What is the dream of watermelon: Dream Interpretation. Why does a watermelon dream of a woman, a girl, a man, a pregnant woman?

What is the dream of watermelon: Dream Interpretation. Why does a watermelon dream of a woman, a girl, a man, a pregnant woman?

A juicy and ripe watermelon berry can be of strong and decisive importance if you saw it in a dream. Try to recall all the details of sleep so that your interpretation is as accurate as possible.

Why is a watermelon dream of a woman?

Along with other dreams, you can often see a watermelon in a dream. Such a dream can have several interpretations, each of which depends only on the characteristics of what is happening, seen and felt.

It is especially worth paying attention to the “watermelon” dream that a woman is dreaming. After all, he can talk about both problems and experiences and about health discords. For example, dehydration of the female body.

Depending on what watermelon you saw in a dream, you can interpret a dream:

  • Beautiful juicy, ripe and red watermelon in a dreamsymbolizes luck and a happy future for a girl or woman. Well, if a woman bought a watermelon in a dream, because a large berry can predict a large deal for her, large benefits or prosperity. Sometimes such prosperity can be quite unexpected
  • If you bought or tore off a ripe good watermelon and brought it to the house -this is very good, it means that all the benefits will also flow into your house and your family. It is bad if you did not bring the watermelon to the house, but dropped or gave it to someone on the way
  • If in a dream you ate a watermelon and shared it with someone-this means that in real life you will also share your happiness with someone. It's good if you ate a watermelon with a loved one, it is bad if with an ill -wisher
  • If a woman just saw a watermelon in a dream and remembered it -this suggests that she will soon fall out financial luck. For example, it may be a return of a debt or a bonus to wages. It can also be assumed that a woman will be able to find a new workplace or get a job promotion
  • If a woman saw a “watermelon” dream on the eve of the wedding -this is a good sign for her, foreshadowing well -being and prosperity in a future family life. Everything that she made is most likely to work out for her properly and since she dreamed
  • Pay attention to how many bones were in the watermelon. If you ate a watermelon and you constantly prevented you from enjoying the juiciness of the pulp a large number of bones -this hints at your difficulties in real life: disagreements, disputes, conspiracies, problems. Try to limit yourself from risky situations and people that you do not trust
  • If a woman sees a green, not ripe watermelon in a dream -this suggests that in real life she strives and hurry to make an incorrect vital decision. You should not do this. Ripe berries on the contrary promise the carelessness of life and prosperity
  • If in a dream a woman stole a watermelon -this only suggests that all plans in reality, unfortunately, are doomed not to be realized. Such a dream also “asks” a woman to be careful, careful, more attentive to all people around her
  • If a woman ate a watermelon in a dream and he turned out to be sour -this dream hints that in real life she has many envious and ill -wishers. It is worth carefully reviewing all the surrounding people and try not to trust them completely
  • If a woman presents a watermelon in a dream to another woman -then in real life she can be a rival to her in any sense: a mistress, a colleague, not faithful friend
interpretation of sleep - watermelon, watermelon dreamed of a woman - the meaning of sleep

In a dream there is, eat watermelon in a dream, why?

First of all, if you see a dream in which you eagerly eat watermelon, this can serve as a right signal for you in real life to see a doctor. Our subconscious mind perfectly understands that watermelon is a strong diuretic and therefore gives us a hint of sick kidneys or problems with the urine system.

If you ate a watermelon in a dream, this dream can be interpreted in this way:

  • The greedy eating of the watermelon in a dream -if you are completely sure that everything is in order with your health, you should not turn to physical, but to emotional health. Perhaps in real life you experience a lot of stress and a huge number of accumulated “emotional garbage” simply requires release and discharge. Try to get rid of obsessive bad memories, limit yourself from unpleasant people and relax more
  • Juicy ripe watermelon on the table in front of you -it symbolizes the beginning of your affairs and may indicate that your correct decision or action is about to “ripened”. Feel yourself confident if the watermelon is tasty and juicy in a dream and be careful if sour and tasteless. In some cases, the watermelon is dreaming in order to give you a “signal” to action. Perhaps you doubt it for a long time in making some decisions
  • Longing watermelon in a dreamsymbolizes the pleasure of life benefits in reality. This suggests that you are unlikely to experience difficulties and disaster in the future. Watermelon in a dream is prosperity, pleasure and joy in real life
  • If a young girl eats watermelon in a dream -in some dream books, this phenomenon is interpreted as a readiness for marriage and family. Therefore, it is not rare that such a dream becomes an omen of the wedding. If such a dream was seen in marriage, then he can symbolize an imminent pregnancy for her and the birth of a child in the family
  • The use of watermelon in a dream -in some dream books, it is interpreted as a "life contradiction." Most likely, such a situation is simply present in the real life of a person: he doubts about making an important decision, choosing the right person, place, time, and so on

