How to get rid of the sweating of the legs at home? Recipes and advice on getting rid of sweating legs using pharmacy and folk remedies

How to get rid of the sweating of the legs at home? Recipes and advice on getting rid of sweating legs using pharmacy and folk remedies

Pharmacy drugs and home remedies that eliminate sweating of the legs.

Increased sweating of the legs causes discomfort in everyday life. This applies not only to the strong half of humanity, but also to women.

Sweatiness of the legs is found even in children and adolescents. What reasons cause excessive sweating of the legs and how to get rid of it - we will tell in order.

Why does excessive sweating of the feet arise?

Why do their legs sweat? It would seem a simple question with a certain answer. Legs sweat from elevated temperature of the medium where they are.

The sweat glands in such conditions begin to work intensively, the physiological mechanism of cooling the zone of elevated temperature automatically works automatically.

Closed shoes made of synthetic material causes increased sweating of the legs
Closed shoes made of synthetic materials causes increased sweating of the legs

Everything would be nothing, but a favorable environment for the habitat of microorganisms is created. They develop freely, providing themselves with the most comfortable living space.

Products of vital activity and decomposition of microbes create an unbearable smell emanating from the legs. And this factor delivers a lot of problems in everyday life.

What are the causes of sweating?

  • absence or insufficient legs hygiene
  • closed uncomfortable shoes from synthetic materials
  • synthetic insoles in shoes
  • wearing closed shoes in a warm room for a long time
  • hormonal malfunctions in the body
  • some diseases (diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, fungus)
  • stressful situations, excitement
  • enhanced physical activity
Increased sweating of the legs is observed even in children and adolescents
Increased sweating of the legs is observed even in children and adolescents

Sweating legs in a child and a teenager

They sweat their legs not only in adults, but also in young children and adolescents

  • Most often, an uncomfortable shoes made of synthetic materials and rubber are a factor that causes sweating in children. It does not pass air and creates excellent conditions for the development of bacteria and fungus
  • Synthetics socks and tights contribute to the fact that the legs sweat
  • Small children and adolescents are very mobile due to their age. Sports classes and active games contribute to the sweating of children
  • Enhanced sweating causes taking some groups of drugs, an increased psycho -emotional state, hormonal restructuring
  • Failure to comply with the elementary rules of hygiene for foot care can provoke increased sweat. Such children, as a rule, have wet socks and cold limbs
  • Hot weather causes increased sweating
  • Putting food can also provoke sweat
Incomplete model shoes often contribute to sweating
Incomplete model shoes often contribute to sweating

Feet sweating in women

Female hyperhidrosis occurs for a number of reasons. We list the most common causes of female sweating of the legs.

  • Fashionable models of shoes, which are difficult to abandon young girls, often have an uncomfortable block that impedes air exchange and constraining blood circulation. Artificial leather and insoles, rubber material and soles of shoes cause excessive sweating
  • Synthetic tights, socks and golfs contribute to the fact that the feet begin to sweat, while the legs become wet and cold
  • Often women have been in a closed warm shoes in the room for a long time. As a result, the legs sweat and there is discomfort in the form of increased humidity and cooling of the feet

The causes of sweating legs in healthy women:

  • hereditary predisposition
  • hormonal disorders,
  • infectious diseases
  • the presence of a malignant tumor
  • flat feet
  • nervous disorders
  • skin diseases
  • excessive hobby diet
Daily legs hygiene and sock change will help reduce foot sweating
Daily legs hygiene and sock change will help
reduce the sweating of the legs

Sweatiness of the legs in men

Increased foot sweating is the problem of many men. It happens that the strong floor falls into piquant situations due to sweating and a strong smell from the legs.

It is believed that increased hyperhidrosis is found in almost every man and this is inevitable for the male half. Is it so?

It often happens that daily wash with soap, air baths for feet and a clean pair of socks eliminates the problem of sweating.

What affects hyperhidrosis of male legs?

