By evening, body temperature rises: causes in men, women, children. Could there be a temperature in the early stages of pregnancy?

By evening, body temperature rises: causes in men, women, children. Could there be a temperature in the early stages of pregnancy?

If in the evening the body temperature rises, then there may be different causes of this state. Read more in the article.


An increase in body temperature is one of the main symptoms of various diseases. When the fever is accompanied by a cough, sore throat or nasal congestion, the diagnosis of simple - a cold.

Read on our website an article on how long you need to keep a mercury or electronic thermometer to measure temperature. You will learn how to use the thermometer correctly.

The temperature can increase for various reasons, especially in the evening, from physiological characteristics to oncology. Read more in this article.

What is subfubbrilite: what to do in the evening, at night, if the temperature rises in the child, an adult?

The temperature rose at the adult
The temperature rose at the adult

Subfubbrilite is called temperature increase up to 38 ° C, which can last several days, weeks and even months. The subfebrile temperature is usually not constant, it can disappear for a while, and then return. In some cases, T ° appears only in the evening. This subfubbrilite is a prolonged increase in temperature for no apparent reason. It’s wrong to call so insignificant heat with a cold, although many doctors do this.

What to do in the evening, at night, if the temperature rises in a child, an adult? Answer:

  • When a person rises in the evening or at night, the first thing that comes to mind is to receive antipyretic drugs.
  • However, it is undesirable to do anything without the recommendation of doctors. They do not consider it necessary to bring down the subfebrile temperature, even to children.
  • Heat is the result of the immune system, do not interfere with it.
  • You can give antipyretic medicines a child if the thermometer has risen up to 38-38.5 ° C, adult - at temperature 38.5-39 ° C..
  • Fresh air, plentiful drink and rest - the best medicine for subfebrilee.

But from each rule there are exceptions. These include pregnant women, people prone to seizures and those who have diseases of the nervous system. For such patients, even a little heat ( over 37.4 ° C) may be dangerous.

Now let's understand the causes of subfebrilet. Read further.

Why in the evening, at the end of the day, a temperature rises without symptoms of 37-37.5, 38 degrees?

By evening, at the end of the day, the temperature rises without symptoms
By evening, at the end of the day, the temperature rises without symptoms

Normal indicators are considered up to 37.2 ° C, but not 36.6 ° C.As many think. If a person has a temperature is always slightly higher than normal, there is no reason to worry. But if usually 36.6 ° C and only the last days 37-37.5 ° C., you should see a doctor. Why in the evening, at the end of the day, the temperature rises without symptoms?

  • This may be the first sign of the disease.
  • At the beginning of a cold, when there are no other symptoms yet, the temperature rises in the evening, since immunity is weakened at this time.

If the thermometer shows 38 ° C., but there are no other symptoms, the cause of the genitourinary system may be the cause. It is necessary to take a general blood and urine test.

Important: When the temperature rises constantly in the evening, consult a doctor. He will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary drugs. Do not self -medicate, it is dangerous to health.

Evening - temperature rises: physiological causes

Evening - temperature rises
Evening - temperature rises

A slight increase in temperature in the evening does not always talk about the disease. Here are the physiological reasons why the temperature rises:

  • This may be the result of physical activity or walking in hot weather.
  • In addition, do not forget that body temperature changes during the day. In the morning, the indicators are minimal, and in 6 p.m - Maximum.
  • Therefore, the evening temperature may differ from the morning at 0.5 ° C.
  • Taking some drugs may provoke a violation of thermoregulation.
  • In women, physiological reasons for the temperature increase are: PMS and ovulation.
  • It is necessary to worry if the temperature Above 37.5 ° C.

Do not measure the temperature immediately after the bath. Finding in hot water leads to overheating of the body.

In the evening, the temperature rises in women - reasons: there may be a temperature in the early stages of pregnancy, with an ovarian cyst

In the evening the temperature rises in women
In the evening the temperature rises in women

An increase in temperature in women in the evening can be a result of natural processes, but only in the case of a single jump. If the subfebrile temperature lasts several weeks, it should not be written off on the menstrual cycle. The cause may be the onset of menopause, inflammatory processes, hormonal disorders, etc.