Every time you see a watermelon in a dream, you should pay attention to its appearance and taste. Many important details will “hint” you about what is happening in real life and predict the future. For example, the abundance of bones - problems, an abundance of white bones - guests or news, thick skin - the need to make efforts, sour pulp - dissatisfaction.

The dream in which the watermelon is eaten. There is a watermelon in a dream

Why do a man dream of watermelons?

Watermelon is a sufficiently dual symbol that can portend both good and disturbing at the same time. Dreaming should always be oriented towards many other details, details, as well as who he dreams of: a woman or a man.

If in the case of a woman, a “watermelon” dream speaks of good wedding hopes or the appearance of a child, then in the case of a man - a dream can portend his successes in professional activity.

Dream with watermelon, interpretation for men:

  • Slowly and languid is a watermelon for a man in a dream without pleasure -to numerous sorrows and sadness in real life. Such a dream can hint at one -way love or infidelity of the second half
  • Eating a watermelon with a huge number of bones -quarrels and squabbles in the family or at work. Perhaps a misunderstanding with his wife, family scene or scandal at work
  • If you just looked at the berry and did not eat it -this dream symbolizes your inaction in real life and tells you that you should be much more confident, bolder and more decisive
  • Green watermelon, which clearly has not ripened -he tells the man that he will be possible to experience some difficulties with women in real life, both in terms of communication and in terms of sexual relations. In some cases, such a “green watermelon” marks a too sudden wedding that is doomed to problems
  • Juicy red watermelon, which a man eats in a dream -it also characterizes his success at work and a happy life without needs. Sweet pulp speaks of abundance, the severity of the watermelon - about many careless and well -fed days in the future. Perhaps such a man shines a quick increase or additive to wages. If there are no bones in the watermelon or you are imperceptibly eat them - this suggests that you can easily cope with all the problems that arise and become the happiest person
Dreams in which a watermelon dreams of a man. The meaning of sleep

Why do watermelons and melons dream?

Each dream should be correctly interpreted, even those in which a person sees melons: melon and watermelon. Each dream should definitely focus on who he dreamed and on what day of the week.

Dream Interpretation "Melon":

  • The melon you saw in a dreamsymbolizes your friends and comrades who in real life can provide you with significant assistance
  • There is not a sweet melon in a dream -to expose yourself any danger in real life, perhaps it will be a disease or financial difficulties
  • Tear off the melon from the beds -says that in real life you can threaten any deprivation
  • Unexpectedly find a good harvest of melons in the garden -achieve certain well -being in the family and have good financial prosperity
  • Buy melon -have in real life a situation when you can provide help or trust a person who does not deserve it completely
  • Selling melon -in real life, it is likely that you can experience financial difficulties, disaster and bankruptcy. However, the sale of melons also promises happiness in personal life, perhaps even in time your material problems, you can find happiness in your personal life
  • Have or eat very juicy, ripe and sweet melon -be successful in "heartfit", have a soul mate and romantic relationship
  • There is not a ripe, unripe melon- Such a dream indicates that in real life you can have a romantic relationship that will end with a disagreement or parting
  • Plant melon -in real life, your affairs are doomed to success. Everything you decided to do is succeed
  • Take care of the crop of melons -if you take care of the melons, water them - you have to take up a hard and rather difficult job
  • Seeing a bad and rotten melon in a dream -portends for a person the upcoming diseases and accidents
  • Get a melon as a gift -a good sign that says that your problems in the future are safely solved

Dream Interpretation "Watermelon and Melon":

  • See melon and watermelon in a dream -a good sign that can tell you about the possibility of a large ease in real life
  • If you see a lot of melons and watermelons in a dream -you should think about your financial well -being
  • Treat friends with juicy melons and watermelons -share your problems and difficulties with close friends and ask them for help
  • Good fruits of melons -fores your prosperity and success. If the crop is bad, then your successes will not be too great
  • Round melons and watermelons in a dream -they talk about your independence in real life and that you can achieve everything desired in life yourself
  • Buy melons and watermelons -to success
why dream to see watermelons and melon in a dream

Why do watermelons dream in the garden?