  • insufficient legs hygiene
  • narrow uncomfortable shoes from synthetic materials
  • active sports loads
  • some diseases and stressful situations

Important: if you are concerned about increased sweating of the legs, and daily hygiene of the feet, the change of shoes and socks does not help to remove this ailment, you should consult a doctor and examine your health.

Is it possible to get rid of the sweating of the legs forever?

Applying various means and observing the elementary daily feet, you can significantly reduce and normalize the sweating of the legs.

Further, the article will describe recipes and methods of reducing sweating legs that can be used at home.

Means for sweating legs, video

Poppers from sweating legs

Pharmacies provide a wide range of means that lower the sweating of the legs. These drugs have a disinfectant, drying and deodorizing effect. Consider the most popular pharmacy products for sweating.

Teimurova Pasta - Pluggage Pluggage with Slinking Legs
Teimurova Paste - a pharmacy drug with sweating legs

Teimurov Paste Contains boric acid, drill, zinc oxide, salicylic acid, urotropin, lead acetate, formaldehyde, mint oil. This widely known drug is used to reduce sweating of the legs. Teimurov Paste has antibacterial, antifungal, drying and cooling effects.

The clean skin of the interdigital space is smeared with paste several times a day. The course of treatment of hyperhidrosis of the stop is usually 15-30 days.

Formagel- A colorless gel containing 3.7% formaldehyde. The tool reduces the activity of the sweat glands. The gel is applied to the clean skin of the feet and between the fingers. After half an hour, the skin is washed with water and thoroughly dried with a towel. The effect of the drug is designed for 10-12 days. Then the procedure is repeated.

Burnt kvassians (alumo -coal kvass) - natural antimicrobial, anti -inflammatory, drying, enveloping and hemostatic agent.

The drug eliminates sweating and relieves the itching of the skin. It is used as a powder. Pure skin of problem areas is sprinkled with alum as necessary.

Hyperhidrosis tablets are used as prescribed by a doctor
Hyperhidrosis tablets are used as prescribed by a doctor

Plings from sweating legs

With hyperhidrosis and deterioration of well -being, consult a doctor. In such cases, treatment is prescribed by sedatives containing Beladonna alkaloids (beauty extract).

These drugs are prescribed and released according to the prescription of the doctor. The tablets have an anti -stress effect and at the same time suppress the activity of the sweat glands.

Zinc ointment from sweating legs

Ointments and pasta based on zinc oxide are pharmacy drugs, tested by time and proved their effectiveness in the fight against excessive sweating.

Zinc oxide is used to prepare ointments, pastes, chatterboxes, linification. The drug has a disinfectant and drying effect.

Zinc ointment - time -tested remedy for foot hyperhidrosis
Zinc ointment - time -tested remedy for foot hyperhidrosis

Zinc ointment 10% Contains zinc oxide and medical petroleum jelly. The drug has an antiseptic, astringent, adsorbing and drying effect. The ointment is applied to clean skin, subject to excessive sweating, 2-3 times a day.

Salicylic-zinc pasta or lassara pasta Contains zinc oxide, salicylic acid, starch, petroleum jelly. The paste lubricate the interdigital spaces, applying the drug to clean areas of the skin.

Lassara paste is used for sweating legs, like an old and proven remedy that dries the skin that relieves inflammation and irritation of the skin. The drug creates a protective barrier from external factors, adsorb excess moisture and allows the skin to remain dry for a long time.

Home remedies for sweating legs

Daily legs hygiene will help to purchase a well -groomed look and overcome increased sweating with the feet. At home, you can effectively and accessible to your feet without resorting to the services of expensive cosmetic salons.

Night baths, powders, pastes - all these products are acceptable and will not take much time in everyday care of the feet. In addition, these procedures are not only pleasant, but also help reduce the sweating of the legs.

Foot baths are an effective way to reduce foot sweating
Foot baths are an effective way to reduce foot sweating

Foot baths with potassium permanganate

Pharmacy potassium permanganate dries the skin of the legs and has an antiseptic effect.

