How long should you keep a mercury and electronic thermometer under the arm to measure body temperature to an adult and a child?

How long should you keep a mercury and electronic thermometer under the arm to measure body temperature to an adult and a child?

The article contains important information on choosing a measuring device of body temperature.

Temperature measurement methods, tips: how to keep a thermometer right?

Body temperature is an indicator of human health. If it differs from the norm, this indicates the presence of the disease or disorders of the body.

Each  doctor  necessarily  must  know  yours  temperaturethat's why  offer  to you:

  • Classically  mercury ( axellar)
  • Electronic ( on the  batteries)
  • Or  rectal  special  device —  thermometer

IMPORTANT For each of the thermometers, there are certain rules for its use, which must be adhered to, including those how to keep the thermometer itself

Modern electronic type device
Modern electronic type device

How  keep  thermometer  in  time  measurements?

Always carefully familiarize yourself with the norms that are inherent in each of the types of thermometers. They are indicated in the instructions. Surprisingly, it is this popular way that is not the most reliable. Why? Because few people really know how to hold the thermometer correctly.

AT  most  cases  there is  such  errors:

  • Insert  not  in  correct  place ( not  in  shift  the hollowa  beside)
  • Hold  too much  small  line segment  time
  • Not  lying  calmly ( walkingturning over  with  side  on the  side)

IMPORTANTYou can not measure body temperature if you just did physically or took a bath (bath, sauna). The skin must be dry (even the smallest drops of sweat should be removed).

Follow  SUCH  Moments:

  • Disinfect  device  before  each  use
  • Better  measure  temperature  on the  left  handif  you  right -handedness  and  on the  right ( if  left)
  • Armpit  wipe  paper  napkin  or  towelscarffabric
  • Tip  device  must  to be  invested  in  the herself  the hollow  and  pressed
  • Neither in  what  case  air  NOT  MUST  have  access  armpit  in  period  measurements.

IMPORTANTMost  optimal  time  for  measurements —  ten  minutes.

Table: Norms of thermometer values
Table: Norms of thermometer values

How and where to keep a rectal thermometer when measuring?

This species is most often used by pregnant women and young children (up to five years old). It is believed that only he can give you the most accurate indicators. Introduce the medical device itself into the anus.

Rectal  thermometer  it is necessary  in  cases:

  • Pregnancy ( basal  t)
  • Ovulation
  • If a a patient  without  consciousness
  • If a present  thermomonerosis
  • At anorexia
  • At eczemampsoriasis  armpits
  • At inflammatory  diseases  oral  cavities

Use  so  thermometer  can  long away  NOT  ALWAYS!

IT IS FORBIDDEN  if  u  you:

  • Constipation
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Diarrhea
  • Anal  cracks
  • Inflammatory  diseases  straight  guts

IMPORTANTAfter  overheating  bodies ( in  soulgym  and  t.d..)  indications  thermometer  can  to be  erroneous.

How to keep a rectal thermometer and  Measure them:

  • Wipe  tip  alcohol ( can  lubricate  for  smoothness  entry)
  • Accept position  lyingsupplining  knees
  • Enter not  deep
  • Squeeze halves  butt

IMPORTANTTime  measurements - FIVE Minutes!!

Classic Medical Device on a Mercury basis
Classic Medical Device on a Mercury basis

How  and  how many  keep  thermometer?

The measurement in the axillary hollow can be quite long, because first you need to warm up mercury in the device, and then achieve a certain value. The total amount of time for this is 10 minutes before the desired mark.

For an adult, the body position during the measurement procedure  maybe  to be:

  • Lying  on the  side
  • Lying  on the  back
  • Sitting

Mandatory  TERMS:

  • Tightly  press  hand
  • Not  move
  • Not  change  armpit

AT  case  with  children, also exist  requirements for how to keep a thermometer:

  • Before  use  roll up  indicators ( shake)
  • Ask  child  take  position  on the  side
  • Thermometer  insert  under  that  hand  where  he  lies  on the  side

IMPORTANTNot  allow  to kid  play  mercury  thermometer.

Electronic -type runs are different. Depending on this, the requirements for the correct measurement are also changing!

How  good  such  device:

  1. IT  Absolutely  SAFELYin  him  no  mercury  and  glasswhich  can  break
  2. IT  Quickresult  shown  in  flow  60  seconds
  3. It is the most accurate: of course, if you give preference to quality manufacturer
Important requirements and tips for using thermometers
Important requirements and tips for using thermometers

How to keep an oral thermometer: tips and recommendations

In  mouth  can  keep  two  species  measuring  devices:

  • Mercury
  • Electronic

INTERESTINGThis type of thermometer is very popular in the West and in the USA. There it is considered the most effective and fast.


  • After  hot  food
  • Cold  food
  • At  inflammation  in  mouth

How to keep a thermometer in your mouth:

  • Tip  inserted  in  mouthunder  language
  • Mouth  tightly  squeezes ( teeth  not  must  to harm  device)
  • Breathe  mouth  it is forbidden

Compliance  time  determines  accuracy  measurements!


  • Mercury –  1520  minutes
  • Electronic –  before  sound  signal ( near  30  seconds)
Tips and recommendations
Tips and recommendations

Which thermometer is better, how to learn how to keep a thermometer correctly?

Confidently  can  to tellwhat  u  everyone  thermometer  there is  their  benefits  and  limitations.
Of course  the sameleading  in  list  two  species  devices.

Advantages  mercury:

  • Available  price
  • Familiar  and  simple  device
  • Enough  accurate  indicators
  • Convenience  use
  • Long  term  services


  • Fragility
  • Mercury  content
  • Measurement  in  flow  10  minutes ( for a long time)

It is fashionable to use electronic devices now, since they do not take you much time from you. But, every thermometer has its own operating instructions and it is required to read.

Advantages  electronic:

  • Rapidity  work
  • Sound  signal
  • Design  in  plastic
  • Indicators  electronic
  • Safety


  • Failure  in  work  electronic  chip
  • Not  long  exploitation
  • Erroneous  indicators (from measure  need  twice)

Always read the instructions of the manufacturer of measuring devices to know how to keep a thermometer and receive accurate indicators.

VIDEO: "Home first -aid kit: how to keep a thermometer?"

How to keep a thermometerreviews

Valentine« I  with  childhood  i remember  this  old  kind  thermometerAT  mine  a medicine cabinet  lies  such  the same ( maybeeven  this is  that  most).  Yesglassyes  in  him  mercuryBut  only  HE  and  exactly  HE  gives  most  accurate  indicatorsNeither  one  electronic  not  replace  to me  hisIf a  in  pharmacies  your his  cities  no  such  mercurytry  search  in  internet
TooNSTANTIN« BUT  i  always  was  sure  in  volumewhat  classical  thermometer  INDISPENSABLEI  i was mistakenNow  can  see  so many  modern  devices  high  accuracyI felt  them  work  on the  yourselfwhen  lay  in  hospital40  seconds –  and  there is  resultSuper
Vladimir« BUT  truthwhat  now  in  glass  thermometers  contained  not  mercurya  alcoholI  heard  this  from  health workerAT  so  caseaccuracy  measurements  this  device  and  not  such  correct  maybe  to beFROM  another  parties  not  so  scary  breakI rememberwith  childhood  this is  was  my  most  main  fear

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