How to quickly remove the bruise from a blow under the eye in one day: tips, reviews. How many days the bruise is absorbed from the blow: the stages of the bruise by color by the days

How to quickly remove the bruise from a blow under the eye in one day: tips, reviews. How many days the bruise is absorbed from the blow: the stages of the bruise by color by the days

Ways to eliminate the bruise under the eye from the blow of ointments and folk remedies.

Many of us have come across hematomas, and they can manifest themselves very unexpectedly. Often a person himself does not know where the bruise came from. However, if the bruises are in prominent places, this causes a lot of inconvenience, so we strive to get rid of them as soon as possible. In this article we will tell you how to quickly remove the bruise under the eye. 

How many days is absorbed when the bruise turns yellow from the blow: the stages of the bruise by color by day

There are several periods of development and ripening of the bruise. Depending on the degree of destruction of blood cells, the color of the damage is characterized. Initially, the spot acquires red. This usually happens immediately after the blow.

How many days the bruise is absorbed:

  • As a result of mechanical exposure, the capillaries burst, part of the blood flows from them. Due to this, the surface is painted red. After a few hours, one day the trace acquires another shade, it becomes blue. This usually happens after 6-24 hours.
  • This happens due to the fact that hemoglobin breaks up, destroys and turns into verdoglobin. Further, after 2-3 days, the spot becomes green. This is due to the fact that the previous substance turns into biliverdin.
  • After another one or two days, the spot becomes yellow, thanks to the bilirubin. It is this yellow color that later quickly disappears. After all, bilirubin is excreted with blood from the place of bruise.
Stages of healing of the bruise
Stages of healing of the bruise

How to remove a bruise under the eye of a body?

Freshwater sponge- this is An excellent substance for eliminating the consequences of strikes. Her skeleton consists of particles of silica, which resembles a needle. As a result of applying to the skin, these needles irritate it, causing redness, tingling and itching.

How to remove a bruise under the eye of a body:

  • This is an absolutely normal reaction, since blood circulation improves at the site of application. Thus, the process of regeneration and restoration of the skin occurs faster.
  • You can use the substance in the form of powder or gel. Now there are already ready -made options that resemble a cream or gel. It is usually sold in pharmacies under the name 911.
  • You can cook yourself by mixing powder with water. The drug is rubbed for a third of the hour, and then washed off with warm water. How to use gels and ointments based on bodyagi, can be found in the instructions for use. Some creams are not washed off.
  • After 2-3 applications, the spot will begin to noticeably change its color. It will immediately become blue, and then quickly green. In order for the stain from the blow to quickly disappear, it is necessary to make applications twice a day, in the morning and evening. 
Bodyagi recipes from bruises
Bodyagi recipes from bruises

How many times a day to smear a bruise from a blow of heparin ointment, and how many days a bruise will pass?

Perfectly copes with traces from strokes geparin ointment. This drug is differentanticoagulatory properties.

How many times a day to smear a bruise from a blow to heparin ointment, and how many days a bruise will pass:

  • That is, it prevents blood turning. Thus, the entire healing process is significantly accelerated. Due to the fact that blood does not become solid, all metabolic processes occur much faster.
  • Heparine The ointment, in addition to treating traces after beating, is used to eliminate hemorrhoids and various diseases of blood vessels. In order to get rid of beatings, geparin The ointment is rubbed three times a day, a very thin layer.
  • It is not necessary to wash off it. Please note that besides geparinova Ointments also often use a bruise-off ointment. In general, initially, if the damaged area is not touched, then a rather large trace disappears in about 1-2 weeks. 
Heparin ointment - application
Heparin ointment - application

How many times a day to smear a bruise from a bruise with a bruise-off, and how many days a bruise will pass?

A bruise gel will help to cope with traces of your face after a blowOff. The composition contains leech extract, and additional additives.

How many times a day to smear a bruise from a bruise with a bruise-off, and how many days a bruise will pass:

  • Thanks to the extract, the skin in the lesion is irritated.
  • A gel with a matting effect contains a foundation.
  • This is a great solution if the stain is on the face, in a prominent place.
  • With this drug, you can lose the trace in a few days. 
Gel Bruise -off - Application
Bruck-off gel-application

How many times a day to smear a bruise from a blow to the Troxevazin smear, and how many days a bruise will pass?

