Rating of the best ointments and gels from bruises, bruises, sprains: TOP-10 best drugs. What ointment is better to buy with stretching and bruises of the arms, legs, coccyx, spine, face, finger, chest, pregnancy, children: tips, recommendations, reviews, reviews

Rating of the best ointments and gels from bruises, bruises, sprains: TOP-10 best drugs. What ointment is better to buy with stretching and bruises of the arms, legs, coccyx, spine, face, finger, chest, pregnancy, children: tips, recommendations, reviews, reviews

In this article, we consider the popular ointments from bruises, sprains and bruises. And also consider what action each of these ointments has.


Our life is full of surprises and, unfortunately, not always pleasant. Bruises, stretching and bruises - all this can happen to everyone, both in everyday life and during professional activities.

The range of drugs that help fight such problems is quite large, however, not all medicines are effective and affordable.

Rating of the best ointments from bruises, sprains, bruises: TOP-10 best drugs

By going to the pharmacy, you can see dozens of different ointments that are suitable for eliminating bruises, reducing sprains and bruises. They differ among themselves, as a rule, by the price and the manufacturer, while their composition is most often, if not the same, then very similar.

From bruises
From bruises

It is important to know that not only expensive drugs can be effective, cheaper analogues are also effective.

  1. Heparin-Acrigel 1000. The ointment relieves inflammation and swelling from the sore spot. Apply medication for bruises, injuries and edema.
  2. Arnigel is an ointment. The drug quickly relieves muscle pain, is also used for bruises, bruises.
  3. "Heparoid Zentiv" - ointment. The drug reduces pain after injuries, helps to absorb bruises and relieve swelling from the sore spot.
  4. "Badyaga Forte" - gel. This drug is in great demand, since it is a very effective and affordable tool. The gel contributes to the absorption of bruises, removing pain, itching and swelling.
  5. "Nikoflex." The ointment has a warming effect, also contributes to the absorption of bruises and removing pain in the places of bruises.
  6. Alflutop. This ointment relieves inflammation, pain. The drug is used for muscle, articular pain.
  7. Indomethacin is an ointment. The medication is anesthetized, relieves inflammation, and also helps to relieve swelling from a sore spot and eliminate redness on the skin.
  8. Ketoprofen is an ointment. Eliminates inflammatory processes, relieves pain. Apply ointment for bruises, sprains, joint pain.
  9. Troxevazin is an ointment. The drug helps to relieve swelling, pain in bruises, also helps relieve muscle pain that appears due to seizures.
  10. "Bruise-off"-ointment. Available remedy for bruises, bruises. The ointment relieves pain, swelling and swelling in injured places.

Categories of ointments for bruises and bruises and the spectrum of their actions: warming, cooling, sports, painkillers

As mentioned earlier, there is a huge number of ointments. They differ not only in value, but also by action. So, ointments come:

  • Warming. Such drugs in their composition have components that accelerate blood circulation, dilute blood and dissolve blood clots. It is important to know that such warming ointments to eliminate bruises and bruises can be used only a day after their occurrence.
  • Cooling. Such ointments are most often used for bruises. Cooling ointments not only reduce body temperature in the place of bruises, but also anesthetize the injured area, relieve inflammation, edema. It is important to know that initially the damaged place is cooled with ice, on the first day, other methods of removing pain are not recommended. You also need to understand that coolant ointments are used solely in cases where the injury resulting in a closed type, that is, when there is no cut, wound, etc.
Ointments are different actions
Ointments are different actions
  • Sports. During sports, especially when it comes to professional classes, very often athletes receive various injuries, bruises and stretching. In such cases, it is very important not to hesitate, quickly remove pain. Sports ointments, as a rule, have a double action - they quickly and effectively eliminate pain and swelling, and this, in turn, prevents the appearance of an inflammatory process. Such ointments, as a rule, do not differ in high cost and are available to everyone.
  • Painkillers. As a rule, all ointments that are used to eliminate hematomas, bruises, edema, etc. have an analgesic effect, so there is no need to look for the drug with this effect. Despite this, there are painkillers, the action of which is aimed exclusively to remove pain in a injured place. Such funds are most often used in combination with others that have a different action, for example, anti -inflammatory, disinfecting, etc.