Maybe the temperature in the early stages of pregnancy? Answer:

  • At the beginning of the process of bearing the baby, due to the enhanced production of hormones, the girl may increase the temperature until 37.4 ° C.
  • This complicates the early diagnosis of infectious diseases, but the fever harms the child.
  • Urgently need to consult a doctor if there are such symptoms: temperature above 37.4 ° C, abdominal pain, lower back or urination.
  • The immunity of pregnant women is weakened, which increases the risk of colds.
  • Pain in the throat, cough and weakness should not be ignored.

Some pathologies, for example, cystosis of the ovary, can cause elevated temperature. In this case, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In some patients, ovarian cystosis is asymptomatic, in others it is accompanied by pain, tachycardia, nausea and fever up to 38-39 ° C.

Inflammatory processes (vulvit, endometritis, bacterial vaginosis, etc.) can also be accompanied by subfebrile temperature.

Every evening a temperature rises 37-37.2 in a man: Reasons

The temperature of 37-37.2 in a man rises every evening
The temperature of 37-37.2 in a man rises every evening

Men, like women, suffer from various diseases, including urinary and sexual systems. These are the reasons why the temperature rises every evening 37-37.2 Men:

  • A low temperature, without additional symptoms, may indicate chronic inflammation, for example, tonsillitis.
  • In addition, do not forget about the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. Men less often women face such problems, but they should not be excluded.

Inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) in an acute form provokes an increase in temperature up to 40 ° C. At the beginning of the disease or with its chronic course, subfebrile values \u200b\u200bcan be observed. Related symptoms: acute pain.

Chronic prostatitis is accompanied by temperature jumps and unpleasant sensations in the perineum.

The child has a temperature in the evening: why, reasons

The child has a temperature in the evening
The child has a temperature in the evening

Indicators up to 37.5 ° C Without additional symptoms, in children they are considered the norm due to imperfect body thermoregulation. During the day, even in a healthy child, the temperature can change significantly. Why does the child have a temperature in the evening? The reasons are described below.

You should not relax, there are several reasons for subfebrile temperature in children. They are divided into infectious and non -infectious. The second belongs to:

  • Overheat -Due to active games, hot weather, inappropriate clothes.
  • Physiological processes - For example, teething.

Infectious causes:

  • Bacterial diseases
  • Viral diseases

Read on our website an article on why a child may increase the temperature to 39 ° C. You will find out why this happens without symptoms.

If there are no other symptoms, the child has a viral infection. With bacterial diseases, other complaints are always present, with one exception: urinary tract infections. Unlike adults, children do not have pain during urination, and fever is the only symptom.

By evening, the temperature rises 37.2 after eating: why?

By evening, the temperature rises 37.2 after eating
By evening, the temperature rises 37.2 after eating

It happens that often, but not constantly, in the evening the temperature rises up to 37.2 ° C. Why is this happening?

  • This is another of the features of human physiology. This usually happens after eating.
  • The digestion process requires the development of additional energy, which is why body temperature can rise up to 37.2 ° C.
  • The sharper the dish, the greater the temperature after eating.

In addition, hot food and drinks contribute to the increase.

There is no temperature during the day, in the evening 37-37.3 rises: can it be from overwork, on nervous soil?

No temperature during the day, in the evening rises
No temperature during the day, in the evening rises

Overwork is considered to be something like inconvenience. Few people perceive this condition seriously. Can it be from overwork, on nervous soil?

  • Doctors assure that overwork is often accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  • This is the first sign of “wear” of the body, further - weakness, exhaustion, reduction of immunity and more serious consequences.
  • Usually, with this state, there is no temperature during the day, in the evening 37-37.3 ° C rise.

Why is this happening?

  • Overwork occurs as a result of a lack of rest.
  • To function normally, the body needs to produce additional energy.
  • The more energy, the higher the body temperature.
  • Doctors noted that women more often appeal to the temperature from overwork than men.

Nervous stress can also cause temperature increase:

  • This phenomenon is called psychogenic fever.
  • The chronic state can provoke even a very high temperature - up to 40 ° C.
  • You should not confuse psychogenic fever with thermomotics - a temporary increase in temperature in people with a weak nervous system.

