What to talk about with a guy when the topics for conversation ended: useful ideas

What to talk about with a guy when the topics for conversation ended: useful ideas

If you often do not know what to talk about with the guy about and you quickly end in conversation topics, then read the article. It has a lot of tips and useful ideas.

Not every person can be charismatic. Girls, especially, are difficult to communicate especially with the opposite sex. Shy delays interferes, perhaps some kind of tightness. But you can learn to easily maintain a conversation. You need to work out a little and acquire the communication skill, as well as learn several topics that can be used when talking with a guy when they ended.

Read on our website an article on if the guy hugs the girl, then what it means.

In this article we will talk about typical mistakes that girls make during a conversation with a guy, and together we will learn how to plan a dialogue and analyze thoughts in advance. Read further.

How to learn easy and easy to communicate with a guy: Tips

The girl easily and just communicates with the guy
The girl easily and just communicates with the guy

You probably often noticed that some people can simply support the conversation without straining and without thinking about anything. Others need time to form sentences and put their thoughts in order. During this time, some kind of communication thread is lost and a person becomes an uninteresting interlocutor. Here are tips for girls who will help easily and simply communicate with guys:

Plan a dialogue in advance:

  • Before going on a date, it is advisable to imagine yourself with the guy and your future conversation.
  • You should think in advance about topics that can be discussed, as well as spare versions of those that can be used during awkward pauses.

Pump communication skills:

  • In order not to timid, you should communicate as much as possible with people of different sexes and age, on different topics.

Expand the horizons, increase the vocabulary:

  • A well -read, educated person will never bleat and mumble during a conversation.
  • He very quickly selects the necessary words, is able to use synonyms, build complex phrases.
  • His speech is alive and interesting.

Analysis of your thoughts:

  • You can record your speech on the recorder, and then listen.
  • Do you like how the voice sounds? Is it beautiful enough and put a speech? Are there many recordings? If something "cuts hearing", it should be worked on.
  • Of course, the first time to speak, as an actress of dubbing will not work.

Speed \u200b\u200bof response:

  • It is impossible to build a conversation according to some scheme.
  • Therefore, you should always be prepared for successful improvisation.
  • It is necessary to develop the speed of your thinking.


  • If the girl has problems with communication, in their free time you can tell stories or a dialogue with a mirror, dog, cat, etc.
  • The main thing is that the speech eventually becomes beautiful and coherent, so that there are no fears in the mind that can block all mental activity

Learn to the art of maintaining a conversation. Read further.

The art of maintaining a conversation with a guy: tips for girls

The art of maintaining a conversation with a guy
The art of maintaining a conversation with a guy

Good topics for dialogue are great. But, the conversation, like the dish, needs seasoning. Therefore, it is important not only to know what to communicate about, but also how to do it. The ability to behave correctly to communicate comfort and comfort. Here are advice for girls how to master the art of maintaining a conversation with a guy:

  1. Calm intonations, pleasant voice - The young ladies with a sour mine are frankly annoying. But too lively ladies who behave as if before a date were drunk before a date.
  2. Friendly smile - She will show that the guy’s society is pleased, and conversations are interesting.
  3. Compliments - Men need them no less than ladies. You can praise the appearance, or achievements from the conversation. The main thing is that the kind words are honest, not played.
  4. The habit of calling a guy by name - There are very few people in the world who do not like their name. If the girl once again calls a guy by name, then she not only remembered him, but also became a little closer to him. If a person mentioned that he did not like the name that he was named at birth, he, as a rule, spoke alternative options. You should use them.
  5. Attention and tact - You should never interrupt. The man’s speech needs to be heard. Questions must be asked when a pause forms.
  6. Naturalness- Living conversations are better than monotonous conversations. You should not build a lady from high society, if this is not characteristic of you. Be yourself. Follow the scope of decency, but at the same time communicate with it lively and naturally. Sometimes girls overdo it and speak with a date as if they read a poem by heart in a literature lesson.
  7. The dispute must be tactful - If the guy is wrong, you need to gently hint at his mistake. You should also show a man the reason for his incorrect actions or thoughts. Answers like: "" If I said so, then it's wrong" or " I just don't like it" - a gross mistake.

So, you learned the secrets of easy communication, learned to talk beautifully. Now consider the topics that can be touched upon when talking with a guy. Read further.