The cheapest ointments from bruises and bruises: list, price

Sometimes going to the pharmacy, you can be horrified by the prices seen, however, you do not need to panic. There are a huge number of ointments from bruises and bruises that effectively eliminate pain, swelling and inflammation and are not very expensive.

When you come to the pharmacy, ask the pharmacist analogues of well -known funds and specify their composition. If the composition is completely identical or the differences are small, take a cheaper product.

  • Ketoprofen is an ointment. The drug with muscle pain that appeared due to sprains, dislocations, etc. copes, also relieves the drug and removes inflammation and swelling. The cost is approximately 70 rubles.
  • "Bom-Beng." The ointment can be used to relieve pain in the joints, muscles, etc. The cost is approximately 70 rubles.
  • "Badyaga" - ointment. It is used to relieve pain from bruises, eliminate itching and bruises on the body. You can purchase a medication for 60-100 rubles.
  • "Heparin ointment." It has a pronounced analgesic effect and is used to eliminate pain, which are caused by a bruise or injury. The price varies from 40 to 80 rubles.
Cheap treatment
Cheap treatment
  • "Rescuer" - ointment. A well -known and affordable remedy that relieves pain and swelling in the place of bruises. In addition, the drug can be used to relieve inflammation and elimination of hematomas. The price is approximately 100-130 rubles.
  • "Diclofenak-MFF"-ointment. Relieves pain in traumatic bruises, swelling and inflammation. The cost is approximately 30 rubles.
  • "Ichthyol." The ointment is used to relieve inflammation and pain with bruises. Since this medication can be used even with bruises with skin damage, it also has an antibacterial effect. The cost is 100-130 rubles.

What ointments to use for bruises of the chest, legs, arms, lower legs, finger: List

It is logical to assume that to eliminate bruising and eliminate pain, different drugs should be used, although sometimes the same ointment can have a double, or even triple effect. That is why it is best for choosing a suitable ointment to seek a doctor or pharmacist.

  • With a bruise of the chest, it is necessary to initially correctly evaluate the degree of injury. If the pain is not very strong, a small bruise appeared as a result of the bruise, etc., then you can use such a tool as "Heparin ointment". If the pain is strong, immediately consult a doctor, since the consequences can be very serious.
  • If you bore your leg, lower leg or hand, then use ointments -"Indomethacin" or “Badyaga”, “rescuer”, “diclofenac”.
  • The fingers of the finger most often passes on its own, but if the blow was strong, then sometimes you have to resort to the help of ointments, since the sensations, to put it mildly, are unpleasant. You can use the ointment “Finalgon”, “Troxevazin”.

What ointments to use from the bruise of the spine, knee, bruises on the face: List

Bruises of the spine, the knee are the most dangerous and painful, which is why ointments with an analgesic effect are necessarily used with them.

With such bruises, you can use the following ointments:

  • "Troxevazin"
  • "Indomethacin"
  • "Ketoprofen"
  • Heparin-Acrigel 1000
  • "Nikoflex"
Bruise of the spine
Bruise of the spine

In order to contribute to the speedy resorption of bruises, you need to use such ointments:

  • "Badyaga"
  • "Sinyak-OFF"
  • "Rescuer"

Children's ointments from bruises, edema and sprains: List

Children very often receive various injuries during games, sports, and also when they learn to walk, etc. Not all ointments that can be used by adults are suitable for a child's body, so it is best to consult a doctor before buying such a product. Or at least with a pharmacist.

  • Troxevazin ointment,"Rescuer". These ointments do this perfectly with the removal of swelling, inflammation and pain from bruises and injuries in children.
Children's ointment
Children's ointment
  • "Bruise-off"-ointment. Another remedy that can be used to eliminate bruises, edema and pain from bruises in small children.
  • "Heparin ointment". It can be used to eliminate bruises, edema and pain. Suitable for children from 1 year.
  • "Bepanten" - ointment. The tool can be used to eliminate abrasions and treat bruises. The drug is suitable for the treatment of babies.
  • "Traumel C." The ointment removes pain during dislocations, bruises, promotes the speedy absorption of bruises, etc. To use this ointment, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

No matter how safe the drugs may be, before starting their use, be sure to consult a children's pediatrician, since each child has features, for example, allergic reactions to certain substances.