Thermoneurosis is a variety of vegetovascular dystonia. Read more about the increase in t ° C during VSDs written below. Read further.

Why does the temperature rise in the evening at the adult at the VSD?

With VSD in the evening, the temperature may rise
With VSD in the evening, the temperature may rise

It is worth noting that the temperature caused by vegetovascular dystonia does not rise above 37.5 ° C., if the thermometer shows higher values, the reason is different. Why does the temperature rise in the evening at the adult at the VSD?

  • Light heat for VVD is the result of an increased level of adrenaline.
  • It affects the hypothalamus, violating the work of the latter.
  • Stress, anger and fear enhance adrenaline production. The more experiences, the longer the temperature persists.
  • Most often, a fever appears in the afternoon when a person is most active.
  • In the evening, an increase in temperature can be caused by negative emotions or physical exertion.

An increase in temperature largely depends on physical exertion. There is an easy way to check if the temperature is related to the VSD:

  • It is necessary to make an easy gymnastics (wash the floor, walk up the stairs), the thermometer will rise above 37 ° C.
  • After the rest, it is best a dream, within 1-2 hours.
  • After waking up t ° should drop up to 36.3 ° C, below the norm.

Another feature of the heat caused by VSD is sudden chilliness or sweating. In the cold season, the patient can practically not warm up, even in a fur coat.

There is no temperature for a week in the morning, it rises in the evening - the reasons: pathological processes

There is no temperature in the morning, it rises in the evening
There is no temperature in the morning, it rises in the evening

An increase in temperature in the evening up to 37.5 ° C - It may be a sign of hidden allergies. Doctors know that usually an allergy occurs without an increase in t ° C, but some people may have a subfebrilite. In addition, if there is no temperature in the morning in the morning, and rises in the evening, then the reasons may be different. These include various pathological processes. In cases where the temperature reaches 38 ° C., the reason lies in more serious diseases:

  • Sinusitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Cholecystitis
  • Syphilis
  • Chlamydia
  • Non -identified infections
  • Neoplasms

So, in the early stages of tuberculosis, the patient has no cough and other complaints, the only deviation - temperature 37-37.5 ° C. Therefore, everyone who has long -term subfubbrilite is observed, must check for tuberculosis, including children and pregnant women.

Infection with parasites can also cause a slight increase in temperature. Diseases of the thyroid gland, for example, thyrotoxicosis, provoke a violation of many processes in the body, including thermoregulation.

In the evenings, the temperature 37-37.3 rises by 5 o’clock-Causes: Cry

In the evenings at 5 o’clock the temperature rises
In the evenings at 5 o’clock the temperature rises

An increase in T ° C in the evenings is a clear sign of the onset of the disease, colds. Many patients note that by 5 o’clock they feel a deterioration in well -being and the temperature rises up to 37-37.3 ° C. These are the reasons:

  • Special proteins (pyrogens) are responsible for the thermoregulation process, which can be caused from the outside or produced by the body.
  • Immunity reacts to them, developing antibodies.
  • AT 95% Cases, subfebrile temperature in the evening is a sign of SARS.

In the evening, the body is more weakened, so human well -being is sharply deteriorating. Also, do not forget about biorhythms that regulate all processes in the body, including immunity. The production of leukocytes is enhanced, and the vessels expand to skip as many blood cells as possible to the place of inflammation. As a result:

  • The temperature rises
  • Lays his nose
  • Headaches appear, etc.

The immune system is most active during sleep and rest. In the afternoon, while a person is busy with business, energy dissipates into many processes. In the evening, the patient relaxes, there is more energy to combat pathogens, because of which well-being can worsen.

Cough in the evening, the temperature rises to 38 ° C: after an infection.

Cough in the evening, temperature rises
Cough in the evening, temperature rises

After recovery within 1-2 weeks A person can be disturbed by a cough in the morning and evenings and weakness. In children, a “temperature tail” is sometimes observed-an increase in T ° to 37-37.2 ° C. Every day, the cough should become easier and manifest less often.