What to talk about with a guy when the topics for conversation ended: useful ideas

The girl talks to the guy even if she has ended topics
The girl talks to the guy even if she ended topics

The first date is always a test. On the one hand, there is a lot to learn a lot about the person you like. However, in shy and simply well -educated people involuntarily have dual pauses in a conversation. It is very difficult to start talking after them. Moreover, it involuntarily creates that the interlocutor is already suspecting something was wrong and came to the conclusion that he is not very interested in this person. But if the conversation with the guy “came to a dead end”, the situation can still be saved. How to do this? What to talk about with the guy when the topics for conversation ended. Here are a few useful ideas:

Conversation about him:

  • The girl's attention is pleasant to every man. That is why you can try to bring the guy to talk about his achievements, addictions, ideas.
  • If the fantasy fails, it is enough to cling to some external detail and subsequently develop the topic. Suppose: "" I see you on the T -shirt of The Rolling Stones». « What do you like rock? " or " You said that you are doing business. Maybe you will tell me more about this?».
  • However, it is important that the topic is interesting to both.
  • If the girl provoked a guy to talk about the same music, football, business - this area should really be close to her.
  • During the story about what was expensive for him, they will immediately give a man to understand that the girl was not interested in real curiosity, but simply in order not to be silent.

Provide the man's choice for a man:

  • If a more or less relaxed guy notices that the girl who walks or sitting next to him suddenly fell silent, he must continue the conversation himself.
  • Even if it is some very banal topic, the situation will already improve.

Attention to detail:

  • In fact, this is a continuation of an example with business and a T -shirt.
  • Almost every guy has special signs: tattoos, an unusual hairstyle, a sports body - all this can be used as a topic for conversation.
  • The main thing is to be attentive.


  • It is excellent if the girl understands men's topics.
  • But, if this is not observed, then you can use the phrase " I always wanted to learn more about it "And just enjoy his monologue.
  • However, with a guy you can talk not only about fights and football.
  • Such universal topics as music, cinema, childhood memories, the most vivid impressions of summer holidays, funny stories from student life can revive any conversation.

Work or study:

  • It sounds boring only at first glance. Even if a man is far from a careerist, he will still have something to tell about his work.
  • Perhaps he will even share his plans for the future, tell about dreams.

Funny moments from life:

  • This is a very interesting and “living” topic.
  • And if the guy is joking and talkative, then discussing her will be very fun.


  • If the guy is fond of this, then you can talk about crayfish and Capricorn for three hours.
  • The main thing is not to converge on zodiac incompatibility.
  • It is better to come to the conclusion that horoscopes are interesting, but do not always coincide with real life. And even incompatible signs can be attracted.

A family:

  • If it is known for sure that the guy is not an orphan, you can safely ask him about relatives.
  • Perhaps among them there are interesting people about whom the guy has several interesting stories in the reserve.


  • You just need to look around.
  • Surely, in the reach of the reach there is something remarkable.
  • You can admire the beauty of the park or notice something interesting on the embankment. And subsequently discuss this.

Gastronomic tastes:

  • The menu helps in cafes and restaurants.
  • You can tell you what dishes like, ask the guy about his tastes.
  • Perhaps he even knows how and loves to cook.
  • Nowadays, this hobby is no longer considered purely female.
  • At the same time, there is a chance to subsequently ask for his favorite dish.
The girl talks with the guy about art even if she ended topics


  • This topic shows the horizons and erudite of the girl.
  • You can talk about both classics and modern vanguard.
  • The main thing is that both like the topic.
  • Before a date, it is advisable to study each other's pages in social networks in order to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat exactly the interlocutor might like.

Cinema and books:

  • A conversation about a popular series or a recently read book can drag on for a long time.
  • Especially if both the guy and the girl are guided by the topic.
  • If someone alone is not familiar with the work, this will be a great chance to learn something new for themselves.


  • In the country and the life of stars, as a rule, interesting events often occur.
  • Discussion of news is a very exciting activity.
  • The main thing is not to slide into politics or not to stall on a total negative.


  • Many people love cats and dogs.
  • You can talk about your pet, show funny photos. Or the guy will do it.

Hated things and personalities:

  • You can talk not only that you both love.
  • It is possible that there are people and things that both are terribly infuriated with you: let's say, prefixed sellers - consultants, grannies in the tram or drivers who are parking on lawns.
  • The conversation about what is annoying will be lively and fascinating.

