How to start communication with a stranger: a list of suitable phrases for starting any communication

How to start communication with a stranger: a list of suitable phrases for starting any communication

Do not know how to start communication with a stranger? Use phrases from the list presented in the article.

Often an unprepared person is very difficult to start talking with a stranger. Nevertheless, it is necessary. After all, each of us is a social being, for which it is simply impossible not to come into contact with our own kind.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How easy it is to start and maintain a conversation, conversation?". You will find rules, methods, and find out what to do to fill in the conversation.

However, it is important not only to start saying something, but also to understand what to say, when and how. After all, the first spoken phrases are a kind of “acceleration strip”. And the whole further dialogue depends on how successful they are. Below we offer phrases to start a conversation. Make memorize and go! Read further.

How to communicate correctly: tips, examples of phrases

Communication with a stranger
Communication with a stranger

It is very important to prepare an appropriate “acceleration strip” for yourself. In some cases, courtesies should be exchanged in order to gain the confidence of the interlocutor. And in others - it is better to immediately start the essence. The fact remains: it is necessary to gradually develop relations with the interlocutor, learn more about each other.

So how to communicate correctly? Here are the tips:

  • Wait for successful moments for transitions

After all, it is impossible to speak anymore forever. From the weather you can smoothly proceed to discuss the latest news or a recently attended event. Of course, transitions should be smooth and appropriate. In fact, they should proceed from the topic of the conversation.

  • At the beginning of communication, you should introduce yourself

You can tell a little about yourself and your interests. This will help the interlocutor understand what common topics exist. But the chatter is also useful. In fact, this is a kind of “request” for a conversation. A person shows that he wants to participate in a conversation. He enters her. What will the outcome be? It already depends on other factors.

  • The conversation should be laid -back

Each of the interlocutors should feel comfortable. You should also be able to express your thoughts and listen. It is not recommended to interrupt. And not only from an ethical point of view. When the narrator is interfered, he loses the thread of the conversation. Subsequently, it becomes very difficult for him to find her again.

  • The main function of the conversation is the rapprochement of people, the exchange of information

As for the conversation about trifles, he can turn strangers into friends. The process of acquaintance with a person involves further communication. Just find out his name and step aside is not enough. It is important that the interlocutor understands that you are the person who is also interested in him.

  • In order for the conversation to start, you need to have the flexibility of the mind and liveliness of speech

In some cases, you should adapt to the interlocutor or a whole circle of communication. If more than 2 people are involved in the process of communication, it is recommended to choose exactly the topic that will be interesting to the majority. Subsequently, you can translate the conversation to a more desired topic for you. But in order to join the company, the first time you will have to support exactly the one that is currently being discussed there.

You should also remember the “opening” phrases. These are precisely those remarks from which you begin to communicate with a stranger. They should attract attention, but at the same time, do not repel and correspond to the situation. Some “opening phrases” may even sound as a kind of challenge - but this is what they are interesting.

Examples of such phrases:

  • Sorry to interfere ... But I would not recommend you to buy this guitar. Not only is it frankly of poor quality, but also the price for it is very high. I tell you this, as a person playing acoustics for 20 years.
  • Are you here for the first time? You know, when I just came, I also could not find the dining room. Want I will show you?
  • "And the title of the slowest elevator in the world gets ... our elevator!"
  • “It looks like rain begins again. Guess who did not capture the umbrella. "
  • "... But the ancients spoke completely different about this."
  • Is this trolley always so slow? Or just today?
  • You know, I also looked at this dress. And then I remembered that I was a man and went to choose a shirt. But I advise you to take it. It is really beautiful. Moreover, very much to your face.

There are 2 options for "opening" phrases. If you want to attract the attention of one person (and there is no one else nearby), then you can contact a person directly (as if by chance). And if you are in the company, it is better to use the second type - depersonalized. Then no one will think that you are an annoying or ignorant person.

