How to easily and quickly cut the image on the computer: Using Paint, Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Home Photo Studio, Adobe Photoshop. Online editors for pruning photos

How to easily and quickly cut the image on the computer: Using Paint, Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Home Photo Studio, Adobe Photoshop. Online editors for pruning photos

It happens that in a beautiful photo there are extra details that should be cut. In this article you will find out what are the best applications for pruning photos.

Professionals working with images use volumetric graphic editors in their work. But to work with them, you need to not only have specific knowledge, but also have a powerful computer that can “pull” large programs, which, as a rule, require installation on the device. In addition, not everyone is ready to spend rather big tools for buying licensed software, and downloading pirate copies from the Internet is an unsafe lesson. Especially if you just need to slightly trim the photo for the social network.

How can this problem be solved with the least losses? If the Windows operating system is installed on your computer, then you can use one of its standard means to cut the image.

How to cut photos in Paint?

Paint is an easy -to -use program, even a child can understand. It is by default built into Windows, so to start work with the image is quite simple enter the start, open a menu called “Standard” and choose this graphic editor. Then open the desired file by selecting it in the root folder.

To cut off the unnecessary part of the picture, you should choose a function Discharge and indicate the field of circumcision. And then in a standard way to save the modified picture, clicking in the “file” menu “Save as” and indicating the place of storage.

Pruning in Paint
Pruning in Paint

Keep in mind that Paint for Windows-7 and for Windows XP differs slightly in the interface, but the manufacturers are not laid down in these versions.

How to cut photos using Microsoft Office Picture Manager?

Microsoft Office Picture Manager is a more expanded version of the graphic editor compared to Paint, but it is not always built into Windows, so first it is worth checking its presence. If you are lucky, and you found Picture Manager on your computer, you can use it not only to cut photos, but also edit it, adjust the color and the like.

Install the desired size
Install the desired size

To start, you need to click on the right mouse in the picture that needs to be adjusted and open it using Picture Manager. From above you will see a menu called "Picture" - We are there! There is a button here "Change size", by pressing which you should indicate the area for pruning and in a standard way to maintain the image as ..., indicating the desired path.

How to cut photos using online programs?

If your personal computer is connected to the Internet, then you are opening the widest opportunities for choosing the appropriate online resources. Consider the most popular of them.

  • Croper- A program aimed precisely to circumcision of images. Having entered the editor’s website, you need to click on the tab "Files" And download the desired picture from the disk. Then, having entered the operating menu, in the editing section you should choose "Cut the image" And indicate the place intended for removal. Then in the section "File" You need to save the created picture to the disk.
  • Croppiconline -Absolutely simple online editor for cutting photos. To get started, it is enough to enter the site, select the image (by indicating the path and clicking on "Open"). Then we highlight the place for trimming and click on "Cut the image". It remains only to download the resulting picture.
  • Cut-Photo- The name of the editor speak for itself (translated from English - “Rearing photo”). Its difference lies in the presence of a detailed instructions for the use of a utility posted on the main screen.

To start work, enter the desired page and open the photo, indicating the path to it. And then select the area designed for removal, and click on "Cut". In conclusion, download the resulting picture.

Pruning photos in "Home Photo Studio"

If you decide to process the photo at all costs, and for some reason the proposed methods are not suitable for some reason, then you can still install some “light” editor on your computer. As an example, let's analyze the algorithm of actions in a Russian -speaking editor called “Home Photo Studio”.

  • So, you need to find on the world network and download the program on your PC. If your Internet are short-speed, then you will spend only a couple of minutes on it.
  • Then install the service by the installation wizard on the computer, unpacking the archive. If you plan to use the editor often, then place its label to the desktop.
  • To start working with the image, open it in the editor, clicking on the right file by a double click from the menu section called "Open photos".
  • Now you are ready to correct the image. If you need to eliminate minor defects such as “red eyes”, incorrect color balance or unsuccessful lighting, then the “home photo studio” will provide you with the necessary tools (they are all in the menu and are very easily identified).
Convenient pruning photo
Convenient pruning photo

If the image does not need retouching or you have already worked enough on it, then you can safely move on to the circumcision. To do this, open the submenu "Image" and choose in it "Strlation", with which to determine the clear limits of pruning.

By the way, the program allows you to choose the type of pruning - free, proportional or accurate. Keep in mind: proportional pruning involves the use of one of the finished options (square, “golden section”, video DV, photos with dimensions of 10 by 15 and 15 to 21), and when choosing “exact size”, it is enough to set the parameters of the height and width and select zone in the photo.

The logical completion of the work will be the preservation of the picture, with which in the future, if desired, it will be possible to work.

"Adobe Photoshop" - a program for processing and pruning photos

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular graphic editors that can not only cut the images, but also provides an opportunity to create and edit unique content, eliminate the effect of “red eyes”, form collages using several layers, a wide palette of tools and functions, and so Further.

To trim the image, you just need to select the desired tool and specify the area for liquidation - this is the fastest option for correcting the photograph. And the resulting picture can be saved in any format, with which it will be easier for you to work.

The minus of using Photoshop - it must be downloaded and installed on your computer, and the licensed version is quite expensive.

Pruning and processing
Pruning and processing

Also among graphic editors, which are included in the rating of the most popular:

  • "Movavi Photo Editor"(Has the possibilities of Photoshop, but much easier and more understandable in use).
  • "GIMP" (Free program for working with images is equipped with a Russian -speaking menu).
  • "" (Free service for lovers of photomontage, works on the Windows operating system).
  • "Acdsee" (can be installed on the version of the operating system, starting from Windows-7).
  • "Picasa".
  • "Photoscape."
  • Pixbuilder Studio.
  • "Krita."
  • "CorelDraw."
  • "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom"

Each user can choose for himself that option of processing images that is best suited for the set goals. For example, each of the services described above will be able to cope with photographs.

Video: Cutting photos on a computer

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