How to quickly and correctly defrost the fish?

How to quickly and correctly defrost the fish?

Nutritionists and immunologists advise using dishes made of fish as often as possible as possible, since it contains many substances that are useful to the human body. But how can you defrost the fish so that it does not lose its beneficial substances, and preserves the taste?

In this material, we will give you several valuable tips on how to choose a good frozen product, and how best to defrost it at home.

The properties of frozen fish

  • Knowing the features of frozen fish, you can always choose a good and useful product among the abundance of fishing.
  • For example, you need to know that when freezing in the structure of fish meat, not useful changes will certainly occur. Therefore, if you plan to replenish your diet with expensive fish, it is better to purchase it fresh exactly as much as to cook it for one meal, and not to save part of it in the freezer for another time.
  • But if a valuable fish that does not need to remove the seeds after cooking was still frozen, then when defrosting it is allowed to bend it first in one, and then in the other direction. If there are bones in fish meat, then in this case the product is better not to expose to such an accelerated defrosting process, since part of the broken seeds will come across in the finished dish, and this will not add appetite to anyone.
  • It so happens that after defrosting, the fish becomes some kind of ugly mess, but if there is no smell that provides that it it went bad, then you do not need to throw away such a product. Having removed the seeds from it, you can twist it into minced meat, from which you can pamper your family with delicious fish cutlets.
  • In no case do not lower the frozen fish in warm, and even more so, hot water. Of course, this method will significantly accelerate thawing, but the texture of the fish will change, and useful components will disappear from it.
  • Do not defrost the fish to such an extent that it becomes completely soft - in this case it can be cooked small And start falling apart into small pieces.
Better take a fresh fish
Better take a fresh fish

Evaluate the quality composition of the fish after defrosting. The presence of an unpleasant odor or a modified color should urge you to be careful: no matter how sorry, but it is better to get rid of such a spoiled product, and then you will not threaten food poisoning.

How to defrost the fish?

  • Technologists and cooks have several ways to give the correct defrosting of fish, and at the same time the beneficial properties and taste of this product will not be completely affected. But to resort to such methods is infrequent, except when you already have guests, as they say, “on the threshold”.
  • The ideal option to defrost fish is to place raw materials on the shelf of the refrigerator on 6-8 hours. Of course, there are certain methods to accelerate the process, but at the same time the quality of the dish will worsen.

If there is no time for a six -hour expectation, then in this case use one of these methods:

  • How to quickly defrost the fish in the microwave? It is often not worth resorting to this method, because the fish after such processing will be far from its fresh analogue. But it has considerable effectiveness, since in just half an hour the fish is completely defrosting. What should be done for this? Pre -wash it with cold water, remove excess moisture with linen or paper towel, and then put a plate with fish in the microwave, putting it at minimum power. Turn the fish every 5 minutes. This will ensure the uniformity of defrosting the product. But if your fish is large and not cut into portioned pieces, then in this case the microwave oven will not be used.
  • With the help of salt. You just need to take small salt and sprinkle fish with it. Under the influence of table salt, ice will quickly get off the surface of the fish. But it will not be able to quickly affect the inside of the product, so you still need to wait until the fish is completely defrosted.
  • With the help of salt and a refrigerator. In this way of defrosting, the fish washed in cold water will need to be wrapped in a piece of some kind of natural fabric, which must first be soaked in salted water. A bowl with a fish wrapped in salted fabric is placed on a refrigerator shelf. At the same time, sometimes unfold matter, rinse it under running water, moisten in the rap and wrap the fish into it.
  • How to defrost fish in water? Just hold the fish under a stream of cold water until it acquires elasticity. If you plan to defrost fish fillet, then you do not need to let a stream of water on it, as this will damage the product. Just soak pieces of fish meat wrapped in several plastic bags in a bowl with cold water. Change the water occasionally, but at the same time it should remain cold.
The easiest way
The easiest way

Remember that all of the above methods should be used only in extreme cases, since when preparing the fish thawed in this way, part of the properties useful for the body is lost.

How to quickly defrost the fish?

Before using one of the above radical ways to defrost the fish, find out that its taste can be completely lost. The dish prepared from it will also lose its useful components. But if there is no other way out, then you can use it once.

