How to start the layout of the Tarot - where to start studying?

How to start the layout of the Tarot - where to start studying?

In this article, we will talk about simple layouts on Tarot cards for beginners.

So, here you bought a deck of tarot cards and what to do with it? Well, of course, make some kind of alignment. Sometimes it is even worth missing the values \u200b\u200bof the lasso, because it will be even more interesting for you to find out what happened to you in the situation. Or maybe you have already studied theory and you are interested in trying layouts for beginners to learn how to use your knowledge faster. In any case, you will be interested to know what are the layouts for beginners and how to make it right.

How to start the layout of the Tarot - where to start studying?

Where to start the layout of the tarot?
Where to start the layout of the tarot?

Before you start fortunately, if you do not have decks yet, then go to the store. The trend is that new decks are constantly appearing, but how to understand what suits you? In general, it is recommended to choose classic decks for beginners, and you should not choose those that have a narrow theme.

When you bought a deck, learn to understand the cards and tune in to fortune -telling. Your mood should not be bad.

Fortune -telling should start with the study of the deck. These are special exercises that allow you to study the deck and get acquainted with cards. The most popular Tarot's layouts for beginners are “map of the day” and arkan meditation.

The first layout requires only one card. She shows what a fortune -telling day will be today. Accordingly, to work out the deck, you will have to spend a couple of months. This is determined by the number of cards in the deck.

Arkan meditation seems simpler, but more difficult at the same time. Usually, practice is used for senior lasso to learn to understand their meanings. Usually, candles, tablecloths and aromatic oils are used for meditation to set the atmosphere. There are several methods of meditation.

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Tarot cards for beginners - training: layouts

Tarot for beginners
Tarot for beginners

Many are interested in whether they can master the Tarot's layouts for beginners without any knowledge. In fact, this is possible, but you will need a lot of time and patience. If you are ready, then start immediately.

To learn how to work with the Tarot deck, you must master the following:

  • Learn to understand what Arcana means intuitively
  • Feel the energy space to react to signs from the universe
  • Understand how the Tarot cards differ and converge. To begin with, it is enough to study at least classic
  • You must understand that the Tarot only predicts the future, but this does not mean that it will happen because you yourself determine your fate

Learning, as we have already said, is easier in practice. Constantly make the simplest layouts, read the values \u200b\u200bof the maps, look carefully at each and think about what thoughts they cause you.

Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation: Description

So, now let's talk what Tarot layouts are for beginners. You can proceed to them when you have already studied the deck and you are completely ready to begin full fortune -telling.

Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation simple

Layer "Three Cards"

With this fortune -telling, you will look into the past, present and future. Focus, mix the deck and put three cards from left to right.

Three cards
Three cards

The results are interpreted as follows:

  • The first card Shows the past. By the way, pay special attention to her, because she determines the causes of problems in the present
  • The second card Show what is happening now
  • On the third card You will understand what will be in the end

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"Small Pyramid"

If you have any problem, then with the help of this situation, you can get answers and figure out how it will end. Cards are laid out in accordance with the following scheme:

Small pyramid
Small pyramid

Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation of relationships, love

"Magic love"

Such a fortune -telling will help to find out what awaits in his personal life. Ideal for those who still do not have the second half and I want to know when the long -awaited meeting will occur. In fortune -telling, senior and younger lasso are used, but it is better to use a classic deck.

Only 8 cards are used in the situation and the scheme for it is as follows:

Magic love
Magic love

"New lover"

This fortune -telling will tell you about a new relationship. It is suitable for those who are in a bored relationship and want to learn about the prospects of the future. The principle is the same as in the past, the main thing is the right mood.

The following scheme is used for the layout:

New lover
New lover

Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation of fate, future


Fortune -telling should be used when you thought about changes and how they will affect your life. Maps will warn about unexpected turns, and also tell whether they will be good or bad. Before starting fortune telling, determine how long you want to know the future.

First of all, the saglifier is determined, and then 13 cards are taken from the deck and laid out according to the scheme:


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With such a fortune -telling, you will learn how serious solutions to everyday life affect. With it, you will find out what will happen in the near future. For this, the time period is determined from a week to 3 months.

For this situation, a personality is also selected. 10 cards are involved in the diagram and they are laid out according to the scheme:


Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation

"Apparatus employed"

Fortune -telling is relevant for those who first get a job. It is also suitable for the unemployed to find out about their prospects. The layout scheme is used as follows:

Apparatus employed
Apparatus employed

"Analysis of professional activity"

Allows you to get an objective assessment for your professional activity. Cards will talk about changes or their absence in the near future. Lay out according to the following scheme:

Analysis of professional activity
Analysis of professional activity

Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation on self -knowledge, personality

"Steps to the soul"

With such a fortune -telling, you will reveal all personal qualities. The map layout scheme is as follows:

Steps to the soul
Steps to the soul

The interpretation of cards is distributed as follows:

  • In what state your personality is currently currently
  • What are your intentions? Determine your needs and values \u200b\u200bof life
  • What achievements do you have, what fruits give your work
  • You have positive qualities from you and what
  • What are your shortcomings and are there any restrictions
  • Do you have dependencies and what
  • Determines who you are actually and who would like to become
  • Your dreams and hopes - what is inspiration for you, happiness
  • Your attitude to others - plans, life position and what are the consequences
  • Card advice, what needs to be done to become better

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Your path

With this fortune -telling, you can decide on your way in life. The situation has the following scheme:

Your path
Your path

As you can see, there are a lot of layouts and it will help to master the basics of working with the Tarot deck.

Video: From what layout to start the fortune telling for a beginner?

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"The alignment of the tarot for the development of relations with a man: scheme of the layout"

"The alignment of the Tarot for the future: for love, career, relationships, health"

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