Here are a few more questions that you can ask the guy if the topics have ended:

Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
  • Here are funny questions that you can ask the guy and which will make him smile:
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
  • Here are the questions that will help the girl interest herself:
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
  • Questions that will help to diversify the conversation, and you and he will definitely not be bored:
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy
Questions that will help when talking with a guy

It is worth noting that many girls during conversation begin to make mistakes and affect the topics that are unacceptable when talking with a guy. You will learn about them below. Read further.

What should not be discussed with a guy?

There are topics that should not be talked about with a guy
There are topics that should not be talked about with a guy

Learn these topics by heart. Do not affect them, especially on the first dates. Otherwise, you will scare away the guy, and he will literally run away from you. At the beginning of friendship or love relationships, there should be lightness and ease. What should not be discussed with a guy? Here are forbidden topics, and if you are still unfamiliar, then you should not dump it:  

  • Your problems - It is possible that then, when you are in a relationship, the guy will become hope and support. But on the first date, complaining about life is not recommended. It is better to have a positive conversation. Excessive negativity can scare away the guy.
  • Former guys -The comparison with the ex-boyfriend will be unpleasant for both the relaxed and the notorious young man. Constant references to the former (even if they are negative) show that the girl is still interested in past love.
  • Income and other cash issues - Also not the best topic for the first date. Questions about salary, housing, a car, a country house can create the impression that the girl is looking for a sponsor. You should not know the guy about his prosperity, and you should also not talk about his security or poverty.
  • Gift price - A guy can give both a diamond ring and a plush toy from the nearest supermarket. There is really like him, it is worth rejoicing the same way. If the girl herself makes a present to a young man, also one should also mention his value.
  • Own shortcomings - You do not need to tell the guy that you are uncomfortable in jeans or that the blouse turns you away. If he came to the meeting, it means that in general, his appearance is like him. And minor shortcomings are not worthy of attention.
  • Fashion and beauty - It is unlikely that a man will like a review on a new handbag or the last manicure trends. Perhaps he will support the conversation from politeness. But internally it will dream that this topic is replaced faster.
  • Joint plans - You can dream about the future with a guy with whom you are together for more or less long time. If you are just starting to meet, discuss which house you buy or how many children you will have, at least stupid.

But in addition to talking on unacceptable topics, you can scare away the guy with other mistakes that girls often make. Read about them below.

Typical mistakes made by girls when talking with a guy

Typical mistakes made by girls when talking with a guy
Typical mistakes made by girls when talking with a guy

Learn not only to talk, but also to behave correctly. This is important, because your behavior speaks no less about you than words. Here are typical mistakes that girls can make when talking with a guy:

  1. Humor - Never say something like this: “You know, such guys run after me in crowds, not a couple to you, but I still came.”
  2. Attempts to seem significant- This is not a single guy, and even more so, does not paint the girl: “Do you know where my dad works? He is the owner of a large corporation. Recently I bought me the newest "iPhone", can you imagine? You definitely don’t have this. ”
  3. Attempts to seem too smart - Guys love erudite. But there is no need to read the ancient Greek epic by heart.
  4. Attempts to teach life: “You know, I think you need to change your job. The welder is not prestigious. Here is my ex -guy was an administrator of the night club. Its cool! I could go there for free, and he earned more than you. ”
  5. Excessive mystery - If in response to every male question, the girl flirtingly says “guess”, at first it is cute, and after that it is frankly annoying.
  6. Silent patience - Do not withstand a uninteresting topic. It is better to translate the conversation to the one that both like.

Psychological training is also important. You should not wind yourself up and set up on failure. The guy is not a terrible school teacher of chemistry and not even a dentist who threatens to remove a tooth without anesthesia, with terrible pain.

Advice: It is possible that the young man is also a little nervous when talking with a girl. Maximum relaxation and naturalness in communication should be achieved. You can imagine instead of a guy the face of your best friend - the one with whom you are not embarrassed to talk.

The most important thing is that you should remember before the first date: “If this is a really close person, then the conversation will be tied by itself, and if it is a person with whom there is nothing in common, then even the perfect date will be doomed to complete fiasco.” Do not forget about it. Good luck!

Video: What to talk about with a guy? Topics for talking with a guy

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