Important: If, after the infection, the cough intensifies, difficulties with breathing, chest pain, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

An infection, which was not completely cured, can give serious complications. Most often, secondary bronchial syndrome is diagnosed, but there may also be inflammation of the lungs. The adult may preserve subfebrile temperature after pneumonia:

  • If temperature indicators rise before  38 ° C. And reach up to 39 ° C and above, additional complaints have appeared, we can talk about re -infection.
  • At the same time, the infection may remain in place or move to other organs, so you need to check everything.
  • Often after inflammation, ENT organs, people return to the doctor with complaints about kidneys or urinary tract.

A serious complication of ordinary cold is myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle. The disease is characterized by weakness and fever. If you do not start treatment in time, heart transplant may require.

It is worth knowing: Infection is a serious stress for the body, it can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, which in turn cause heat and other symptoms.

Does the temperature rise in the evening in adults at blood pressure?

Temperature in the evening in adults at blood pressure
Temperature in the evening in adults at blood pressure

In itself, increased blood pressure cannot cause heat. Pressure is the force with which blood affects the walls of blood vessels, and body temperature is regulated by the endocrine system. However, increased pressure and temperature often occur simultaneously, which is a symptom of other pathologies.

An increase in temperature in the evening in adults with blood pressure is observed for diseases of the thyroid gland, heart and kidneys. If the pressure is high and the body temperature is reduced, you need to check for diabetes and exclude liver diseases.

There are many reasons for simultaneously increasing temperature and pressure:

  1. Hypertensive crisis
  2. Neoplasm
  3. Meningitis
  4. Violation of the autonomic system
  5. Infarction
  6. Kidney disease

Even ordinary cold can provoke hypertension and heat. The temperature rises due to infection, pressure-due to enhanced heart function. In addition, some drugs can cause such a reaction.

The temperature is 37 during the day, and in the evening it rises - the reason: oncological pathologies

The temperature is 37 during the day, and in the evening rises
The temperature is 37 during the day, and in the evening rises

A constant small heat is one of the main signs of a tumor, but in the case of oncology, the temperature may rise in the evening. The fact is that most malignant neoplasms appear against the background of chronic diseases, especially inflammatory. These include cancer of the stomach, rectum, thyroid and mammary glands, liver, bladder and cervix.

  • An increase in temperature in oncological pathology is the result of tumor intoxication.
  • During the day the indicators do not exceed 37 ° C.They rise in the evening up to 37.4 ° C.
  • In the case of the decay of the tumor, which is accompanied by severe intoxication and significant inflammation, the temperature may increase up to 38 °C, and higher, for example, in the case of pancreatic cancer.

The heat caused by the tumor may appear long before the manifestation of other symptoms. And in the case of cervical cancer, which occurs asymptomatic, the temperature is the only chance to consult a doctor in time.

Can a temperature of 37 ° C rise to mosquito bites every evening?

Mosquito bites and temperature rises
Mosquito bites and temperature rises

As mentioned above, small temperature 37 ° C. It may be the result of an allergic reaction, including mosquitoes.

  • Culicidosis (the so -called allergy to the bites of these insects) is unique in that it is not necessary to meet an insect to a person.
  • The reaction is caused by volatile proteins, which remain in the air from the part of the mosquito body.
  • In addition, mosquito protein can enter the skin in a pond or when cutting fish.

In addition to fever, allergies to mosquitoes are accompanied by redness, severe swelling ( more than 10 cm), pain. In severe cases, vomiting, diarrhea, chills are present, lymph nodes increase, anaphylactic shock may even develop. Multiple bites are especially dangerous, even with a moderate allergic reaction, they are accompanied by edema, severe itching and temperature.

It is worth knowing: Mosquito allergies do not take place with age. The more mosquitoes around a person, the stronger the reaction. People with skin diseases are more susceptible to culicidosis due to a decrease in its protective properties.

Therefore, if t ° C rises every evening, especially in the summer, then you should pay attention to the above nuance.

Why is there no temperature during the day, it rises in the evening: can there be a temperature for conjunctivitis?

With conjunctivitis and complications of other diseases, temperature may rise
With conjunctivitis and complications of other diseases, temperature may rise

The temperature can rise if conjunctivitis is infectious. To destroy microbes, the body connects the immune system because of which heat appears. As a rule, increased T ° C is observed in children, adults rarely face it. Kids often have no temperature during the day, but in the evening.