It is worth paying attention to the dream in which the watermelon dreamed of you in the garden. Such a dream can have several interpretations:

  • If you suddenly found yourself on the field dotted with watermelons -dream says that you can find many problems for yourself
  • Sow watermelon in the field or in the garden -to create problems and troubles for yourself
  • Good crop of watermelons in the garden -to success and financial prosperity, to achieve goals and well -being
  • Bad watermelon crop in the garden -scatience of income, small achievements and lack of cash
  • Broken watermelons in the garden -dream of returning the debt
  • See the unripe watermelons in the garden -to a finished relationship of a romantic nature, to divorce
  • Rotten and overripe watermelons -symbolize unsuccessful personal relationships, divorced marriage, sexual dissatisfaction
why dream of seeing a watermelon in the garden, the meaning of sleep with a watermelon

Dream Interpretation: Watermelon to buy in a dream, interpretation of sleep

Often in a dream you can see yourself or other people buying a watermelon. In such a dream, attention should be paid to the condition of the fetus itself in order to correctly interpret the dream:

  • Buy a large watermelon -to great benefits, to unexpected success and prosperity, to win or repaying the debt
  • Buy a small watermelon -to financial difficulties, it is possible that in real life you will have the need to ask for money
  • Buy melon and watermelon -to problems related to your friends. Perhaps your help will be very necessary for a loved one
  • Buy not a ripe and green watermelon -sleep speaks of your suddenness and that you make rash decisions too often
  • Buy a watermelon in a dream and with pleasure is his sweet pulp -to good health, luck and prosperity in real life
  • Steal the watermelon -to unexpected, but very pleasant news
  • A dream in which a person chooses and buys a watermelon for a long time and eventually leaves with nothing -promises him in real life some troubles, dubious decisions and quarrels with loved ones
  • If the seller cuts the watermelon before buying and gives you to try it -to love intrigues, both on your part and from your loved one

In some cases, the purchase of a watermelon in a dream predicts for a person an early appearance of the heir. Especially carefully should be taken to such a dream if he dreamed of a young girl or woman. A dream with the purchase of a watermelon is not rarely portended by a happy and prosperous pregnancy.

dream Interpretation: Why dream to buy watermelon

Dream Interpretation: Why do a woman dream of watermelons a lot

Female dreams are often saturated, colorful and eloquent. The female subconscious is significantly different from the male one in that it is more prone to analyze and perception of “signs of fate”. In addition, the intuition of the fair sex is much better developed and therefore dreams with watermelons can be common.

The meaning of sleep in which a woman dreamed of many watermelons:

  • Watermelon in a dream for a womanalways symbolizes something that should happen to her and somehow change her life
  •   Often one or more watermelons dream of a woman then,when she is in the first weeks of her pregnancy and then he portends her a successful birth of a child. It is worth attentive to the unripe or rotten watermelon in a female dream, since such a fruit may indicate that pregnancy can freeze or break
  • A large number of watermelons in a dream: in a bed, in a trading shop, in the field -always portends prosperity and tells the dreamer that he will be able to successfully achieve his goals
  • If a woman sees a large number of watermelons, which also grows before her eyes, increases in size and numbers -this dream portends her prosperity, successful marriage, the opportunity to have children, career growth and respect of people around
  • A large number of watermelons in a dream -to abundance and wealth, if the watermelons were large and with red juicy pulp. Little nondescript watermelons - to tears, separations and sorrows in the real life of a woman. Perhaps a divorce from a legal husband
  • If a woman dreamed of a lot of watermelons at once -this may portend her to receive unexpected, but favorable news. Often such a dream portends the return of a loved one
A dream in which a woman had a lot of watermelons. Meaning and interpretation of sleep

Dream Interpretation Watermelon cut, interpretation of sleep with watermelon slices