Communication with a stranger
Communication with a stranger

For example:

  • Yeah ... this cafe is always unwell served, but this casserole is just muck!
  • Does this bus even come at all? Or is it not that stop?
  • Probably this key is not from this door.
  • We are all standing here for an hour and a half. I wonder if someone will come for us?
  • This electrical department is so electrical ...

Of course, you should communicate tactfully, interestingly, at the same time, not causing others to feel that you are “climbing into the eyes”, trying to overshadow everyone and everything. There are many people who make a typical mistake: they literally pull the attention of the public by force, forgetting that communication is not a unilateral process. The remaining participants in communication should also be able to say their word.

Also, you should never respond monosyllables (yes, no). After all, in this case, you simply do not let the interlocutor continue the conversation. And you yourself will have nothing to "cling" to continue communication. Be sure to add after "Yes" or "No" A few more words. Or even whole remarks. This is a kind of “thread” for the development of communication:

For example:

  • - Tell me, have you been here? - Yes, repeatedly. “I'm just here for the first time, so I feel somewhat uncomfortable.” - It's OK. I myself do not really like noisy parties and large companies. But sometimes I feel longing in normal, simple, human communication. You too?

As you can see, when adding to “yes” or “no” any phrases or words, the chances of continuing communication increase. But they increase even more, if you answer not as a hero of the first example (yes, repeatedly), but add a question to “yes” or “no” that will give the interlocutor a sign that you want to chat. Just do not answer the question with the question. This is a bad tone. First answer his appeal. And then you can immediately ask him something too.

For example:

  • - Is there always such high prices here? - Unfortunately, yes. Do you know why? The fact is that they do not cook food on their own, but purchase. And they sell, of course, with a margin.
  • - This singer is not in his voice today ... You don't find? - No, I don’t think so ... The fact is that the song that he now performs, in principle, is not for his timbre. It is borrowed from the work of another team. But he often performs it at concerts. Moreover, too high tonality. Not for the baritone. And that is why, it seems that he is not singing very much. - Do you really think so? And what kind of songs could you call it successful?
  • - Excuse me, you have not seen the director, Boris Nikolayevich? - Yes I saw? About half an hour ago. As far as I know, he left for another branch of the company. And he will return only after an hour and a half. - What a pity! I needed to go to him right now. - Alas, you have to wait. Would you like to get coffee? There is a good cafe nearby. I work here and I have just a lunch break. - With pleasure!

In order for communication to be interesting and that the interlocutor is interested in you, you should add information about yourself to the dialogue (but very carefully, without abusing it). Of course, these should be some interesting or very appropriate facts.

  • Do not allow an empty boasting in speech, consisting of "I" alone

In other words, you should not immediately bring down a waterfall from stories about your talents on a new acquaintance. Otherwise, he might think that in front of him is not an interesting person, but an upstart who only wants to show off.

  • You should not get bored

If you tell some story, do not delay it. Do not lie down the water. More often proceed to the very essence. Add only appropriate information in a dosed amount. At the same time, do not forget that relaxedness and openness help to make the right impression. Smile more often and behave located located.

At the same time, it is extremely not recommended to communicate unnaturally. You can take an open pose or lean towards the interlocutor. If a person has already answered your replica and wanted to chat, this is commendable. But it is also important not to spoil the impression of yourself.

What to tell about yourself when meeting: examples of phrases

Do not be afraid to talk about yourself when meeting
Do not be afraid to talk about yourself when meeting

If communication has already been “barked”, if the interlocutor answered at least a couple of your remarks and continues to communicate, you should continue to interest him. If you want a new acquaintance not to forget you 5 minutes after you are saying, you need to work on communication, try to make it more trusting.

That is why it is recommended to talk about yourself. But not all the time, but only insert remarks that approach the topic of dialogue. Hold yourself in your hands. Even if you really want to tell a person all his pedigree. A random acquaintance must receive information dosed. Moreover, in 99% of cases he will not be ready for excessive pressure.

