How to get rid of the aspen nest in the country: folk methods and means

How to get rid of the aspen nest in the country: folk methods and means

The invasion of OS is like a natural disaster. He was going to relax well in the summer and work in the country - and then such an unpleasant neighborhood suddenly formed. And if they had not touched anyone, so let them slowly live - they were not pests, but these evil insects do not leave anyone alone. They sting, climb into a basin with jam, leave their yellow marks on just washed underwear.

In the case of an aspen nest in the country, only one way out remains - as soon as possible to get rid of these evil insects. There are different ways in which you can get rid of undesirable neighborhood. Here we will talk about them.

How to get rid of the aspen nest in the country with folk remedies?

  • The wasps are very striking on sweets, so any sweet liquid is suitable for traps. To make the trap more effective, it is better to take a container with a narrow neck for this purpose, similar to a funnel. Then it will be difficult, or even impossible, from this trap to break free.
  • Use better smelling liquids than ordinary sweet water. They are suitable for treating honey and jam. It is better for these purposes to take a thick viscous bait - the wasps in it are tied faster. And if it is very thickened or sugared, then you can slightly dilute it with water.
  • Pour the contents of the ampoule into the prepared mixture with any insecticide affecting the gastrointestinal tract of insects-such as poison for Colorado beetles.
  • This method is triggered, however get rid of the aspen nest in the country It is completely impossible - unless their population will decrease.
You can get rid of the nest with sweets
You can get rid of the nest with sweets

How to get rid of the aspen nest in the country: List of funds

  • You can also buy a trap in a store - the principle of action is the same as that of a homemade one.
  • For a more effective result, it is better to buy a special poison for OS in the store.

The poisonous supplement can be different:

  • Bleaching powder
  • Dichlophos
  • Domestos
  • Karbofos
  • Fufanon
  • Preractin
  • Raptor
  • Mosquito
  • Alatar
  • Sweeter
  • Troapshil
  • Gett

There is also a very good drug that acts instantly, it is called the “executioner”. Not only ants, cockroaches, bugs and fleas, but also wasps die from him. To create lures, be sure to read the instructions and comply with all the requirements indicated on it. Similar drugs act for relatively long. Not only are the wasps to die as quickly as possible, the effect of the drug will not make it possible to settle in the New Roy over the next 8 months.

The executioner copes not only with Osami
The executioner copes not only with Osami
  • Gel "Owed" It helps not only to get rid of the aspen nest in the country, but also copes with annoying flies. It is very convenient to use it-just smear some surface with dotted lines (2x2 cm) and place in places chosen by Osami.
  • It is not necessary to add anything - in the drug there is already everything that will attract the OS - it is worth it to try it at least once, how they will soon die. But before, the wasp will bring this deadly poison on its paws and the abdomen in the nest. And the rest of the wasps will also die soon.
Effective remedy for OS
Effective remedy for OS
  • If you intend to deal with Osami, then do not throw watermelon or melon crusts. Use insecticide as a seasoning for them - it is desirable that the pronounced smell in this poison is absent (for example, Intavir). Find any suitable place and leave crusts treated with poison there - after such a “treat”, the wasps will not survive.
Distribute poison on watermelon crusts
Distribute poison on watermelon crusts

How to get rid of the aspen nest and when is it better to do it?

  • The removal of the aspen nest should be approached carefully. In any case, it cannot be left, since the surviving individuals will breed again and will continue to poison your life.
  • Of course better get rid of a hornet's nest In the cold season. If in the yard there is autumn, early spring, and even better - winter, then it will not be difficult to eliminate the empty aspen house.
  • But what to do if there is no longer the strength to wait for the onset of cold weather? Then it should get rid of the aspen nest in nighttime.
  • Absolutely all members of the aspen nest spend the night in their house. In the afternoon, the nest remains half -empty, and if you get rid of it at this time, then do not wait for a calm life. Waxes will build a new nest, and you will deliver the maximum degree of inconvenience.

How to get rid of the aspen nest: Instructions

There are different options for getting rid of hornet nests, among them there are rather risky ones. The choice of the method is yours, but first read the instructions:

  • Using water. You can pour the nest with boiling water, or you can use cold water - quickly tear off the nest and throw it into a bucket of water. But such an option is impossible if the wasps were stuck high on the wall or chose a corner or chose a corner for this.
  • Using gasoline (diesel fuel, kerosene).Having chosen one of these liquids, carefully spray it with a hornet house. For these purposes, you can use a garden spray gun. At the same time, the wasps will die, and then the nest can be easily eliminated. However, in this method there is one “but”: the listed liquids are very fiery hazardous, and the house and all kinds of country buildings are often built from wood. So you should think before deciding on such a step. This is not safe primarily for your housing.
  • The use of household chemicals. Some summer residents use household chemicals, processing it with horned nests and places where insects accumulate. Some of them are advised to use a plastic bag - quickly pull it onto the nest and then spray the poison in it. Others - first, thoroughly pour it with poison, and only then pack it. That the first, that the second options are quite risky, since angry wasps do not die instantly, they will sting all who come across them in the way.
  • In the fight against Osami, people also use deodorants, air fresheners and other aerosols.
  • Sometimes they pour directly into the nest dishwashing liquid (after removing a dispenser out of it to do it quickly). It has enveloping abilities that will block insect access to oxygen. In addition, a soap solution will not allow them to leave a nest flooded with a means.
  • Using liquid smoke. If you use liquid smoke (it can be purchased in a grocery store), then in this case the wasps will remain alive. You just need to spray plants nearby from home and objects. Osam does not like how smoke smells, therefore, they will not fly close to your home. In the same way, you can save the crop of fruit trees and grapes. If they are treated with liquid smoke, then the wasps will not enjoy mature fruits and berries.
Get rid of OS
Get rid of OS
  • Create a smoke curtain. You can fumigate the hornet with smoke, expelling its inhabitants. However, this measure will not prevent insects from building a new nest for itself somewhere nearby.

How to get rid of the aspen nest in the country in an inaccessible place

  • This is a rather problematic matter, because if the nest is only partially destroyed, then it will be impossible to completely get rid of the OS. Wallows will immediately take up the restoration of their home.
  • It is clear that no one will want to analyze their buildings because of these nasty insects. And then household chemicals will come to the help-something like dichlofos. Even better - choose a specialized tool. Noticing where the wasps settled down, thoroughly pour this place with poison. The next step is to pierce all the cracks that lead to the nest.
What to do if the place is not available?
What to do if the place is not available?
  • By the way, in order to get rid of the aspen nest, you should not use mounting foam - the wasps are easily selected through it.
  • You can also destroy the aspen nest vacuum cleaner. But this is unsafe, for a long time and quite time -consuming. And the expected effect can not be achieved, if all individuals are not destroyed, then the swarm will soon recover.

How to get rid of the aspen nest in the country: Means individual protection

  • If you still decide get rid of the aspen nest in the country, Before that, you should take care of personal protective equipment. To do this, you need to dress in such clothes that insects cannot bite it - the fabric on trousers and a jacket with a hood should be very dense.
  • It is best to use quilted jacket and cotton pants. Do not forget about thick rubber or leather gloves, boots and antimoscate nets Or some other face protection tool. In extreme cases, put on special wide glasses, and tightly wrap your face with a thick scarf.
You need to dress thoroughly in order to get rid of the nest
You need to dress thoroughly in order to get rid of the nest
  • Do not be frivolous to protective means. If the wasps have time to sting you, then you can suffer quite hard. Your health is threatened, and in some cases even life. because of allergic reaction, And some people do not even know that they have an allergy to aspen poison - swelling, suffocation may occur. And at first glance that such a simple thing that seemed so simple can end with the resuscitation department of the hospital.
  • Also pre -replenish your first -aid kit suprastin, adrenaline and prednisolone - These are allergies. Do not forget about the tourniquet and ice - they can also be useful in case of a bite.

How to get rid of a hornet's nest in the country: what to do if you were stung by a wasp?

  • If you got rid of the aspen nest, but you were bitten by the wasp, then you should first extract a sting - If it remains in the body. For this operation, it is the best suited disinfected tweezers. Actually, the wasps do not leave sting, they, unlike bees, have the ability to bite a person repeatedly.
  • But if the wasp is crushed, then the sting may well stay. It is not necessary to squeeze it out-in the wound, more toxic substance will accumulate because of this, moreover, an infection may fall into it.
  • The next step - wound treatment with an antiseptic drug - Hydrogen peroxide or alcohol (vodka). This must be done, because the wasp can bring some infection with its sting.
  • Next, you should apply to a stung place bandage - Use a sterile bandage for this. This measure will help localize aspen poison, do not give it move to your body further.
  • If you feel Strong pain at the place of the bite, then you can attach to it ice - This will reduce the pain.
  • Do not tempt fate, wondering if you have an allergy to aspen poison or not. It is better to take it right away antihistamine.
  • So that the poison from the body comes out as soon as possible, drink more fluids.
What to do when bite OS
What to do when bite OS
  • Scientists calculated that the deadly dose for humans is 500–1000 simultaneous bites. It is clear that in such a stressful situation no one will count the number of bites. And there is no need to talk about self -medication in this case: it is necessary, without wasting time, as soon as possible call an ambulance or contact the closest medical institution.
  • It is especially dangerous if the wasps stung in neck, lips or tongue - In such a situation, even a person who does not suffer from allergies may well suffocate from edema.

Country tips for you:

Video: How to get rid of the OS in the country?

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