Often a person does not remember all the dream, but only his individual fragments. The pulp of the watermelon is sufficient bright and noticeable and therefore it is easy for the dreamer to remember it. What does the watermelon cut into pieces and slices mean:

  • There is in a dream there are juicy skibs of watermelon, sweet and with a rich taste -to life pleasures: romantic meetings, gifts, courtship from male, to financial benefits and carelessness
  • There is a sour watermelon in a dream -to unpleasant conversations behind your back, to gossip and conspiracies often from close friends and colleagues
  • Cut the watermelon -be able to cope with your problems in real life or finally find a solution to your difficulties
  • If the watermelon in your eyes is cut by someone else in a dream-this is a hint that in real life you can quarrel or shout with this person, be careful and attentive to communicate with him
  • If you carefully cut the watermelon into slices in a dream -such a dream often has a deep psychological meaning and meaning of a sexual nature. Simply put, the dream speaks at the subconscious level that you do not get any satisfaction from sex. Such a dream often dreams of women who cannot enjoy sex
  • See in a dream a already cut watermelon -to love intrigues and romantic meetings, to sexual joys
the interpretation of sleep in which the cut watermelon dreamed

Watermelon Dream Interpretation: Is pregnancy?

Most often, the meaning of the sleep in which the watermelon was seen are interested in the young girls. All because they invariably associate this sign with their quick marriage and pregnancy.

Sleep interpretation:

  • I dreamed about a watermelon for a woman before the wedding - If the berry is ripe and bright - to a good marriage and warm marital relations. If the berry is unnecessary, the marriage is sudden and it can absorb the divorce
  • I dreamed of a watermelon to a woman married -this dream symbolizes her readiness for children. It is not rarely Muslim dream books that interpret a dream with a watermelon as a sign of a woman's pregnancy "
  • The watermelon dreamed of cut -this can portend a woman a lot of futile attempts to become pregnant. Since a whole round watermelon dreams of pregnancy
why dream of a watermelon for a woman? watermelon dreams of pregnancy

What is the dream of a watermelon for a pregnant woman?

It happens that a watermelon dreams of a woman already in position. As you know, a woman in time for pregnancy tolerates the complete restructuring of her body and therefore such a dream can invariably hint to her that she should go to the doctor. A dream in which a woman sees a watermelon during pregnancy may indicate the availability of problems with:

  • buds
  • liver
  • urine system
  • internal female organs

If you are completely healthy, in this case you should pay attention to the state of the berry in a dream, because it can portend you information about your baby’s well -being:

  • strong, large and ripe fruit - child's health in the womb
  • green unripe fruit - to the possibility of disruption of pregnancy
  • rotten fruit - to abortion or miscarriage
  • many watermelon fruits - not to the last child in the family
a dream in which a pregnant woman dreamed of watermelon interpretation of sleep

See a ripe watermelon in a dream, sleep value

Try to remember exactly what the watermelon appeared to you in a dream:

  • Large - to large prosperity, large profit or benefit
  • Juicy - To the award, to the win, to the return of the debt
  • Ripe watermelon - to life pleasures and benefits
  • Red - To passion and good luck in romantic relationships and sex
  • Enjoy the juicy watermelon - tolerate success in business
interpretation of sleep in which a juicy ripe watermelon was seen

Dream Interpretation: half of the watermelon, interpretation of sleep

  • Half of the watermelon - To monetary disputes
  • Get half as a gift - To the return of the debt
  • See half with red pulp - To love intrigues
  • See a lot of seeds in a watermelon half - To gossip and quarrels
  • See a lot of white seeds in a hassle of watermelon - To tears

See a rotten watermelon in a dream, sleep value

This dream is a bad sign for both women and men. It is worth recalling the maximum number of all sleep details in order to interpret it correctly. A rotten watermelon in a dream portends only problems and difficulties for a person. In particular, the rotten fruit is a rotten outcome of affairs for you.

  • For a man -failures in professional activities
  • For woman -bad marriage and disappointment in relationships
  • For a pregnant woman -break of pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion
  • Rotten watermelon in the garden -to a quarrel in the family
  • Buy a rotten watermelon -to unpleasant conversations
  • Get a rotten watermelon as a gift -to betrayal from friends and loved ones

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  1. There is also an article for what is the dream of watermelon sonnik-pro.ru

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