How to do it, let the rings from the smoke from the hookah: options, instructions, video

How to do it, let the rings from the smoke from the hookah: options, instructions, video

For centuries, the hookah has been used by mankind not only as a device for smoking, but also as an indispensable attribute of leisure and relaxation. Fans of smoke hookah know that this process can be turned into a real art - with the help of intricate rings and all kinds of figures created from smoke.

At first glance, it seems that learning this skill is very difficult. But in fact, you just need to find out the theory and practice a little - and your popularity at any party will fly to heaven!

How to learn how to make rings from the smoke from hookah?

  • To get a smoky ring, you need exhale the smoke sharply. The ring is created due to the fact that in the outer part of the exhaled smoke, the area is more extensive than that of the internal.
  • Under the influence of air, the outer part of the smoky ring slows down, and the internal, on the contrary, accelerates, scrolling smoke inside the smoky bagel.

So that when smoking the hookah, beautiful smoky rings are obtained, you need to carefully prepare for this process, fulfilling the following important conditions:

  • take care of the absence of drafts that greatly complicate the process of forming smoky rings;
  • light only high -quality tobacco, which is distinguished by good smoke and produces thick smoke;
  • relax the facial muscles, smoke the hookah, slightly pushing the jaw forward;
  • train properly round your lips, as if pronouncing the letter “o”-it is better to train in front of the mirror, forming the right circle with your mouth-in size of at least a 5-ruble coin.

Video: How to let smoke rings?

How to let the hooking rings of hooking: instruction

Formation of rings of smoke from hookah using a tongue

  • This method is simple - for beginners. Tighten with a hookah, you need to dial the smoke of the full oral cavity, round your lips, powerfully throw the tongue forward (first pulling it to your throat) and exhale the small bit of smoke.
  • To become a master, you should learn to very clearly control the behavior of your language. By training for a while, you can produce even, identical rings - Provided that you make your language act strictly according to plan.
  • As a rule, learning this method is quite easy and smoky rings come out elastic, clear. But the trouble, they keep in the air very shortly and fly out slowly.
Let the rings
Let the rings

Formation of twisted rings of smoke from hookah

  • To tighten the smoky ring in the opposite direction, when releasing smoke through the lips, pushing the tongue with the tip lowered down (below the teeth) forward. Let the smoke streams like a tongue, rolls along it.
  • At the same time, lift the lower jaw sharply and at the same time and drag your lips a little-there you compact a smoky ring and make it spin in the opposite direction.

Formation of accelerated smoke rings from hookah

  • To form accelerated and far -flying smoky rings from hookah at the last stage of smoke release sharply and synchronously put the lower jaw forward and pushing the tongue forward. Thus, you will give an acceleration ring.
  • The speed and range of the ring of a smoke from a hookah depends on the speed and strength of the extension of the lips.
The rings of smoke
The rings of smoke

Formation of rings of smoke from hookah with the help of the lower jaw

  • This method is very complicated, but spectacular, so it is worth spending time and effort to master it.
  • Pick up more smoke into the oral cavity, round your lips as much as possible, abruptly throw forward the lower jaw and immediately jerk it back. You can play the facial muscles, with a jerk throwing the jaw down and immediately lifting it back.
  • If you can work out such a technique, then smoky rings will fly very quickly, To fly far (even 10 meters!), Great strongly in size and observe for 10 seconds.

Formation of rings of smoke from hookah with coughing

  • This method is reliable and very amazing, requiring some efforts in its development.
  • To let it go caucal smoke rings Thus, a special cough should be worked out - using tonsils to stop the air flow from the lungs, alternately straining and relaxing them. Or invent an anatomically suitable for you air flow blocking method in the throat.
  • Learn to clearly monitor your cough so that it is not too intense (so as not to break smoky twisting) and sufficient so that the optimal volume of smoke is received in the oral cavity to create the next smoky bagel.
  • This method is very reliable if you learn to control your throat, and makes it possible to quickly throw smoky rings - 5 pcs. in sec.

Formation of smoke rings from hookah chirio

  • To release smoke with rings in this way, the mouth needs to be rounded to the size of a 10-wing coin And tapping the finger on the cheek to drive smoky portions.
  • Thanks to fast tapping, you can release one "gulp" numerous small smoky rings.
  • It is difficult, of course, to measure and in time to push the right amount of smoke from your mouth to your lips, but learn to push the smoke with your tongue to your lips. In fact, this is not so difficult!

Formation of rings from hookah smoke using a cellophane wrapper

  • Someone can count this method not quite honest, But still he has the right to exist.
  • It must be implemented in advance Prepare a piece of cellophane (for example, from a cigarette pack) and make a small hole in it (for example, burn with a cigarette).
  • Tighten off hookah, you need release smoke into a hole on a piece of cellophane - Slightly tapping it, you will drive out a smoky ring.

How to let the rings of smoke from hookah through another

  • To make small smoky rings fly through one large, you need not so much. First, observe where and how quickly large rings of smoke from hookah fly.
  • Try to form and exhale the most large and slow smoke ring, And then - as small and fast as possible.
Smoke from hookah
Smoke from hookah

Having mastered one of the above methods of starting smoky rings, it will be easy for you to learn the rest. Having spent time for training, you are guaranteed to become the king (or queen) of any party! And do not forget that smoking is a habit that harm your health and the health of others.

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Video: 3 ways how to let the rings of smoke from a hookah

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