Unpleasant odor of the legs: causes, methods of treatment, effective products from the smell of the legs

Unpleasant odor of the legs: causes, methods of treatment, effective products from the smell of the legs

The causes of an unpleasant odor of the legs in adults and children. How to get rid of the unpleasant odor of the legs?

An unpleasant amber, exuded with legs, can bring a lot of inconvenience and experiences to a person. People whose legs spread their smell irritating nose often awkwardly feel at a party, in public locker rooms, embarrassed to try on shoes in the store and in general, try not to take off their shoes anywhere.

In addition, such a problem is quite common, both among men and women. Even small children sometimes fall into the category of people with the smell of legs. Therefore, let's try to figure out what is the reason for such inconvenience, and how to deal with them.

Unpleasant smell of legs, causes

The causes of the unpleasant odor of the legs
The causes of the unpleasant odor of the legs

The only reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor of the legs is the active reproduction of pathogens and microbes on the feet. However, there are quite a lot of factors contributing to such a rapid distribution:

  1. Shoes made of synthetic materials. Such shoes do not let air to the leg, which only improves the conditions for the propagation of bacteria and enhance the smell
  2. Nominal-humble products sewn from low-quality materials. As in the case of shoes, synthetic materials do not allow the leg to breathe
  3. Individual peculiarity of the body, which consists in abundant sweating
  4. Deviation from hygiene rules (wearing dirty socks, wet shoes, irregular removal of coarse skin of the feet)
  5. Metabolic disorder due to malnutrition
  6. Some diseases accompanied by severe sweating (tuberculosis, menopause, diabetes mellitus, problems with the thyroid gland, vascular or nervous system)
  7. Stress and excitation causing sweating
  8. Excessively active lifestyle, playing sports
  9. Hormonal imbalance is able to enhance sweat and unpleasant odor
  10. Fungal infections
  11. Weakening of immunity, disarming the body in the fight against bacteria

Unpleasant odor under the nails of the legs, causes

Unpleasant odor under the nails
Unpleasant odor under the nails
  • The main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor under the nails is all the same microbes and bacteria. However, if the smell comes directly from under the nail, this can be a sign of the nail fungus
  • As a rule, the fungus is still accompanied by the appearance of a yellowish-greenish shade under the nail. Such a disease does not go away by itself - it must be treated
  • To do this, contact a dermatologist to the dermatologist to the dermatologist. Only he can prescribe the necessary tests and treatment

There are several reasons for the appearance of the fungus under the nail on the legs:

  • Lack of hygiene and irregular washing of the legs
  • Weakened immunity unable to overcome fungal bacteria
  • Wounds, abrasions, corns and cuts on the legs
  • Reaction to the use of antibiotics and other potent drugs
  • Excessive sweating in the legs

If the cause of the unpleasant odor under the nails of the legs was still not a fungus, then the factors that provoked its appearance can be called the same factors that contribute to the unpleasant odor of the legs themselves.

The smell of legs in a child: causes and tips how to get rid of

Unpleasant smell of legs in a child
Unpleasant smell of legs in a child
  • Oddly enough, but the legs of the children much more often emit an unpleasant odor than the legs of adults. Such a disease is called Bromhydrosis
  • There are quite a lot of causes in children - these are poor -quality shoes, synthetic socks, and digestive problems, and fungal diseases of the legs

In order to help his baby not to feel discomfort from the unpleasant smell of his legs, parents should adhere to the following rules:

How to help the baby get rid of the unpleasant odor of the legs?
How to help the baby get rid of the unpleasant odor of the legs?
  1. It is advisable to buy only leather shoes or shoes that can pass the air inward children. It is also recommended for a child to have several pairs of shoes so that it manages to ventilate or dry after wet weather
  2. The child needs to be bought only from natural materials - the combination of cotton and acrylic is perfect (acrylic will help to quickly remove moisture from the fabric). The rule of daily replacement of socks should also be mandatory. If the baby is playing sports, then he should have two pairs of socks for a day - one for sports, and the other for everyday wear
  3. The child should eat in a balanced in order to avoid problems with the digestive tract. Indeed, it is precisely because of an imbalance in the child's body that intoxication occurs, which comes out with the later. Toxins, of course, never smell nice. Therefore, only natural products (more vegetables and fruits) should include the child’s diet)
  4. Be sure to observe drinking mode - moisture actively removes harmful substances and toxins from the body
  5. The baby can be given active additives, such as chlorophyll, to combat intoxication of the body
  6. You can also arrange daily baths using aromatic oils and add droplets of such oils to children's shoes
  7. With the help of aromatherapy, you can not only get rid of unpleasant odor, but also provide excellent prevention of its occurrence

In any case, you can’t let everything go by itself, and leave the child alone with this rather difficult problem. If all of the above methods of combating an unpleasant odor in children have not helped, it is advisable to contact a specialist. After all, the cause of its occurrence can be a more serious disease that requires urgent treatment.

