How beautiful and original, in the rhyme to answer the word "xs", "I do not know": options for witty and daring answers

How beautiful and original, in the rhyme to answer the word

If you do not understand how to answer the phrase “I don’t know”, look for options in the article.

We all live in society. People tell us something, but we must answer. Of course, you can ignore it, but this is counted as ignorance or weakness. Therefore, the answer, in particular, is needed to specific phrases.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “How to react and beautifully answer the words“ I love you ”? You will find phrases and find out if it is possible to keep silent.

From this article you will learn how to answer words "Don't know" or "XZ". You will know how to answer in rhyme or original. Read further.

What to do if you do not know what to answer a question or a phrase: tips

Does not know what to answer
Does not know what to answer

You can be a very erudite or damn quick person - but this will not relieve a large number of tricky or really complex issues that will meet in life. What to do if they ask about what the answer is not known to, or what just does not want to answer? Quite often, people say that they do not know the answer. And this can be either honest recognition and cunning. What to do if you don’t know what to answer a question or a phrase? Here are the tips:

  • In controversial issues, it is always better to show miracles of diplomacy.
  • Do not pretend that you know the answer to the question - if you are not a GITIS graduate, the fraud will still be revealed.
  • You can not answer anything, but then you will have to avoid communication, pretend that you are in a hurry and leave. And this is not always appropriate and not everything will be adequately perceived by interlocutors.
  • Therefore, it is easier to say that you find it difficult to answer this question or directly say "I do not know".
  • You can express your assumptions on the topic if they are relevant: “I know for sure, but most likely”, “I'm not sure, but it seems to me that”, “I do not presume to assert, but I suppose”. However, in this case, you yourself are responsible for false information. And this is also not always useful and good. After all, the person who does not know for sure, but is taken to build some hypotheses, may well become the author of rumors and gossip.

That's the reason why it is easier to say that you do not know something. We are all not cars. A person has a long -term and short -term memory. This is completely normal. Moreover, it is often quite not necessary to remember information that you do not need or which does not concern you.

Why does a person answer “I don't know”?

In most cases, people say so when they find it difficult to answer some question. But at the same time, they consider it necessary to refrain from fantasies and assumptions in favor of reliability and truth. Answer "I do not know" - This is either recognition or departure from an unpleasant topic. One way or another, a person has the right to such an answer. He may well not raise topics that I do not want to discuss and is not obliged to know about everything in the world.

What can be beautifully or original to answer a person “I don't know” what to say or write: options

Quite often, there is a need to smooth out the situation and continue the conversation. How to do this? What can be beautifully or original to answer to a person to "Don't know"What to say or write? Here are the options:

  • Weird. Black sweater, gray trousers. Are you definitely an Annunciation? He seemed to go brightly. Or am I just so old that I don’t remember the children's book?
  • The young man was forever found. It is believed that if you know a lot, you will grow old soon. It's good that you will not touch you.
  • It's a shame not to know. But you are excusable.
  • Yeah, your memory is really not very good. And mental abilities too. But you are beautiful (girl).
  • Finally, I know who is a normal person in our company. And then errates on errat and drives erudite.
  • It's good that you honestly admitted. And then I’m still confused in all those “scenarios for fantasy” who, in response to my question, have invented these morons.
  • And you could not know that. I came up with this for a joke five minutes ago.

You should never rebuke a person for not knowing something. It is possible that this really is not included in the sphere of his interests and competence. Another thing is when it is a schoolboy who has not prepared for the lessons, a student who did not pass the test or a really uneducated person. But even in this case, everything is impossible to know.

The guy all the time answers in the messages “XZ”, “I don’t even know what to answer”: what to say, options

"XZ", "I don't even know what to answer"

It is believed that men are less verbose and emotional than women. But on the other hand, constant answers from a young man in style "Norm", "xs", "what?", "Yes," After you tried and painted whole poems to him, they openly annoy. Many girls (not groundlessly) come to the conclusion that if the guy is so laconic, then he just cares that he is not interested in real or virtual communication.

So, the guy answers all the time in messages "Xs" -what to say or write? Here are the options:

  • OK. Since you are “xs”, I will ask the one to whom “not xs”.
  • What kind of xs? Christopher Zakharovich? Is this a history teacher?
  • What do you know at all? How to read "playboy" and play "tanks"? There is a lot of mind there.
  • Now I know for sure that I fell in love with intellect. Well, then I don’t know at all why. Given all your other qualities, intelligence was the last clue.
  • Then we will ask him.
  • This is not an answer.
  • Do not fool me and answer me normally when they ask you.
  • Stop, already took out his xs.

More intelligent people replace "XZ" on the "I don't even know what to answer". How to parry in this case:

  • And I must know! Which of us is a man? Me or you?
  • If you do not know what to answer, don't say anything. I have long understood the level of your mental development.
  • Understand you. It’s really better to keep silent with your intelligence.
  • Sometimes it’s better to be silent than to speak.

Of course, it all depends on the situation. In some cases, not to know anything-quite excusable. It is also important to remember this. It is not necessary to scold a young man “how much in vain”, he must be scolded for business.

How to answer "I do not know" rudely: options for impudent answers

Sometimes an answer "Don't know" Frankly infuriates. Especially when the successful solution of the situation depends on this person. What can be invented in such circumstances? How to answer "Don't know" rough? Here are options for impudent answers:

  • I don't know, I don't know. What do you know at all?
  • Now I will give you a belt, and you will find out everything at once.
  • See this fly on the ceiling? The difference between her and you is only that she knows. And you don't. But I will slam both of you. Understood?

It should not be forgotten that a person may really not be aware. And in this, this is far from always there is his personal wine.

