How beautiful and original, in rhyme, answer the word "hello", "hello", "hey": options for witty and impudent answers

How beautiful and original, in rhyme, answer the word

The answer to the word "hello" should not be banal, but original and beautiful.

When we see a familiar person, we always greet. It has been accepted and opened since ancient times. These are the usual norms of communication between people. If a person did not say hello, then he is considered an ignoramus.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “How to react and beautifully answer the words“ I love you ”? You will find phrases and find out if it is possible to keep silent.

From this article you will learn how to answer in an original way to "Hi", not just repeat the greeting or banal "Hello". Read further.

What are the types of greetings?


As mentioned above, the standard norms of human communication, as a rule, provide for a greeting. In Russian, such appeals to a person as "Hello/Hello", "Good afternoon/Morning/evening", "Hello", "Great" etc. What are the greetings, and depending on what is this or that wording are used? Let's understand.

So what are the types of greetings?

  • Official

As a rule, they are used in relation to unfamiliar, strangers, people much older by age or social status, respected people. it "Hello!", "Good afternoon/evening/morning!", Depending on the time of day. Alternatives such as "Greetings" etc.

  • Self

In the case of such greetings, the interlocutor is not called on "you." All kinds of reductions and variations are possible. The most common greeting from this category is the word "Hey". However, foreign options are often used "Halou", "Hai" etc. As a rule, such formulations are unacceptable in relation to an adult or much older than the one who turns. They are used between people who have known each other for a long time, are close in status or are peers.

According to the rules of etiquette:

  • The lower first welcomes the higher.
  • The youngest greets the first with the eldest.
  • But the first is the one who is older by age.

On the other hand, if a person enters the office or other room where people are already present, then he greets the first. And at the same time, it does not matter at all, gathered - his colleagues, partners or subordinates.

Why can't you say hello and welcome?

We must say
We must say "good afternoon"

Experts strongly advise being attentive in relation to such greeting options as "hello" and "Greetings". Why can't you say that?

Word "hello", it would seem, does not carry anything bad in himself. It has a sufficient degree of courtesy. However, everywhere there are “pitfalls”.

  • Quite often people involuntary do not say "hello",a "Hello". This is far from always the lack of culture.
  • A person can have a fuzzy diction, he is able to swallow whole combinations of letters. And the option "Hello" It is a sign of insufficient education. This is the so -called simplification and distortion invented by the people - in that distant time, quite illiterate.
  • That is why, in order not to be known as ignorant from the hinterland, the word "hello" It is advised to use only when you are able to pronounce it correctly. Otherwise (if you are not sure you will not say "Hello"), better say "Good afternoon!".

As for the word "Greetings"it is outdated. Therefore, in the modern world it looks wild. Tell a person "Greetings" - This is the same as pronouncing "Thank you" or "Do you deign to bite?". Yes, in the past centuries, such formulations would not cause resonance and would be perceived on “Hurray”. But not right now. Today they are acceptable only in a comic form.

Say hello, and I will tell you where you come from


The Russian language, to which we are all so accustomed, is actually a Central Russian dialect. He remained for centuries due to the fact that the inhabitants of the capital spoke in this dialect. However, in addition to our literary dialect, there are other forms of the Russian language. That is why by conversation you can easily determine from which province the roots of a person. For example, say hello, and I will say where you come from. Read more:

  • Without going into complex linguistic features, you can divide the Russian language into the northern and southern groups of dialects. This is a very rough gradation. As for the Central Russian dialects, from which our language is formed, it is somewhere “between”.
  • Such areas as: Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Kostroma, Lada-Tikhvinskaya, etc. can be attributed to the north.
  • As for the south, this is Smolensk, Tula, Ryazan and other provinces.
  • Each of these groups has its own phonetic and grammatical features.
  • For example, northerners "Turn", and southerners "Akat" And "yak".
  • Of course, if a native of some province lives in the capital for a long time, he can “dig”, but not completely. The specific features of the dialect will still be periodically manifested.

Each language of the world has its own greetings - and on them you can determine what kind of nationality is a person.

The answer to the word "Hello": How beautiful and original to answer?

Answer "Hey" In the same word, perhaps correctly - but completely not original. How to get out of the situation and show the miracles of creativity? How beautiful and original to answer? Here are the answers to the word "Hi":

  • Greetings from the old ones.
  • Hello - omelet.
  • Hello - a bicycle.
  • Hello, beetly beetle.
  • Hello - Medved, hello - cannibal.
  • Hello - dotuti (despite the fact that this meme phrase has already gone into the past, some still use it).
  • Hello - go away, I'm not here.
  • Hello - leave me, old woman, I'm sorrow.
  • Hello - Hi, if you are not joking.
  • Hello - Magomed! I'm not Magomed, I'm Farhad. Therefore, I will not say hello to you.
  • Hello - a bad person’s answer.
  • Hi - Who says this? I hear a voice. Where are you? Who are you? I can not see you
  • Hi - you have "hello", and I should have "hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! Do you deign to devote time to me? ”
  • Hello - not "Hello", but "Hello, my lord."