Sour smell of legs: reasons and how to get rid of

Sour smell of legs
Sour smell of legs
  • Sometimes a person’s legs can spray into the air an unpleasant sour smell or, as some else associate it, a “cheese” smell. In this case, shallow fossa can appear on the surface of the skin of the feet
  • Sometimes during walking a person may experience some discomfort and tingling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet. This phenomenon is called keratolysis
  • Keratolysis is caused by a number of bacteria, which, using sweat or moisture from the environment, corrode the surface of the skin and release volatile acidic odors into the air
  • If your child is detected, you need to contact a dermatologist. He most likely advises to take a number of tests and prescribe treatment
  • As a rule, the treatment of keratolysis consists in the use of a variety of ointments, creams or talkers based on antibacterial agents
  • If even antibiotics do not give the proper result, doctors prescribe a course of taking erythromycin in the form of tablets lasting a month

What to do if an unpleasant odor is from the legs? How to treat the smell of sweat?

How to get rid of the unpleasant odor of the legs?
How to get rid of the unpleasant odor of the legs?

Do not panic from the fact that there was an unpleasant smell of legs. Subject to some rules and tips, it will be possible to quickly get rid of it. This will require the following:

  1. Hygiene. You need to wash your legs regularly and carefully, with the help of a washcloth and antibacterial soap. Do not forget about the area between the fingers - this is the most convenient place for the life and propagation of microbes and fungi
  2. After washing the legs, you must definitely wipe with a towel, because it is moisture that is the best assistant bacteria
  3. Disinfection. After bathing on the legs, you can apply a disinfectant based on alcohol. If there is no such tool, you can use ordinary alcohol and vinegar. To do this, mix all the named ingredients in equal proportions and apply them to the skin of the legs using a sprayer
  4. Deodorizing agents. It is also possible to use special antiperspirants and deodorants. Before dressing, you need to wait until such a tool dries. If there is no antiperspirant for the legs, you can use some improvised products that allow you to dry the skin well and kill bacteria. Such products include soda, talc and corn starch
  5. Shoes. When choosing shoes, it is better to dwell on leather models, or those options that are made of natural breathing textiles
  6. It is better to avoid materials such as plastic and rubber - they only enhance the smell of sweat. It is better to wear open shoes in summer - there must be an open toe open
  7. In no case should you walk in wet shoes - she needs to give at least twenty -four hours to completely dry. Therefore, it is better to have several pairs of shoes
  8. If this is not possible, then you can purchase a special leg dryer - it is able to dry shoes in just eight hours
  9. Shoes also need to be regularly washed or washed - in some cases it is even possible for this purpose to use a washing machine
  10. Socks. When wearing closed shoes, it is necessary to wear socks. They allow you to absorb excess moisture
  11. Socks should also be made of natural materials - nylon or other synthetic fabrics delay moisture inside, which only provoke the spread of unpleasant odors. Socks need to be changed every day, and sometimes several times a day - socks should be dry
  12. Wash socks, you need to turn out on the wrong side - this is how more chances will appear to completely cleanse them of keratinized particles of the skin of the legs, and, accordingly, bacteria

Baths from the smell of legs: folk recipes

  1. Baths. You can regularly pamper your legs with a variety of baths. The simplest baths with soda are considered the simplest (it creates an alkaline environment that is extremely negative for the propagation of microbes), salt (preferably sea) and a small amount of vinegar (good disinfector)
  2. Folk healers propose to carry out baths with the addition of a variety of natural components (oak or willow bark, horsetail, nettles, sage, mint, walnut leaves, chamomile)

Drugs for the odor of the legs: Teymurov paste, formidron, kvass burnt, boric acid, zinc ointment, lavender oil

Preparations for the odor of the legs

Preparations for the odor of the legs

To combat the unpleasant odor of the legs, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge selection of various drugs and products:

  • Feet creams from unpleasant odor. We will talk about them a little later
  • Gels from the smell of legs
  • Foot powder
  • Leg lotions. Such lotions have a disinfectant and deodorizing effect on the skin of the legs. Before applying the lotion, the legs must be thoroughly washed with soap and wiped dry with a towel. After application, you must wait until the lotion is absorbed, and only then shoes. The most famous leg lotion from sweat is “5 days” from “Gelleno Pharm”
  • Ointment from the smell of legs. Pasta Teimurov - One of the most popular drugs used in the fight against unpleasant odors. This tool has antibacterial and drying properties. It contains salicylic and boric acid, talc and zinc oxide
  • Before applying the pasta, the legs must be thoroughly washed and dried naturally (without the help of a towel). Then the paste must be rubbed into the skin of the legs for a couple of minutes. The procedure is performed four days in a row before bedtime
  • Another popular and rather budget ointment is zinc ointment. It is able to prevent excessive sweating, eliminate the smell and soften the skin. The legs based on natural components can be attributed Deo-control. This ointment consists of oil, lavender, tea tree and cocoa, as well as vitamins. These components allow you to ensure deo-control good antiseptic and mitigating properties
  • Lavender oil. Lavender oil has antibacterial, anti -inferib and refreshing effects on the skin of the legs. Such oil is used in the form of an additive to the bath. A few drops of lavender must be diluted in milk and added to the bath. The recommended exposure time is twenty minutes. It is advisable to do this kind of baths a couple of times a week
  • Formidron - a drug based on formaldehyde, which has an antibacterial and refreshing effect on the skin of the legs. Formidron must be applied and rubbed into the skin of the legs. Since the drug has an excellent drying effect, you need to monitor its dosage, otherwise you can greatly overdose the skin
  • Kvass are burnt -a drug based on potassium aluminum alum with strong anti-inflammatory, absorbing sweat and blocking bacteria with action. Hurders are produced in the form of powder, because they are used as a pouring in the morning. Approaching the drug in the morning to clean dry skin, in the evening it needs to be thoroughly washed off
  • Boric acid - A drug with a good antiseptic effect. Boric acid is filled directly into the toe before dressing. Such socks should be put on dry, clean legs. After using the socks, they need to be sent to washing, and the legs should be thoroughly washed

Cream against the smell of the legs Dry-Dry, Lavilin, “5 days”, Deo-control, cleaner deo, folk healer, 911 Nepotin, leg cream from green pharmacy

Cream against the smell of legs
Cream against the smell of legs

Consider the most popular foot creams that help cope with an unpleasant odor:

  1. Foot cream Dry-Dry. This drug, made by the Swedish company Scande Line, contains a hydrate of aluminum chloride and denatured alcohol. These chemicals allow you to block the output of sweat through the legs and redirect it to other parts of the body. The drug must be applied to washed and dried skin of the legs an hour before bedtime. In the morning you can wash your legs - the cream has already been absorbed, and its action will be noticeably for five days
  2. Lavilin foot cream. The drug was produced by the Israeli company Hlavin based on simple components: talc, potato starch, zinc oxide, ethylhexillycerin, triatil citrate, calendula, arnica and chamomile. Lavilin legs, like the previous drug, organize a certain plug for the sweat glands, while all the resulting bacteria are destroyed using it.
    Apply the drug to clean, dry skin. After some time, the legs can be wetted and washed, however, the components of the drug will still remain in the skin. Lavilin lasts about a week
  3. 5 -day cream from Gelo farm. This drug based on zinc oxide, cetyl alcohol, camphor and menthol can reduce sweating, disinfect, dry, cool and refresh the skin of the legs. You need to apply the cream before bedtime on clean, dried skin
  4. Cream deo-control. The drug from the Kalina concern was created on the basis of natural components: shi, lavender, tea tree, cocoa and vitamins. The cream fights with existing bacteria on the skin of the legs and creates a protective layer that prevents their reproduction. DeO-control should be applied to dry, washed skin of the legs. Subsequent application will be required only when the smell returns again
  5. Feet cream from green pharmacy. A cream based on zinc oxide, menthol, camphor and tea tree has a refreshing, drying and antifungal property. Rub the cream after a shower in dry, clean legs. The effect is five days
  6. 911 Nepotin Cream
  7. Cleaned deo
  8. Folk healer

Baby pouring from the smell of legs


The main function of the legs is drying is the skin. Bacteria on dry skin is much more difficult to multiply. You can buy a leg of leg at a pharmacy.