What ointments from bruises and bruises can be used during pregnancy?

Despite the fact that the ointments are used externally, they need to be used during pregnancy extremely carefully, since some components that make up their composition can harm the baby.

Be careful with an independent choice of the product and better give up self -medication. Say advice on specialists or ask you to help you with the choice of a pharmacist ointment.

  • "Badyaga." This ointment can be safely used during gestation of the baby to eliminate abrasions, bruises and removing pain that arose due to injuries and bruises.
  • "Rescuer" - ointment. You can also use during gestation and feeding the baby.
  • "Traumel C." The ointment can be used during the period of gestation only after consulting a doctor.
Important consultation with a doctor
Important consultation with a doctor
  • "Arnic" - ointment. It is a homeopathic remedy, before using a doctor’s consultation.
  • "Levomekol" - ointment. Relieves pain after injuries and bruises, relieves inflammation. It is not forbidden to use during the period of gestation, since the components that make up the product are absorbed into the blood only if the ointment prolonged use.
  • "Ichthyol ointment." The product can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, during breastfeeding, you need to use the ointment in the chest area with caution, because if it falls on the nipple, there is a risk that the baby will swallow it with milk.

“Ambulance”, “911” - ointment from bruises and sprains: instructions for use, composition, active substance

Cream Balm " Ambulance", Used to eliminate pain caused by injuries and bruises. Also, the product eliminates bruises and swelling at the place of bruises. Moreover, you can use cream-balsam to eliminate scars of different origin.

The drug contains:

  • Liposomal-emulsion complex No. 6
  • Water
  • Different oils and extracts, for example, aloe, sea buckthorn
  • Vitamins
  • And other substances

As an ambulance cream is very simple:

  • It is necessary to take a small amount of funds and apply it to the damaged area with light massaging movements.
  • It is recommended to carry out 2-4 procedures for applying the product per day.
  • Since this cream is not a medicine, it does not cause any addiction and can be used until the pain disappears completely.
  • You can not use the product in case of allergies to any components in its composition.

"911 with chondroitin" -This gel-balm is used to relieve inflammation and pain in the joints, in places of bruises. The composition contains:

  • Water
  • Menthol
  • Vitamins
  • Linalol
  • Oils
  • And other substances

This drug is “911 with chondroitin”, you need to use this:

  • Pre -clean the skin at the site of the gel.
  • Take a small amount of product and gently rub it in the skin with light massive movements.
  • Repeat the procedure is recommended twice a day.
  • You can not use the product in the presence of bleeding wounds, various skin ailments and abrasions, as well as in the presence of allergies to at least one of the components in the composition.
  • Children under 2 years old also cannot use this tool.

"Badyaga" - ointment from bruises and sprains: instructions for use, composition, active substance

« Badyaga»It is the most popular ointment that eliminates pain, bruises, bruises, and also relieves inflammation. It also attracts buyers with the price of a product that is much lower than other similar drugs.

The ointment "Badyaga" consists of such components:

  • Water
  • Badyaga
  • Glycerol
  • Various plant extracts
  • Fragrance
  • And other components

Apply the ointment "Badyaga" in this way:

  • Take a small amount of ointment in the hand and apply to a sore spot.
  • With massaging movements, grind the product.
  • Leave the ointment in a sore spot for about 15 minutes, and then wash off with water.
  • It is forbidden to use the “Badyag” in case of allergies to any component in the drug, as well as if the patient has dry skin.

"Indomethacin" - ointment from bruises and sprains: instructions for use, composition, active substance

The medication has a pronounced analgesic and decongestant effect. The ointment also helps to stop the inflammatory process.

The ointment contains indomethacin, which acts as a active substance, and other excipients, for example, Vaseline, wax.

Apply ointment "Indomethacin"  it should be so:

  • Adults. Take a little funds on the hands of about 3 g, and gently apply to the sore area, rub the ointment with light movements.
  • Children who have reached the age of 12. The procedure is carried out in the same way, but the amount of the product used is 1 g.
  • Children who have reached 6 years. The amount of the product is 0.5 g.
  • 2-3 procedures must be carried out per day.
  • The course can last no more than 1-2 weeks.
  • It is strictly forbidden to apply ointment to open wounds, abrasions, mucous membranes of the body.

