How to cook food without a double boiler? How can you replace a double boiler at home? How to cook steam cutlets, mantles, vegetables, pieces of chicken, meat, fish, steam omelet, rice, first vegetable complementary foods without a double boiler?

How to cook food without a double boiler? How can you replace a double boiler at home? How to cook steam cutlets, mantles, vegetables, pieces of chicken, meat, fish, steam omelet, rice, first vegetable complementary foods without a double boiler?

Tips and recipes for making home dishes for a couple without a double boiler.

In the kitchen of a modern housewife, you can find many electronic assistants facilitating the preparation of various dishes. It is enough to throw semi -finished products, select the necessary mode and you can do other household chores.

But it is not always that household appliances that are necessary at a certain moment are not at hand. What to do if necessary, cook the dish for steam, but there is no double boiler? Do not worry, after reading the proposed article to solve the problem is not difficult.

How can you replace a double boiler at home?

A double boiler made using gauze

Consider the most primitive way from the presence of those kitchen utensils that are available in every house.

  1. We prepare a voluminous pan
  2. Pour it into it until half the water
  3. We cover with gauze folded in 2-3 layers
  4. We tightly fix it with a thick thread, so that it sags a little, without touching the water
  5. Put the prepared blanks on the fabric
  6. Close with a lid
  7. Our double boiler, its own preparation is ready
  8. Cooking time depends on the chosen food product

How to cook a couple in a pan?

Picking device in steam
  • The stores sell a very good liner for steam preparation
  • He has legs and pen
  • The compact structure made in the form of dropping petals is very convenient
  • It is not expensive
  • The device is convenient to use
  1. In a pan with water, insert the liner
  2. We put on it the semi -finished products necessary for the preparation
  3. Close tightly with a lid
  4. Cook depending on the individual characteristics of the prepared food

How to cook steamed steam cutlets in a colander?

  • The absence of a double boiler can replace a metal colander
  • It is better to cook cutlets yourself, since semi -finished products purchased in the store can fall apart from a couple

We take:

  1. Beef and pork minced meat - 250 g
  2. Onions - 1 head
  3. Chicken egg (fresh) - 1 pc.
  4. White Baton - 200 g
  5. Milk - 150 ml
  6. Salt and pepper - to taste


  • Soak pieces of bread in milk
  • Grind the onion
  • Mix with minced meat
  • Silent bread is squeezed from excess fluid, add to the minced meat
  • We break the egg there
  • Salt, pepper
  • Well beat off the whole mass
  • We form cutlets
  • In a pan, pour water with a slightly large diameter of the coachman so that it does not touch its bottom
  • We spread in one layer of semi -finished products
  • Cover with a lid
  • Cook for 25-45 minutes depending on the size of the cutlet

How to cook a couple of mantles, vegetables, pieces of chicken, meat, fish?

You can cook any of the products under consideration in any of the above way

Consider several features of cooking:

  • Before laying the mantles on any device, grease it with butter so that the finished product is easily removed.
  • Leave some distance between the semi -finished products so that they do not stick together
  • Lay all the blanks in one layer
  • Wrap large pieces into small pieces, since cooking is a very long process and too large slices, do not boil
  • When cooking fish, add tea or spices to the water to remove a specific fish smell

How to cook for a couple of steam omelet without a double boiler?

You will need products:

  1. Eggs - 2 pieces
  2. Sour cream - 2 tsp.
  3. Drinking water - 2. Art. l.
  4. Soda and soda - in a pinch
  5. Butter - 5 g


  • All the ingredients, except for fat, are thoroughly beat with a fork
  • We take any glass, silicone, ceramic or any other container suitable for heat treatment. It can be special molds for baking or creamy, etc.
  • Lubricate them with oil
  • Pour the prepared mass
  • Pour water into the pan
  • Install a colander
  • Put it with omelets on it
  • Cover with a foil or a cover from a pan
  • Cook on a slow boil for 15-20 minutes

How to make a couple of rice without a double boiler?

A vapor of its own manufacturing for rice

Technological process:

  • Pour the required amount of rice with cold water
  • Rub it with our hands, wash it with water until a white plaque disappears
  • Leave it to swell for 40-50 minutes
  • Then drain the water
  • In a pan with boiling water, lower the colander so that it does not touch the liquid
  • Pour the cereal there
  • Close the lid thoroughly
  • Cooking time 20-25 minutes
  • We salt the finished rice or serve with soy sauce

How to cook the first vegetable complementary foods without a double boiler?

Color cabbage in a vapor assembly of own manufacturing
  • For the first vegetable feeding, select the latest, without spots and other damage products.
  • In the baby, up to a year, vegetable puree from:
  1. Kabachkov
  2. Broccoli
  3. Cauliflower
  4. Kohlrabi
  5. Podchkoy beans
  6. Carrots
  7. Pumpkin
  8. Potatoes
  • We wash the selected vegetable product well, if necessary, clean it from the peel
  • Pour water into the stewpan
  • Put a colander there or pull on a two -layer gauze
  • Put the prepared vegetables on top
  • Cook until cooked
  • Wipe through a sieve or beat on a blender
  • We do not put any additional additives. Dilute the finished wiped vegetables to enhance taste qualities with a vegetable decoction, breast milk or used for feeding with a mixture

Crowned potatoes are heavy food. It is recommended to do assorted with other vegetables for kids.

Preparation of steamed steamed steam, if there is no steamer: tips

Basic requirement:

  1. Any structure should be built convenient, reliable and safe
  2. Follow the precautions during cooking in a double boiler made - hot couples are fraught with a consequence of a strong burn
  3. Do not try to take a colander or a special insert with your bare hands. Take tacks or use culinary shoulder blades
  4. Using a gauze device, consider that it gets wet and becomes dangerously hot
  5. Fix the gauze tightly, and hide the tails upwards inside the “double boiler”
  6. Do not use colander and plastic molds to prepare any courses for steam without double boiler
  7. Do not cook pasta in steam - they stick together and boil
  8. You should not cook a couple of legumes - this is a very long process, even if you pre -soak them
  9. It is forbidden to prepare raw mushrooms and offal with pair - they require preliminary boiling
  • Since food prepared by steam processing retains its beneficial properties and is maximum harmless, it is suitable for dietary, children's and healthy diet. Such food is not only useful - the technological process itself is convenient and practical. For example, omelett and porridge are not characterized even in a home -made double boiler, which means that they require a minimum of attention. Heating the soup on such a device, you can not follow that it does not throw.
  • Thus, without an industrial double boiler, one should not abandon this method of preparation. At home, it is quite acceptable to make it with your own hands, methods proposed above and cook tasty, healthy and healthy foods.

Video: how to cook a couple without a double boiler

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Comments K. article

  1. Steaming is one of the most natural and healthy health methods. This is a simple method that allows you to feel the unique taste of food itself

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