Tarot's alignment for the future: for love, career, relationship, health

Tarot's alignment for the future: for love, career, relationship, health

We all want to know what awaits us in the future. Very often for advice we turn to Tarot cards.

Tarot cards know everyone. They know about the past, about what I would like to forget and vice versa, remember until the end of my life. But the main thing is that they are always ready to predict you the future, the closest and distant, his connection with your current deeds, will tell you what to do so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

You should not abuse the fortune -telling on tarot cards. Make a alignment when you feel in your soul that you just need to find out which step should be taken at the moment. The best time for fortune telling is one of the winter saints.

The alignment for the near future at the Waite Tarot

Starting to fortune -telling, you should focus and think about exactly what aspects of your future are most interested in. Then focus on the present and choose nine cards alternately.

They will help you answer the following questions:

  1. What events occurred in the recent past?
  2. What events are taking place at present?
  3. What will happen in the near future?
  4. What will be your actions?
  5. How are the present and future interconnected?
  6. What events affect you?
  7. What to expect from the near future?
  8. What should you do?
  9. What events will occur in the remote future?


For 9 cards
For 9 cards

Fortune -telling for the future using the alchemist layout

You can look into the future with the help of such a layout as an alchemist. The principle of fortune telling is the same: focus on your thoughts, a clear formulation of a mental question about the future, and six cards that will indicate it.

About future
About future

So, the cards posted alternately will tell you:

  1. What events have occurred earlier?
  2. What events are taking place now?
  3. General description of your future.
  4. What awaits you in the near future?
  5. What to expect from the intermediate stage?
  6. What carries the most distant future?

The alignment of the Tarot for the future "rhombus"

Before proceeding with the fortune -telling, designate for yourself the time that interests you in the future, and which will be extended to the action of predictions. Having pulled one over one 8 cards, with the help of this layout you can see the situation comprehensively.


Do not forget about concentration and detachment during the scenario from which you will learn in order to lay out cards:

  1. What is your strength?
  2. What is your weakness?
  3. What is a favorable chance to use?
  4. What danger lies in wait for you?
  5. What will be the circumstances in the time you have made?
  6. What to expect from relations with others?
  7. What will the efforts you have made?
  8. How will the situation turn out at the indicated time?

Tarot's alignment for the near future

This alignment is also comprehensive, indicating events in various fields of your life. He will tell you what to focus on, what to fear. It is noteworthy that at the same time using the senior and younger lasso at the same time.

In areas
In areas

So, with your left hand you move the deck and lay out four cards, and below - the fifth, final. They tell about the following:

  1. What will be health?
  2. What will be the financial condition?
  3. What is preparing personal life?
  4. What to expect in the career sphere?
  5. How will the future turn out in general?

The alignment for the future "Celtic Cross"

It gives a comprehensive analysis of the situation and can be applied to a hint in solving any side of the issue: monetary, career, intimate, family, etc. Just moving the cards and laying out ten lasso, you get such a hint in the form of dropped cards.

  1. What is the state of affairs in the present?
  2. What will happen in the near future?
  3. What is the best way to act?
  4. What events have already occurred?
  5. What happened in the nearest past?
  6. What to expect from the next half -year?
  7. What is very important?
  8. What happens in your environment?
  9. What are your hopes and fears?
  10. What are the possible options for developing the situation, and its completion?

We will guess to love: the alignment for the future of the relationship "hive"

Tarot cards will also help predict the future in the development of love relationships. For example, the alignment of the “Hive”, which speaks of the immediate prospects (from two to four months).

  1. What is unifying and important in relationships?
  2. What is the destructive relationship factor?
  3. What are the expectations from your second half?
  4. What is the ability of a partner regarding the justification of your expectations?
  5. What does your partner expect from you and your union?
  6. What is the degree of your ability to correspond to the hopes assigned to you?
  7. How do you improve your relationship?
  8. What needs to be done by the partner so that the relationship improves?
On 8 cards
On 8 cards

Alignment for the future before a meeting on the development of relations

If you have a date, you can try to predict how your relationship will develop by laying out 6 cards. With their help, in the order of priority to take them out of the deck, you will find out:

  1. What does your partner expect from a specific date?
  2. How will everything go?
  3. What will the date become for you?
  4. What will be the degree of his comfort?
  5. His greatest expectations?
  6. What will be the result of your meeting?
From 6 cards
From 6 cards

Layout for the future: About health

Drop all thoughts that do not concern your physical condition, clearly formulate a question regarding your health and put eight Tarot cards on the table. Their meaning will answer your questions:

  1. What is your well -being at present?
  2. What exactly strengthens your condition?
  3. What is harmful?
  4. What actions are harmful to you?
  5. How do you help yourself?
  6. What will be your health in the future?
  7. Complete and final definition and development for the sixth map.
Health analysis
Health analysis

Loading for the future: will there be luck in work?

And another alignment for the future regarding the prospects of your work. Focus, throw off all extraneous thoughts and, having moved the deck with your left hand, pull three cards out of it.

  1. What is happening at this time.
  2. What to do in this situation?
  3. What will happen in the near future?
From 3 cards
From 3 cards

You are focused, you think about your career and at the same time take out nine cards from the deck. They will tell you about what to expect from your work, whether it will be successful. The alignment will also help if you decide to change your job and worry whether your decision was correct.

The cards you elongated will tell you:

  1. How does the situation develop at the moment?
  2. What will the development of your career be?
  3. What should be done to achieve the desired?
  4. What factors prevent?
  5. What requires special attention?
  6. What should be avoided in actions?
  7. The hint that should be used.
  8. What to expect in the future?
  9. Characterization of you as a careerist.

And finally, some tips. Do not proceed to fortune telling if you feel bad or drank - it will not be possible to achieve concentration. Do not touch the tarot with dirty hands. Do not ask the same question again.

The alignment for the future On the Tarot cards will always tell you what to do, what to expect, and what to hope for. But at the same time, do not forget that even if the cards portend the bad, this can serve as an occasion in order to think and change the situation in your favor.

Video: What awaits you in the future?

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