You can defrost the fish and quickly
You can defrost the fish and quickly

You can quickly defrost the fish:

  • With a double boiler. Nothing can be easier than this method. Fish must be placed in a department where there are holes, and run the double boiler into the work. It is impossible to accurately determine the time of defrosting, so we do it "by eye." The active flow of steam will sometimes make you lift the cover of the apparatus so that the fish does not coil under its influence.
  • With a hair dryer. Often this technique is used when it is necessary to defrost large fish, which has dense scales. But remember that at the same time you need to use cold, and not at all hot air, otherwise the fish will become very dry. Before using the hair dryer, hold the fish in the refrigerator, then its taste quality will remain.
  • In the steam bath. A small fish rests over a steaming pan in a colander. The fish can be cooked under its effect, so it must sometimes be turned over.

Use our advice: after such radical defrosting, the fish can be made more tender and tasty if you put it in fresh milk before cooking for 15 minutes. The minced meat from this will also acquire greater juiciness.

How much is a thawed fish stored?

  • Professionals-technologists say that thawed fish cannot be stored. If you defrost it, then immediately prepare the conceived dish from it. For the most extreme case, it can be held in a refrigerator no more than 2 hours.
  • In this case, the court in which the product is located should be tightly closed. You can also hold a fish wrapped in wet fabric at this time. This applies only to a whole carcass of fish or steaks from it, but the fillet needs immediately, without delay, to give heat treatment.

It is impossible to re -freeze the already thawed fish, since this will not only lose its taste, but can even become a source of intestinal poisoning.

How to choose a good frozen fish?

  • Every housewife wants to please her domestic and guests with a deliciously cooked fish. But this does not always succeed due to the incorrectly selected in the store of frozen fish.
  • We will help you figure out what criteria should be guided when choosing a fish product, and then, after defrosting the fish, on your table there will always be a tasty, nutritious and healthy delicacy.
  • Of course, it is best to stock up for cooking with fresh or chilled raw materials-such a fish can lie in a refrigerator for only 8-10 hours, and not more than that. But it so happens that the fish is bought for the future, and then they usually choose a frozen product.
  • In this case, you need to choose such a fish so that it was not packed in the ice "shell" - It can be in a slight dry crust, and nothing more.
  • A transparent ice capsule will most likely indicate that the fish has already been defrosted once, and then again frozen.
  • It is important to remember that other requirements are imposed on the fish fillet: it is usually not frozen, and dry and fast frost is also not allowed.
  • If the fillet was nevertheless frozen, then in this case, after defrosting from it, it is best to wind the minced meat and fry cutlets or, for example, meatballs.
  • No need to buy fish also if it before freezing, they cut into pieces (Unless you decide to purchase pieces of large valuable fish - salmon, salmon, etc.).
  • But if you cut into portioned pieces the fish with your own hands, then in this case you can safely freeze them, because in this case you will know that they did not give in to repeated freezing-delaying. A small fish, as well as pieces of fish, will defrost much faster than a product, frozen entirely.

Do not try to cut the fish if it is already frozen. Of course, after this, the pieces cut by you are thawed faster, but due to deformed fibers, the cooked fish will have a completely unappetizing look.

  • When buying, pay attention to the ice covering the fish: it should not be covered with stains. Portion frozen pieces of fish should be separated from each other, otherwise this will mean that the technology of freezing was carried out with violations.
  • Before defrosting the fish, carefully inspect it: it should be absent dents, and it should not smell of anything - even fresh fish, because a properly frozen product does not have a smell; It appears only after defrosting.
Thoroughly inspect the fish during defrosting
Thoroughly inspect the fish during defrosting
  • Check that the gills have a red, not a whitish shade, and the fish surface was even, without any dents and other damage.

What is the best way to cook thawed fish?

  • It is best to cut the fish after defrosting on portioned pieces and fry.
  • Then the fish when frying is not too deformed, and the unpleasant odors that the product absorbed, being in the freezer, should interrupt the aroma of well -fried crust.

Using one of the above methods, you can defrost the fish two, or even 3 times faster than with the traditional method of defrosting - it all depends on the size of the fish and the correctness of its freezing.

We will also tell you how to freeze and defrost:

Video: secrets of defrosting fish

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