  • Infectious conjunctivitis can be a complication of another disease (acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, rhinitis) or arise as an independent disease.
  • The temperature is at the level 37-39 ° C. And depends on the condition of the patient.
  • Also, if the temperature rises exclusively in the evening, it is worth looking for another reason.

A feature of high temperature in conjunctivitis is a re -rise a few days after the state improves.

Models on the thyroid gland: Could there be a temperature 37-37.5?

Models on the thyroid gland
Models on the thyroid gland

The subfebrile temperature may appear if the nodes in the thyroid gland led to a violation of the organ, namely, the increased production of hormones. In this case, even the morning temperature will be higher than the norm - from 37 to 37.5 ° C. The fact is that an excess of iodine -containing hormones (hypothyroidism) is accompanied by an inflammatory process. In addition, this pathology disrupts the thermoregulation of the body.

Do not forget: Nodes can be transformed into cancer tumors. Thyroid cancer, even in the early stages, can provoke an increase in temperature.

Another sign of degeneration of formations into cancer is an increase in lymph nodes.

In the evening, the temperature 37-37.4 rises: immune diseases

With diabetes, immunity is weakened - the temperature rises in the evening
With diabetes, immunity is weakened - the temperature rises in the evening

Autoimmune disorders in which immunity attacks its own tissues can also disrupt thermoregulation, provoking inflammation in different parts of the body.

  • The most common immune disease is considered rheumatoid arthritischaracterized by inflammation of the small joints, for example, on the fingers of the hands, and a subfebrile temperature - from 37 to 37.4 ° C, which rises in the evening.
  • Another common disease - psoriasis, causes inflammatory processes in the skin. There are several types of psoriasis, an increase in temperature is observed in patients with a pustular form of the disease or erythroderma. These are the most severe forms of the disease, which are characterized by significant skin lesion.

Immune diseases include and type 1 diabetes. An increased level of glucose weakens immunity, which is why a person becomes more susceptible to viruses. Hence the temperature jumps. The heat with diabetes must be shot down as quickly as possible, it can cause a crisis and even coma.

With coronavirus does the temperature rise in the evening?

With coronavirus, the temperature rises not only in the evening
With coronavirus, the temperature rises not only in the evening

Coronavirus - viral diseaseThe symptoms of which are very similar to SARS and influenza. It is not surprising that the fever is one of the main signs of infection. With coronavirus does the temperature rise in the evening?

  • As a rule, with this disease, the temperature gradually increases during the first 5 days, can manifest itself at any time of the day.
  • The severe form of the virus is accompanied by a sharp jump in temperature up to 38-39 ° C.
  • But most patients transfer a mild form of disease with subfebrile indicators or without heat at all.

If the temperature rises only in the evening, any inflammatory disease can be the cause. Coronavirus can be diagnosed by concomitant symptoms: shortness of breath, cough, heaviness in the chest.

Diagnostics for subfebrilee

Diagnostics for subfebrilee
Diagnostics for subfebrilee

You need to understand that even a slight increase in temperature is not for no reason. It is not easy to diagnose the cause of subfebrilet, they can leave for months, but you still need to see a doctor.

  • The first stage of diagnosis is the collection of complaints and history of the patient, familiarization with the history of the disease.
  • Often, the temperature rises due to the operations, chronic inflammation, diabetes, HIV, etc.
  • After the survey, the therapist conducts an initial inspection, gives a referral to narrow specialists and for tests.

With prolonged subfebrilee, general tests, a biochemical and serological blood test need to be done. Depending on the condition of the patient, a study of sputum or spinal fluid may require. Additionally, you need to make an X -ray and ultrasound. Good luck!

Video: body temperature 37 - 37.5 - reasons and what to do about it?

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Comments K. article

  1. In the season of colds and SARS, my temperature often jumps and drowsiness appears. I believe that the body gives signals and fights the virus itself. So that the sores did not touch me at all, began to strengthen health. For about a month I take Buzin immunity in hissing tablets, has an antiviral effect. If anything, I bought it for, the price is below the pharmacy.

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