What to tell about yourself when meeting? Here are examples of phrases:

  • - What a cute puppy! This is not yours? - No, he is homeless. But one to one looks like my dog, which I sheltered from the street 10 years ago
  • - Good party, right? - For you, perhaps yes. But I remember what was happening in this club a couple of years ago. Compared to this, tonight is just “baby babble on the lawn”.
  • - What about this person? It seems to him bad? - Let me see. Do not worry, I am a doctor by profession. True, I have not practiced for 10 years. But I'll try to do whatever I can.

In all these cases, a person very carefully introduces information about himself into the conversation. Any information about you should be poured into dialogue gradually. It is best if they are said in accordance with the situation. Exceptions are cases when you already liked the interlocutor or interlocutor, and he himself asks you to tell something new about yourself:

  • "Tell me, how long have you been doing music?"
  • “You are such an interesting man. Surely have already been to many countries? " etc.

Of course, in such cases you can even start telling stories. If it is necessary that the relationship with a person is confidential, the fables should not be invented. After all, those around are well sensed for lies. And if your deception reveals, you will feel embarrassed and surely spoil your acquaintance.

In general, you can tell when you get acquainted about such your nuances and facts:

  • Their education, professional activity.
  • Hobbies, creativity, travel, hobbies, leisure (in the framework of decency).
  • Cases from childhood, school, student life (to the place).
  • Any situations from life experience, etc.

Of course, one should not tell a random acquaintance of your personal secrets, intimate details, any secret information. As a rule, an adult, a reasonable person already has a subconscious “filter” through which all his thoughts pass. Only a small part should be voiced. After all, not everything needs to be known even to close friends.

How to start communication with a stranger: a list of suitable phrases for starting any communication

Start communication with a stranger with simple phrases
Start communication with a stranger with simple phrases

Friends, like -minded people and even lovers do not appear "from scratch." You need to get to know a person. And then - also begin communication, take possession of his attention, cause him sympathy and a desire to continue the conversation. How to start communication with a stranger?

This is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is to “throw a fishing rod” - that is, draw attention to yourself through one successful phrase. You can turn to one specific person and to the whole company: “Excuse me, you won’t tell me?”, “Sorry, please, how can I go through?”, “Tell me, please, where is it ...” etc.

Depending on the situation, you can complicate the designs:

  • - Great weather today. It seems that rain always begins exactly when I forget the umbrella!
  • - Is it always so quiet? It's just that I am in this cafe for the first time and, frankly, disappointed.
  • - Sorry to interfere. But on the sign that you study, an error. You should not go 500 m to the west, but almost 5000 km. I grew up in these parts. Therefore, I know for sure. In fact, this pointer has not been changed about 20 years. Tourists are very often confused.
  • - Do you always come here alone or only this evening?
  • - A boring film, isn't it? It seems to me that the first part was much better ...

You can choose absolutely any options, depending on the situation. One thing should be remembered: each of your replicas should reserve a bridgehead for further communication and imply its continuation. Therefore, do not say banal phrases, ask about something so that the answer is not just “yes” or “no”, and the interlocutor can open up and trust you.

Here is a list of suitable phrases to start any communication:

List of suitable phrases for starting any communication
List of suitable phrases for starting any communication

In addition, it is important to abandon the “thread” so that the conversation is not lost and has a continuation. To do it is simple. Throw the thread after the opening (first) phrase. Here are examples:

List of suitable phrases for starting any communication
List of suitable phrases for starting any communication
  •  And here are a few phrases to start a conversation with a girl:
List of suitable phrases to start any communication with a girl
List of suitable phrases to start any communication with a girl
List of suitable phrases to start any communication with a girl
List of suitable phrases to start any communication with a girl
List of suitable phrases to start any communication with a girl
List of suitable phrases to start any communication with a girl
List of suitable phrases to start any communication with a girl
List of suitable phrases to start any communication with a girl

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