It is contraindicated to use the drug in such cases:

  • During the bearing of the child and breastfeeding.
  • Children who have not reached 6 years.
  • People who have an allergy to at least one component of the ointment.
  • In the case of bleeding and open wounds in the place to which the product needs to be applied.

Homeopathic ointment from bruises and sprains " Traumel s" and " Arnigel": Instructions for use, composition, active substance

There is more than one ointment from bruises and sprains with a homeopathic composition. We propose to consider 2 drugs - "" Traumel s" and " Arnigel».

"Traumel C" is a means that is used in such cases:

  • With bruises and injuries
  • With sprains
  • For the treatment of inflammatory ailments, for example, joint inflammation
  • To relieve swelling at the place of bruises, postoperative seam, etc.

It should be noted that this tool refers to homeopathic drugs with a complex composition. The ointment includes a large number of different components, including arnica, echinacea, water, petroleum jelly, etc.

Heals bruises and stretching
Heals bruises and stretching

Apply ointment to the body as follows:

  • Take a small amount of funds into the hands and rub with massaging movements to the sore area
  • Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day
  • The tool is allowed to use children with 3 years of age
  • The course, as a rule, is 2-3 weeks

You can not use the "Traumel C" if:

  • There is an allergy to any components that are part of the drug
  • There is tuberculosis
  • There is leukemia
  • There are immunopathological processes
  • And other ailments

« Arnigel» — ointment Used to eliminate bruises, relieve pain caused by bruises and injuries. The active substance of this product is arnica, also the composition of the drug has other excipients.

They use the product in this way:

  • Take a little gel into the hand and rub with massage movements to a sore spot. It must be rubbed until the gel is completely absorbed.
  • Repeat the procedure twice a day.
  • It is allowed to use the drug for the treatment of children who have reached 1 year.
  • The recommended course of treatment is 1 week.

It is forbidden to use Arnigel if:

  • There is an allergy to the components that are part of the gel.
  • The child has not reached 1 year.
  • There are cuts, bleeding wounds and abrasions in the place to apply the drug.

“Heparin ointment” from bruises and sprains: instructions for use, composition, active substance

« Heparin ointment"Improves blood circulation, which helps to absorb bruises and bruises. The product also has an analgesic effect, so it is used for bruises and stretching. In addition, the ointment relieves inflammation, thereby improving the general condition of the patient.

The active substance of this tool is sodium heparin, anesthesis and gasolnicotinate. In addition to these substances, the ointment contains other, for example, glycerin, water, peach oil, etc.

Apply "heparin ointment" in this way:

  • Take a little money, about 1 g per hand, and then gently rub it in a sore spot.
  • The procedure is carried out twice a day for 1 week.
  • It is allowed to use ointment for the treatment of children who have reached 1 year. In this case, the amount of product should be reduced to 0.5 g.
Promotes resorption
Promotes resorption

It is forbidden to use this drug in case:

  • There is an allergic reaction to some component that is part of the product.
  • If in the place to which you need to apply the ointment, there are bleeding open wounds.
  • If the child has not reached 1 year.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding without consulting a doctor.

“Ichthyol ointment” from bruises and sprains: instructions for use, composition, active substance

This remedy relieves inflammation, pain for injuries, burns, bruises, sprains, etc. Also, the ointment is a good antiseptic.

The active substance of this product is ichthyol, in addition to it, there are other auxiliary substances in the composition of the drug.

Apply "ichthyol ointment" in this way:

  • The ointment is not rubbed in the usual way, but on the contrary, they are applied and left in this form.
  • Take a little ointment and apply a uniform layer to the sore area. Next, put a gauze bandage to the sore spot.
  • 2-3 such procedures must be carried out per day.
  • The duration of the course of treatment is determined in each individual case with the attending physician.
  • Be careful, it is impossible for the ointment to fall on the mucous membranes of the body, so after applying the product to the affected area, wash your hands.

The ointment cannot be used in the following cases:

  • Pregnant and nursing women without consulting a doctor.
  • In the presence of allergies to some of the components, which are part of the product.
  • Children who have not reached 12 years.