  1. In warm water, dissolve several potassium permanganate crystals to light pink staining.
  2. To withstand the feet in a potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes
  3. Wipe your legs dry

Oak bark baths

Oak bark contains a tanny substance - tannin. The natural component has a bactericidal and astringent effect. Therefore, baths with oak bark not only treat small cracks on the feet, but also significantly reduce the sweating of the legs.

Tannin oak bark will help remove excessive sweating of the legs
Tannin oak bark will help remove excessive sweating of the legs
  1. Pour 200 g of oak bark with a liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. This amount of decoction is enough for four procedures.
  2. Mix a glass of oak decoction with a liter of warm water
  3. In the resulting solution, withstand the feet for 20 minutes

An unused concentrated solution of oak bark is stored in the refrigerator. Foot baths should be used daily for 10-14 days.

Oak patch

Small oak bark into socks. Drinking from oak bark can be treated with the space between the toes. Such a tool perfectly absorbs sweat and neutralizes its smell.

Baths with soda, salt and tincture of iodine

Night baths with this composition are excellent prevention from fungal diseases, the composition of the solution has an antiseptic and drying effect.

In a liter of hot water, dissolve on a tablespoon of table salt and soda. Add 5-7 drops of alcohol solution 5% iodine. To withstand the feet to the cooler of water complete.

The infusion of sage grass is used to reduce sweating in the form of foot baths and when taking oral
The infusion of sage grass is used to reduce sweating in the form of foot baths and when taking oral

Baths with sage

The sage sheet has a disinfectant and astringent property. Plant components affect the hormonal level and normalize sweating. In addition, the foot baths with sage soften the skin and eliminate corns.

  • Grind 5 tablespoons of pharmacy sage with a liter of boiling water and withstand for 15 minutes over low heat.
  • Keep your feet in warm infusion for 20 minutes

To enhance the effect of reducing sweating, it is possible to combined the use of sage decoction inward and in the form of foot baths

For internal use: pour a tablespoon of sage with a glass of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

At home you can cook a deodorant for the legs yourself
At home you can cook a deodorant for the legs yourself

A recipe for home deodorant with rosemary, thyme and apple cider vinegar


  • thyme grass - 1 tablespoon
  • rosemary grass - 1 tablespoon
  • apple vinegar - 0, 5 cup
  • water - 1 cup


  1. Time and rosemary to steam with boiling water and cook on minimum heat for 15 minutes
  2. Strain and add apple cider vinegar after cooling

Place the solution in a spray or simply moisten a cotton swab and treat the areas of increased sweating several times a day.

Tea tree oil will effectively reduce the sweating of the legs and neutralize the smell of sweat
Tea tree oil will effectively reduce the sweating of the legs and neutralize the smell of sweat

Homemade deodorant with tea tree

Tea tree essential oil has long been famous for its bactericidal and antifungal properties. In addition, natural elixir normalizes the processes of sweating and eliminates the unpleasant the smell of the legs.


  • tea tree oil - 10 drops
  • water - 0, 5 cup


  1. Add 10 drops of tea tree to 100 ml of purified water
  2. Pour into a sprayer
Paste made of lemon juice and soda dries the skin and eliminates the smell of sweat
Paste made of lemon juice and soda dries the skin and eliminates the smell of sweat

Lemon juice and soda

Lemon and sodium juice are bicarbonate - the perfect combination of two ingredients. They not only reduce sweat, but have an antiseptic effect and neutralize the unpleasant smell of sweat.


  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • food soda - how much is required

Preparation and application

  1. Squeeze the juice and lemon and mix with soda until a pasty mixture is obtained
  2. Grease the space between the toes obtained
  3. After 15 minutes rinse with cool water and wipe the feet dry
A dry deodorant for the legs can be prepared from corn starch and baking soda
A dry deodorant for the legs can be prepared from corn starch and baking soda

Drinking from corn starch and soda

A successful combination of starch and soda will allow you to adsorb sweat and remove an unpleasant odor. The feet treated with such a pouring for a long time will remain dry, without spreading an undesirable aroma.


