Bruises under the eyes of a child: reasons, what to do? Why does the child have pale skin and red, black, purple bruises and bags under the eyes?

Bruises under the eyes of a child: reasons, what to do? Why does the child have pale skin and red, black, purple bruises and bags under the eyes?

The reasons for the appearance and methods of treating bruises under the eyes of children.

Bruises under the eyes are a common problem that adults face. The tense and fast rhythm of life does not allow to get enough sleep, so the appearance of bruises is inevitable. But when bruises appear under the eyes of children, this causes concern.

Why does the child have pale skin and red, black, purple bruises and bags under the eyes: Reasons

There are many reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes of a child. Moreover, in most cases, this indicates some kind of ailment.

List of reasons:

  • Low hemoglobin
  • Kidney disease
  • Disguises in the liver
  • Genetic features
  • Helminthic invasion
  • Allergic reactions

What the color of the bruises is talking about:

  • Blue. Most likely this is due to the structure of the face. The capillaries are very close to the skin, which gives a blue shade.
  • Dark blue. The blue shade suggests that the baby is tired, did not get enough sleep. Heart problems are possible.
  • Violet. Such a shade indicates a lack of iron in the body. Perhaps the child has anemia.
  • Red. Red or pink bruises indicate problems with adenoids or allergic reactions.
  • Brown or yellow. Such bruises indicate problems with liver or gall bladder.
Why does the child have pale skin and red, black, purple bruises and bags under the eyes: Reasons
Why does the child have pale skin and red, black, purple bruises and bags under the eyes: Reasons

Why are bags and bruises under the eyes of a chest, five -month, one -year -old, two -year -old, 4 year old baby?

Parents immediately pay attention to the condition of the child and the color of his skin. Bruises under the eyes do not go unnoticed.

The reasons for bruises under the eyes of children:

  • Chronic tonsillitis. In this ailment, the child has red or pink bruises. In addition, there is a plaque in the throat and a purulent lump in the larynx. The temperature may not bother the child.
  • Worms. Parasites release toxins into the blood, because the child can refuse food. With worms, brown or black bruises.
  • Adenoiditis. In this ailment, the child at night at night. Pink circles appear under the eyes.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. Due to diseases of the gland, dark bruises arise that do not pass for a long time.
  • A blow to the face. If the child has fallen or fought, then bruises under the eyes can talk about a blow to the nose or cheek.
Why are bags and bruises under the eyes of a chest, five -month, one -year -old, two -year -old, 4 year old baby?
Why are bags and bruises under the eyes of a chest, five -month, one -year -old, two -year -old, 4 year old baby?

Bruises under the eyes of a child after illness, at temperature, after sleep: Reason

Children after illness are weakened. Often, babies have weakness. There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of bruises after sleep and illness:

  • Reducing immunity. After the disease, the balance of minerals in the body is disturbed. Because of this, the kidneys work poorly enough.
  • Later falling asleep. Perhaps the cause of bruises is a lack of sleep. Try to lay your child earlier. Follow the mode.
  • Low hemoglobin. After the disease, it is possible to reduce the concentration of blood cells in the body. In this case, the child feels dizziness.
  • Dehydration of the body. This happens after enterocolitis and diarrhea. A liquid leaves the child's body. This provokes dehydration, the appearance of circles.
Bruises under the eyes of a child after illness, at temperature, after sleep: Reason
Bruises under the eyes of a child after illness, at temperature, after sleep: Reason

Bruises under the eyes of a child: how to get rid - treatment

To begin with, you should understand the reason for the appearance of bruises and eliminate it. If the baby will eat or constantly get sick, then the bruises will not disappear.

Medicines and drugs for the treatment of bruises:

  • Healthy sleep. Lay the child to sleep early. There must be a daytime sleep.
  • Vitamins. In spring and autumn, give the baby vitamin preparations. This will avoid vitamin deficiency.
  • Antibiotics. They are used if the child has bruises provoked by tonsillitis or adenoiditis.
  • Greek drugs. Such drugs are given only after receiving the results of feces or scraping. If there are worms, it is worth curing them. After that, the bruises will disappear.
  • Herbal decoctions. They cope with bruises under the eyes of decoctions of sage and parsley.
  • Diet. Bruises under the eyes will disappear if you adhere to a diet. This is relevant for diseases of the kidneys, stomach liver.
Bruises under the eyes of a child: how to get rid - treatment
Bruises under the eyes of a child: how to get rid - treatment

The child has bruises under the eyes: Causes - Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician believes that bruises under the eyes of children most often arise due to the improper sleep and wakefulness regime. In addition, Komarovsky recommends making an ultrasound of the kidneys and take a blood test, urine. The doctor does not exclude worms.

The reasons for bruises under the eyes of children according to Komarovsky:

  • Pyelonephritis or inflammation of the renal pelvis. This often happens after the child gets ill with SARS.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system. Komarovsky believes that bruises often appear from heart disease or low hemoglobin.
  • Complications after tonsillitis and sinusitis. These ailments often reduce immunity, which affects the appearance of the child.
  • Improper nutrition. With improper nutrition, the child does not receive vitamins, so bruises appear.
  • Non -compliance with the drinking regime. Due to the lack of fluid, the concentration of salt in the urine increases. This negatively affects the health of the kidneys.
The child has bruises under the eyes: Causes - Komarovsky
The child has bruises under the eyes: Causes - Komarovsky

What to do when the bruises appear:

  • Do not give the baby any tablets, suspensions and do not fill his eyes with drops. Without the appointment of a doctor, try not to give the baby any drugs. Self -medication is very dangerous.
  • The appearance of bruises under the eyes of the baby should cause anxiety. It is best to call an ambulance or visit a clinic. This is a very disturbing symptom.
  • If the child has itching in the eyelids, then it is worth washing this area with a decoction of chamomile. This is a safe tool that will help relieve inflammation.
  • Instead of chamomile, you can use green tea. To do this, soak the cotton pads in the liquid and attach to the eyelids. Try to calm the baby by telling him a fairy tale or something interesting.
The child has bruises under the eyes: Causes - Komarovsky
The child has bruises under the eyes: Causes - Komarovsky

As you can see, there are many reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes of the kids. Do not treat the child yourself, consult a pediatrician.

Video: Bruises in children under the eyes

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  1. With such symptoms, you must definitely go to the doctor, in Moscow, of course, there are a lot of them, the faster you will contact, the fewer consequences will be, health to everyone!

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