“Levomekol” - ointment from bruises and sprains: instructions for use, composition, active substance

This tool relieves pain and swelling, also has an antibacterial effect. Using ointment " Levomekol", You can quickly get rid of wounds and abrasions.

The active substances of this drug are levomicetin and methyluracyl. In addition to these substances, there are other, auxiliary substances in the ointment.

The tool is used as follows:

  • You need to take a sterile gauze bandage and apply a little ointment to it
  • Next, put the bandage to the sore spot and fix it
  • Procedures should be carried out 2-3 times a day
  • The course of treatment with this drug lasts for 3-4 days

It is contraindicated to use the ointment "Levomekol" if:

  • You have an allergy to any components from its composition
  • The child has not reached 3 years
  • During bearing a baby and breastfeeding without consulting a doctor
  • There are fungal skin diseases
  • Psoriasis or eczema

"Arnica" - ointment from bruises and sprains: instructions for use, composition, active substance

This ointment is homeopathic, in its composition there is an arnica mountain and petroleum jelly. The tool is used to get rid of bruises, bruises. Also, the ointment relieves inflammation and heals wounds.

Apply the ointment "Arnic" should be as follows:

  • It is necessary to apply a small amount of ointment to the sore spot and slightly rub it
  • Repeat the procedures recommended 2-4 times a day for several weeks

You can not use the ointment in such cases:

  • There is an allergy to the components included in the composition
  • During bearing a baby and breastfeeding without consulting a doctor
  • If the child has not reached 18 years

“Ketoprofen” - ointment from bruises and sprains: instructions for use, composition, active substance

This ointment has an anti -inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and pain in the joints, muscles and ligaments.

As part of the drug, the active substance is ketoprofen, also there are excipients, for example, ethanol and water.

Use ointment« Ketoprofen»  thus:

  • It is necessary to take a little money into the hand, and then rub it into a sore spot with light massage movements. You need to rub it until the ointment is completely absorbed.
  • Repeat such a procedure is recommended 2 times a day.
  • The course of treatment should not last longer than 10 days, but the duration in any case is determined by the attending physician.
  • Be careful, it is best to apply the product in gloves. Also make sure that the ointment does not fall on the mucous membranes of the body. After applying the drug in any case, wash your hands.

It is contraindicated to use Ketoprofen in such cases:

  • In the presence of allergies to any of the components that are in the composition
  • In the presence of damaged skin, infections
  • During gestation and feeding the baby
  • If the child has not reached 15 years

The fastest products and ointments from bruises and sprains - customer reviews

As a rule, the patients themselves give the medicine assessment. That is how certain drugs gain special popularity, while others, on the contrary, go into the background and gradually disappear from pharmacy shelves.

According to buyers, the most effective and high -speed ointments from bruises, hematomas and sprains are the following:

  • « Badyaga» - Ointment. People who have tried the drug say that its effect is noticeable almost immediately. In addition to the fact that swelling is removed, the pain in the injured place is also reduced. And a few days later bruises and bruises go.
  • « Traumel s» - Ointment. This drug, according to buyers, very quickly relieves pain in the place of bruises, stretching, and also relieves swelling and swelling.
  • « Bruise-off". This tool has established itself very well. According to buyers, the ointment very quickly eliminates bruises and bruises, and also relieves swelling.
Quick action
Quick action

Ointments such as " Levomekol», « Arnigel», « Ketoprofen», « Indomethacin" and others. All these drugs cope with the tasks that are declared in their instructions - relieve pain, swelling, inflammation and accelerate the process of resorption of bruises, bruises.

As you can see, there are a lot of different ointments that relieve pain, inflammation and help eliminate bruises. Turning to the doctor, you can choose a drug that will help you in solving your problem.

Video: How to get rid of a bruise in a few days?

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Comments K. article

  1. heparine ointment helps from bruises, it resolves them, but from pain during injuries I am saved by frost Frost Spray, cools, relieves pain

  2. And the tonic gel Lavrik helps me well in cases of bruises and sprains. The thing is just great. Other means that were used not so effective. I order it over the Internet.

  3. After stretching the joint, she used the arthromyv 911 cream for a long time. Long treatment. Now I walk, I don’t feel any discomfort. Relieves inflammation, improves joint mobility. Vitamins and minerals accelerate regenerative processes, normalize salt and mineral metabolism.

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