How to quickly and correctly defrost the chicken?

How to quickly and correctly defrost the chicken?

How to defrost the chicken quickly? And how to defrost it so that it does not lose taste?

How to defrost the chicken so that the meat does not lose its taste? This question is asked by every mistress.

There are 4 main ways to defrost the chicken. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Defrosting chicken in the refrigerator. This method is the most correct. It complies with the official standards for working with food products and was approved even by the sanitary and epidemiological station. But to defrost the chicken in the refrigerator for a long time. This can take more than a day.
  • You can defrost chicken in the microwave. You will not violate any sanitary norms by doing so. But you need to know how to defrost the chicken in the microwave correctly. Because it is very easy to ruin it. How to defrost the chicken in the microwave we will tell further in our article.
  • You can defrost chicken in water. How to quickly defrost the chicken without a microwave? Just pour it with water! But this method also has its disadvantages. After such a defrosting, the chicken will fall apart in a pan and stick to it. But for soup, such meat is quite suitable.
  • The last and worst method to defrost the chicken - just get it out of the refrigerator and leave it in warmth. What is bad this method we will tell below.

Defrosting chicken in the refrigerator

If you think how to quickly defrost the chicken in order to cook soup from it in an hour, then this method is unlikely to suit you. The meat is defrosted in the refrigerator slowly and sometimes very slowly. A large piece of meat or a carcass of chicken, if it was in a deep freezing, can be thawed In the refrigerator one and a half days.

According to sanitary standards, it is believed that you can defrost the meat in the refrigerator for up to two days. During this time, nothing should happen to him.

It was in the refrigerator to defrost the chicken in the refrigerator. The fact is that with such defrosting it is best to maintain the structure and taste of meat. If you defrost the chicken in the refrigerator, then it tastes no different from the chicken that has not been frozen at all.

But there is one nuance - so that the meat turns out, as if fresh, it should also be correctly frozen. Namely, fast shock frost. If you correctly defrost the chicken purchased at a dubious outlet, where it was frozen incorrectly, and then it was thawed and frozen again and frozen it again, then its taste will still be desired.

How to defrost the chicken in the refrigerator?
How to defrost the chicken in the refrigerator?

There are several rules that suggest how to defrost the chicken in the refrigerator

  1. You need to defrost the chicken on the lowest shelf. When the chicken will melt, a liquid with blood will drain from it. If it falls on the shelves of the refrigerator or on other products, it will turn into a nutrient medium for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. If there is a chicken vacuum packaging, It is better to defrost the chicken in the refrigerator right in it. Such packaging is sealed, the meat is stored longer in it, and it will be much slower to lose freshness during the defrosting.
  3. Defrost the chicken in a cellophane bag is not worth it. Unlike vacuum packaging, air and a lot of bacteria gets inside such a package. In the package, the meat will simply “suffocate”. It is better to remove the chicken from the bag and leave to thaw without it. It is advisable to put it in a pan or container covered with a lid.
  4. Put on the bottom of the dishes in which the chicken is defrosted, substrate. If you do not have a store with a substrate, use paper towels, paper napkins or a piece of gauze.

It is desirable that the water is absorbed into the substrate during defrosting. If the chicken is defrosting, floating in water, then it will absorb a lot of liquids. And then this fluid will begin to be released during stewing or frying. As a result, the meat will turn out loose and not very appetizing.

The chicken thawed in water, releases a lot of liquid when frying
The chicken thawed in water, releases a lot of liquid when frying

To quickly defrost the chicken, try to divide it into pieces in the process of defrosting, as soon as it becomes possible. Small pieces are thawed much faster, a whole chicken. Ordinary laws of physicists also work in the kitchen.

A cut -out chicken is thawed much faster than a whole
A cut -out chicken is thawed much faster than a whole

How to defrost the chicken in the microwave?

Many, when asked how to quickly defrost the chicken, answer in the microwave. But to defrost chicken in the microwave is better not very fast, or rather not with the most powerful mode. The fact is that if you use the maximum power of the microwave, then guaranteed to spoil your frozen meat. Inside, it will remain icy, and outside it will be covered in places with dried boiled crusts.

To defrost the chicken in the microwave is better with its minimum power. Microwave furnaces with mechanical control, usually there is a snowflake icon on the regulator. This is a slow mode, which is suitable for defrosting products.

How much to defrost the chicken in time in the microwave? Typically, defrosting the chicken takes 20-30 minutes. But time may change somewhat, depending on the size of the chicken and the depth of frost.

At first, put the timer for 10 minutes, then turn the chicken and return it to the microwave.

Defrosting mode in the microwave
Defrosting mode in the microwave

The microwave furnaces with button controls have special buttons that set the defrosting mode. This mode can be at a little different power. There are furnaces that have two defrosting modes at once: ordinary, and a little more powerful - accelerated.

Defrosting modes in the microwave
Defrosting modes in the microwave

Some ask if it is possible to defrost the chicken, and then freeze it back? You can do this, it will not deteriorate. But this is not necessary to do so, because the taste of chicken will become worse.

Defrosting chicken in water

This is another widely used way to quickly defrost chicken. The meat is placed in a large vessel and poured with water. In this form, a whole chicken will defrost about 40 minutes. But this method has its own significant disadvantages - a thawed chicken is very poorly suitable for frying. The same chicken with a crispy crust will not work out of it, because the meat will produce water during heat treatment.

If you really need to defrost the chicken in the water, and then fry it, remove the meat from the water, and leave it for 5-10 minutes on a paper towel to remove excess moisture for 5-10 minutes.

But for soup or pilaf, you can defrost the chicken in water, without any negative consequences. What temperature should there be water to quickly defrost the chicken? Some say that it is necessary to defrost the meat with cold water. But our experience shows that the chicken was defrosted in hot or cold water - no, it tastes the same.

The only thing is not to throw frozen chicken into boiling water for the broth. The meat will be cooked very unevenly, it will become tasteless, and the broth will turn out to be cloudy.

Defrosting chicken in water
Defrosting chicken in water

Defrosting chicken at room temperature

This is probably the worst way to defrost the chicken. Even worse than just leaving the chicken to melt on the table, only put a vessel with frozen meat on the floor or take it to the street to flies, bees and other insects that carry bacteria. If the inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological station saw somewhere in a restaurant that they defrost the meat so, then great claims would have arisen to its owner. How should you not defrost the chicken? Do not use again plastic containers from other products for this. No need to leave the chicken “swim” in the liquid flowing from it, drain it from time to time and use the substrates.

You need to leave meat in the fresh air only if you need fisheries maggots. In other cases, we categorically do not advise you.

Soaking chicken in a solution of salt

Salt is an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. Thanks to salt, water boils faster, protein from cracked eggs does not follow and products are stored longer, because salt is an excellent preservative. Salt will help and quickly defrost the chicken.

Put a tablespoon of salt per liter of water. And stir the salt well. Then lower the chicken into this solution. Surprisingly, the chicken will hide faster. The same principle is used by public utilities when they sprinkle roads and sidewalks with salt. When the ice melts on its surface, a thin film of water forms, which sometimes freezes back. Salt prevents this process and ice melts faster.

Salt will help to quickly defrost chicken
Salt will help to quickly defrost chicken

There are many interesting articles on our site about what can be made from chicken:

Video: How to defrost the meat at home?

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