Often to treat the consequences of shock on the face useTroxevazin andTroxerutin. It is a substance contained inLyotongel used for varicose veins and vascular diseases.

How many times a day to smear a bruise from a blow to Maze Troxevazin, and how many days a bruise will pass:

  • All these drugs are quite effective.Troxevazin It also rubs several times a day with massaging movements. Please note that the trace disappears very quickly, it is best not to allow the lesions of the capillaries and the release of blood under the skin.
  • For these purposes, it is usually immediately after the injury to make an application with a cold towel. It can be ice, snow, or frozen meat. It is enough to hold for 5-7 minutes to reduce the possibility of the appearance of the spot.
  • Yes, in this way it may not be able to completely prevent the appearance of the trace, but it can manifest itself to a much lesser extent. It is necessary to use an integrated approach.
  • For a stronger effect, take Troxevazin capsules inward simultaneously.
Troxevazin - Instructions for use
Troxevazin - Instructions for use

How to quickly remove the bruise under the eye in 1 day: tips

All places with stains from strokes are recommended to massage. Ultrasonic massage showed himself very well. With its help, traces are removed after cosmetic operations, and surgical interventions. For these purposes, the roofing apparatus, as well as small ultrasonic massagers, is perfect.

You can find out more about them here. Almost all ointments are effective, but only if they are used stably, and constantly. That is, the application cannot be missed. Only with frequent application of drugs, they will work. It is not worth hoping that the trace of the blow will quickly pass if the ointment has only one or twice. 

Almost all drugs work effectively only with proper and stable use. It is recommended to rub almost all drugs into traces after a little warming up.

How to quickly remove the bruise under the eye in 1 day:

  • If the trace of the blow is on the leg, it is necessary to take a hot bath, then apply a heparin ointment or troxevazin, another remedy. Similarly, it is necessary to do if the damage is under the eye.
  • Put a cotton pad in hot water, squeeze it and put it in the eye area. When this place warms up a little, wipe it using a dry sponge and apply an ointment.
  • Oddly enough, it is advisable to use cooling only in the first few minutes after the appearance of the trace. Further, the cold is ineffective. After that, on the contrary, it is recommended to warm the traces in order to improve blood circulation and remove hemoglobin decay products.
  • In no case, all these drugs should not be applied if there is an open wound along with the blue. All ointments are applied to intact skin, where there are no open wounds. 

How to quickly remove the bruise under the eye in three days: tips

Please note that you can deal with the consequences of strikes not only with pharmacy drugs, but also folk remedies. Below are a few recipes that will help to quickly get rid of the bruise in three days.

How to quickly remove the bruise under the eye in three days, tips:

  • Mask with onions and salt. It is necessary to grind one medium -sized onion on a grater, and add a teaspoon of salt. It is necessary to wait until the juice stands out. It must be squeezed, and leave the pulp on the gauze, press to the spot. Try that the mass does not contact with the mucous membrane. Close your eyes so that the onion does not come in and there is no lacrimation. 
  • You can also use starch. For this, porridge is being prepared. It is necessary to dilute a teaspoon of potato flour with cold water, until the estimate mass is obtained. Application time is a third of the hour.
  • After that it is washed off with cool water. Of course, getting rid of the trace in 1 day is possible only with the help of special tools. A good way of treatment is complex therapy.

How to remove a bruise under the eye from a blow?

These means are distinguished by their influence and active substance, so an overdose will not occur. Of course, getting rid of a serious, large bruise in one day is quite difficult, so you can resort to makeup tricks. If the trace of the child’s blow, then there is a lot of information in the article:Bruises under the eyes of a child: reasons, what to do? Why does the child have pale skin and red, black, purple bruises and bags under the eyes?

How to remove the bruise under the eye from the blow:

  • Use concealer, as well as powder, foundation. To begin with, moisturize this place with a daily cream, then apply a concealer. After that, a dense tone is applied, and in the end it is covered with powder. Of course, the layer of plaster does not look very attractive, but it is much better than a stain under the eye, especially for a girl. 
  • Of course, if the stain is quite large, and is characterized by a bright color, then getting rid of it in one day is almost impossible. However, this is a completely feasible task if you need to eliminate the trace in three days.
  • In this case, it is necessary to periodically use the above funds. It would be a good solutionuse of funds, improving blood circulation and preventing blood fracturing.
  • That is, the tandem of the body and g will become as effective as possibleeparinova ointments. These funds are not applied simultaneously, but with temporary intervals at one hour.
Onions from bruises
Onions from bruises

How can you cure bruises under the eyes?

