How to quickly retire photos using how to process, options

How to quickly retire photos using how to process, options

Want to make beautiful photos? The Paint.NET application will help you.

It often happens that favorite photos lose their appearance. Using a graphic program and a little practice, you can easily fix most of the shortcomings and enjoy your photos again. Below we present ways to combat the most popular disadvantages of photography using a well -known graphic editor.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The most beautiful poses for the wedding photo shoot". You will find ideas, photos of the bride and groom, the best poses. We will also talk about wedding poses for a photo shoot in the summer, winter, on the bridge, on the street, the registry office, during the wedding. ( you can download here) - an application that is ideal for the basic retouching photos. It is free and easy to use. In this article you will find ways to get rid of some of the frequently found shortcomings that may appear in the photographs. For all described tasks, the basic version of the program is enough without any additions. So, we are starting. Read further.

“Curved” photos and pruning - online frame: how to process with a landscape?

The art of proper photographing begins with the plan that we choose for the object. Contrary to appearance, the average point of the photo is not the best. The so -called “strong points” of photographs are the unification of its parts that can be found by dividing the frame into each 1/3 Its length and width. Often the problem is also that sometimes photos are obtained with a distorted frame.

Both the first and second malfunctions can be very easily eliminated. However, keep in mind that in both cases the final result will require you to sacrifice part of the photo. In the case of "straightening" to preserve the rectangular size of the photograph, the largest fragments will be cut out in the corners of the photographs.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW: When striking online, the user has the opportunity to choose part of the photo that will be saved.

So, you got the “crooked” photos and you need to cut them. How to process with Payne? Here's the instruction:

Select Layers -Rotate - Zoom
Select Layers -Rotate - Zoom
  1. Firstly, if necessary, the image should be leveled. For this we choose Layers -Rotate - Zoom.
  2. Then click on the picture and, holding the left mouse button, change the position of the thick dash in the function Roll/Rotate or introduce the right value in the Angle field.
  3. For photography, we choose a function Rectangle Select And by dragging the mouse we highlight a fragment of the photograph that we want to save, for example, using the principle of strong points.

Changes in the size of the region are carried out using move Selection toolwhich is also in the toolbar. If we are satisfied with the result, we confirm the changes using Image/Crop.

Revitalization of photos in the editor Options

In a world where we are flooded with rich images, our photos before processing seem uninteresting and faded. Also often this effect is aggravated by strong sunlight or just a bad camera. Fortunately, photos can be lively in the editor Paint.neta few options. Here's the instruction:

Select the ADJUSTMENTS/LEVELS option
Select the ADJUSTMENTS/LEVELS option
  • We should start changes with improving brightness and contrast, then to refer to the color scheme of photography. To do this, it is best to start with the installation of the so -called channels. Choose in the upper menu adjustments/Levels option.
  • In poorly lit images, the histogram on the left will be removed from the limiting values. To improve the contrast and saturation of the photo, move the sliders so that in the output histogram on the left, the colors are on the boundaries and even slightly go beyond their limits. The brightness of the image can be adjusted using a central slider located next to the left histogram. As a rule, minimal corrections are enough.
  • After that, the photograph should look much better. The next step will be an improvement in the color itself. To do this, we will use sliders that change color and saturation. Select in the upper menu Adjustments - Hue - Saturation And we change these values \u200b\u200bat our discretion.
Change these values \u200b\u200bin photography to the desired
Change these values \u200b\u200bin photography to the desired

be careful: It is important not to overdo it, because the photo can easily be deprived of your natural colors and it will turn out ugly.

See in another article on our website interesting information about stars without photoshop - what the famous men and women look like in real life. You will find photos of famous people in real life, not on stage.

Focusing in the graphic editor Paint: How to retouch photos online?

Another common disadvantage of photographs is their blur. The lack of satisfactory sharpness can be, as the result of a trembling hand during shooting, and, for example, poor quality of the lens. This type of defect can be easily fixed using an application for retouching photo online - graphic editor of Paint.

However, keep in mind that this function will not help if the photograph is blurred to a large extent. The satisfactory effect can be achieved only in case of slight blur. To improve sharpness and additionally eliminate minor disadvantages, perform three simple steps:

Focusing photos in Photoshop
Focusing photos in Photoshop
  • We increase the image on a fragment with a large number of edges. Then we choose Effects - Photo - Sharpen.
  • Using the slider, we adjust the power of sharpness and, when we are satisfied with the effect, we approve of changes. It is worth making sure that after using this filter, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe photo looks natural. If not, just cancel the effect and, when re -attempt, reduce the sharpness range.
Use the Effects filter - noise - Reduce Noise to retouch photos
Use the Effects filter - noise - Reduce Noise to retouch photos
  • After this step, it is recommended to use another filter Effects - Noise - Reduce Noise. Using sliders, we establish a radius and the power of reduction until a satisfactory effect is achieved.
With the help of retouching, such a photo will be obtained
With the help of retouching, such a photo will be obtained

Removing the effect of "red eyes": how to make a photo processing in Photoshop?

When using a flash, when we photograph people with very limited light, the effect of “red eyes” is often obtained. This is because the pupil of the eye at the time of the outbreak is widely opened - the light of the flash is reflected from the eye bottom and returns to the lens, passing through the dye contained in the retina. In people, this is manifested by staining the pupils in red. For animals, it can be other colors - from blue to green or yellow. To remove this effect, you can use a special tool. So, how to make such a photo processing in Photoshop? Here's the instruction:

Mark the square in the photo using the Rectangle Select tool
Mark the square in the photo using the Rectangle Select tool
  • First, we must note the area around the eyes. At the same time, you do not need to be accurate - the main thing is that it has pupils.
  • To do this, we use the tool Rectangle Select And we mark the square around one of the pupils.
  • Then with pressed ctrl key We repeat this action on the other eye. If there are more people, we repeat the action until all pairs of eyes are marked.
First, select the pupils in the photo, then use Effect - Photo - Red Eye Removal
First, select the pupils in the photo, then use Effect - Photo - Red Eye Removal
  • With highlighted pupils, we use Effect - Photo - Red Eye Removal. Using slider, we determine the saturation of the new color of the pupil.

After confirming the changes, click the right mouse button in the previously allocated area to remove it.

Undesirable elements in the frame: how to remove in

Sometimes photography simply requires an intervention that goes beyond the definition of retouching. This happens, for example, when there is a temptation to remove an undesirable element from the frame. Very often this is manifested in photographs of monuments in which electric poles and other elements that do not correspond to the nature of the photograph fall into the frame.

Graphic programs like They offer a very simple and effective solution to this problem - a tool, usually called a stamp. It allows you to copy the background between the selected fragments of the edited image. So, we remove the extra elements in the frame. Here's the instruction:

Select the Clone Stamp function on the toolbar
Select the Clone Stamp function on the toolbar
  • The first step is a large approximation of the region that we will improve.
  • Choose a function Clone Stamp On the toolbar.
  • Now we need to set the parameters of the brush. First thickness. In the case of removing the pillars, it is enough if this parameter is completely covered with the width of the object. Do not forget to expand the color window and set the degree of transparency.

You will get something like that. It looks like a professional retouched a photo - everything is clear and right.

In the end, such a photo will turn out
In the end, such a photo will turn out

Now you know how to remove shortcomings in the photo using a photo editor If the photo did not work out a little, you can download the editor and remove all the problem areas. It is simple and fast. Try changing one photo and you will like it. You can take your pictures ideal and impressive. Good luck!

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Video: I improve the quality of the photo in

Video: Graphic editor for Paint Net

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  1. And why is everything presented show precisely in Photoshop, when is it about

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