  • corn starch - 1 tablespoon
  • soda - 1 teaspoon

Preparation and application

  1. Mix food soda with corn starch in a given proportion
  2. Use the resulting dry deodorant as a powder for the feet and toes
You can get rid of the increased sweating of the legs using cosmetic and home remedies
You can get rid of the increased sweating of the legs using cosmetic and home remedies

How to get rid of the sweating of the legs at home: tips and reviews

It is possible to reduce excessive sweating of the legs at home. This is evidenced by numerous user reviews on the Internet.

What needs to be done so that the legs do not sweat?

  1. Wash your legs daily twice a day. Wipe your feet dry with a soft towel, do not forget to thoroughly wipe the moisture between the toes
  2. With excessive sweating, arrange a cycle of herbal baths that reduce sweating
  3. Use special means and powders that absorb excess moisture and sweat. In addition, such funds eliminate the unpleasant odor
  4. In the summer, do not wear closed shoes, but use open shoes that ensure good foot ventilation
  5. You should choose high -quality shoes from natural materials
  6. Legs should be kept in dry and comfortable warmth
With excessive sweating, the shoes should be disinfected and get rid of the smell
With excessive sweating, the shoes should be disinfected and get rid of the smell

And finally, we will share another useful advice.

How to disinfect shoes and remove an unpleasant odor?

  1. Drink a cotton swab with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and wipe the inner surface of the shoes
  2. Then soak the other cotton swab with alcohol and treat the shoes carefully from the inside
  3. After that, shoes should be ventilated and dried
  4. In processed shoes, put a bag of flavored dry tea

Video: What to do so that your legs do not sweat?


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Comments K. article

  1. Baths, lotions, folk remedies are good, but this does not always have enough time. In such cases, I use the ointment of Formagel. I like that this tool can be used only once a week, and the result is enough for a long time.

  2. Usually all antiperspirants, which is long -term based on aluminum salts. And this is very harmful. They accumulate in the pores, score them and lead to different inflammations and neoplasms. (((
    Although I can confirm about the baths with oak bark that there is enough of them extremely for a short time.

  3. Anna, as far as I know, aluminum salts are part of Dry-Drai. It is really very harmful. And I wrote about Formagel. This seems to be the only drug that is officially recognized as therapeutic and harmless.

  4. oh, it is somehow doubtful that formalin is useful)))
    In the instructions they write that there is enough for 14 days ... is not true?

  5. In addition to the Drays of the Classic, nothing helped me. All these baths are probably good for someone who is not very strong sweating.

  6. I usually cause sweat on the contrary

  7. I tried different means and folk ones. But the most effective, with a long -term effect, was Formagel in eliminating increased sweating.

  8. I really liked Stoppot, helped get rid of sweating. It is very easy to use, just falls asleep into shoes for 5 days. The result lasts about six months and the price is 150 rubles.

  9. Stoppot is generally a cool topic, it does not need to be busy for half a day, fell asleep into the shoes and went! The course is only 5 days, and sweating really disappears for a long time!

  10. I have not tried powders, but the stoppot lotion pleases me for about a year, the smell is very pleasant, I use after football. What is the difference with powders who knows?

  11. Stoppot is good, but it is cosmetic and its effect is weak. Nevertheless, the drug is more suitable for me to eliminate sweating. In addition, taking advantage of the form gel, I not only get rid of sweating, but also reduce the risk of infection with a fungus, since the gel has antifungal activity, which in my case matters.

  12. My husband I know as much as he, fights the smell of sweat from his feet. It is the smell of sweat! Whatever he did, and all sorts of baths and ointments and creams. He conducted so many experiments. The effect of some was, but not for long. Over time, the smell won. Soon he lost hope and no longer bothering, just more often changed socks. Somehow I myself was looking for a defector for armpits, in the pharmacy they advised me to take DRIS CONTROL. I took it, then already at home, read and it turned out that it can be used for the legs. I gave my husband, first refused, but then I agreed. And he really helped. We were so surprised and happy!

  13. Here, the Gel Formagel gel really helps with great sweating. He applied once, washed away after half an hour, and all, a week without problems. And then I just repeat the procedure.

  14. Does Formagel really help? I tried Teimurov’s paste that the effect is not very good.

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