Why does the girl answer the questions “I don’t know”: what to tell her in response?

For many girls "don't know" and "I don't want to talk about it" Sinonyms. Why does the girl answer questions like that? Quite often, with the help of this expression, the beautiful sex is trying to get away from uncomfortable questions. But how to react to such a "protection"? What can she tell in response?

  • I see that you do not want to talk about it. Okay, I will not insist. Let's talk about this later (when you are ready).
  • Sorry, dear. But there is no point in hiding the obvious now. We both know very well what I'm talking about. And the sooner we will dot the “and” in this situation, the better for us both.
  • This for me you “do not know”, and for the other, it is quite aware.
  • I know very well that in your case “I don’t know” it means “I don’t want”. Well, this is your choice. I cannot challenge him even with all my desire.

Of course, it all depends on the context of the topic under discussion. In some cases, you can jokingly cling to the female "don't know" And benefit for yourself. And in some, indeed, it is better to retreat and not insist.

The child answers the questions “I don’t know”: what does this mean?

Children's "don't know" Often implies both the true lack of awareness and the desire to get away from the conversation. The child knows very well that he will be punished for breaking his mother’s vase. Therefore, he replies that he does not know who broke her. Thus, he wants to take suspicions from himself. In such cases, you can answer:

  • You know, lie not good. I see in your eyes who did it. Therefore, it is always better to honestly admit that you have done something bad than trying to shust yourself. A person who can honestly admit the deed is worthy of respect. Remember this.
  • Better tell the truth. After all, all the secret sooner or later becomes clear.
  • You should never lie to adults. Better admit honestly.

It happens that the child says "don't know" in class. In this case, you can use the following options: “It's a shame not to know”, “This is even a first -grader”. If ignorance can be forgiven, then it should be told to the child that he should pay more attention to this topic and study with great diligence.

What to answer the guy, the girl to the words "I know, but": options

We answer the guy, the girl to the words
We answer the guy, the girl to the words "I know, but"

People are very fond of fearing everything, as in chess. They have an answer to any question. Moreover, people simply love to operate with arguments to burn themselves. Phrase "I know but" A person shows that he made a mistake, but does not want to recognize it. He does not want to follow the "right" path, but wants to choose his own.

Even if from the point of view of society, this path is wrong. This is a kind of manifestation of self -will, which can be appropriate. However, a person speaking "I know but" Shows selfishness. He does not listen to the opinion of others, but wants to do as he only needs. What can be answered by a guy, a girl to these words? Here are the options:

  • Perhaps you really know. But I have much more experience (including life), so I would recommend you to do as I told you.
  • If you “know, but” then you don’t know.
  • It is not enough just to know, it is also important to understand.
  • For each of your “I know” you always have a thousand “but”. And this is the root of all your misunderstandings.
  • Do as you know. I will not dissuade you.

Generally, "I know but" - This is always an attempt to show independence. It can be both successful and unsuccessful. However, in some cases it is more reasonable to give a person the opportunity to prove himself. Even if at the same time he stumble.

How to answer the question, if you do not know the answer - I often do not know what to answer: options

Even the child prodigy and geniuses cannot know everything in this life. However, the answer "don't know" Not always desirable. After all, he can show a person with a complete ignoramus. So, how to answer the question if you do not know the answer? I often don't know what to answer. What alternatives are there? Here are the options:

  • I find it difficult to answer your question - The answer says that a person does not know the answer at the moment. But he will look for him. Or already has some thoughts and versions regarding this issue, but not quite confident in their reliability. Such an answer characterizes a person as a serious, adult, thoughtful person.
  • I can not know - The “army” answer clearly shows that the knowledge that requires a person is simply not within his competence. In other words, the linguist is not at all obligated to know the intricacies of higher mathematics, and the sound engineer does not have to know how to properly lay the foundation at home. Speaking "I can not know", a person shows that this is not his field of activity, not his specialization.
  • It is not in my competence. Better consult with a specialist - The same as "I can not know", only in more business, and not in the army interpretation. A person also shows that by the family of his activity he is not related to the topic under discussion. Therefore, I am not sure of the sufficiency of my knowledge in this field. He does not risk giving advice. The only advice that he gives: to ask a question to another person. The master or specialist in the area in which the question was asked.
  • I'll think about the answer and tell you - Not always an appropriate answer. Because often the question is asked "here and now." There is simply no time to think. However, in some cases, it is still possible to take time for thought. For example, a person is offered to go to work from the second shift to the first. Yes, the question of consent, and he can immediately answer “yes” or “no”. But if he is not sure if he is ready to change his work schedule, and with him a lifestyle, he may not say "I don’t know yet, I will inform you tomorrow." BUT "I will think and give the answer to the question after a while". This time, in this case, varies. It can be 15 minutes, half an hour, hour, day. Depending on the situation.

Answer "don't know" It is considered a sign of uncertainty. Sometimes he subconsciously indicates that a person does not know what he wants. That is why adults try to avoid it, replacing analogues.

“I don’t know”: how witty to answer with poems?

"Don't know"

An interesting answer in a poetic form is always a plus in communication. How witty to answer with poems to "Don't know"? What are the methods?

“For training, you are open,

It is not attached to family and children,

Is the experience all forgotten?

You do not know ... but you must know ... "


“You say you don't know

Although the darkness sounds.

You are very upset me

His lack of mind "


“It is impossible to know everything in the world,

But here the answer is easy

But apparently you, brother, do not want

Why do I fool my head? "

The list can be continued endlessly. The main thing is to show ingenuity and wit. The companies will accurately evaluate a poetic reasoned response to such a topical phrase. Good luck!  

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