In order for the bruise to disappear faster, it is necessary to heat the site with a warm compress before applying the product.

How can you cure bruises under the eyes:

  • But this is advisable only if the bruise differs in blue, that is, some time passed after the blow.
  • If the hematoma is still red, use cooling. You can keep the cold in the eye area no more than a third of the hour.
  • It is best to do this in short periods in 2-3 minutes, with small breaks.
  • This will be much more effective, and will avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the conjunctiva of the eyeball. Detailed information about bruises can be found in the article:The rating of the best ointments and gels from bruises, bruises, sprains: TOP-10 best drugs.

How to remove bruises under the eyes of folk remedies?

Folk remedies are also often used to eliminate traces of beatings. Herbs, also vegetables will help to cope with the tumor, as well as bruising. Below we present a list of recipes to eliminate traces after beating.

How to remove bruises under the eyes of folk remedies:

  • Potato. The root crop must be cleaned of the skin, thoroughly washed in cold water. After that, the pulp is crushed on a grater, juice is squeezed. It is advisable to first cool the potatoes or use the root crop from the refrigerator. A cool compress is laid in the area under the eyes, for a quarter of an hour. It does not need to wash it off. It is desirable to repeat the procedure twice a day.
  • Funds based on the strokes will help to cope with traces after strokes honey. To prepare a healing drug, it is necessary to mix one large yolk, 20 ml of cold honey. If it is sugared, it is necessary to warm it a little, melt it. Next, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, 20 ml of sour cream is introduced into the product. Pour 10 g of wheat flour. As a result, you will get something similar to a thick dough. Mailed rags are impregnated with a tool, and laid in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion. It is best to keep such compresses for 2 hours.
  • It copes with serious hematomas cabbage. It is distinguished by stretching, absorbing properties. To do this, you need to take a cold cabbage leaf, repulse it with a pull and press it to the affected place. Instead of cabbage sheet, you can use gruel from this vegetable. To do this, cabbage is passed through a meat grinder, the mass is applied in the beating area. Keep the application for 30 minutes.

What concealers will be able to mask the bruise under the eye?

If you can’t quickly get rid of the bruise, take into account that you can disguise it with a concealer. Below are which consilles mask red, blue, brown and yellow spots on the face.

Concealers for masking bruises and spots on the face
Concealers for masking bruises and spots on the face

How to quickly remove the bruise from the impact under the eye: reviews

Cool the place initially, if the bruise is new, apply to itTroxevazin orTroxerutin. After 2 hours, apply geparin ointment. Use funds twice a day, one and the other. Thus, 4 application will turn out.

How to quickly remove the bruise from a blow under the eye, reviews:

Oleg, 19 years old. Not so long ago I had a fight with a crowd of teenagers. The whole face was beaten in bruises. He used heparin, and Troxevazin. The hematomas came down very quickly. Smeared these ointments later. 

Elena, 28 years old. I got into a small accident, hit the steering wheel. As a result, a bruise formed under the eye. Unfortunately, I had nothing cold with me, so I had to fight the bruise already upon arrival home. To do this, I used the body. After several applications, the skin around the bruise got down. I did not like it, then I had to fight with peeling. I believe that the Bodyaga is not very suitable for applying in such sensitive and delicate places. 

  Eugene, 38 years old. The bruise on football earned. Sometimes I play after work. Treated immediately, used cold, then appliedSinyakoff. This ointment was advised to me by a pharmacist in a pharmacy. The bruise has disappeared in 3 days. I used the ointment three times a day. 

Please note that bruises do not always pass through the same time. It depends on the degree of damage and the depth of destruction of red blood cells, that is, hemoglobin. The stronger the blow, or more bruise, the longer it will take place. 

Video: Bruise under the eye

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Comments K. article

  1. He coped with the bruise. Of. It works RISENARY. ATP site. He had a fight like a fool. Now I suffer))) for all good

  2. I like heparin ointment, it saves from huge bruises. Bodyaga is not very effective.

  3. And I like the bruises of the tonic gel Lavrik. He paints and heals at the same time. With regular application, the bruise passes quickly.

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