You can use ordinary baby powder for these purposes.

Folk remedies for the smell of legs: talc, starch, salt, boric acid

If neither that option does not suit you, you can use natural products that have a drying effect:

  • Talc
  • Potato starch
  • Corn starch
  • Food salt
  • Boric acid powder

Benzoil -peroxide gel Baziron AS from Oxy Silver  from the smell of legs

Gels from the smell of legs
Gels from the smell of legs

Foot gels, as a rule, act in the same way as creams, simply have a slightly different structure. The most common gels include:

  • Benzoil -peroxide gel Baziron AS from Oxy Silver. This gel, as a rule, is prescribed in the treatment of acne, but it is perfect for combating an unpleasant odor of the legs. Active substances of the gel adversely affect microbes. Bazyron AC should be applied once a day on dry, clean leg leather
  • Formagel Reduces sweating, prevents the appearance of the fungus and disinfects the surface of the skin. It is enough to apply a gel to clean and dry skin of the legs once a week, and then rinse it after half an hour

How to remove the smell of legs: tips

Tips on getting rid of the smell of legs
Tips on getting rid of the smell of legs

In addition to the above methods and means of combating the unpleasant odor of the legs, it is advisable to adhere to several more tips:

  1. During experiences and stress, the body allocates many times more sweat than in a calm state. This must be taken into account with regular attempts to eliminate the smell of the legs
  2. Crystal -based aerosols perfectly protect the skin from uninvited bacteria and fungi
  3. If the smell found outside the house, you can wipe your legs with wet antiseptic wipes or alcohol
  4. The correct metabolism and the absence of toxins are the key to normal sweating. A sufficient dose of zinc in the human body is still very important. It is the lack of zinc can provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor of the body
  5. It is advisable to wash your feet twice a day - in the morning and evening. Sports involves mandatory legs after training
  6. Socks need to be changed every day. You need to wear socks immediately before putting on the shoes. Having walked around for some time in socks before the shoe, you risk collecting excessive bacteria
  7. Cutting nails on the legs should be carried out regularly and accurately. After all, it is under them that microbes and fungi like to live most of all. And in the case of the formation of wounds or cuts during pedicure, bacteria lives even more fun
  8. Timely removal of keratinized skin areas on the feet allows you to deprive bacteria of a convenient place of existence

Video: How to get rid of the unpleasant odor of the legs?

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Comments K. article

  1. How I know this problem! After classes in the gym, my sneakers smelled very unpleasant. That I just did not try, nothing helped. And on the Internet I came across information about a special tool against the smell of sweat in shoes - duftafite. I decided to order and did not lose. Now this problem does not concern me anymore.

  2. Useful information in the article! I will use tips on my own husband. He just suffers from excessive sweating of his legs. Baths and creams do not recognize. But recently, the formgel ointment began to use. The problem is gradually solving!

  3. Olga, Formagel for the palms is suitable? My palms sweat strongly when I worry, I would sometimes use it in particularly important cases ... There is also not enough time for baths.

  4. For the legs, adding, in shoes Frechers. Well, observe personal hygiene.

  5. Yes, I remember how I could not get rid of the unpleasant smell of her legs, terrible discomfort, and for the girl all the more (((. I don’t save on the quality of hygiene, and I don’t save on the quality. At the reception of a dermatologist, the initial stage of a fungal infection was found, and this There was a reason. To get rid of the fungus helped Mizol, dripped on the feet every day+ disinfected all the shoes with vinegar solution (the sour smell of vinegar is quickly eliminated, the shoes themselves do not suffer from this).

  6. The husband had an unpleasant smell of legs. At the same time, he observed daily hygiene legs, changed socks every day and used special deodorants for shoes, but this did not help him very much. In fact, the sweat has no smell, but it creates a favorable environment for the propagation of bacteria, and the smell is already a product of their life. Therefore, I decided to fight not with the smell, but with later. To do this, I used a form gel - this is a gel, and a medicinal one that eliminates sweating. And in the end, the legs stopped sweating, and the smell disappeared. It should be noted that this form gel not only reduces excessive sweating, but also has disinfecting effects, which is a prevention of fungal diseases.

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