one of your close friends. Since it is one thing to pursue a defenseless woman, another thing is to encounter a jealous partner.

Having completed everything without errors, your partner will have feelings for you. But you will not spoil the relationship with him, he will not experience resentment, therefore, your communication will continue.

It can be difficult to refuse, but if the guy is not to your liking, then it is worth doing
It can be difficult to refuse, but if the guy is not to your liking, then it is worth doing

If you suddenly meet a fan on the street, and he will hint to you that he wants to start a relationship with you again, you can say the following phrases:

  • “Sorry, I'm in a lot of hurry. But you can call me someday. "
  • “There is a car in which my loved one sits. I think he will not like what you are telling me about your feelings. ”
  • “Sorry, but I fell in love with another man. I only need him. "

How tactfully, delicately, worthy to refuse a man, a guy in intimacy, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

Of course, if you have not yet entered into an intimacy with a man, then you should worry. After all, the abandonment of intimacy can offend the chosen one. But, if you have not strong feelings for a young person or you just got to know him, then you do not need to worry. Tell me directly that you are not interested in the proximity with him. If you have been meeting with a man for a long time, but you still do not want to engage in intimacy with him, then explain for what kind of reasons this is impossible.

You should get used to your partner

  • Many women do not immediately decide to enter into intimacy with a partner. Do you belong to this category? Then tell your man: “I need to realize that now you and I are a couple.
  • I need to get used to you, to my feelings. ” Designate the approximate period, talk with your beloved trust, gently. If a man really loves you, he will not insist.

You are still virgin, therefore, you are not yet ready

  • If you really have no sexual intimacy with a man, then do not hide it, do not be silent.
  • Admit to your partner: "I have not come into close before, I need some time to decide on this step."

You do not want to be distracted

  • If you previously entered into an intimate relationship, but now you do not want to get closer to a man, then tell your partner about it. “I now have a lot of problems at work (at home, in the family). I don’t want our romantic evening to deteriorate because of my problems and experiences. ”
  • You can also say this: “This is not the most suitable moment for tenderness. And I so want everything to succeed just great. ”

How to refuse courtship to a married man?

Experts advise in this case to adhere to special rules. They will help you beautifully refuse a married man, not offending him at the same time.

  • Do not rude to the gentleman, do not say that you do not need him at all. Say “no” firmly, but friendly, so as not to offend him, not to damage male pride. During the conversation, hint that this courtship is not very interested in and you will not change your decision over time.
  • Your fan is an impressive nature, does he love constantly in the center of universal attention? Apply his "weak spot." Such a young man should refuse rudely. Otherwise, this will become a real tragedy for him. Squeeze the fan with compliments. Tell the man how a successful, interesting person he is. Speak compliments among other people to hear many. As a rule, such men love to assert themselves, therefore, they check their own strength, “shuffling” the next lady.
Refuse to the married husband
Refuse to the married husband
  • If you have met an energetic and assertive married man who is important in sex in the way, then act dramatically opposite. Talk to him briefly. Refuse directly, do not even explain the reasons. Do not worry if a man is offended. Perhaps he will not react to your refusal and will not be offended.
  • If you are bought by a persistent “married man” who threatens you, then we advise you to start taking measures. Threaten a man that you have a person who can give you protection. Tell him it decisively, do not worry and do not be afraid. Since the man can come from the side of the man, only a paramount to help him manipulate you. But it is advisable for you to play up in advance. Talk to your friends, ask for help. If a fan knows your address of residence, do not return home very late. Let one of the colleagues spend you from work.

How to refuse a man, a guy to tie him, and he wanted to marry?

How can the guy be refused, but at the same time tie it up? Sex is, of course, good, but only if it does not happen very quickly. If you are very drawn to a man, then for the first time refuse the chosen one in intimacy. Especially in such cases:

  • If you were the initiator while dating.
  • If your chosen one belongs to the category of men "collector".
  • You know that a man should leave for another country.
  • Your man is married.
  • You do not know the chosen one at all.

The next conversation works very well:

“I am drawn to you, I can break, but I'm a living person.”

“So why are you refusing?” There is a problem?

- I do not want to follow my own instincts.

After such a conversation, just run away.

For the guy to get married, you need to move away from him to make a decision
For the guy to get married, you need to move away from him to make a decision
  • This answer is worthy of only the most educated ladies. You are a woman who should not fall into “wide consumption”. Such an answer will not offend your chosen one, but he will be able to give up him. The “bummer” of this kind will not stop your partner, therefore, he will hope.
  • It is strongly binding men that a woman does not want to claim anything. That is, show nobility, pretend that you are not completely interested in the intimate. This technique is used, as a rule, womanizers. You can tell your beloved, hugging him that this is only a friendly embrace.

Remember the most important thing in this matter - people are drawn to what they cannot take. Until you give him the most important thing, he will be near you. Over time, if his feelings are really sincere, he will want to stay with you forever and will definitely marry you.

Video: How to refuse a man in a korolish?

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