"Hi" - A fertile ground for a witty answer. And there are also a lot of rhymes to this word. Therefore, all that is needed to surprise friends is just to show ingenuity.

"Well, hello": how impudently and rude to answer?

Well hello
Well hello

Phrase "Well hello!" Night enough. On the one hand, the man greeted. But on the other hand, it is clear that he is not entirely glad to meet or interact with you. After all, the prefix itself "well" denotes a certain hostility. Greeting, such a person, as it were, does a favor. How to answer impudently and rude? Options:

  • Well, hello, if you don't joke.
  • Hello, Your Majesty! Vyusha, you are not very pleased with my being here.
  • For "well" I will bend your horns.
  • Add “well” once again to the word “hello”, I will cut it out of there. Well, I will chic another. So that he remembers.
  • Well, hello. Well, how are you? Well, what are you silent? Well, say! Well, as you want.
  • Why are we unhappy? Have you seen a person more charismatic and smart than you yourself?

To get rid of an unpleasant draft after "well", you can also hint to a person that this is a parasite word that needs to be forgotten and thrown out of human speech in favor of education.

How to answer the word "hello" in rhyme?

The rhyme response asks for the word "Hey". After all, even "answer" and "Hey" - These are rhymes. Even if very banal and predictable. You can show miracles of fantasy and really surprise the whole company. How to answer a word in rhyme "Hi"? Here are the options:

  • Hello! “Why did you raise me, a little light?”
  • Hello! - Deal, I have lunch!
  • Hello! - Hello, Oleg! We are five light!
  • Hello! - Did you fix the bike?
  • Hello! - Do you want an omelet for dinner?
  • Hello! - Do you have other greetings?
  • Hello! - With your greetings only to Closet.
  • Hello! “Why am I in bed your moped?”
  • Hello! - Not about your greetings do not care!
  • Hello! - Well, hello, grandfather!
  • Hello! - On your hello I have neutrality.
  • Hello - leave me, my good advice to you.
  • Hello - Do you want to hold a clarinet?
  • Hello - please make me Lornet.

It is worth starting from the age and sex of the interlocutor. But, one way or another, with the word "Hey" You can come up with many successful combinations.

How beautifully and originally respond to the word "hello": options for witty answers  

"Hello" do not say, only "hello" or "good afternoon"

Word "Hello" Many frankly do not like it, and is not unreasonable. After all, in fact, words "Hello" There is no Russian language. There is a greeting "hello". As for the reduction that infuriates for this, thanks to the ordinary people from past eras, who considered that this form of greeting is less sophisticated and simpler for pronunciation. How beautiful and original to answer the word "Hello", if there is no strength to endure more? Here are options for witty answers:

  • Hello! - Paint the fence
  • Hello! - Pass 100 bucks Nastya
  • Hello! - What kind of dialect of your mouth
  • Hello - right now I'll tear you to pieces

However, quite often a person says "Hello" Not because it is illiterate or because he wants to angry someone. Many from childhood get used to this option and consider it right.

How to answer the word "hey" in an original way: options

Some believe that a shout "Hey!" - The norm in relation to a stranger and a random passerby. But, in fact, this is a manifestation of lack of culture. An intelligent person will never shout "Hey!"even if the one he is naughty is much younger than him. And all the more, he will never say "Hey, you!".

How is it original to answer such a word-room? You can go into long explanations about the fact that it is impolite to say so. But, most likely, the boor will simply not listen. A large amount of text is tiring for him. That is why it is better to try another option:

  • Hey - healthy normally. What are you like gay?
  • Hey! - Do not disgrace, do not mix people.
  • Hey - do not change horses at the crossing.
  • Hey! - Hey, the name of the horses!
  • Hey! - First, in his beard, sprinkle.
  • Hey - curtains from here. Yes, quickly.

Quite often people justify their "hey" The fact that they do not know the name of the person to be addressed. In fact, this is not a reason. Shout "Man", "Woman", "Young man, wait!" much more decent.

Salam Aleikum: How to answer the correctness?

assalyamu alaikum (Salam Aleikum) - Greeting from the Arabic language, used by Muslims around the world, because it was originally a religious greeting of Islam. They respond correctly to this greeting with the phrase " Wa-aleikum as-Salyam ”-“ Peace to you! ”,“ And to you! ”. These are approximate equivalents in Russian. I must say that the Arabs have a rather difficult ritual and has special conditions for individual everyday cases.

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